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Ethiopian Technical University

Curriculum Relevance and Quality assurance directorate

11.48. Introduction to Power System


Faculty of Electrical – Electronics and ICT
Department of Electrical Automation and Control Technology
Program BTech in Electrical Atomization and Control Technology
1. Instructor Information
Name TBA
Office Location TBA
Phone Number TBA
E-mail TBA
Office Hours TBA
2. Course Information
Course Introduction to Power System
Course Code EACT 4032
Credit hours 3 Cr.Hrs /5 ECTS (2 Hrs Lec, + 3 Hrs Lab )
Work load Lecture Tutorial Lab Home study Assessment Total
32 0 48 49 6 135
Pre-requisite Network analysis and synthesis (EETe 3031)
Target group 4th year Electrical Automation and Control Technology Students
Semester Semester II
Course of delivery Semester based
Status of the Core Compulsory (Major)
3. Course Description and Objectives
H. Course This course will cover: Generation of Electrical energy, introduction, principle
Description: operation of generator, characteristics of generator, Relation Ship Among Energy
Units, Introduction to hydropower station, Introduction to steam power station,
Transmission of electrical energy, Components of power transmission system,
Supply system,(voltage of transmission line and distribution, types of
transmission lines, standard voltages, Interconnection system), Load
characteristics (total connected load, maximum demand, demand factor, load
duration curve, Choosing rated TL line voltage, construction of transmission of
line, types of conductors, span length, spacing between conductors, sag and
tension, Insulator, Transmission line constants, (Resistance Inductance,
Capacitance of transmission line), Corona loose, Voltage regulation , power
transmission capacity of transmission lines, Distribution of Electrical Energy,
substation equipment, Low voltage distribution voltage [3 phase 4 wire 380/220
የ ኢትዮጵያ ቴክኒ ካል ዩ ኒ ቨር ስቲ
Ethiopian Technical University
Curriculum Relevance and Quality assurance directorate

V, 3 phase 3 wire 380 V].

Aim / Course At the end of this course a student will be able to:
objective:  Understand Principle operation of Synchronous Generator
 Understand Characteristics of Synchronous Generator
 Know Sources of Energy
 Know Units of Energy and Relation Ship Among Energy Units
 Introduction to Steam Power Station
 Introduction to Hydro - Electric Power Station
 Know Main components of power transmission system
 Determine rated voltage of Transmission Line
 Identify different types Transmission Line
 Know Types of conductors of TL
 Know Spacing between TL conductors
 Know Span Lengths
 Determine Sag and Tension of TL
 Know Classification of Transmission Lines
 Determine minimum height of TL from the earth
 Determine Transmission line constants (Resistance, Inductance &
Capacitance) of TL for a given load and TL voltage
 Determine Corona loose
 Know Substation equipment’s
 Analyze Low voltage distribution voltage [3 phase 4 wire 380/220 V, 3
phase 3 wire 380 V].
4. Method of Instruction
Class lectures 2 lecture hours and 3 labs every Week
 Active learning (involves the full participation of students)
 Conducting the lecture using deductive and inductive methods according to
the nature of the topic provided.
 Use multi-media, animated models, written materials and physical objects
In-class Tutorial  none
Study of lecture  This is fully the responsibility of the student
Demonstrations/  According to the guide of the instructor the students should perform
Laboratory work laboratory works and they will write and submit lab reports.
Lab assignments -
Group  A minimum of 2 group assignments the student shall include him/herself in a

የ ኢትዮጵያ ቴክኒ ካል ዩ ኒ ቨር ስቲ
Ethiopian Technical University
Curriculum Relevance and Quality assurance directorate

Assignment group-based assignment which will take up with a group of 3-5 students.
Individual  A minimum of 1 assignment the student shall perform the given assignment
assignment as per the schedule individually
5. Learning Outcomes
5.1 Knowledge: - After the completion of this course the student will be able to:
5.1.1  Understand Principle operation of Synchronous Generator
5.1.2  Understand Characteristics of Synchronous Generator
5.1.3  Know Sources of Energy
5.1.4  Know Units of Energy and Relation Ship Among Energy Units
5.1.5  Introduction to Steam Power Station
5.1.6  Introduction to Hydro - Electric Power Station
5.1.7  Know Main components of power transmission system
5.1.8  Understand
5.1.9  Select rated voltage of Transmission Line
5.1.10  Identify different types Transmission Line
5.1.11  Know Types of conductors of TL
5.1.12  Know Spacing between TL conductors
5.1.13  Know Span Lengths
5.1.14  Determine Sag of TL
5.1.15  Know Classification of Transmission Lines
5.1.16  Determine minimum height of TL from the earth
5.1.17  Determine Transmission line constants (Resistance, Inductance & Capacitance)
of TL for a given load and TL voltage
5.1.18  Determine Corona loose
5.1.19  Know Substation equipment’s
5.1.20  Analyze Low voltage distribution voltage [3 phase 4 wire 380/220 V, 3 phase 3
wire 380 V].
5.2 Practical skills
5.2.1  Operate Synchronous generator and inducing voltage
5.2.2  Connect synchronous generators in Parallel (Synchronization)
5.2.3  Measure received voltage for a given TL and analyzing it (for different TL)
5.2.4  Measure received power for a given voltage and analyze it (for different TL)
5.2.5  Determining power loose of different types of TL
5.2.6  Measure received voltage for a given distribution line and analyzing it
5.2.7  Measure received power for a given distribution line and analyzing it
5.2.8  Determine power loose of Distribution Line
5.3 Attitude
5.3.14 Develop professional ethics of training requirement

