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Lesson 14.

1. Everyone had to use 50 to 75 minutes of their day praying, instead of being

productive, possibly losing them money and food. If someone wasn’t a
Muslim, they would likely be treated as less than Muslisms.
2. The caliph would think that the society is great, A non-muslim farmer would
have zero rights. A muslim woman would also have no rights. A muslim
scholar would probably be content. An islamic artist may have felt very
3. Today I woke up in my bed, with silk sheets covering me. I got up to receive
my gourmet breakfast, and sat on my throne.
4. Religion can set guidelines and give a sense of community. It can cause
genocide (Adolf Hitler was raised Catholic), and it can cause war.
5. There are many ways religion can change peoples lives. It can give both a
sense of community and it can isolate. A church can have other people which
will give a sense of community. It can isolate you when you leave that
community. It can isolate you from friends and family, it can isolate you from
everyone. To sum it all up, religion pretty much always sucks.

Speaker Time Society Whose Main Point How does What is

Period Perspectiv this the intent,
e? opinion or
reflect the purpose,
society of the
from which author?

Abu Abbasid Persian A man Men Not well. To seem

al-Jahiz Dynasty thought of like a good
women as person
needed to

Ibn al-Hajj 1258-1136 Egyptian A man Men Again, not To say

believed well. how
women women
were less “should be
than them, treated
and like
treated belongings
them as ”

Dr. Tyseer 2010 Canada A woman The It shows To stop

Aboulnasr different that stereotypi
interpretati stereotypi ng of
ons of ng is and Islamic
Islam always people.
has been
way too
in society

1a. Considering the fact that spain was conquered, and history is written by the victors, I
don’t think there was as much tolerance as people might suggest.

1b. People were probably shunned, and/or treated as an outcast if they were not muslim.

1c. I believe that religion limits learning to things that don’t contradict what they believe, so I
think learning was only allowed to a certain extent.

1d. The quran teaches that women should be covered up. So a country ruled by muslim
people probably didn’t have a lot of equality.

1e. Fashion was likely the one thing not controlled by the government.

1f. Aqueducts were repaired, water wheels were built, and many more improvements to
farming were made.

2. According to the Chinese Communist Party, China is an Atheist nation. Meanwhile, Spain
is very religious. The Quran teaches that women should be covered up, and speak when
spoken to, while Chinese philosophy celebrates women, and realises that everyone is equal.

3. I don’t think it can. There are many examples of atrocities committed in the name of
religion (9/11, the crusades, the inquisition, etc). Even today, priests are raping children and
getting away with it. To this day, religion is still affiliated with government.

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