Dreadbringer - A Martial Class That Uses Fear As It's Best Weapon For 5e D&D - GM Binder

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In the deepening shadows of an alleyway, a young woman
emerged, her presence tinged with an otherworldly aura.
Her village, long haunted by a malevolent spirit, now faced
her, a Dreadbringer born with an innate connection to the
ethereal realm of fear. As the spirit materialized, it met her
gaze, only to recoil in terror from the supernatural chill that
enveloped her. With a swift movement, she drew forth a
blade that shimmered with spectral energy, the spirit's
terror intensifying at her advance.
In the crypt's eerie silence, the chants of an old man
resonated, a lineage bearer of secrets and guardian against
the dark forces from beyond. His innate affinity with the
supernatural allowed him to confront an ancient wraith
with a mere glance, his runic markings pulsating with
otherworldly power. The wraith, sensing his dread-
inspiring aura, faltered in its malevolence.
In the heart of an abandoned mansion, a masked figure,
a Dreadbringer, stood motionless. Her targets, oblivious
thieves, soon faced her terrifying visage. Born with a
supernatural gift to harness fear, she emerged from the
shadows, her presence alone unleashing panic and chaos, Creating your Dreadbringer
turning the mansion into a cacophony of screams. In crafting a Dreadbringer, consider the origin of your
character's supernatural power over fear. Were you marked
Masters of Terror by the shadows from birth, or did a brush with the
Within the echelons of adventurers and heroes, few can unknown leaving you forever changed, attuned to the
claim the title of a true Dreadbringer. These unique whispers of fear? Perhaps your knowledge was imparted by
individuals are bonded to the very essence of fear, a a patron, or maybe you come from a Domain of Dread
connection woven into their souls from birth or through yourself.
fateful encounters with entities from the shadowy realms Reflect on how your Dreadbringer wields this
beyond. Whether arising from cursed bloodlines that otherworldly power. Do you revel in confronting and
whisper of ancient horrors, haunted pasts that echo with breaking your foes with the sheer force of your presence?
the screams of spectral entities, or direct confrontations Are you the unseen terror, a specter that haunts before
with the enigmatic denizens of the Shadowfell, striking? Or do you prefer to be the unseen architect of fear,
Dreadbringers are imbued with a potent, otherworldly weaving a tapestry of dread that unnerves and paralyzes?
power. This power allows them to shape the raw essense of
dread from Ravenloft, a chilling energy of fear, often
manifesting as a creeping mist or a pitch-black bile that Multiclassing into a Dreadbringer
seeps into the very fabric of reality. Their lives are not just a If your group uses the optional multiclassing
series of battles but a journey through the darkest tales of rules, here are the requirements and
horror and dread. A Dreadbringer's mastery over the proficiencies for multiclassing into or out of the
tangible substance of fear blurs the line between the hunter Dreadbringer class:
and the haunted. Ability Score Minimum To multiclass into the
Dreadbringer class, or to take a level in another
The Arsenal of Fear class if you are already a Dreadbringer, you must
have a minimum Charisma score of 13. This
Beyond mere martial prowess, a Dreadbringer wields an requirement reflects the Dreadbringer's reliance
arsenal born from the depths of the Shadowfell, a dominion on force of personality and mastery over fear.
where fear is as real as steel. This innate power over terror Proficiencies If Dreadbringer isn't your initial
is a gift, or perhaps a curse, from realms that mortals dare class, here are the proficiencies you gain when
not tread. Their mere presence can unravel the bravest you take your first Dreadbringer level: Armor:
souls, turning courage to ashes and resolve to dust. Each Light armor, medium armor Weapons: Simple
Dreadbringer channels this dark gift uniquely; some weapons, martial weapons Tools: Disguise kit
materialize it into tangible forms, crafting weapons from These proficiencies allow you to adopt some of
the shadowy essence of fear itself. These items, be they the essential skills of a Dreadbringer, preparing
swords wreathed in nightmarish mist or black ichor clubs you for a path that intertwines martial prowess
that crush hope, become living embodiments of terror. with the manipulation of terror.