የ ኢትዮጵያ ቴክኒ ካል ዩ ኒ ቨር ስቲ
Ethiopian Technical University
Curriculum Relevance and Quality assurance directorate

5.3.15 Maintain safety procedures

5.3.16 Apply kaizen
5.3.17 Perform work shop organization
5.3.18 Apply team sprit
6. Detail Course Outline
Chapter Week Topics to be covered Learning Assignment
(Lecture hours) Outcomes s/ activity
1.1 Introduction 5.1.2, Lecture,
Chapter- 1
1.2 Sources of Energy 5.1.3, Lab work
Generation of
1.3 Units of Energy and Relationship Among 5.1.4, and group
Electrical 2 Energy Units 5.1.5, discussion.
Energy 1.4 Introduction to Steam Power Station 5.1.6,
1.5 Introduction to Hydro - Electric Power 5.2.1, Self-learning
Station 5.2.2,
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Main components of power transmission
system 5.1.7,
2.1.2 Supply system 5.1.8,
2.1.3 Load Characteristics 5.1.9,
2.1.4 Standard voltages 5.1.10
2.1.5 Choice of Working Voltage Types of 5.1.11, Lecture,
power lines 5.1.12, and group
Chapter- 2 2.2 Construction of Transmission Line 5.1.13, discussion.
Transmission 2.2.1 Types of conductors 5.1.14, Self-learning
System 9 2.2.2 Spacing between conductors 5.1.15, Group
2.2.3 Span Lengths 5.1.16 assignm
5.1.17, ent1,
2.2.4 Sag and tension
5.1.18, Quiz 1
2.2.5 Transmission line constants
2.3 Transmission Line (TL) Constants 5.2.3,
2.3.1 Classification of Transmission Lines 5.2.4,
2.3.2 Determining Resistance of TL 5.2.5,
2.3.3 Determining Inductance of TL 5.2.8,
2.3.4 Determining Capacitance of TL 5.3
2.3.5 Corona Loose

የ ኢትዮጵያ ቴክኒ ካል ዩ ኒ ቨር ስቲ
Ethiopian Technical University
Curriculum Relevance and Quality assurance directorate

3.1. Substation equipment’s Lecture,

3.2. Low voltage distribution 3 phase 4 wire 5.1.19, Lab work
380/220 V, system 5.1.20, and group
Distribution of
3 3.3. Low voltage distribution 3 phase 3 wire 5.2.6, discussion,
Electrical 380 V system. 5.2.7, Group
5.2.8, assignment2

Final Examination period

7. Laboratory Works
No 7.1 Experiments Title
1 Operating Synchronous generator and inducing voltage
2 Parallel connection of generators (Synchronization)
3 Measurement of received voltage for a given TL and analyzing it (for different TL)
4 Measurement of received power for a given voltage and analyze it (for different
5 Determining power loose of different types of TL
6 Measurement of received voltage for a given distribution line and analyzing it
7 Measurement of received power for a given distribution line and analyzing it
8 Determining power loose of Distribution Line
No 7.2 Main Topics Demanding Cooperative Training:
1 Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Power
8. Major Materials /Equipment needed for the Course
1 Power system lab with full kit and equipment
2 Measuring Instruments (Multi meter, Ammeter, Voltmeter ….)
3 Electrical materials (Resistive loads, Lamps with holder, Wires,….)
4 Electrical tools (Screw driver, Hand tools,…..)
9. Suggested texts and reference materials
Text Book 5. Principle of power system , V.K Mehta
6. Electrical Power System D.Das

Reference 1. Power System Analysis Haddi Saddat

Books 2. Electrical Power System , Gupta
10.Assessment methods
Type Weight Submitting date Behavior and Criteria/ Assessment
for Learning
Mid semester Exam 20%
Final semester Exam 50%
Individual Assignment 5% Question paper which includes
information such as due date, to whom to
submit and place along with questions

የ ኢትዮጵያ ቴክኒ ካል ዩ ኒ ቨር ስቲ
Ethiopian Technical University
Curriculum Relevance and Quality assurance directorate

shall be given
Quiz 10 % Quiz exam shall be given among the
options which are in chapter two or four
with a maximum of one hour.
Lab Practice/ Report 10 % Students report of the laboratory exercise
shall be evaluated carefully and feedback
shall be given on time.
Group assignment 5% Question paper which includes
information such as due date, to whom to
submit and place along with questions
shall be given
Total 100%
11. Academic Honesty
In all cases i.e. in performing assignments, laboratory works, project works and examinations,
copying from others and using others’ work as own is considered to be cheating and cheating is
forbidden by the law of the academic principles and regulation of the institute. Failure to do so will
lead to take disciplinary action starting from canceling the results of the assignments; project works,
laboratory activities and examination up to the dismissal of the institute in consultation with the
concerned body.
12. Submitting Date
All assignments, project works and laboratory reports should be submitted to the instructor or
laboratory assistance according to the timetable provided. All assignments, project works and
laboratory results will be invalid if they are not submitted on time and will be reported to the
concerned body as miss conduct of the student.
13. Classroom Behavior
Classroom discipline is primary for healthy teaching learning process. Therefore, it is the
responsibility of the class to avoid disturbing behaviors and activities that competes the attention of
the class and the instructor. Switching off the cell phone is vital in the class. Failure to do so will lead
to take disciplinary measure.
14. Approval
Name Signature Date
Section Head:
Department Head:


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