ES Model Question Paper2

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V Semester B.

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Model Question paper


1. Which of the following is the exam under Karnataka Government competitive exams?
a) Combined Defence Services Exam
b) Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Ltd., (KPTCL) exams √
c) Reserve Bank of India exams
d) SSC CGL exams
2. Which is not the prime number among the following?
a) 43
b) 73
c) 57 √
d) 101
3. What is next in series? G, H, J, M, ?..
a) R
b) S
c) Q √
d) P
4. The difference between a two-digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the
positions of its digits is 36. What is the difference between the two digits of that number?
a) 4 √
b) 5
c) 6
d) None
5. What is next in series? K1, M3, P5, T7, ?
a) Y9 √
b) V7
c) V9
d) Y11
6. How to write 20% in fraction?
a) 1/5 √
b) 5/20
c) 20/100
d) 10/50
7. A train running at the speed of 60 km/hr crosses a pole in 9 seconds. What is the length of the train?
a) 120 metres
b) 180 metres
c) 324 metres
d) 150 metres
Answer: Option d
5 50
18 3
Length of the train = (Speed x Time).
8. A grocer has a sale of Rs. 6435, Rs. 6927, Rs. 6855, Rs. 7230 and Rs. 6562 for 5 consecutive months.
How much sale must he have in the sixth month so that he gets an average sale of Rs. 6500?
a) Rs. 4991
b) Rs. 5991
c) Rs. 6001
d) Rs. 6991
Answer: Option a

Total sale for 5 months = Rs. (6435 + 6927 + 6855 + 7230 + 6562) = Rs. 34009.
Required sale = Rs. [ (6500 x 6) - 34009 ]
= Rs. (39000 - 34009)
= Rs. 4991.

9.The sum of ages of 5 children born at the intervals of 3 years each is 50 years.
What is the age of the youngest child?
a) 4 years
b) 8 years
c) 10 years
d) None of these
Answer: Option a

Let the ages of children be x, (x + 3), (x + 6), (x + 9) and (x + 12) years.

Then, x + (x + 3) + (x + 6) + (x + 9) + (x + 12) = 50
5x = 20
x = 4.
Age of the youngest child = x = 4 years.

10.A tank is filled by three pipes with uniform flow. The first two pipes operating
simultaneously fill the tank in the same time during which the tank is filled by the
third pipe alone. The second pipe fills the tank 5 hours faster than the first pipe and
4 hours slower than the third pipe. The time required by the first pipe is:
a) 6 hours
b) 10 hours
c) 15 hours
d) 30 hours
Answer: Option c

Suppose, first pipe alone takes x hours to fill the tank .

Then, second and third pipes will take (x -5) and (x - 9) hours respectively to fill the
1 1 1
+ =
x (x - 5) (x - 9)
x-5 = 1
x(x - 5) (x - 9)
(2x - 5)(x - 9) = x(x - 5)
x - 18x + 45 = 0
(x - 15)(x - 3) = 0
x = 15. [neglecting x = 3]
11. A motorboat, whose speed in 15 km/hr in still water goes 30 km
downstream and comes back in a total of 4 hours 30 minutes. The speed
of the stream (in km/hr) is:
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 10
Answer: Option b

Let the speed of the stream be x km/hr. Then,

Speed downstream = (15 + x) km/hr,
Speed upstream = (15 - x) km/hr.
30 30 1
+ =4
(15 + x) (15 - x) 2
900 9
225 - x2 2
9x = 225
x = 25
x = 5 km/hr.
12. The cost price of 20 articles is the same as the selling price of x articles. If the profit is 25%, then the
value of x is:
a) 15
b) 16
c) 18
d) 25
Answer: Option b
Let C.P. of each article be Re. 1 C.P. of x articles = Rs. x.
S.P. of x articles = Rs. 20.
Profit = Rs. (20 - x).
- x x 100 = 25
2000 - 100x = 25x
125x = 2000
x = 16.