Others employ a more subtle, insidious approach, weaving
an invisible web of dread that erodes the will of their foes,
an unseen force that leaves enemies paralyzed with fear
before the battle even begins. This spectral manipulation of
fear makes the Dreadbringer a formidable foe, one whose
power extends beyond the physical realm into the chilling
depths of the psyche.
Quick Build
Dreadbringer Class Table To quickly build a Dreadbringer, follow these suggestions.
First, make Charisma your highest ability score, as it fuels
Level PB Features your Terror Factor and other fear-based abilities. Your next
highest score should be Strength or Dexterity, depending
1 +2 Terror Factor, Menacing Presence on whether you prefer melee or ranged combat.
2 +2 Frighting Style, Whisper of Dread Constitution should also be a priority to enhance your
resilience. Second, choose a background that reflects your
3 +2 Scare Tactics mysterious or intimidating nature, such as Haunted One,
Ability Score Improvement, Stalker’s Outlander, or Urban Bounty Hunter.
4 +2
Terror Factor
5 +3 Extra Attack
From 1st level as a master of fear, you direct the essence of
6 +3 Baleful Strike Dread in your control towards your victim. As an action,
7 +3 Scare Tactic Feature target a creature within 60 feet that you can see. If unaware
of you, it becomes aware, and must make a Wisdom saving
8 +3 Ability Score Improvement throw against your Terror DC. On a failed save, it becomes
9 +4 Don’t Blink frightened of you for 1 minute. The frightened creature can
make a saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end
10 +4 Heart of Terror this effect. Upon recovering from the condition, it becomes
11 +4 Scare Tactic Feature Spooked for 10 minutes and immune to your Terror Factor
for the duration of the condition. You can use this feature a
12 +4 Ability Score Improvement number of times equal to your Charisma modifier
13 +5 Scare Tactic Feature (minimum once), regaining all uses after a long rest.
Starting at 15th level, you can target all creatures of your
14 +5 You are Next choice within 30 feet.
15 +5 Terror Factor Improvement
16 +5 Ability Score Improvement Spooked
17 +6 Scare Tactic Feature This is a new condition used to give
Dreadbringers a cooldown on Terror Factor while
18 +6 Fear Me also giving them access to new features based
19 +6 Ability Score Improvement on this condition in their subclass. A spooked
character has no mechanical debuff, it is the high
20 +6 Terror Incarnate adrenaline, on your toes, sensation you get after
being jump scared when watching a horror
Class Features movie.

Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Dreadbringer level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your
Constitution modifier per Dreadbringer level after 1st
Armor: Light armor, medium armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools: Disguise kit, one type of artisan's tools
Saving Throws: Strength, Wisdom
Skills: Choose two from Intimidation, Stealth, Insight,
Perception, Survival, Deception
Terror Save DC= 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Charisma modifier
As a Dreadbringer, you start with the following equipment:
(a) studded leather armor or (b) scale mail
(a) a martial two-handed weapon or (b) two martial one-
handed weapons
(a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) two daggers
(a) a disguise kit or (b) a dungeoneer’s pack
An item of significance to your dread powers, such as a
cryptic talisman or a book of unsettling fables
Sinister Shot (Ranged Weapons)
Once on each of your turns you can choose to aim to
cripple your target when making a ranged weapon attack.
On a hit, the target has disadvantage on the first attack roll
it makes before the start of your next turn. You do not
suffer disadvantage on ranged attack rolls due to being
within 5 feet of a hostile creature.
Piercing Retrieval (Thrown Weapons)
When you hit a creature with a thrown weapon, it embeds
in the target. As an action, you can attempt to retrieve any
number of weapons currently embedded in a target within
your arm's reach by making an Athletics or Acrobatics
check (your choice) against the target's AC. On a success,
deal 1d4 damage per embedded weapon (up to a maximum
of 4d4) plus your Strength or Dexterity modifier. You
recover the weapons regardless of success. The target can
also use an action to remove the embedded weapons
without taking damage.
