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This title is an out of print manual and therefore not in mint condition, RETUANS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED 5.198 .. flowed by single upper . 5.20 Engine canbe twist ed, then re moved from left 6 Dismantling te engine, clutch and gearbex 1 Before commencing work on the engine unit, the exterel {urfacor should be cleaned thoroughly. A motoreyele engine has ‘ery litle protection from road grit and other foreign matter, ‘yc wall find is way into the dismantied engine if this simple recaution is not observed. Gne of the proprietary cleaning Compounds such ax Gun, ean be used to good affect. particularly if the compound is allewvedl to work into the film of oll and ‘crease before itis washed away, When washing down, make fire thet water cannot enter the carburetior or the electrical System, particularly if these parts have bean exposed. 7) Weer use undue force to remove eny stubborn port, unless ‘mention is made of thie requirement. There 's invariably good tason why apart i difficult 1o remove, often because the ‘smantling operation has bean tackled in the strong sequence: Dismanling will be made easier if «simple engine stand is constructed that will correspond with the engine move ting points. This arrangement dil permit the complete unit 20 bo lomped rigidly to the werlebench, leeving both hands fre. TE 7 Removing the cylinder heads, barrels and pistons ENGINE IN FRAME ‘As mentioned presiously in this Chapter, the cylinder heads, berrels and pistons may be removed without takirg the engine fut ofthe frame, thus simplifying jobs such as decoking. Before ommencing work, the exhaust pipes and aperk plug leads shout bbe ‘emovad, then procaed es detailed below: ENGINE REMOVED FROM FRAME With the engine remieved from the frame as detailed in Section 6, and cleaned down, proceed as folons: 1 Slacken evenly the three nuts which rexsin gach eylindee head, end remave them, complote with their spring washers. The tylinder heads con new be lifted clear of the holding down stu 2° Slide each barra carefully up the holding down studs, if ‘necessary, applying gentie leverage at the base. Ifthe cylinders prove difficult to move, it may be that the spigot is being pinched by the erenkcass mouths. Should this be suspected, Blacken the two cheese-fwaded screws lecotod immediately below the crankesse ‘inning. As the barrels are removed, itis ‘worthwhile packing the crankcase mouths with clean rag to prevent the ingress of particles of broken piston ring or other foreign matter, Should this occur, the cranceses will have to be separated to remove the debts. 3 Before any attempt is modé to remove the pistons, it should be noted that she small one bearings are of the uncaged needle roller sype, and unless provision is ade for retaining thom, the Toller will drop out as the gudgepn pin is pushed free. A service {ool, in the form of a short dummy gudgecr pin, is available from GZ deelers and Is inexpensive. This serves to retain tho Fuller and thrust weshers while the piston i¢ removed. If the tool is not available, it may be febricated easily from asa pisce of donel or plestic tube 1.5mm in diamesor [0.620 in} Gann off to:20mmn (0.787 in) long. The dimensions are not critical, but give an indication of the approximate requirements Each end of the dummy gudgeor pin should be lightly chem fered before uso : 44 Remove the citelin from each piston using long nosed piers ‘Always diseard sed cirlips. Using the dummy pin described fbove, push the gudgean pin out until the piston can be temoved. As the piston is iTted away, the dummy pin should Femain in position in the smell end eye, retaining the bearing follers end thrust washers 5 Mark the pistons L anc R inside the skirt and make sure the arrows denoting ‘front’ are easily visible. The dummy pin ust remain in position until the piston is rite, s0 for Ghcoking purposes ceal with on piston ata time, replace it ang ‘nen tackle te other. Fig. 1.1. Right-hand crankease - component parts 1 Insulating spacer 2 Gasket (Bott) 3 Gearvox taystate bust: 2 Grelip. 