Act Case Study PRD

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Product Requirements Document (PRD)

Subject: Proposal to Enhance ACT's Customer Referral Program (CRP)

The Customer Referral Program (CRP) at ACT has shown initial success in driving new
subscriptions but struggles to maintain sustained growth and engagement levels beyond
temporary spikes. This PRD outlines a comprehensive plan to revitalise the CRP, targeting
substantial increases in user engagement and referrals over time.

Problem Statement:

Despite initial success, the ACT CRP faces challenges in maintaining sustained user
engagement and referral rates beyond short-term increases.


To revitalise the ACT CRP, targeting a substantial and sustained increase in engagement
from less than 1% to 4-5% of the subscriber base within three months, leveraging
word-of-mouth as a pivotal factor in influencing 67% of new broadband customers.
Research and Insights:
● Market research reveals the significant impact of word-of-mouth in consumer
decisions, particularly in the broadband industry.

● Historical data highlights temporary spikes in CRP engagement but lacks long-term
● Identified personas of tech-savvy subscribers inclined toward referrals, emphasising
preferences for incentives and seamless experiences.
● Consolidated User Research Insights:
○ Decision-Making Factors: Brand preference, recommendations from

neighbours, and online search play crucial roles in choosing an ISP.

○ Customer Service Satisfaction: Satisfied with customer service; prompt
issue resolution is appreciated.
○ Awareness of Referral Program: Limited awareness due to infrequent app
usage or lack of promotion.
○ Likelihood to Refer: Willingness to refer is influenced by direct discounts,
good offers, or cash back incentives.
○ Remembering Referral Program: Users may not remember the referral
program unless reminded through WhatsApp notifications or other proactive
User Personas for ACT's Referral Program

Dissatisfied User New Colony Nester Looking

Attribute ACT User Seeking a Switch for ISP

Name Varun Singh Priya Patel Ravi Kumar

Age 25 years 30 years 35 years

Satisfied with ACT's

Open to switching ISPs if New to the area, seeking
services, open to
Motivation referred by trustworthy recommendations from
referring friends and
for Referral sources, seeks reliable neighbours, values reliable
family for additional

to benefits

Seeks occasional
and affordable services

Frustrated with current

internet services

Concerned about finding a

reputable ISP in the new
service upgrades, ISP's downtime and poor
Pain Points locality, values peer
interested in referral customer service,
recommendations, desires
incentives for loyalty cost-sensitive
stability and cost-effectiveness

Relies heavily on
Unhappy with current
Internet high-speed internet Essential for work and online
ISP, seeks reliability and
Usage for work and learning

Pain Points
Referral program incentives & services related issues

● Company pays for the internet. I do not need to refer unless I get some incentives in
cash or kind
● The quality of the ISP in terms of speed, connectivity and service depends on the
location/geography ( for example, the service of ACT Bengaluru is great vs ACT
Pune which is bad)
● Most of the users already have an established connection and it is difficult to refer to
them since they will have to break the existing plan ( example 6 month plan)
● The incentives are not appealing. (Need a flat discount maybe?)
● The burden of referral is high considering that most people will have to break their

existing plan and pay a high amount for (1 month / 3 month / 6 month / annual plan )
● Competition ISPs are offering similar plans and there isn't much differentiation.

Product level issues (ACT)

Awareness about the referral program
The incentives are not clearly highlighted
I do not use the app at all/frequently. Just use it to recharge / raise complaints.
● I use external apps like Paytm / GPAY to recharge my internet connectivity
● Doing a referral there is not optimised, I faced an error while doing so
● The app interface is so bad that I don’t like using it
● Referees are reluctant to share their details ( mobile number ) for getting referred

● I don’t remember to refer someone since there are no reminders

Proposed Solutions:

Low-effort, High-Impact Solutions:

● Unique Referral Codes:

○ Objective: Enable personalised referral codes for each user.
○ Implementation: Develop a system that assigns unique codes to users for
easy sharing across various platforms.
● QR Codes:
○ Objective: Streamline sign-up process with QR codes.
○ Implementation: Implement QR codes on the CRP platform to facilitate easy
referrals without the need for manual data input.

● WhatsApp Notifications:
○ Objective: Improve user awareness and engagement with WhatsApp
○ Implementation: Integrate a system to send regular WhatsApp notifications,

to reminding users of CRP updates and encouraging participation.