Menacing Presence Disorienting Strike (Unarmed &
Starting from 1st level, your very presence instills unease. Improvised Weapons)
You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill, or expertise if When you gain this frighting style your unarmed attacks
already proficient, allowing you to double your proficiency now count as lethal and deal 1d4 + your Strength or
bonus for these checks. Dexterity modifier on a hit, this damage increases to 1d6 at
5th level, 1d8 at 11th and 1d10 at 17th. When you hit a
Frighting Style creature with an unarmed strike, with a natural weapon or
At 2nd level, you choose a combat style that enhances your an improvised weapon while having advantage on the
menacing presence on the battlefield. Each style is attack roll, the target must make a Constitution Saving
associated with a different weapon type and offers unique Throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or
benefits: Dexterity modifier). On a failed save, the target suffers a -2
penalty to AC until the start of your next turn.
I Axept (One-Handed Slashing)
When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack using Whisper of Dread
a one-handed weapon that deals slashing damage, you Starting from 2nd level, your connection to the essence of
reduce the target’s movement by 10 feet until the start of fear has deepened, granting you an eerie ability to unearth
your next turn. Additionally, you can change the weapon’s the deepest terrors that lurk in the hearts of others. With a
damage dice as follows: 1d6 -> 2d3; 1d8 -> 2d4 (To roll a mere conversation or careful observation, you can uncover
1d3 you can use a 1d6 and consider 4, 5 and 6 respectively what truly haunts a person's soul. You can discern a
as 1, 2 and 3). creature's deepest fear by conversing with it for at least 1
minute or observing it for 10 minutes. The target remains
The Knife that Keeps on Giving (One- unaware of your probing, feeling nothing more than an
Handed Piercing) inexplicable chill.
When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack using
a one-handed weapon that deals piercing damage, you gain Scare Tactics
a bonus to hit equal to your Charisma modifier on the next At 3rd level, choose the Scare Tactic from the options
attack you make with that weapon before the end of your below that best represents your approach at frightening
next turn. and hunting: Bloodied Reaver, Spectral Stalker or Eldritch
Brutal Bludgeon (One-Handed Harrower.
Bludgeoning) Your Scare Tactic grants you features at 3rd level and again
When you hit a creature with a one-handed bludgeoning at levels 7th, 11th, 13th, 17th.
weapon, you deal an additional 1d4 bludgeoning damage. If
you have advantage on the attack roll, the target must Ability Score Improvement
succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC = 8 + your At 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you
proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier) or can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or two
be knocked prone. different ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you
Mighty Mauler (Two-Handed Weapons) cannot increase an ability score above 20 using this
When you hit a creature no more than two sizes bigger feature.
with a two-handed weapon, you can push the target up to 5
feet away. Furthermore if you move at least 5 feet towards a
creature before making a melee attack with a two-handed
weapon, treat any total roll lower than 6 on the weapon’s
damage dice as a 6.
Stalker’s Stride Heart of Terror
At 4th level, your movement speed increases by 10 feet. Starting from 10th level you now breathe fear from your
Additionally, moving through non magical difficult terrain victim's last breath and drink tears of despair from those
costs you no extra movement. you terrorize, a true machine of fright, nothing can match
you at your own game.
Baleful Strike You become immune to being frightened, and you have
Starting from 6th level, the first time on your turn you resistance to psychic damage.
damage a target with an attack while they are frightened of You Are Next
you deal 2d8 bonus Psychic damage to the target.
Surviving your friends sometimes can be a lot scarier than
not, starting from 14th level, if you reduce a creature to 0
hit points and there are hostile creatures that can see you,
you regain a use of your Terror Factor feature.
Fear Me
Starting from 18th level you learn that fear can be
manipulated, instilled and recreated, nothing and no one is
safe from it and you. You ignore immunity to the frightened
condition on creatures, creatures that have it although can
make the saving throw against your features and spells that
cause fear with advantage. Moreover creatures of which
you know the biggest fear, have disadvantage on the saving
throw against your Terror Factor feature.

Genres of Horror
Each subclass (which are called Scare Tactics)
embodies a different genre of horror: the
Bloodied Reaver is associated with Gore, the
Spectral Stalker is associated with Supernatural
and Ghost Stories, the Eldritch Harrower is
associated with Cosmic Horror and the Cthulhu
Mythos, keep this in mind when choosing it,
maybe not every type of horror is suitable for
your table, your campaign or your playstyle, have
a chat with your DM about it.

