Emerald Plains Island Project

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Emerald Plains

By: Patrick Thurman, Trenton Le, and Ocean Haucke

Details Emerald Plain Main/Tourist Island
Island Population- 20,000
Size- 95 miles length and 50 miles wide
Average Weather- sunny
● Wood
● Fish
● Coconuts
● Water
● Sand
● Corn
● Melons
● Meat
Emerald plains offers an amazing view, a massive
waterpark,scuba diving, shopping centers, beautiful hotel,
boating, beach activities and many fancy restaurants.
Trade and Transportation
Trading- We get supplies
from cargo ships and flying.

Transport- We have a airport

to get to the Island rental
cars and taxis available at
Education and School
Emerald plains has everything from pre-k all
the way to university all in one small part of
the island. We offer degrees in engineering,
psychology, law, and many others.
We have one very big neighborhood that provides easy access
to everything including schools, stores and a church.

On the other side of our island we have a huge hotel for any
tourists or people coming to that island for vacation.
We have concrete roads, a bridge to connect both Islands. The
electricity and telecommunications are built around the island
to communicate.
Financial Services
We have one bank for everyone on Emerald Island, It is
located on the east coast of the island in between the
mall and the university dorms. Our bank offers
everything from opening accounts, getting credit/debit
cards, and currency exchange.
Government Stability and Law
Our police station is positioned in the middle of everything
so they can travel faster. The courthouse is positioned
right next to the police station. And then our government
building is a short distance away near the neighborhood.
Healthcare Services
We have a hospital located at the northeast center of the
island next to the Mall and Fire station, in front of the
farm and behind the courthouse. We have 5 ambulances in
service and over 250 rooms in our hospital with top tier
surgeons and doctors.
That’s our

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