5 Crelp & Gearbox mainshatt bearing 9 Crankshaft seet Gearox méinshatt bearing Left-hand main bearing Drampteg ‘wel pin 9 Grankshart seat 10 Fibre washer ONG EAHA 7.5 Nowe the piston markings 7.8 Use a curmy guageon pin (se text) 8 Clutch and primary drive: removal ENGINE IN FRAME the clutch only rogues ettention, His nat necessery to. ‘wercwm tho angine unit from the trame. Pla the geershanse pedal in the kickstart mode, and remove the peda. Slacken the left-hand footest and swing itcloar of the cover, Remove the lert-tand outer cove. ENGINE REMOVED FROM FRAME ‘With the engine unit supported on a suitable workbench, set the qearchange pedal if stil in position, in the kicketart position, ‘as desenbed in Section §, paragraph 19 of this Chaptr. Fhis provents the sagmant shaft fram becoming displaced at the cover is remaved. Remove the outer cover 1. The lute is compressed by three springs, each of which is retained by a small waisted pin. Using an open ended spanner, fF piers, press on each soriig seat, and wiiharaw the pin ih & pair of pointec'nosed place. Thie peration ie mush eosis i ‘one person comorosss the spring, and sacand person with: dows the pi 2. With the springs removed, the clutch plates ean be with ‘own, followed by the cluich pushrod. 3. Using piace of ste! strip, lack the cluteh dum and contro together to enable thecentre nut to be undone. The tyre lever ‘upolied with the machine is idea! for chs, Femove the centre nutand clutch ovntre 4 Mount a two oF three lagged pull on the engine ssrockt, having frst run she retaining nut almost to the top of the thread. o-nat remove the nu completely as this may sllow the thread ‘on the mainshatt to bell outwards. Tighten the centre bolt of the puller. The sprockes shoud pull of emily, IF necessary, 1 may, .be larred fros by tapping the sprocket bow lightly. 5 With the pinion fread, and the nut removed, the pinion, primary chain, and clutch drum can be lifted clear. Femove the ‘luteh bearing sleeve and thrust wather from the gearbox menshatt 9 Dynamo: removal ENGINE IN FRAME If for any reason the dynamo warrants removal, this can be cattied out without removing the engine from the frame. Detach the right-hand oater cover, and remove the leads conrected 10 the dynamo stotar, havins fet made # diagram to aid recon. neerian, Then follow the procedure detailed in the:next para: soph. 8.2 Clutch plates can be removed ENGINE REMOVED FROM FRAME 1 With the rightfand outer casing and wising renvoved, unscrew tho two long bolts reteinine the stater and draw i: clear. The ‘ynamo brushes should first be released by prising off the clips ‘which hold ther in position. 2. Remove the bolt which retains the points cam and withdraw mature is threaded to accept an extractor bolt which ‘can be obtained from ary CZ desier. In the absence of this, ‘obtain a bost of the sams size and thread ae the paints raining bbolt, and cutoff the head, It should be slotted to accept a screw- iver bit. Screw the headiess bolt into the crankshaft threed, tng fin 8 bolt (20 tpl) which will serev Imo the armature treed. Holding the ermature with one hand, tighten the larger bat co thet ft boare on the headlate bolt in the erankshstt nd ‘The armature will now draw off. Remove the hesdless bolt from the end of the crenkshatt (ie accompanying photographs). 10 Kickstart mechaniam: removal 1. Tha kickstart mechanism ie best removed after the dutch hes been ditmantiad at doscribod in Section 8 of this Chapter. 2. Turn the grarchange shaft ant-clockaviss until it disengages from the kickstart quadant, and pull Iteloar. 3 Unhook the kekttort return spring, ane remove it complate wth the kickstart quadrant. 1G box final dive sprocket: remoral 1 Ths mathod of removing the gearbox qoreckst i similar, respective of whether the engine has been removed from the {frame or net. Unies specifie attention i required to the sprocket br seas, ened nat ne disturbed. Its het lettin position i the Crankecsses ae to be senorated. 2. Undo the thyee screws retaining the clutch seweting Imochanism and ‘errove it, togsther with the clurch pushrod. 3. Prise back the tabs of the lockwasher. If the anaine is stil in She machine, lock the sprocket by applyirg te rear brake, and Hacken the lrge raining nut. (F the engine uni! has baer removed fram the machine, lack the srocke' by bunching the final drive chain against the casing webs, or by using a chain wrench, Pull off the tab washer and snvacker. 