Don’t Blink
At 9th level, Spooked creatures have disadvantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks made to perceive any creature
other than you until the condition ends. If they can’t see you
they have disadvantage on ability checks that require
focusing their minds on something else (giving a speech,
studying, doing precise work) and subtract your charisma
modifier to constitution saving throws to maintain
concentration, as they feel you might still be lurking
Terror Incarnate Scare Tactics
At 20th level your mastery over terror is now complete. Choose the Scare Tactic from the options below that best
Upon inflicting Terror Factor on a creature you can choose represents your approach at frightening and hunting:
to become the incarnation of terror itself, all creatures Bloodied Reaver, Spectral Stalker or Eldritch Harrower.
under the effect of your Terror Factor perceive the world
around them as terrifying and hopeless, and you as the
beating heart of that twisted dimension.
For 1 minute or until you decide to end this effect, affected
creatures can’t make the saving throw to recover from
Terror Factor, take 13 psychic damage at the start of their
turn, and if they end their turn while they are within 15 feet
of you they must make a Wisdom Saving Throw against
your Terror Save DC (this counts as a save against
frightened for immunities) or become paralyzed until the
end of their next turn. You regain the ability to use this
feature after completing a long rest.
Bloodied Reaver
Bloodied Reavers infuse their martial prowess with the
essence of terror and savagery. Unlike traditional warriors
who rely solely on physical strength or skill, Bloodied
Reavers harness the power of fear to augment their combat
abilities. Their fighting style is brutal and relentless, often
employing weapons and tactics that instill dread in their
enemies. Bloodied Reavers can manipulate the battlefield
by exploiting the terror they sow, turning their foes' fear
into a weapon as lethal as any blade. Mechanically, this
subclass specializes in dealing extra damage to frightened
opponents, using fear effects to gain advantages in combat,
and recovering from near-defeat through sheer force of
terror. Their unique abilities allow them to turn the tide of
battle, not just with their weapons, but with the palpable
aura of dread they command.
Sweet Misery
At 3rd level gain unarmored defense equal to 8 +
constitution modifier + charisma modifier when not
wearing any armor or shield. When you reduce a creature
to 0 hit points gain temporary hit points equal to your
Charisma Modifier.
Spooky Carnage
Starting from 7th level, as an action you can brutalize a
Spooked creature within range of the weapon you are
wielding (or within range of your unarmed attack), make a
weapon attack with that weapon, on a hit deal 2d12
additional damage of the same type as
the weapon and remove the Spooked condition.
Furthermore when you successfully hit with Spooky
Carnage gain the temporary hit points from Sweet Misery,
if Spooky Carnage reduces a creature to 0 hit points, gain
double the temporary hit points.
Cleaver and Leave her
Starting from 11th level, when using your Terror Factor
feature you can make a single weapon attack right before
that as part of the same Action.
Why won’t It Die
From 13th level, when reduced to 0 hit points you become
stable, at the start of your turn you can spend up to half
your hit dice to regain hit points, you may also stand up
without expending movement.
Kill Them
At 17th level, you gain an imprecise scent with a 60 feet
range, allowing you to detect and know the general location
that are not Constructs, Elementals or Oozes. You can use
your Terror Factor on these creatures even if you only
perceive them through this scent and even if they can’t see
When creatures fail the saving throw against Terror
Factor you now know their precise location and you
gain advantage on attack against them for the duration of
the Frightened Condition.
