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Applications of Blockchain in Education

Blockchain technology will accelerate the end of a paper-based system for certificates.
Educational Organisations can issue any kind of certificates such as qualification or records
of achievement permanently and securely. Furthermore, a possible automation issuance and
storage of the awards, recognition and transfer of credits. Storing and verifying a complete
record of formal achievements throughout lifelong learning are also possible with the
Learners can store their own evidence of formal or informal learning, share it with a desired
audience, and ensure instant verification “Lifelong Learning Passport”. Institutions can also
begin using Blockchain-based cryptocurrencies to facilitate payments involving grants and
other types of funding as well as students paying for their education.
This project is aimed at developing an application for an educational institute that benefits
from the advantages of blockchain. The application would cover most aspects of the
education process such as student registration, handling student transcripts, and storing and
verifying a complete record of formal achievements.
The project was implemented using react js for the frontend and node js and Hyperledger
Fabric for the backend and blockchain.

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