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16 Personalities Reflection

Write a reflection in the space below underneath the line. Your entire reflection should be a half page
Part 1: Who am I?

 Use formal language and write proper sentences and paragraphs to write a detailed response.
 State the 4 letters of your personality type and explain why or why not it is an accurate depiction
of who you are
 Use details and personal examples to support your response

Part 2: Connection to possible career plan

 Use formal language and write proper sentences and paragraphs to write a detailed response.
 Explain how the traits and skills relate and connect to your possible career plan.


Part 1:

The first letter of my MBTI is E for extroverted. This assessment is a semi accurate
depiction of who I am. While I would say I enjoy being around people and making new friends, I
do often find it difficult to initiate conversations with people I do not know as I am a shy person.
For example, when I am among my friends whom i am comfortable around, I can be much more
outgoing, however, if i am placed in a place where I am by myself, I can find myself hesitating to
talk to new people which often happens when I get a new class.

For the second letter of N, I toe the line as although I do enjoy looking into the future and
enjoy thinking about the theoretical, I am also focused on the everyday and base my decisions on
practicality. An example of this is my enjoyment of learning about theoretical concepts rather
than practical applications.

T for Thinking is the most accurate representation of my personality as I am a very

objective person, basing most of my decisions on facts and probable outcomes instead of
emotions. The weakness of said pathway of thinking however is also representative as I can often
be dismissive of others' emotions when making decisions. It has led to several arguments with
my sisters which were often a result of our differing views and values based off our individual
ways of thinking.

The last letter, P for Prospecting is also quite an accurate representation of myself as I
often have changing interests and begin and stop doing things on the fly. Often, I can find it
difficult to focus on a given task and it is even more difficult for me to even begin a task. It
explains my procrastination with many aspects in my life, whether it be schoolwork or
maintaining relationships.

Part 2:

My current career plan is to go into the field of computer engineering. Within such a competitive
field, the ability to branch out and make connections is almost essential when searching for a job.
Because of this, being an extrovert can be beneficial in networking which can lead to new
opportunities. Being able to both think of the theoretical and be practical can relate to computer
engineering as the field begins to move towards quantum computing which deal with mostly
theoretical physics of superposition in which the binary code can be 1, 0, or both at the same
time. Being able to think in such a way while also being able to practically apply it to new
designs and developments can heavily impact success in the field. As a profession, computer
engineers don't deal with emotions, as there is little need to consider them when designing a
computer, so having an objective outlook is not much of a hinderance or advantage. Finally,
prospecting can be a hinderance and benefit in computer engineering. Although it brings
creativity and new perspectives and can help when problem solving, if the given task is not
interesting, it can cause conflict with productivity.

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