4" Attention may now be given to the gearbox oi sal, This s sally priead out with ¢eerewdrivrand a now seal tapped home, using a large diameter socket. It oil leakage has been a praalem, check that it has nct been seaping past the Oring in the pushrod. {uido in the contre of the sprocket. Access to this can be gained by screwing a se\F-tapping screw Into the fibre guide and pulling it out with a pair of plas. Ite not necoesnry to ramove the sprockat to accemelish this, The O ring and guide should be renewed. 12 Gearchange mechanism: removal 1 Remove the cluich mechanism as described in Section 8 of ‘his Chaprer 2 Using smal paratot puns, arive ou me pia retaining the 3 Take 2 svall piece of tin or an unwantad credit eard and place is behind the gearchange pawl: to act a a guide. Two hacksaw blacks ean he employed far this purposs (320 photo- raph 4 Draw the gearchange shat out oF the casing, 1 lose the poms er srngs aking care nat 13 Separating the erankease halves: gorar 1 Before any aitenypt is made to separate he clankcave halves, the erankshaft be stuck. This s because the erankshaftis 3 Dressecrup assembly andi the mainshaft a tight fin rain bearings. Any blows will dive the mairshefts invares, ‘completely cleterting the crankshatt assembly. The importance, Cf this erring convict be treeande wie highly: the concaes naires have a pile of maligned crenkshalts which have suffered ths ‘yeatment from private owners, The only safe way to tackle we Job is 19 borrow or make an axtractor, whieh can be usec on | both crankease halves. If the engine is boing dismantled se that attention may be givon to the main bearings, It may be Corsidorod worth taking the partly dismantled unit to an ‘authorised CZ cealar and antrusting tha separation anc Fenovetion to him, in View oF the rik of further damage 1 tackled incorrectly, Beor in mind that the outer main bearings fare wom, then It is very probable that the centre main bearing ‘nil need renewal ae wal, which is definitaly a specialise operation If, however, the cates are to be separated for any oxher reeron, this oan be accomplished in relative safety by using tho manufacturers service tool or a home mace equivalent. Warm the boss round the main bearing in question, thus leaving the bering in position on the crankshaft. Assuming this course cf aetion is wo be followed, procced a: dewiled below, ‘Makiog a crankcase separation rool ‘Assuming thst the C2 service tcol (No. LP 4 isnot awsileble, It 1s not beyond mast owners to fabricate a smilar dew. ‘Obtain about 178mm (7 ind by 25.x 7mm 1x % in) OF riled inl strip, Mark out for # Gentes hola, and fer twa pair of locating holes, Bm (3.3/8 in| and 140men (Sis in) apart, and both tairs equidistant from the centrale. Select a set screw af about 8mm (6/16 in) diameter by about 80mm (2 in} long. Drill and! tap the centie hale to take the tol. Alternatively, @ rut can be welded onto the strip. Dill the Four locating holes to approximately 6.5 mn (% in). See Fig. 1.3. 11.35 Remowe the sprocket, cab washer ard rut 123 Use the improvised guide for paws 12.4 Toke care not t0 10% pawis or springs 1M Soporating the crankease halves 18 Gearbox components renoval } Before the crankcase halves can be senarated, the carburert ‘ould be rove = detailed in Chao 2, Section & 2 Note that there it a tubular dowel fited in the front and roo ‘Rounting lug hole, which must be driven out before te cases ‘2 be porte, 2 Support the unit with the righthand side uppermost. As ‘Mentioned previously, there is na need to dieture te aearbon ‘procket, 4 Pesmove the citi retaining the crankshaft oil seaLand prise {the seal with o serearkiver. Progrosively slacken end verre the cheese headed securing scrws, and alsin the screw located the front of the unit, the cane, which clamon the brie plece between the twa cylinders, 5 Assemble the seperating tool In postion over the meinshatt. sing a blowiamp. judiciously copy heat tothe leering boss, {sking greateare not 0 everheat the area, which caulOriemege the bearing anc causa the cave to bacome warped, 5 Gradually

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