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MBA ITBM 2023-25 SEM 2

Div: A Team No: 03 Team Name: Sec-C-3

Team Member Name PRN

Aayush Mathur 23030241001
Anshika Basandani 23030241006
Arya Tripathi 23030241008
Jatin Bagale 23030241010
Arbinda Mishra 23030241027
Apoorva Patil 23030241037
Pranav Tej Jois 23030241040
Design Challenge (aligned to one of the UN
17 Sustainable Development Goals)
UN SDG Goal No. : 4

Title : Quality Education

Brief description of the Goal:

The goal is to ensure that education is inclusive, equitable, and fosters lifelong learning, enabling individuals to acquire knowledge
and skills throughout their lives, thereby promoting personal development and contributing to societal progress.

The target and brief description of identified for prototype challenge:

Target: 4.4 Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

The target is by 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and
vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship.

Persona Link

Customer/User/Citizen Experience/Journey Map


Brainstorm & Ideate

Prototype Link

We have come up with an idea of an Escape Room and AI featured robot named “Harmony Learn” which will help the
students to learn in a creative way. Below is the flowchart of the escape room made in Canva.

Different Types of Rooms Use: There are a total of 4 different rooms. 4 students will enter the 1st room that is the Problem Solving room and
will solve problems related to different subjects which will test their knowledge about each subject. After completing the problem they will
get a code through which they can move to the next room. The first 3 will proceed to the next room that is Logical Ability where they will
solve some puzzle, crossword and wordsearch. The first 2 will proceed to the next room that is Critical Evaluation where they need to solve
rapid fire questions related to various subjects. The student getting most of the answers correct can Escape from the room. All the other
students need to go to the Revision Room where an AI based Robot will teach the concepts.


Different problem questions:

Professor Akshara Singhania, a kind educator, set out to transform the educational experience for students in a village where children were suffering due to absence of
innovative and engaging educational platform. Sensing the opportunity to combine technology and human interaction, she created "HarmonyLearn," a creative educational
prototype that combines the excitement of an escape room with digital engagement.
The goal of HarmonyLearn's "Learning Companions," AI mentors with unique personalities and sympathetic traits, is to help students feel heard, understood, and supported.
Learning Companions, who are specially designed to accommodate a variety of learning styles, greet students as they enter the HarmonyLearn room located at the center of
the community learning center. Escape rooms with carefully chosen challenges that simulate real-life situations encourage empathy, teamwork, and critical thinking.
Beyond simple advice, these companions are trained to identify emotional cues and respond appropriately, providing support when needed and genuinely rejoicing in
victories. The challenges are inclusive by design, recognizing the varied strengths of students and striving to impart not only knowledge but also a lifelong love of learning
and a profound comprehension of the subject matter.
With an emphasis on K–12, HarmonyLearn serves students, teachers, educational institutions, and social impact organizations in the education sector.
Several crucial tactics are used in HarmonyLearn to maximize its potential and increase its allure:
● User-focused design gives priority to an easy-to-use interface that is in line with the requirements of educators, students, and organizations in order to promote a
user-centric experience.
● Gamification Elements: Use dynamic leaderboards, badges, and rewards to add excitement and engagement to the learning process, which will inspire students.
● Real-World Relevance: To make learning more applicable and provide a more fulfilling experience, make sure that educational materials and escape room
challenges are still applicable to real-world situations.
● Embrace a variety of learning styles, aptitudes, and cultural backgrounds in your design to foster an inclusive atmosphere where everyone is treated with respect
and feels represented.
● Iterative Improvement: Establish a procedure for iterative improvement based on user input, making sure that updates are released frequently to fix bugs, add new
features, and adapt to changing requirements in education.
HarmonyLearn is a shining example of transformative education, combining empathy and technology to create a welcoming and immersive learning environment. The
prototype developed demonstrates her dedication to integrating the digital and human domains for the good of students, teachers, and the entire learning community in order
to shape the future of education.


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