Cross-platform sharing :
○ Objective: Facilitate easy sharing on WhatsApp/message/telegram etc for
increased reach.
○ Implementation: Create a shareable link (similar to Airtel/GPay example) that
users can directly share on WhatsApp/message, simplifying the referral
● Technical Fixes:
○ Objective: Address sign-up process errors.
○ Implementation: Identify and resolve any technical issues causing errors

during the sign-up process, ensuring a seamless user experience.

● Homepage Revamp:
○ Objective: Enhance user engagement through homepage redesign.
○ Implementation: Redesign the CRP homepage, focusing on a user-friendly
interface and compelling content to encourage active participation.

Transformative Ideas:

● Tiered Reward System:

○ Objective: Increase referral participation through tiered incentives.
○ Implementation: Design and implement a tiered reward system where users
earn progressively higher rewards for more successful referrals.
● Plan wise Discount/Incentive:
○ Objective: Tailor referral discounts based on the user's existing plan.
○ Implementation: If a person is using a 6 month/annual plan the referral
discount should be a coupon or cashback.
● App Guide Prompts:
○ Objective: Provide guidance to use the app, aware about the referral
○ Implementation: Add simple prompts on the app to Create in-app tutorials or
tooltips to guide users on how to navigate and use the referral program.

● Enhanced App Usability:

○ Objective: Encourage frequent app usage and referrals.
○ Implementation: Improve the app's interface and features, making it more

user-friendly and encouraging users to actively engage with the referral

User Flow:
User Flow for the referral process according to the suggested enhancement:
GTM Strategy:

1. Multi-Channel Marketing Campaign:

● Whatsapp Marketing: To create awareness of referral programs, we can
send to all users across whatsapp as the user opens the broadband apps only
while paying in most of the cases(according to secondary data). Visibility of
program can be enhanced through whatsapp marketing
● Email Campaigns: Design personalised and targeted email campaigns
highlighting the revamped CRP benefits, incentives, and success stories. A/B
test different messaging strategies to optimise engagement.
● App Notifications: Implement push notifications within the app to notify users

about the CRP updates, new rewards, and achievements. Ensure these
notifications are well-timed and non-intrusive.
● Website Integration: Enhance the website with banners, pop-ups, and
landing pages dedicated to the CRP. Ensure seamless navigation and clear

calls-to-action for user participation.
● Social Media Engagement: Utilise various social media platforms to create
buzz around the CRP. Run paid advertising campaigns targeting relevant user
segments. Encourage users to share their referral stories and experiences.
2. Collaboration with Influencers and Brand Advocates:
● Identify and collaborate with influencers or brand advocates within the
broadband or tech industry. Encourage them to share their positive
experiences with the CRP, reaching their audience with persuasive content.

● Organise webinars or live sessions with influencers to discuss the benefits of

the CRP, sharing success stories and providing an interactive platform for
users to ask questions and engage.

3. Metrics Tracking and Optimization:


● Utilise robust analytics tools to track the performance of each marketing

channel. Monitor conversion rates, click-through rates, and user engagement
to optimise strategies for better results.
● Implement A/B testing for different campaign creatives, messages, and timing
to identify the most effective approach. Continuously iterate and refine the
marketing strategies based on data-driven insights.
Implementation Plan - Detailed Phases

Phase 1: Initial Implementation (0-1 Month)

​ Unique User Codes and QR Codes:
● Development: Implement unique user codes and QR codes for easy
sharing and streamlined sign-ups.
● Testing: Thoroughly test code generation and scanning functionalities
across platforms and devices.
● Deployment: Integrate codes within the app, website, and marketing
​ Technical Fixes and Homepage Revamp:

● Technical Fixes: Identify and resolve issues hindering the sign-up
process. Conduct extensive testing to ensure a smooth user journey.
● Homepage Revamp: Collaborate with design and content teams to
redesign and optimise the homepage for improved engagement and

​ to conversion.

WhatsApp Notification Integration:

● Development: Integrate WhatsApp API for notifications and reminders
related to the CRP.
● Testing: Test the functionality and timing of WhatsApp notifications to
ensure they are relevant and well-received by users.

Phase 2: Development and Testing (1-2 Months)


​ Tiered Reward System:

● Design: Develop a tiered reward structure based on referral levels and
engagement milestones.
● Testing: Simulate various scenarios and test the tiered reward system's
functionality and scalability.
● Refinement: Gather feedback from a small group of users to refine and

optimise the reward tiers.

