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Early Childhood Care and Education Programs

Dr. Radhika Kapur

The main objective of this research paper is to acquire an understanding of the Early
Childhood Care and Education Programs. The stage of early childhood education develops
the foundation of learning among students. When they get enrolled in nursery schools,
learning initiates with play. Through participation in play activities, the students are able to
understand the meaning and significance of education. At the next level, the teachers impart
knowledge and understanding to the students in terms of other concepts as well. These
include, alphabets, numbers, arts, crafts, music, dancing, singing, sports and physical
activities, role plays, poetries, rhymes and so forth. The participation of students in various
types of extra-curricular and creative activities and learning academic concepts leads to
development of cognitive, intellectual, gross-motor and fine-motor skills among them. In the
impartment of knowledge and understanding to the students in terms of lesson plans,
academic concepts and extra-curricular and creative activities, it is vital for the teachers to
make use of efficient curriculum and instructional strategies. These need to be clearly
understandable and assisting to the students. The main areas that have been taken into
account in this research paper include, meaning and significance of early childhood
education, early childhood education programs, factors in early childhood education and
curriculum and instructional strategies in early childhood education programs.

Keywords: Academic Concepts, Curriculum, Early Childhood Care and Education,

Instructional Strategies, Programs, Students, Teachers

Early childhood education is referred to the branch of education that focuses upon
imparting knowledge to the students, up to six years of age in terms of lesson plans and
academic concepts. This education lays the foundation on which effective growth and
development of the children take place. It is described as an important period in the lives of
the students. The lesson plans and concepts, which they learn at this stage tend to remain
throughout their lives, provided they need understand and implement them in an efficient
manner. The first six to eight years in the lives of the individuals are known as the early
childhood stage. Early childhood development has been defined in various ways under
different programs. The determining factor is that particular program is focused upon the
needs and requirements of the individuals in the age group up to six years. The Early
Childhood Education (ECE) programs are focused upon the pre-school education. In pre-
schools, the students range between the ages of three to six years of age. But these students
are sharp and are able to understand what their teachers teach them in class.

The Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) retains the same educational thrust
but promotes enlargement of its scope to include the components of care and early
stimulation for the individuals, belonging to the age group of up to three years. Early
Childhood Development (ECD) and Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD)
constitute a still more holistic and integrated approach to programming. This programming
puts emphasis upon the relationship between health, nutrition, education and psycho-social
development of students (Early Childhood Education, 2006). The programs of ECD and
ECCD normally take a life-cycle approach. The Integrated Child Development Services
(ICDS) is a government program in India, which focuses upon providing food, health care
facilities, education, immunization and referral services to the children, below six years of
age and their mothers.

Meaning and Significance of Early Childhood Education

In India, the individuals, belonging to all categories and backgrounds have recognized
the significance of education. They have formed this viewpoint that it is vital for the
individuals to get enrolled in schools from the stage of early childhood. As during this stage,
the mind-sets of the individuals are sharp and they are able to understand the concepts in a
rapid manner. Research has indicated that individuals, belonging to rural communities, who
have not been enrolled in schools before and do not even possess the basic literacy skills of
reading, writing and arithmetic are aspiring to get their children enrolled in schools. When the
children are two plus, they are sent to Anganwadis. Whereas, in urban communities, when the
children reach the age of two plus, they get enrolled in play schools. In Anganwadis, play
schools and nursery schools, the children are imparted knowledge in terms of various lesson
plans, academic concepts and activities that are needed to promote their effective growth and

In order to implement early childhood education in a well-organized manner, it is vital

for the teachers to possess adequate knowledge in terms of curriculum and instructional
strategies. When these strategies are put into practice, it is necessary to take into account the
age groups, learning abilities, and needs and requirements of the students. In nursery schools,
usually the mother system is followed. This illustrates that all the academic subjects as well
as extra-curricular and creative activities are taught to the students by a single teacher. The
students usually feel vulnerable and apprehensive within the school environment and
repeatedly asks for their mothers. Therefore, it is vital for the principals, teachers as well as
other staff members to work in collaboration and integration with each other and create an
amiable and pleasant environmental conditions in school. Furthermore, it is vital for the
teachers to possess an approachable attitude and treat students with kindness. When the
members of the schools are well-aware in terms of various factors, which are necessary to
promote student learning, they will render a significant contribution in enriching the system
of early childhood education.

