Topics - Syllabus - Statistics and Probability

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Statistics & Probability GS 204 – Spring 2020-2021

Instructor: Dr. Abdalkaleg Atea Idris

Office hrs. TBD
Course Location/Times: Engineering Building
Tuesday 10:00AM -12:00 PM
Catalog Description:
Course content: Basic concepts of probability theory. Random variables. Probability distributions.
Averages. Moments. Characteristic functions. Independence. Discrete distributions: Binomial &
Poisson Continuous distributions: Uniform, exponential & Gaussian. Introduction to statistical
inference and its applications in engineering. Statistics of measurements. Confidence intervals.
Regression (least squares fitting of data) & correlation.
GS 101& GS 102
Grading: Exam 1 15%
Exam 2 15%
Homework 15% (will drop the lowest homework)
Final 60%
(will curve if necessary)
Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, 7th Edition
Student Conduct:
Students are expected to conduct themselves according to the university policy on conduct.
Course Policies:

(1) It's not cool to arrive late to the class, you only have 10 minutes after it begins.
(2) You may work together on homework, but you must turn in homework written up
individually. Identical copies of homework will be given zero credit.
(3) Cheating on an exam will result in a failing grade for the course and will be subject to the
College of Engineering policy.
(4) Cell phones must be put away during exams. Violation of this policy will be considered
cheating and subject to policy (2) above.
(5) Classroom Recording Policy: Classroom Recording Policy: The recording of classroom
lectures, discussions, and other course-related activities is disallowed.

Example Problems:

Download lecture notes and print them for each lecture to use them in the class.
Every week we will have homework assignments. You can find weekly assignments online
each Monday. Homework is due almost every Tuesday at the beginning of class. The late
homework grade will be reduced by 1/3. Homework’s solution will be posting online after
the due day.
Exam Absences:
If there are circumstances preventing you from taking an exam let me know ahead of time.
Hard evidence is required for rescheduling the missing exam.
Topics for Statistics & Probability GS 204 – Spring 2020-2021

Weeks Topics Covered

Week #1 -
Course Registration
Introduction: The Role of Statistics in Engineering
➢ The Engineering Method and Statistical Thinking
❖ Variability
❖ Data Types
❖ Populations and Samples
Week #2 ➢ Collecting Engineering Data
21/9/2021 ❖ Basic Principles
❖ Retrospective Study
❖ Observational Study
❖ Designed Experiments
❖ Observing Processes Over Time
➢ Probability and Probability Models
Basic Concepts of Probability Theory
Week #3
➢ Sample Spaces and Events
➢ Axioms of Probability
Basic Concepts of Probability Theory
Week #4
➢ Unions of Events and Addition Rules
➢ Conditional Probability
Basic Concepts of Probability Theory
Week #5 ➢ Intersections of Events and Multiplication
12/10/2021 ➢ Independence
➢ Random Variables
Week #6 -
Exam I
Discrete Random Variables and Probability Distributions
Week #7
➢ Binomial Distribution
➢ Poisson Distribution
Continuous Random Variables and Probability Distributions
Week #8 ➢ Continuous Uniform Distribution
2/11/2021 ➢ Normal Distribution
➢ Exponential Distribution
Introduction to Statistical Inference and Its Applications in Engineering.
Week #9
➢ Hypothesis Tests on the Difference in Means, Variances Known.
➢ Type II Error and Choice of Sample Size
Introduction to Statistical Inference and Its Applications in Engineering.
Week #10
➢ Confidence Interval on the Difference in Means, Variances Known
➢ Paired t-Test
Week #11 -
Exam II
Introduction to Statistical Inference and Its Applications in Engineering.
Week #12
➢ Inference on the Variances of Two Normal Distributions
➢ F Distribution
Introduction to Statistical Inference and Its Applications in Engineering.
Week #13 ➢ Hypothesis Tests on the Equity of Two Variances
7/12/2021 ➢ Type II Error and Choice of Sample Size
➢ Confidence Interval on the Ratio of Two Variances
Simple Linear Regression and Correlation
Week #14
➢ Simple Linear Regression
➢ Properties of the Least Squares Estimators
Week #15 Simple Linear Regression and Correlation
21/12/2021 ➢ Correlation
Week #16
Final exams

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