13. A sum of money at simple interest amounts to Rs. 815 in 3 years and to Rs. 854 in 4 years. The
sum is:
a) Rs. 650
b) Rs. 690
c) Rs. 698
d) Rs. 700
Answer: Option c
S.I. for 1 year = Rs. (854 - 815) = Rs. 39.
S.I. for 3 years = Rs.(39 x 3) = Rs. 117.
Principal = Rs. (815 - 117) = Rs. 698
14. A person crosses a 600 m long street in 5 minutes. What is his speed in km per hour?
a) 3.6
b) 7.2
c) 8.4
d) 10
Answer: Option b
= 5 x 60

= 2 m/sec.

Converting m/sec to km/hr (see important formulas section)

2x km/hr
= 5

= 7.2 km/hr.
15. A clock is started at noon. By 10 minutes past 5, the hour hand has turned
a) 145°
b) 150°
c) 155°
d) 160°
Answer: Option c

Angle traced by hour hand in 12 hrs = 360°.

Angle traced by hour hand in 5 hrs 10
hrs = x = 155°.
min. i.e.,
31 360 31

16. The difference between a two-digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the
positions of its digits is 36. What is the difference between the two digits of that number?
a) 3
b) 4
c) 9
d) Cannot be determined
e) None of these
Answer: Option b
Let the ten's digit be x and unit's digit be y.
Then, (10x + y) - (10y + x) = 36
9(x - y) = 36
x - y = 4.

17.Find the greatest number that will divide 43, 91 and 183 so as to leave the same
remainder in each case.
a) 4
b) 7
c) 9
d) 13
Answer: Option a

Required number = H.C.F. of (91 - 43), (183 - 91) and (183 - 43)

= H.C.F. of 48, 92 and 140 = 4.

18.Two numbers are respectively 20% and 50% more than a third number. The
ratio of the two numbers is:
a) 2 : 5
b) 3 : 5
c) 4 : 5
d) 6 : 7
Answer: Option c

Let the third number be x.

120 6
Then, first number = 120%
x = x
of x =
100 5
150 3
Second number = 150%
x = x
of x =
100 2
6 3
Ratio of first two numbers = x : x = 12x : 15x = 4 : 5.
5 2

19. In how many different ways can the letters of the word 'LEADING' be
arranged in such a way that the vowels always come together?
a) 360
b) 480
c) 720
d) 5040
None of these
Answer: Option c

The word 'LEADING' has 7 different letters.

When the vowels EAI are always together, they can be supposed to form one letter.

Then, we have to arrange the letters LNDG (EAI).

Now, 5 (4 + 1 = 5) letters can be arranged in 5! = 120 ways.

The vowels (EAI) can be arranged among themselves in 3! = 6 ways.

Required number of ways = (120 x 6) = 720.

20. Which word does NOT belong with the others?

a) parsley
b) basil
c) dill
d) mayonnaise
Answer: Option d
Parsley, basil, and dill are types of herbs. Mayonnaise is not an herb.

21. Find the statement that must be true according to the given information.

When they heard news of the hurricane, Maya and Julian decided to change their
vacation plans. Instead of traveling to the island beach resort, they booked a room at a
fancy new spa in the mountains. Their plans were a bit more expensive, but they'd
heard wonderful things about the spa and they were relieved to find availability on such
short notice.
a) Maya and Julian take beach vacations every year.
b) The spa is overpriced.
c) It is usually necessary to book at least six months in advance at the spa.
d) Maya and Julian decided to change their vacation plans because of the
Answer: Option d

22. All the trees in the park are flowering trees.

Some of the trees in the park are dogwoods.
All dogwoods in the park are flowering trees.
If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
a) true
b) false
c) uncertain
d) none of the above
Answer: Option a

All of the trees in the park are flowering trees, So all dogwoods in the park are
flowering trees.
23.Float : Sink :: Boat : ?
a) ship
b) war
c) submarine
d) missile

Float means above water and sink means under water. In same way, Boat floats on
water and submarine moves under water.
24. Marathon is to race as hibernation is to