Early Childhood Education Programs

The various early childhood education programs have been stated as follows:

Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)

Early Childhood Care and Education is a program, which is more than just
preparation of the child for primary school. It aims at holistic development of the children in
terms of various aspects, such as, social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs. When
focus is put upon the building of these factors, then the students get prepared for getting
enrolled in formal schools and build the strong foundation for lifelong learning and well-
being. ECCE is regarded as one of the most favourable and worthwhile investments that the
country has made towards leading to human resource development. The foundation for
learning that is built among students from the stage of early childhood tends to remain with
them throughout their lives. But it is vital for the students to ensure that they adequately
understand and implement what is taught to them (Early Childhood Care and Education,

ECCE lays the foundation for the learning and well-being of the children. When the
children will learn and understand various aspects, they will not only be able to bring about
improvements in their overall quality of lives, but also would render an important
contribution in promoting well-being of their families and communities. When the children
are motivated towards getting enrolled in schools and learning, it is important to put emphasis
upon their health and well-being. In order to promote good health and well-being, it is vital
for the individuals to take care of various factors. These include, diet and nutrition, positive
thinking, constructive approach, formation of pleasant and amiable environmental conditions
within schools and home and generating awareness in terms of morality and ethics. In
schools, it is the job of the teachers to impart information to the students in terms of various
factors. But after the teachers have imparted information in terms of these factors, it is up to
the students to understand and implement them in their lives.

Early Childhood Development (ECD)

Early Childhood Development (ECD) is a program in which individuals, belonging to

various categories and backgrounds are required to generate information. The reason being,
whether the individuals are educated or not, but it is important for them to augment their
understanding in terms of measures and programs, which are necessary to carry out the task
of child development in an appropriate manner. In order to carry out this task well, the main
areas that need to be taken into account are, social and emotional development, language and
communication, movement and physical development and development of cognitive skills,
which include, learning, thinking and problem-solving. In healthy children, the parents and
teachers need to focus upon these aspects to bring about their overall development. When
these factors are focused upon on a regular basis, the parents and teachers are able to carry
out their tasks and activities on a regular basis of leading to effective growth and
development of the children.

Social and emotional development involves understanding among students in terms of

who they are, how they feel and how they conduct themselves while meeting and interacting
with others. The development of language and communication is regarded as the key aspect
in leading to overall personality development of the individuals. From the stage of early
childhood, emphasis is put upon development of language and communication skills.
Movement and physical development of the children focus upon the development of gross
motor skills. The term ‘gross motor’ development refers to the development of physical skills
that make use of large body movements in the entire body. The development of cognitive
skills, which include, learning, thinking and problem-solving. These are important aspects,
which need to be focused upon since the stage of early childhood. The teachers in schools
need to encourage the participation of students in tasks and activities, so they are able to
develop their intellectual skills. Therefore, it can be stated that in order to successfully
implement ECD, it is necessary for the parents and teachers to focus upon number of factors.
Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD)

Early Childhood Care and Development refers to the areas, which are necessary in
order to lead to lead to effective growth and development of the children. These areas
include, health, education, nutrition and social services programs. From birth until six years
of age, when these factors are taken into consideration, the children will recognize the
significance of learning and education and their growth and development will also take place
in a well-organized manner. The parents are vested with the responsibility of taking into
consideration all these factors. They are regarded as the first and foremost teachers of their
children. The main objectives of this program are, to augment the capacity and capability of
the parents or guardians to create an environment, which focuses upon childhood
development in an efficient manner; quality learning methods and programs are organized to
encourage the participation of children in learning activities; the focus is put upon the
development of skills and abilities among children, so they can get enrolled in formal school
and reinforcement of collaboration and co-ordination among government and local partners is
encouraged to support the operative implementation of the ECCD program.

