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1. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.


1. He opens the door. ► The door is opened by him._______________________________

2. We set the table. ►________________________________________________________
3. She pays a lot of money. ►__________________________________________________
4. I draw a picture. ►_________________________________________________________
5. They wear blue shoes. ►____________________________________________________
6. They don't help you. ►_____________________________________________________
7. He doesn't open the book. ►________________________________________________
8. You don't write the letter. ►_______________________________________________
9. Does your mum pick you up? ►______________________________________________
10. Does the police officer catch the thief?► ______________________________________

2. Write the verbs in the Present Simple Passive.

Example: Someone cleans the room every day. ►The room is cleaned every day.

1. We receive a lot of phone calls every day.► A lot of phone calls every day.

2. My wife waters the plants. ► The plants by my wife.

3. The kids do the washing-up. ►The washing-up by the kids.

4. Someone sends me a letter. ►A letter to me.

5. They don't deliver the goods on Sundays. ►The goods on Sundays.

6. They don't sell fresh produce every day. ►Fresh produce every day.

7. They don't print these books anymore. ►These books anymore.

8. Mrs Smith doesn't do the cooking. ►The cooking by Mrs Smith.

9. Do they sell vegetables at the market? ► vegetables at the market?

10. Do they make these shoes in Portugal? ► these shoes in Portugal?

11. Do they deliver the milk to your house every morning? ► the milk to
your house every morning?

12. Do you do the ironing? ► the ironing by you?

USED TO (Solía)
'Used to' is used to talk about past habitual actions that don't happen anymore, past habits
and routines that we don't do now (past abilities). ('Solía' se utiliza para hablar sobre acciones
habituales pasadas que ya no ocurren, hábitos pasados y rutinas que no hacemos ahora (habilidades pasadas).


Interrogative: DID + SUBJECT + USE TO + INFINITIVE + ... ?

Short answers: YES, SUBJECT + DID / NO, SUBJECT + DIDN'T

- I used to play tennis but now I play football. (Solía jugar al tenis pero ahora juego al fútbol).
- She didn't use to go to the zoo when she was child. (Ella solía ir al zoo cuando era niña).
- Did you use to play Monopoly when you were young? Yes, we did. We used to play
Monopoly with all my family. (¿Solíais jugar al Monopoly cuando érais jóvenes? Sí, lo hicimos. Solíamos
jugar a Monopoly con toda mi familia.)


 Student's Book page 78 ex. 1:
1. swum 2. played 3. seen 4. eaten 5. been

 Student's Book page 81 ex.2:

1. b 2. a 3. b 4. c

 Student's Book page 82 ex.1:

1. f 2. e 3. d 4. c 5. a 6. h 7. g 8. b

 Student's Book page 82 ex.2:

Vuestras propias respuestas. Por ejemplo:
1- Yes, I do / No, I don't
2- I like to listen pop music or I like listening pop music.
3- Yes, I do / No, I don't.
4- I like to play the flute... /I like playing the violin because I like its sounds...

 Student's Book page 83 ex.3:

Get well with music.

 Student's Book page 83 ex.4:

1. since 2. since 3. for

 Student's Book page 84 ex.1:

1. two 2. twelve 3. 2016 4. last year 5. forever

 Student's Book page 84 ex.2:

Vuestras propias respuestas. Por ejemplo:
1. How long have you had a pet? I've had a pet for 2 years.
2. How long have you been in a group? I've been in a group since 2019.
3. How long have you known your best friend? I've known him/her for 7 years.
4. How long have you liked your favourite band? I've liked 'Little Mix' since 2015.

 Student's Book page 85 ex.1:

1. bagpipes 2. didgeridoo 3. musical saw 4. thumb piano
 Student's Book page 85 ex.2:
Wood, bamboo, metal and animal skin.

 Student's Book page 86 ex.1:

- Flamenco: guitar, castanets
- Tango: piano, violin, guitar, flute
- Indian classical: sitar
- Irish: violin, bagpipes, drums

 Student's Book page 87 ex.1:

1. Oliver 2. Isabella 3. Evan's sister, Natalie 4. Daisy 5. Jack 6. Josh

 Student's Book page 87 ex.2:

Vuestras propias respuestas. Por ejemplo:
I couldn't play an instrument when I was 3.
I can play the piano now.
I could swim when I was 6.
I can use a computer now.
I couldn't speak English when I was 3.
I can speak English now.
I could ride a bike when I was 6.

 Student's Book page 88 ex.1:

1. ride a horse; ride a bike
2. play table tennis/ping-pong; play basketball
3. swim in the river; swim in the pool
4. wake up with the cockerel; ‘ve got an alarm clock

 Student's Book page 88 ex.2:

Vuestras propias respuestas. Por ejemplo:
When I was little, I used to be scared of spiders.
When I was 8, I didn't use to eat too much food.
When I was 3, I used to go to school by car.
I used to like listening to rock music, but now I like to listen pop music.
I used to live with my parents, but now I live with my boyfriend by my own.
I used to watch cartoons on TV when I was young.
 Student's Book page 89 ex.1:
1. She didn't use to have a computer.
2. She used to write with pen and ink.
3. She used to use a typewriter.
4. She didn't use to watch TV.
5. She used to read books.
6. She didn't use to have a mobile phone.
7. She used to talk on the phone.
8. She used to listen to the radio.
9. She used to go skipping.

 Activity Book page 76 ex.1:

1. country 2. blues 3. jazz 4. classical 5. rock 6. hip-hop

 Activity Book page 76 ex.2:

FOR: Christmas (example), a month, three hours, five minutes, six months.
SINCE: June (example), Wednesday, last years, three o'clock, yesterday, 2015.