A. Bear
B. Dream
C. Sleep
D. Winter

Answer: C

Explanation: Marathon is a long-distance race, and hibernation is a deep sleep that

helps animals like polar bears to survive the winters.
25. Choose the box that is similar to the box formed from the given sheet of paper

a) 1 and 4 only
b) 3 and 4 only
c) 1 and 2 only
d) 2 and 3 only
Answer: Option a
The fig. (X) is similar to the Form I. So, when the sheet shown in fig. (X) is folded to form a
cube then one of the two half-shaded faces lies opposite to one of the blank faces and the
other half-shaded face lies opposite to another blank face. The two remaining blank faces lie
opposite to each other. Thus, both the cubes shown in figures (1).and (4) can be formed when
the sheet shown in fig. (X) is folded. Also, though the cubes shown in figures (2) and (3) have
faces that can appear adjacent to each other but the cube formed by folding the sheet in fig.
(X) cannot be rotated to form either of the two. Hence, the cubes in figures (2) and (3) cannot
be formed.

26. Statements: Some actors are singers. All the singers are dancers.
1. 1. Some actors are dancers.

2. 2. No singer is actor.

a) Only (1) conclusion follows

b) Only (2) conclusion follows
c) Either (1) or (2) follows
d) Neither (1) nor (2) follows
e) Both (1) and (2) follow
Answer: Option a

27. Statements: Samosas are Jalebi. All Jalebis are Tikki. All Tikkis are Barfi
I. All Jalebis are Barfi

II. All Tikkis are Samosas

III. All Samosas are Barfi

IV. All Barfi are Jalebi

a) Only I and II follow

b) Only I and III follow
c) Only II and III follow
d) All follow

Answer & Explanation

Answer Key: b
28..If A + B means A is the brother of B; A - B means A is the sister of B and A x B
means A is the father of B. Which of the following means that C is the son of M?
a) M - N x C + F
b) F - C + N x M
c) N + M - F x C
d) M x N - C + F
Answer: Option d
M x N → M is the father of N

N - C → N is the sister of C

and C + F → C is the brother of F.

Hence, M is the father of C or C is the son of M.

29. The following pie-chart shows the percentage distribution of the expenditure
incurred in publishing a book. Study the pie-chart and the answer the questions based
on it.
Various Expenditures (in percentage) Incurred in Publishing a Book

A..If for a certain quantity of books, the publisher has to pay Rs. 30,600 as printing
cost, then what will be amount of royalty to be paid for these books?

a) Rs. 19,450
b) Rs. 21,200
c) Rs. 22,950
d) Rs. 26,150
Answer: Option c

Let the amount of Royalty to be paid for these books be Rs. r.

30600 x 15
Then, 20 : 15 = 30600 : r r = Rs. = Rs. 22,950.

1. 30. .Which of the following is an assumption that the argument relies on?
Argument: “A recent survey found that 90% of people who switched to our brand of laundry detergent
reported cleaner and brighter clothes. Therefore, our detergent is better than all other brands.”

1. A) The survey was conducted by a reputable and unbiased organization.

2. B) The survey included a statistically significant number of participants.
3. C) The survey participants used the detergent as directed.
4. D) The survey participants did not receive any compensation for their participation.
5. E) The survey was conducted using a double-blind methodology.

Answer: C) The survey participants used the detergent as directed.

Explanation: The argument assumes that the survey participants used the detergent as directed, which
is needed to support the conclusion that the detergent is better than all other brands. If the
participants did not use the detergent as directed, the survey results may not accurately reflect the
effectiveness of the detergent.
31. . I don’t know how I’m going to finish this project on time. I feel like I’m __________.
A. Between a rock and a hard place
B. On cloud nine
C. A fish out of water
D. A diamond in the rough
Answer: A. Between a rock and a hard place
32. If the symbols followed by consonants interchange their positions within the group, then which
element is third from the right end?
(a) U
(b) #
(c) P
(d) 5
(e) None of
Given series – B @ C 7 N R % 5 $ G 6 K M & 4 S # P U 5
After operation – B C @ 7 N R % 5 G $ 6 K M & 4 S P # U 5
So, third element from the right end = #
33. (1015)2 =?
a. 1040125
b. 1030225
c. 1050125
d. 1025125
Answer: b
Explanation: 10152
34. Mount Vesuvius, a volcano located between the ancient Italian cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum,
has received much attention because of its frequent and destructive eruptions. The most famous of
these eruptions occurred in A.D. 79.