This program is aimed to nurture the children in terms of physical and psychological
development. The individuals, belonging to various categories and backgrounds need to be
aware in terms of measures and approaches, which are needed to be implemented. Apart from
putting into operation the factors, which are focused upon physical and psychological
development of the children, it is necessary to impart them information in terms of morality
and ethics. When the parents get their children enrolled in schools, they convey to them the
information that they need to communicate with others in a polite and respectful manner, pay
attention in class, possess a sharing nature and develop motivation among themselves
towards participation in various tasks and activities. Therefore, through this program, the
individuals are able to acquire adequate knowledge in leading to effective growth and
development of their children.

Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS)

Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) is a government programme in India,

which makes provision of food, pre-school education, primary health care, immunization,
health check-up and referral services to the children, below six years of age and their
mothers. This program was initiated in 1975. The children in the age group of 0 to six years
constitute around 158 million of the population of India. These children are the future citizens
of the country, therefore, emphasis is put upon leading to their effective growth and
development. The Ministry of Women and Child Development is initiating various schemes,
which have the main objective of promoting welfare, development and protection of children.
The ICDS is regarded as one of the important programs of the Government of India and
represents one of the world’s largest and distinctive programs for early childhood care and

In order to lead to progression of the country, it is vital to focus upon promoting well-
being of women and children. The individuals, particularly belonging to deprived,
marginalized and economically weaker sections of the society are the ones, who need help
and support from various programs and schemes in order to lead to their well-being. The
beneficiaries under this scheme are the children up to six years of age, and pregnant women
and lactating mothers. The objectives of this scheme are, to improve the nutritional and health
status of the children, up to six years of age, to establish the foundation for promoting
appropriate development of the children, psychologically, physically and socially, to lead to
reduction in rates of mortality, morbidity, malnutrition and school drop outs, to achieve
effective co-ordination of the policy and implementation among various departments to
promote child development and to augment the capabilities of the mothers to take care of the
diet and nutrition of the children in order to promote good health and well-being. Therefore,
it can be stated that ICDS has proven to be effective in promoting good health and well-being
of the individuals, particularly women and children, belonging to underprivileged

Factors in Early Childhood Education

The important factors that need to be taken into account in order to promote
enrichment of early childhood education are stated as follows:

Academic Lesson Plans and Concepts – The academic lesson plans and concepts are
regarded as key aspects that students need to understand in order to achieve academic goals.
When these are formulated, it is vital to take into account various factors. These include, the
needs and requirements of the students, their grade levels and academic goals. The academic
lesson plans and concepts that are taught to the students are alphabets, numbers, other
concepts, such as, family, home, environment, vehicles, shapes, plants, flowers, trees, fruits,
vegetables and so forth. When the teachers are imparting information in terms of various
concepts, they need to make use of appropriate teaching-learning methods, instructional
strategies and teaching-learning materials.

Extra-Curricular and Creative Activities – Extra-curricular and creative activities are

regarded to be of utmost significance in the lives of the students. The reason being, when the
students participate in various types of extra-curricular and creative activities, they are able to
develop motivation towards learning and develop their social skills. The various types of
extra-curricular and creative activities in early childhood education are, drawing, painting,
craft activities, singing, dancing, role playing, playing of musical instruments, sports, games
and physical activities. It is vital for the teachers to possess adequate knowledge in terms of
these activities in order to encourage participation of students in them in an effective manner.

Cognitive Skills – Cognitive skills are the core skills that are used by the brain to
think, read, remember, pay attention and reason. It is indispensable for the classroom
activities to be organized in such a manner that lead to up-gradation of cognitive skills among
students. These skills are referred to the brain-based skills, which are implemented to carry
out the task or activity from simple to more complicated. These skills are supported by neural
networks. When the individuals are engaged in the implementation of any task or activity,
apart from generating awareness in terms of methods and approaches, it is necessary for them
to make use of their cognitive skills. It is the job duty of the teachers to encourage the
participation of students in tasks and activities, which lead to up-gradation of their cognitive

Intellectual Skills – Intellectual skills are the skills that are put into practice by the
individuals to evaluate and organize information and data. When the students are engaged in
any task or activity, which is academic or creative in nature, they need to make use of their
intellectual skills. These skills enable the individuals to carry out their tasks satisfactorily and
generate the desired outcomes. Reading, understanding, memorising and practice are the
main strategies that are put into operation by the students to develop their intellectual skills. It
is apparent that they need to obtain support and assistance from parents and teachers.

