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Standard Operating Record

Non Compliance Report

Document No:
Revision: 1.0 Issue# 01 Effective Date11/11/2023 Page: 1 of 1

Audit # Reference Standard: ISO 13485:2016 Date:

Department Name: Reference Clause: NCR #

(A) Description of non-compliance:
(See the potential impact of the NCR on the product/service) (Category________)

Non-compliance categories:
Cat II. A minor or single deficiency (ies)
Cat I. A significant level of non-compliance with Quality System. Observation: A potential weakness

Auditee Signature: Auditor Signature:

(B) Proposed Corrective Action:

Auditee Signature: Proposed Implementation Date:

(C) Follow-up Audit: Accepted Not accepted (Raise new NCR)

(D) Close out By: Date:

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