16 Personalities Reflection

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16 Personalities Reflection

Write a reflection in the space below underneath the line. Your entire reflection should be a half page minimum.

Part 1: Who am I?

• Use formal language and write proper sentences and paragraphs to write a detailed response.
• State the 4 letters of your personality type and explain why or why not it is an accurate depiction of who you are.
• Use details and personal examples to support your response.

ESFP’ strategy is social engagement; they are people who get caught up in the excitement of the moment and want
everyone else to feel that way too. No other type is as generous with their time and energy when it comes to encouraging
others, and no other type does it with such irresistible style.

E stands for Extraverted (53%) – This personality type love to pay attention to people. They are talkative, and almost
never run out of things to discuss. For these personalities, happiness and satisfaction stem from the time they spend with
the people they enjoy being with.

S stands for Observant (55%) – They prefer to see and do than to think about philosophical “what-ifs.” This personality
type is a natural when it comes to noticing real, tangible things and changes.

F stands for Feeling (61%) – They are strongly emotional and often vulnerable to criticism – they can feel like they’ve been
backed into a corner, sometimes reacting badly. This is probably their greatest weakness, because it makes it so hard to
address any other weaknesses brought to light.

P stands for Prospecting (60%) – They naturally exude the kind of positivity and draws people to them, and this often
translates into an engaging charisma that can inspire those around them They avoid judgement and rarely judge other
people around them. They tend to approach life and its multitude of experiences with an open mind, ready to immerse
themselves in the new, the delightful, and the unexpected.

Part 2: Connection to possible career plan

• Use formal language and write proper sentences and paragraphs to write a detailed response.
• Explain how the traits and skills relate and connect to your possible career plan.

Careers that focus on working with others is a good fit for this personality to be happy and productive. Additionally, their
natural vivacity helps them create impressions that last and form alliances that may prove beneficial in the long run.

This personality flourish in roles that allow them to socialize and foster connections. They are great event planners, sales
representatives, trip planners, and tour guides, as each of these careers creates a sense of excitement, stimulation, and
novelty between them and their customers, etc.

Personally, I relate to these personality traits especially when I work at a coding school for kids at the moment. At this job,
communication and socialization occurs constantly nonstop with other kids/parents or staff members and that’s what
makes me love my job. This analysis also explains the reason why I’m thinking of becoming a physical therapist which
matches this quote from the analysis “They quickly pick up information about others, helping them get straight to the
heart of the issue when dealing with the sick or injured.” Physical therapy also includes communication with the patients
90% of the time. I agree with most of these traits which makes me see this personality analysis very true.

This personality gives honest feedback on whether things make sense, but they can also be quite sensitive to others’
criticism of their own habits. In difficult situations, people with this personality type can become defensive and easily
upset. But in the end, if they believe that the criticism comes from an honest intent to help, not hurt.

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