​ Enhanced App Usability and Additional Features:
● App Usability Improvements: Collaborate with UX/UI teams to enhance
app usability based on user feedback and best practices.
● Additional Features: Explore the feasibility and user impact of adding
an OTT box or relevant features. Develop and test these functionalities.
Phase 3: Launch and Refinement (2-3 Months)
​ CRP Launch:
● Comprehensive Testing: Conduct extensive testing of all implemented
features, ensuring seamless integration and functionality.
● Soft Launch: Initiate a soft launch of the revamped CRP to a subset of
users to monitor performance and gather feedback.
● Refinement: Continuously iterate based on user feedback, addressing
any issues or areas of improvement promptly.
​ Marketing and Promotion:
● Full-scale Campaign: Execute a comprehensive multi-channel
marketing campaign, promoting the revamped CRP across various

● Collaboration Activation: Initiate collaborations with influencers and
brand advocates, leveraging their reach to amplify the CRP message.
● Educational Workshops/Webinars: Plan and conduct educational
sessions to guide users on maximising benefits from the CRP.

Continuous Monitoring and Optimization
Metrics Tracking:
● Set up analytics tools to track referral conversion rates, volume, user
engagement, and retention rates.
​ Iterative Improvements:
● Continuous Optimization & Feature Upgrades: A/B testing and user
feedback to optimise and plan periodic updates to introduce new
incentives, features, or improvements to sustain user engagement.
Metrics for Success:

Metric Description Target Range

Percentage of referred individuals who become

Referral Conversion Rate 15% - 25%
paying subscribers.

Total number of successful referrals generated

Referral Volume Varies
over specific periods.

Level of ongoing participation and activity from

User Engagement Varies
existing customers.

Retention Rate of Referred Percentage of referred customers who remain



Customer Acquisition Cost

subscribed over a defined period.

Cost required to acquire a new paying customer

through the referral program.
Lower than other
Incremental Revenue from Additional revenue generated directly attributed
Increase quarterly
Referrals to the referral program.

Lifetime Value (LTV) of Predicted revenue a customer will generate over


Increase annually
Referral Customers their entire relationship.

Measurement of customer satisfaction and

Net Promoter Score (NPS) Increase quarterly
loyalty based on referrals.
Future Scope and Continuous Improvement Plan

1. Ongoing Data Analysis and Iterative Refinement:

● Advanced Analytics: Implement advanced analytics tools for deeper insights
into user behaviour, referral patterns, and campaign performance.
● Continuous Optimization: Regularly analyse data and iterate on strategies to
improve conversion rates, engagement, and retention.

2. Expansion of Referral Network and Partnerships:

● Strategic Partnerships: Explore collaborations with complimentary service
providers (e.g., entertainment streaming platforms) to expand referral

incentives and reach new audiences.
● Affiliate Programs: Launch affiliate programs to incentivize influencers,
bloggers, or content creators to promote the CRP within their networks.

3. Gamification and Interactive Features:
● Gamified Experience: Introduce gamification elements within the app or
website to make the referral process more interactive and rewarding for users.
● Milestone Achievements: Implement achievement badges, leaderboards, or
levels to motivate users to reach referral milestones and unlock exclusive

4. Feedback Mechanisms and User Surveys:


● Feedback Loops: Implement robust feedback mechanisms within the app or

website to collect user suggestions, complaints, and improvement ideas.
● Periodic Surveys: Conduct regular user surveys to gather insights on user
satisfaction, preferences, and suggestions for enhancing the CRP.

5. Continuous Education and User Support:


● Educational Resources: Update and expand educational content, tutorials,

and guides to keep users informed about new features, rewards, and referral
● Enhanced Support: Strengthen customer support channels to promptly
address user queries, technical issues, and ensure a smooth referral process.
Edge Cases
● Users disabling notifications or having incompatible devices for WhatsApp
● Rapid changes in user behaviour or external factors may require quick
adjustments to the program.
● Users may still find the app confusing or challenging to use even with guide
● Abuse of Referral Benefits: Some users might try to game the system to get
more benefits than intended. Caps on rewards or stricter terms can help
prevent this.
● Impact on Customer Experience: Overemphasis on referrals can

sometimes backfire, annoying customers with constant prompts and emails.
It's important to balance referral requests with a respectful customer
● Referral Attribution: Determining who gets credit for a referral can be tricky

in scenarios where multiple referrers claim the same new customer. Clear
rules and tracking mechanisms are necessary.
● Long-Term Engagement: Some referred customers might sign up for the
benefits but not engage long-term with the service or product. Strategies to
convert these customers into loyal ones need to be considered.
● Cross-Platform Referrals: In cases where businesses operate across
multiple platforms (web, app, physical stores), tracking and attributing
referrals accurately can be challenging.

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