Phrasal Verbs

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Add up - Totalizar
Ask up to - Pedir hasta (un precio determinado)

Ask in - Invitar a entrar

Answer for - Responder de

Bring up - Cuidar de un niño hasta que crece

Break up - Romper una relación

Break out - Escapar (de la cárcel)

Burn out - Consumir

Be in - Estar en casa
Break in - Interrumpir, irrumpir

Be off - Irse

Back away - Retroceder

Bring about - Hacer que suceda algo
Bring along - Traer

Catch up (with) - Encontrar a alguien

Call up - Llamar por teléfono
Come up against - Encontrarse con algo inesperadamente difícil
Cover up - Esconder la verdad

Call out - Gritar, Llamar

Cut out - Recortar, Omitir

Call in - Llamar a alguien para que entre

Check in - Registrarse
Come in - Entrar
Count in - Incluir

Carry on - Continuar

Cool off - bajar la temperatura

Clear off - Marcharse
Come off - Desprenderse

Come across - encontrarse con alguien

Come down (with a disease) - contraer una enfermedad en concreto
Cope with - manejar una situación
Cut down - reducir
Cut back - recortar

Do up - decorar o mejorar el aspecto de algo

Drive off - Alejarse

Dry out - Evaporar agua

Fix up - Arreglar
Fall out of (love) - dejar de sentir enamoramiento

Fall in (love) - Enamorarse

Fill in - Rellenar

Face up to - Enfrentarse a una dificultad

Grow up - crecer, convertirse en adulto

Get up - levantarse (de la cama)

Give in - Acceptar la derrota

Go in for - Hacer algo con entusiasmo

Get on - subir al transporte público

Get on with - Llevarse bien con alguien
Get by (on) - Afrontar vivir en una situación de pocos recursos económicos
Go on - Continuar

Get off - Bajarse

Get away with - Evitar el castigo por algo que se ha hecho

Get back - Volver
Get better - Mejorar de una enfermedad
Get lost - Perder el camino, perderse
Get to - Llegar
Go by - Pasar por

Hold out - Resistir

Join in - Participar

Knock out - Dejar fuera de combate

Kick in - Empezar a hacer efecto

Look up - Buscar
Look up to - Respetar

Let (someone) off - declarar inocente a alguien

Look for - Buscar
Look forward to - Esperar algo con ganas

Make up - Inventar
Move up - Moverse, dejar sitio

Move out - Mudarse

Move on - Pasar a otro asunto

Pick up (someone) - Recoger a alguien con el coche

Put up with - Soportar

Put out - Apagar

Pass out - Perder la conciencia

Put in - Meter, Instalar

Plug in - conectar, normalmente, hablando de electricidad

Put on - Ponerse una prendra de ropa

Pay off - Pagar, liquidar una cuenta
Put off - Posponer

Pass away - Fallecer

Run out (of) - no tener más existencias de algo

Run into - Encontrarse con alguien


Split up - Terminar una relación

Stay up - Permanecer despierto hasta tarde
Set up - Poner en marcha

set off / set out - Empezar una jornada o actividad

Stand out - Destacar

Shut in - Encerrar
Stay in - Quedarse en casa

See off - Despedir

Speak for - Hablar de favor de

Take up - Empezar
Tear up - Rasgar, Llorar
Throw up - Tirar hacia arribar, vomitar

Take on - Aceptar trabajo extra

Try on - Probar

Take after - Parecerse a alguien

Take down - Bajar
Take over - Encargarse de algo
Take away - llevar una cosa de un punto a otro
Take back - devolver una cosa a su lugar
Take off - despegar un avión
Think (it) over - reflexionar
Turn into - transformar
Turn on - encender una máquina

Work out - Calcular, hacer ejercicio

Walk in - Entrar

Walk off - Marcharse

Work under - Trabajar a las ordenes de

Write down - Anotar
1. Ordena las palabras en frases y añade la palabra que falta

a. cut / to / should / sugar / you / try / back

You should try to cut back/ cut out on sugar - Hauries de reduir/omitir el sucre

b. 5.00 / can / you / check / at

You can check at 5 o’clock

c. ook / you / could / the / number

d. today / daughter / after / friends / I’m / my
e. David’s / out / he’s / going / sister f.
f. Cable / CNN / Network / stands / News
g. this / like / try / would / to / you / skirt

2. Reescribe las frases usando un phrasal verb

a. I found the information by chance on the Internet.
b. She wasn’t happy, but now things are getting better.
c. The committee investigated the cause of the problem.
d. I didn’t know the answer, so I invented something.
e. The train’s arriving on platform five.
f. We can reduce the electricity we use.
g. What do the letters FAQ represent?
h. I had to check the meaning in a dictionary.
i. Our meeting was at 5.00, but Sue never arrived.

3. Completa las frases con un verbo en la forma correcta.

a. After the concert, there were lots of people _______ around, waiting for taxis.
b. My husband spends most of the weekend _______ about on the river with this boat.
c. We _______ a brand off the tree because it was getting too big.
d. My son always leaves his CDs _______ around the living rrom.
e. He _______ off to buy a paper, but he’ll be back in a minute.
f. My brother’s leaving for Singapore tomorrow, so we’re all going to _______ him off.
g. A lot of teenagers just _______ around the centre of town; they have nothing better to do
h. I don’t like that boy following me. I wish he’d _______ off.
4. Reescribe estas frases usando la palabra en mayúsculas y haciendo los cambios que sean
necesarios. El significado debe seguir siendo el mismo.
a. What time do you leave work tonight? OFF
b. Have you completed the application form? FILL
c. I collected my dry cleaning at 4.00 UP
d. She applied to university but she wasn’t successful IN
e. Hurry up, we are going to be late COME
f. She is making good progress with her painting COME
g. Do you know when the train arrives? GET
h. The pain in my leg has disappeared GO
i. I wrote it in my address book PUT
j. Could you wait a couple of minutes? ON


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