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Grammar and Language Development

Let’s Practice (RW)

1. African elephants are ------------than Asian elephants.

a) largest
b) large
c) larger
d) more large

2. Grey squirrels can adapt to new situation-------------- than red squirrels.

a) more easily
b) easily
c) most easily
d) easy

3. Delhi is the--------------city of India.

a) populated
b) most populated
c) more populated
d) less populate

4. Somalia is among the ------------------country of the world.

a) poor
b) more poor
c) most poor
d) poorest

5. --------------male and female African elephants have tusks.

a) Both
b) Neither
c) Whereas
d) So that

6. -------------African nor Asian elephants are dangerous to humans in normal

a) Both
b) Neither
c) Whereas
d) So that
7. Seals are killed for furs--------tigers are shot to make medicine and tea.
a) Both
b) Neither
c) Whereas
d) So that

8. Many people-------------- by public transport if government improves its

condition and start some more buses.
a) will travel
b) travels
c) travelled
d) are travel

9. The number of corona cases-------------if everyone takes its medicine.

a) decreased
b) decrease
c) will decrease
d) are decrease

10. Obesity won’t be cured and controlled----------people try and do exercise.

a) unless
b) so that
c) whereas
d) never

11. You won’t pass the exam------------ you study hard.

a) so that
b) unless
c) never
d) often

12. People should not watch movies------------manage their fear of flying.

a) unless
b) so that
c) never
d) in order to

13. My brother -------------offer salat(prayer) five times a day.(100 %)

a) often
b) never
c) always
d) sometimes

14. You should do regular exercise -------------improve your health.

a) in order to
b) so that
c) sometimes
d) often

15. Hayat works in cigarette factory but he -------------indulge in cigarette

a) often
b) never
c) always
d) sometimes

16. There should be bus stand in Al –Mahad-----------------people can use

public transport.
a) in order to
b) so that
c) sometimes
d) often

17. My neighbor -----------------go to gym for exercise.(100%)

a) often
b) never
c) always
d) sometimes

18. Mobile should be banned in classroom-------------students can pay

attention towards their studies.
a) in order to
b) so that
c) sometimes
d) often

19. Monkey pox is spreading in many countries of the world. A team of

doctors are reporting cases of monkey pox. In Saudi Arabia,------------ five
cases of monkey pox were reported three days before.
a) like
b) such as
c) for example
d) effect

20. My math teacher -----------take our class in library.

a) often
b) never
c) always
d) sometimes

21. Roads and drains were full of water---------------heavy rain.

a) so that
b) because
c) causes
d) because of

22. I never kill animals for sport.(0%)

e) sometime
f) often
g) always
h) never

23. The moon doesn’t shine during day----------it doesn’t have light of its
a) so that
b) because
c) causes
d) because of
24. Verb of cause and effect: Do practice from book Unit2. pg.52.


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