Spectral Stalker Spooky Ghostvisage
Starting from 7rd level you can communicate telepathically
Spectral Stalkers embody the essence of ghostly terror, with any creature you Spooked while within 1 mile of them,
merging stealth and dread in a haunting dance. Unlike when you do so you can choose to extend the condition by
other warriors who confront their enemies head-on, an hour. When hidden from a Spooked creature or when
Spectral Stalkers use their connection to the spectral surprising a Spooked creature you can as an action
realm to strike from the shadows and instill fear from a summon your Ghostly Implement and make a special
distance. Their abilities allow them to become ethereal, attack with it on that creature, on a hit deals a bonus 4d6
pass unnoticed, or use ghostly apparitions to disorient and psychic damage, after the attack the Ghostly Implement
terrify their opponents. On a mechanical level, this subclass fades away and the creature is no longer Spooked. Your
excels in ambush tactics and battlefield control, using their Ghostly Implement is a ghostly manifestation of your
ghostly powers to gain strategic advantages. Spectral malice, you can choose what shape it takes among the
Stalkers are ideal for players who enjoy a playstyle focused weapons in your Frighting Style, it is considered magical
on subtlety, misdirection, and the psychological aspects of and deals psychic damage.
combat, leveraging the unseen and the uncanny to
dominate the battlefield. They're Coming Outta the Walls
At 11th level, when using your Terror Factor you can
become ethereal (as per the Etherealness spell) and move
up to your movement in any direction as part of the same
action, at the end of which you become corporeal again and
if you occupy the same spot as a solid object or creature
when this happens, you are immediately shunted to the
nearest unoccupied space that you can occupy and take
force damage equal to twice the number of feet you are
moved. You can now also use Terror Factor without
targeting any creature.
You don’t Recognize the Bodies in the
At 13th level you have learned to capture and bind the
spirits of those you defeat, holding them in a ghostly form.
This ability allows you to store and utilize the ghosts of
creatures you have killed.
Storing a Ghost; When you reduce a creature to 0 hit
points, you can choose to bind its spirit. This choice must
be made immediately upon the creature's death. The
maximum number of ghosts you can bind at any time is
equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one).
Manifesting a Ghost; As a bonus action, you can summon
the apparition of a stored ghost, which appears in an
unoccupied space within 30 feet of you. This apparition can
be made to resemble the living creature it once was,
though a successful Investigation check against your spell
save DC reveals its true nature as a ghost. The apparition
remains until you dismiss it as a bonus action, or until it is
Apparition Abilities; An apparition has 1 hit point and is
immune to all conditions. It can't attack, but it can perform
simple tasks and communicate as it did in life. The
apparition is considered an object for the purpose of
Controlling the Apparition; While the apparition is within
60 feet of you, you can telepathically command it as a
Let’s Play a Game bonus action on your turn, causing it to move up to 30 feet,
Starting from 3rd level, inflicting a creature with Terror pass through objects as though they were difficult terrain,
Factor no longer makes the creature aware of you but is or carry out a simple task or objective you assign. If you
unsettling enough to make them uneasy. command the apparition to move through an object or
terrain, its movement for that turn is halved.
We are all Ghostvisage Eldritch Harrower Spellcasting
From 17th level, your Ghostly Implement now doesn’t fade Dreadbringer Spells 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
away upon hitting a Spooked creature, you can also Level Known Level Level Level Level
manifest it in your hands as an action but it still fades away 3rd 3 2 — — —
if you let go of it. You can attack with your Ghostly
Implement as if you were in the space of your Apparitions 4th 4 3 — — —
and you can use your Terror Factor as if you were in the 5th 5 3 — — —
Apparations’s Space.
6th 5 3 — — —
Eldritch Harrower 7th 6 4 2 — —
Eldritch Harrowers blend the art of fear with arcane 8th 6 4 2 — —
mysteries, channeling otherworldly powers to unnerving
effect. While they may not possess the extensive 9th 7 4 2 — —
spellcasting repertoire of full-fledged mages, Eldritch 10th 7 4 3 — —
Harrowers focus on a curated selection of spells that
amplify their ability to manipulate and instill fear. Their 11th 8 4 3 — —
magic often takes on a haunting and eldritch aspect, with 12th 8 4 3 — —
spells that warp the minds of their foes or summon
spectral horrors. Mechanically, this subclass offers a blend 13th 9 4 3 2 —
of spellcasting and fear-based tactics, allowing players to 14th 9 4 3 2 —
cast spells alongside using their Terror Factor. Eldritch
Harrowers are adept at using their spells to augment their 15th 10 4 3 2 —
frightening presence, making them versatile in both 16th 10 4 3 3 —
combat and psychological warfare.