 Activity Book page 76 ex.3:

1. since 2. since 3. since 4. for 5. since 6. for

 Activity Book page 77 ex.2:

1. Q: Example. A: I've been in the Flame Girls since 2015.
2. Q: When did you buy your first guitar? A: I bought it when I was 11 years old.
3. Q: How long have you known Johnny? A: I've known Johnny since 2016.
4. Q: When did you first play on TV? A: I first played on TV in 2012.
5. Q: How long have you lived in London?A: I've lived in London since 2011.

 Activity Book page 77 ex.2:

Vuestras propias respuestas.
1. I've lived in my house for 2 years.
2. How long have you had your schoolbag? I've had my schoolbag for 4 years.
3. How long have you known your best friend? I've known my best friend since 2016.
 Activity Book page 78 ex.1:
1.trumpet 2. piano 3. bagpipes 4. harp 5. drum

 Activity Book page 78 ex.2:

1. Example.
2. The shirts are made of cloth.
3. The glasses are made of glass/ glass and plastic.
4. The dinosaur is made of plastic.
5. The helmet is made of metal.
6. The table is made of wood.

 Activity Book page 79 ex.1:

1. drum 2. tuba 3. tambourine 4. harp 5. violin 6.trumpet 7. clarinet

 Activity Book page 79 ex.2:

Woodwind: clarinet (example).
String: violin, harp.
Brass: tuba, trumpet.
Percussion: drum, tambourine.

 Activity Book page 80 ex.1:

1. couldn't juggle ; can juggle.
2. couldn't lift a tricycle; he can lift a car.
3. He couldn't swim; Now he can dive.
4. He couldn't speak French; Now he can speak French.

 Activity Book page 80 ex.2:

Vuestras propias respuestas. Por ejemplo:
1. I can play the flute.
2. I can't ride a motorbike.
3. I could eat by myself.
4. I couldn't speak English properly.

 Activity Book page 81 ex.1:

1. Example.
2. She used to play the recorder. Now she plays the trumpet.
3. He used to climb trees. Now he climbs mountains.
4. It used to run slowly. How it wins races.

 Activity Book page 81 ex.2:

Vuestras propias respuestas. Por ejemplo:
NOW (Present simple) WHEN I WAS FOUR (Used to + verb)
1. I play video games I used to play with my dolls all the time.
2. I eat all kind of food. I didn't use to eat too much food.

 Activity Book page 82 ex.1:

1. Example.
2. used to drive ; didn't use to travel.
3. used to play video games ; didn't use to play.
4. used to ride; didn't use to ride.
5. used to run ; didn't use to walk.
6. used to dance ; didn't use to stay.

 Activity Book page 82 ex.2:

1. Did you use to wear a school uniform? Yes, I did. I used to wear a school uniform.
2. Did you use to ride a bike to school? Yes, I did/ No, I didn't. I used to ride a
bike/scooter to school.
3. Did you use to have lunch at school? Yes, I did/ No, I didn't. I used to have lunch at
school/ home.

 Activity Book page 86 ex.1:

1. He has been a violinist since last year.
2. The shop has been open since this morning.
3. I've had my dog since 2015.
4. Mary has been here since 9 o'clock.

 Activity Book page 86 ex.2:

1. How long have you lived in Scotland? For almost 10 years.
2. How long has she been a football fan?She's liked football since she was three.
3. How long have they known each other? Since they were babies.

 Activity Book page 86 ex.3:

1. couldn't; can.
2. could; can't.
 Activity Book page 87 ex.4:
1. leather.
2. The bags are made of plastic.
3. The shirts are made of cloth.

 Activity Book page 87 ex.5:

1. Example. b
2. She used to ride a tricycle. c
3. He used to live in a flat. a

 Activity Book page 87 ex.6:

1. Did you use to play video games when you were young?
2. Did you use to listen to music?
3, Did you use to watch TV?


1. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

1. He opens the door. ► The door is opened by him._____________________ _____________

2. We set the table. ►__The table is set by us__________________________________________
3. She pays a lot of money. ►___A lot of money is paid by her__________________________
4. I draw a picture. ►___A picture is drawn by me______________________________________
5. They wear blue shoes. ►___Blue shoes are worn by them_____________________________
6. They don't help you. ►____You aren't helped by them_______________________________
7. He doesn't open the book. ►____The book isn't opened by him______________________
8. You don't write the letter. ►____The letter isn't written by you________________________
9. Does your mum pick you up? ►____Are you picked up by your mum?_______ ________
10. Does the police officer catch the thief?► _Is the thief caught by the police officer?___

2. Write the verbs in the Present Simple Passive

1. We receive a lot of phone calls every day. ► A lot of phone calls are received every day.

2. My wife waters the plants. ►The plants are watered by my wife.

3. The kids do the washing-up. ►The washing-up is done by the kids.
4. Someone sends me a letter. ►A letter is sent to me.
5. They don't deliver the goods on Sundays. ► The goods aren't delivered on Sundays.
6. They don't sell fresh produce every day. ►Fresh produce isn't sold every day.
7. They don't print these books anymore. ►These books aren't printed anymore.
8. Mrs Smith doesn't do the cooking. ► The cooking isn't done by Mrs Smith.
9. Do they sell vegetables at the market? ► Are vegetables sold at the market?
10. Do they make these shoes in Portugal? ► Are these shoes made in Portugal?
11. Do they deliver the milk to your house every morning? ► Is the milk delivered to your
house every morning?
12. Do you do the ironing? ► Is the ironing done by you?

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