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Job Description for NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowship in

Plastic Surgery (ST1)

1. Job Title Academic Clinical Fellowship in Plastic Surgery (ST1)

2. Duration of post

Duration of the post is for 3 years. At the completion of the ACF post they are expected to take on a higher
degree (either an MD or PhD). Therefore, candidates who already have a higher degree (either an MD or
PhD) are excluded from applying. Applicants must have demonstrable experience of co-ordinating clinical
trials. Applicants must be enrolled in a national core surgical training programme, at the time of interview. If
they do not achieve a funded research fellowship they will enter into the training programme at ST4 (hence
they would replace their academic identifier with a non-academic clinical number).

3. Hospitals in which training will take place.

Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust

4. Research institutions in which training will take place

UCL Division of Surgery & Interventional Science

UCL Centre for Nanotechnology & Regenerative Medicine

5. Whether day release or block release will be used for protected research time

The academic training will be delivered in three-month blocks of protected academic time (one per year). The
block release structure will ensure that the occasional geographical separation between UCL and the hospitals
does not compromise academic training.

6. Description of research component of programme (minimum 250 words)

The research institution in which training will take place offers considerable research opportunities for an ACF
ranging from clinical trials, in vitro laboratory-based research, in vivo animal research, and translational
research. The team currently has developed many translational clinical trials in plastic surgery with very
successful outcomes in terms of publications and securing industry and charity sponsored grants. We have
developed new surgical technologies and evaluated them to be integrated into standard clinical practise and
have outlined treatment mechanisms.

A key focus for the unit is the increasing importance of evidence-based aesthetic / plastic surgery practice
from both an efficacy perspective and a public health perspective. UCL and the Royal Free NHS Foundation
Trust have access to world leading experts in delivery and education of aesthetic plastic surgery. There is
also a significant body of research being undertaken evaluating the public health implications of the existing
regulations and provisions of aesthetic care in the UK. Existing research completed at the department has
looked at evaluating current complication registers, developing frameworks for approaching aesthetic cases,
using computer modelling and AI to decide an optimal evidence based treatment strategy. Further work will
look at delivering evidence-based care at a larger scale with a focus on longevity. Projects will look to develop
an evidence base in longevity, improving training and education across the UK in the practice of aesthetic
longevity and evaluate the social and public health implications of greater standardisation in aesthetic care.

This centre provides multidisciplinary interactions between teams of biologists, physicists, material scientists,
engineers, and surgeons. It has a critical mass of professors, senior lecturers, lecturers, postdoctoral
scientists, PhD students, and clinical research fellows. In addition to the logistic set-up of our team, we also
have preeminent “state-of-the-art” facilities available to us. We have fully equipped laboratories stretching
over two floors supplementary to large animal facilities, all of which are based in one building at the Royal
Free Hospital. We have an advanced biomaterials synthesis laboratory housed within a GMP environment, 5
tissue culture laboratories, 2 nanoparticle and surface characterisation laboratories equipped with the latest
nano-spraying technologies including ultrasound atomisation and a laboratory for manufacturing 3D scaffolds.
We also work closely with various other laboratories within UCL which offers other advanced imaging facilities
such as the confocal microscope and slide scanners.

The objectives of the research programme are to acquire knowledge and skills in executing multi-centred
randomised controlled trials in plastic surgery as well as generic academic skills such as critical appraisal,
systematic review, experimental design, and statistical analysis. Additional objectives are understanding of
regulatory, economical and ethical issues, and acquiring competence to perform translational studies linked
to clinical trials through training and courses within UCL. We have four UCL MSc programmes running in our
department at Royal Free Hospital: MSc Burn, Plastic and Reconstructive surgery, MSc Nanotechnology and
Regenerative Medicine, MSc Aesthetics (Surgical) and MSc Aesthetics (Non-Surgical). ACFs have the
opportunity to enrol in either of these programmes as well as other courses within UCL. The ACF appointee
will have the opportunity to be involved in ongoing translational clinical trials in wound healing, breast
reconstruction, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.

The ACF appointee will be expected to demonstrate prior engagement and understanding in the design,
patient enrolment, research ethics application and execution of randomised controlled trials and translational
studies. He/she will be involved in designing and writing clinical trial protocols and take lead in engaging with
Research Ethics Committee and Clinical Trials Unit for study approval. The ACF will be given the opportunity
to develop a specific area of translational clinical trial leading to an impregnable research proposal, which will
form the basis of a successful application for a research fellowship. The appointee will have access to both
clinical and non-clinical academics to guide them in the development of the research proposal, subsequent
successful running of experiments, statistical analysis, production of manuscripts, and research fellowship
and grant applications. The ACF will be expected to apply for nationally competitive research grant such as
the Wellcome Trust and MRC. Candidate should demonstrate good understanding of research methodology
and have outstanding potential for development as a clinical academic.

7. Description of clinical training component of programme (minimum 250 words)

This ACF will be a 3-year appointment that will run through into 5 years of clinical training, subject to
satisfactory completion of competences, as a StR (entering at the ST4 level). The three ACF years are
therefore equivalent to a CT1, CT2 and an ST3 post for their peers. The clinical training of the ACF will be in
line with non-academic CT trainees (and Specialist Trainees), with an additional 25% of their time protected
research time as indicated above. During their ACF time they will be expected to keep up their clinical
standards to be equivalent to those undertaking CT1, CT2 and ST3.
The ACF will be based at the Royal Free Hospital in the first place but will rotate through other Plastic Surgery
Departments in the region. Over the 3 year training programme, the ACF will gain exposure to all areas of
Plastic Surgery. He/she will be expected to acquire the surgical skills in both elective and emergency settings
as in line with their non-academic contemporaries. The ACF will be expected to attend the Regional Training
Programme and to take an active role in the teaching programme. The ACF will have access to the core
plastic surgery courses e.g. ATLS, BAPRAS/BSSH courses etc. During the 3 years, the ACF may also rotate
through orthopaedics and ENT placements to ensure they receive the required cross-disciplinary surgical
skills to complete their plastic surgery training.

At the completion of the ACF post they would be expected to take on a higher degree (either an MD or PhD).
If they do not achieve a funded research fellowship they will enter into the training programme at ST4 (hence
they would replace their academic identifier with a non-academic clinical number). If s (he) achieves an
MD/PhD or fellowship they would be able to take an OOPR (Out of Programme for Research) for up to 3 years
and then re-enter back at ST4. Alternatively, the ACF can apply for a CL number in which case they would
convert their number to a CL number.

8. Academic Programme Director name

Professor Afshin Mosahebi

9. Clinical Programme Director name

Mr John Simmons

10. Programme contact for further information (phone or email)

Professor Afshin Mosahebi;

11. HEE contact

Specialty Team
Recruitment Enquiries -

12. Useful websites for further information

13. Confirmation that the post attracts an NTN (A)


This job description was revised on 30th August 2021

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