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Marseilles, July 4th, 2023

Notification ref. MNMED2023_24

CMA CGM announces FAK pricing as from August 1st, 2023 on

Asia – Mediterranean & North Africa trades (West bound)
To our Valued Customers,

In a continued effort to provide our customers with reliable and efficient service, CMA CGM announces an
increase on our Freight All Kind (FAK) rates* as follows as from August 1st, 2023 (date of loading in the origin
ports in Asia)

20’ 40’ 40’ HC 40’ REEFER

WEST MED USD 2 100 USD 2 600 USD 2 600 USD 2 600
ADRIATIC USD 2 150 USD 2 700 USD 2 700 USD 2 700
EAST MED USD 2 200 USD 2 800 USD 2 800 USD 2 800
BLACK SEA USD 2 250 USD 2 900 USD 2 900 USD 2 900
SYRIA EUR 2 600 EUR 4 700 EUR 4 700 EUR 4 700
ALGERIA USD 3 200 USD 4 900 USD 4 900 USD 4 900
TUNISIA USD 3 000 USD 4 800 USD 4 800 USD 4 800
LIBYA USD 3 150 USD 4 500 USD 4 500 USD 4 500
MOROCCO USD 2 700 USD 3 900 USD 3 900 USD 3 900

These new FAK rates will be applied as follows:

• Origin Range: From All Asian main ports

• Destination range: To all Mediterranean base ports (areas mentioned above)
• Cargo: Dry Cargo, OOG’s, Paying Empties and Reefer Cargo
• Date of application: August 1st, 2023 (date of loading in the origin ports)

(*) These rates include the Basic freight and the Bunker-related surcharges. They are subject to THC (Origin and Destination), the
Peak Season charges and similar charges and the Safety and Security-related surcharges which are accessible at http://www.cma-
Other charges such as Contingency charges and local charges may also apply.

Should you need any clarification please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for your usual support,
Med Lines Management

CMA CGM Head Office – Bd Jacques Saadé - 4, quai d’Arenc - 13 235 Marseille Cedex 02 - France - Tél : +33 (0)4 88 91 90 00 - Fax : +33 (0)4 88 91 97 65
CMA CGM - Société Anonyme au capital de 234 988 330 euros - B 562 024 422 R.C.S. Marseille - Siret 562 024 422 00486 - Code TVA FR 72 562 024 422


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