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Rey Alicea 2018

A 25 min game for 2 players, ages 8+

5x5 board
1 draw bag
5 cards
24 dice in four colors
Paper and pencil for keeping score

The player who can “see” the most buildings from his side of the board
when the game ends is the winner.

1. Set the 5x5 board between the players.
2. Shuffle the five tetromino cards and deal two face-up to each
player. Set the remaining card face-up and to the right of the
3. Place the 24 dice into the draw bag.

The non-dealer starts and turns then alternate. Rotate the start
player after each round.

The game is played over “4” rounds. A player on his turn first draws
four dice from the bag. In each turn a player has up to three throws
rolling four dice, setting aside any and rolling the remainder. They do
not have to use all three throws and may stop after the first or

Each player has two open cards, cards display one of five tetromino
shapes. The active player chooses one of his cards and places this
card face-up to the left of the board and then places his four dice
onto the board matching the shape of the chosen card, any rotation
and/or reflection of the shape may be used. He now adds the fifth card
placing it next to his remaining card in front of him and passes the
draw bag to his opponent.

A player unable to take his turn may pass. If both players pass one
after the other, the round ends triggering a scoring phase.
The top face values of the rolled dice represent the height of a
building, a value of “1” is the shortest building and a value of “6”
would make it the tallest building.

The buildings or “dice” that can be seen from your side of the board
are counted in each of the five columns to determine your score. Your
opponent does the same.

Scoring Example - The player on this side can see in the first column
the 1, 4, 5 and 6; in the second column 2, 3 and 5; in the third
column 3 and 5; in the fourth column just the 6; and in the fifth
column 4 and 6. So this player sees 12 buildings for a score of 12. In
addition, this player sees four buildings all having the same color in
column two for an additional 5 points making his total 17.

The player on this side can see in the first column the 2 and 6; in
the second column 3 and 5; in the third column 2, 3, 4 & 5; in the
fourth column the 3 & 6; and in the fifth column just the 6. So, this
player sees 11 buildings. In addition, because this player can see
four buildings in sequence and of different colors in column three,
they get 10 bonus points for a total score of 21.

Score 5 bonus points immediately after you have placed the last die of
one of the following uninterrupted sequences in any column:
• 4 buildings of the same color.
• 4 buildings containing all four colors.

Score 10 bonus points immediately after you have placed the last die
of one of the following uninterrupted sequences in any column:
• 4 buildings of the same color numbered either: 1-2-3-4 or 2-3-4-5 or
3-4-5-6. Numbers in a run need not be in descending or ascending
• 4 buildings containing all four colors numbered either: 1-2-3-4 or
2-3-4-5 or 3-4-5-6. Numbers in a run need not be in descending or
ascending order.

After each round remove the dice from the board and return them to the

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