17th 11 4 3 3 —
Spellcasting 18th 11 4 3 3 2
When you reach 3rd level, you gain access to your
otherworldly powers to cast spells. Cantrips You learn two 19th 12 4 3 3 2
cantrips of your choice from the list provided at the end of 20th 12 4 3 3 2
the subclass. You learn an additional cantrip of your choice
at 10th level.
Spell Slots. The Eldritch Harrower Spellcasting table Spooky yet Unfathomable
shows how many spell slots you have to cast your Starting from 7th level you gain advantage on spell attack
Harrower spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these rolls against Spooked creatures, after benefiting from this
spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. feature the Spooked condition is removed from said
You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long creatures. Similarly, Spooked creatures have disadvantage
rest. For example, if you know the 1st-level spell Arms of on saves against your spells, and after being targeted by
Hadar and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot this feature the Spooked condition is removed from them.
available, you can cast Arms of Hadar using either slot. Scholar of Nyarlathotep
Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher. You know three From 11th level, when using your Terror Factor feature you
1st-level Harrower spells of your choice. The Spells Known can cast a cantrip right before that as part of the same
column of the Eldritch Harrower Spellcasting table shows Action.
when you learn more spells of 1st level or higher. Each of
these spells must be of a level for which you have spell Signed by the Elder
slots. For instance, when you reach 7th level in this class, Starting from 13th level your spells now carry a fragment
you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level. of otherworldly essence. When you cast a Harrower spell
Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one that deals damage, you deal additional damage equal to
of the Harrower spells you know with another spell of your your spellcasting ability modifier as psychic damage.
choice from the Harrower spell list. The new spell must be
of a level for which you have spell slots. Star Spawn
Spellcasting Ability. Charisma is your spellcasting ability Starting from 17th level, even a glimpse of the beyond is
for your Harrower spells, since your ability to cast them is now enough to drive your enemies mad, when a creature
innate in your nature. You use your Charisma whenever a fails a saving throw against your Terror Factor or a spell
spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use that gives the frightened condition they gain a short-term
your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC madness. Creatures afflicted by Star Spawn are immune to
for a Harrower spell you cast and when making an attack it for 24 hours. A creature that has gained a short-term
roll with one. madness from your Star Spawn feature in the past, gains
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your instead a long-term madness if subjected to it. Creatures of
Charisma modifier CR 1 or lower gain instead a long-term madness on the
first time and an indefinite madness on the second.
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
Charisma modifier
Eldritch Harrower Spell List 1st Level
Arms of Hadar
Cantrips (0 Level) Cause Fear
Blade Ward Charm Person
Booming Blade Color Spray
Chill Touch Comprehend Languages
Eldritch Blast Detect Magic
Green-Flame Blade Disguise Self
Lightning Lure Find Familiar
Mage Hand Expeditious Retreat
Minor Illusion Ice Knife
Thunderclap Illusory Script
Toll the Dead Jump
Magnify Gravity
Silent Image
Sleep Enemies Abound
Tasha's Hideous Laughter Fear
Witch Bolt Fly
Hunger of Hadar
2nd Level Hypnotic Pattern
Alter Self Intellect Fortress
Blindness/Deafness Major Image
Blur Nondetection
Borrowed Knowledge Sending
Crown of Madness Slow
Darkness Speak with Dead
Detect Thoughts Tongues
Flock of Familiars
Invisibility 4th Level
Levitate Arcane Eye
Misty Step Banishment
Shadow Blade Blight
Suggestion Dimension Door
Tasha's Mind Whip Divination
Wither and Bloom Evard's Black Tentacles
Gravity Sinkhole
3rd Level Hallucinatory Terrain
Animate Dead Shadow of Moil
Bestow Curse Sickening Radiance
Clairvoyance Spirit of Death
Counterspell Summon Aberration
Dispel Magic
Scare the ever living crap out of your enemies
and your DM with the Dreadbringer!

Version 1.4

Concept and writing by /u/JackAVoltaire

All Art: DALL·E

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