Newton's Third Law

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Sir Isaac Newton, born in 1643, was one of history's most

renowned scientists. He was able to convert theories into
practice by expanding on the concepts of prior productive
scientists such as Galileo and Aristotle, and his ideas created
the basis for contemporary physics. In 1666, Isaac Newton
discovered the laws of motion, but it was not until 1686
when he presents the three laws of motion on his book,
“Principia Mathematica Philosophiae Naturalis”, Newton
revolutionized science.

This was discovered with the famous experiment of the

apple falling. According to the popular story of Newton and
the falling apple, he was sitting in his yard when an apple fell on his head, prompting him to
develop his theory of gravity. The original manuscript that explains how Newton witnessed an
apple fall from a tree in his mother's garden and started to work on his theory of gravity was
digitally released in 2010 by the Royal Society in London.

The laws of motion consisted in three laws: the First law also called the law of inertia, the
second law that is “the force acting on an object is equal to the mass of that object times its
acceleration”, and the third one “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”. We
are going to make an emphasis in the third law.

Newton´s third law essentially argues that there

is an equal and opposite response or reaction to
every action. When object A applies a force to
object B an equal opposite force to object A. In
simple terms, forces are the product of
interactions. Forces exist in two forms, either
because of contact interactions. Why can find
each of this force with the following formula:
FA=-FB or m1a1 = – m2a2.

This law is in our everyday real life. For example, when you are walking this law is applied to
you because you push the street and the response or reaction to the force applied to the street
is that you move forward. By another way for illustration, jumping from a boat, when you jump
from a boat you make a force over the boat, this has two reactions first able you go to the land
and parallelly the boat moves backwards. To give you another idea, when jumping a
trampoline, you make a force over the trampoline and as reaction of this your body moves

To summarize, Newton is one of the most important scientists and discovered the laws of
motion: law of inertia, the second and the third law. The law about this essay is the third law
that says that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.


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