Over the years, excavations of Pompeii and Herculaneum have revealed a great deal about the
behavior of the volcano. By analyzing data, much as a zoologist dissects an animal specimen, scientists
have concluded that the eruption changed large portions of the area’s geography. For instance, it
turned the Sarno River from its course and raised the level of the beach along the Bay of Naples.
Meteorologists studying these events have also concluded that Vesuvius caused a huge tidal wave that
affected the world’s climate. The eruption of Mount Vesuvius and its tragic consequences have
provided everyone with a wealth of data about the effects that volcanoes can have on the surrounding
area. Today, volcanologists can locate and predict eruptions, saving lives and preventing the
destruction of other cities and cultures.
Question A) _________ have concluded that the volcanic eruption caused a tidal wave.

a) Scientists who study oceans

b) Scientists who study atmospheric conditions
c) Scientists who study ash
d) Scientists who study animal behavior
e) Answer not available in article
Answer - b

35. .Here are some words translated from an artificial language.

gorblflur means fan belt pixngorbl means ceiling fan
arthtusl means tile roof
Which word could mean "ceiling tile"?
a) gorbltusl
b) flurgorbl
c) arthflur
d) pixnarth
Answer: Option d
Gorbl means fan; flur means belt; pixn means ceiling; arth means tile; and tusl means roof.
Therefore, pixnarth is the correct choice

36. .Here are some words translated from an artificial language.

moolokarn means blue sky
wilkospadi means bicycle race
moolowilko means blue bicycle
Which word could mean "racecar"?
a) wilkozwet
b) spadiwilko
c) moolobreil
d) spadivolo
Answer: Option d
From wilkospadi, you can determine that wilko means bicicyle and spadi means race. Therefore, the
first part of the word that means racecar should begin with spadi. That limits your choices to b and d.
Choice b, spadiwilko, is incorrect because we have already determined that wilkomeans bicycle.
Therefore, the answer must be choice d, spadivolo.

37. The bar graph given below shows the sales of books (in thousand number) from six branches of a
publishing company during two consecutive years 2000 and 2001.
Sales of Books (in thousand numbers) from Six Branches - B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 and B6 of a publishing
Company in 2000 and 2001.
1. What is the ratio of the total sales of branch B2 for both years to the total sales of
branch B4 for both years?

a) 2:3
b) 3:5
c) 4:5
d) 7:9
Answer: Option d
(75 + 65) 140 7
Required ratio = = = .
(85 + 95) 180 9

38. Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if
any will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error,
the answer is 'D'. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any).

1.(solve as per the direction given above)

a) We discussed about the problem so thoroughly
b) on the eve of the examination
c) that I found it very easy to work it out
d) No error.
Answer: Option a
We discussed the problem so thoroughly

2.(solve as per the direction given above)

a) An Indian ship
b) laden with merchandise
c) got drowned in the Pacific Ocean.
d) No error.
Answer: Option c
sank in the Pacific Ocean
39. In the following questions choose the word which is the exact OPPOSITE of the given


a) Soft
b) Average
c) Tiny
d) Weak
Answer: Option c

a) Started
b) Closed
c) Finished
d) Terminated
Answer: Option d
a) Red
b) Natural
c) Truthful
d) Solid
Answer: Option b

40. In the following the questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the
given word.

a) Lean
b) Gaunt
c) Emaciated
d) Obese
Answer: Option d

a) Limited
b) Small
c) Little
d) Short
Answer: Option d

a) Misappropriate
b) Balance
c) Remunerate
d) Clear
Answer: Option a

41. In the questions below the sentences have been given in Direct/Indirect speech. From the
given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Indirect/Direct

1."If you don't keep quiet I shall shoot you", he said to her in a calm voice.
a) He warned her to shoot if she didn't keep quiet calmly.
b) He said calmly that I shall shoot you if you don't be quiet.
c) He warned her calmly that he would shoot her if she didn't keep quiet.
d) Calmly he warned her that be quiet or else he will have to shoot her.
Answer: Option c
2.I told him that he was not working hard.
a) I said to him, "You are not working hard."
b) I told to him, "You are not working hard."
c) I said, "You are not working hard."
d) I said to him, "He is not working hard."
Answer: Option a

42. Find the correctly spelt words.

1.(solve as per the direction given above)

a) Efficient
b) Treatmeant
c) Beterment
d) Employd
Answer: Option a
2.(solve as per the direction given above)
a) Foreign
b) Foreine
c) Fariegn
d) Forein
Answer: Option a
3.(solve as per the direction given above)
a) Ommineous
b) Omineous
c) Ominous
d) Omenous
Answer: Option c

43.In the questions below the sentences have been given in Active/Passive voice. From the
given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active
1. After driving professor Kumar to the museum she dropped him at his hotel.
a) After being driven to the museum, Professor Kumar was dropped at his hotel.
b) Professor Kumar was being driven dropped at his hotel.
c) After she had driven Professor Kumar to the museum she had dropped him at his hotel.
d) After she was driven Professor Kumar to the museum she had dropped him at his hotel.
Answer: Option a

2. I remember my sister taking me to the museum.

a) I remember I was taken to the museum by my sister.
b) I remember being taken to the museum by my sister.
c) I remember myself being taken to the museum by my sister.
d) I remember taken to the museum by my sister.
Answer: Option b

3.Who is creating this mess?

a) Who has been created this mess?
b) By whom has this mess been created?
c) By whom this mess is being created?
d) By whom is this mess being created?
Answer: Option d

44. Read the paragraph carefully and determine the main point the author is trying to make.
What conclusion can be drawn from the argument? Each paragraph is followed by five
statements. One statement supports the author's argument better than the others do.
1.One New York publisher has estimated that 50,000 to 60,000 people in the United
States want an anthology that includes the complete works of William Shakespeare.
And what accounts for this renewed interest in Shakespeare? As scholars point out, his
psychological insights into both male and female characters are amazing even today.
This paragraph best supports the statement that
a) Shakespeare's characters are more interesting than fictional characters today.
b) people even today are interested in Shakespeare's work because of the
c) academic scholars are putting together an anthology of Shakespeare's work.
d) New Yorkers have a renewed interested in the work of Shakespeare.
e) Shakespeare was a psychiatrist as well as a playwright.
Answer: Option b
The last sentence in the paragraph clearly gives support for the idea that the interest in
Shakespeare is due to the development of his characters. Choice a is incorrect
because the writer never makes this type of comparison. Choice c is wrong because
even though scholars are mentioned in the paragraph, there is no indication that the
scholars are compiling the anthology. Choice d is wrong because there is no support to
show that most New Yorkers are interested in this work. There is no support for choice
e either.

45..Eritrea, which became the 182nd member of the UN in 1993, is in the continent of
a) Asia
b) Africa
c) Europe
d) Australia
Answer: Option b
46. Entomology is the science that studies
a) Behavior of human beings
b) Insects
c) The origin and history of technical and scientific terms
d) The formation of rocks
Answer: Option b
Entomology: The branch of zoology concerned with the study of insects.

47..For which of the following disciplines is Nobel Prize awarded?

a) Physics and Chemistry
b) Physiology or Medicine
c) Literature, Peace and Economics
d) All of the above
Answer: Option d

Current Affairs:

48. . Which entity and team received the "Outstanding Contribution to Brand India"
a) Department of Space and PSLV Development Team
b) Indian National Space Agency and Team Chandrayaan-2
c) National Space Society of India and Gaganyaan Team
d) ISRO and Team Chandrayaan-3
Answer: Option d
The "Outstanding Contribution to Brand India" award at the 19th India Business Leader
Awards (IBLA) was presented to ISRO and Team Chandrayaan-3 for the historic lunar
landing achievement on August 23, making India the first country to reach the Lunar

49. .Which organization recently delivered INS Sandhayak, India's largest-ever survey
vessel, to the Indian Navy, marking a significant milestone in the indigenous
shipbuilding industry?
a) Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Ltd
b) Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd
c) Hindustan Shipyard Ltd
d) Goa Shipyard Ltd
Answer: Option a
Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE) Ltd delivered INS Sandhayak,
India's largest-ever survey vessel, to the Indian Navy, marking a crucial milestone in
the indigenous shipbuilding industry.

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