Motor Skills – A motor skill is a function that involves the movement of muscles with
the intent to perform the specific act. Motor learning is regarded as the permanent change in
the ability to perform a task, as a result of practice or experience. Gross motor skills include,
the activities, such as, standing, walking, running, swimming, going up and down the stairs
and so forth. The participation of children in sports and physical activities and playing of
games are vital ways that lead to development of motor skills. When the students are working
on an academic, art or craft assignment, this also requires them to use their muscles and in
this manner, development of motor skills takes place.

Creativity – Creativity is referred to the act of turning new ideas into a reality. It is
characterised by the ability to perceive the world in new ways, to find hidden patterns, to
establish connections between unrelated phenomena and to generate solutions. One of the
major benefits of creativity is, it helps the students to observe things from a different
perspective and deal with uncertainties. Creativity among nursery school children is
developed through encouraging their participation in various activities, such as, augmenting
their learning in terms of academic lesson plans and concepts, extra-curricular activities,
group discussions, communication and organization of workshops.

Communication Skills – Communication skills are regarded to be of utmost

significance for the individuals to achieve personal and professional goals and enrich their
overall quality of lives. In nursery schools, the communication skills can be improved among
students by encouraging their participation in various activities, which mainly require them to
interact with others. In the enhancement of communication skills, the teachers impart
information to the students in terms of various factors, i.e. speaking clearly and fluently,
listening adequately, responding and giving feedback. Face to face communication can take
place effectively, when one maintains eye contact and information given and received should
be factual.

Manners and Etiquettes – Manners and etiquettes are regarded as vital aspects in
order to improve one’s personality. The various kinds of manners and etiquettes in terms of
which students are provided information are, giving others a chance, waiting for one’s turn
patiently, wishing and smiling, possessing a sharing nature, helping parents by doing tasks
such as, keeping games and playthings in their places, after done playing, saying thank you
and please, apologising when done something wrong, maintaining tidiness at home and
school, listening and obeying parents, teachers and other older individuals in families and
communities and paying attention in class, particularly when the teacher is teaching. The
teachers usually put emphasis on these factors, even within the course of regular interaction
with the students and even when they are participating in play and creative activities. The
reason being, these are vital in order to turn into a good human being.
Diet and Nutrition – Diet and nutrition is regarded as an aspect that is of utmost
significance in maintaining good health and well-being. The students are imparted
information in terms of various types of healthy foods and fast foods. Normally information
in terms of diet and nutrition is written down in the school diaries of students, so the parents
are able to understand what kind of diet is healthy and nutritious for the children. Fast foods
need to be consumed in moderation. They should not be completely avoided, but need to be
consumed in moderation. The children are imparted information that they need to eat healthy
in order to lead to development of personalities and promote good health and well-being.

Personality Development - Childhood social and personality development takes place

through the interaction of social influences, biological maturation and representations of the
children in terms of the world, individuals and self (Unit 13 Frameworks for Maturation,
n.d.). Personality development is referred to the development of various aspects that comprise
the personality of the individuals. These include, communication skills, personal appearance,
physical abilities, psychology and social and emotional competence. When the teachers are
focusing towards promoting personality development of the children, they need to encourage
their participation in group discussions and other activities, primarily the ones, which would
bring about improvements in their communication skills, conduct and personal appearance.

Curriculum and Instructional Strategies in Early Childhood

Education Programs

In early childhood education, learning begins with play. As the child gains familiarity
and get accustomed to the school environment, they are imparted knowledge in terms of
academic concepts and extra-curricular and creative activities. Apart from academic
concepts, the participation of students is encouraged in various types of extra-curricular and
creative activities, such as, artworks, crafts, dancing, singing, role plays, games and sports.
The participation of students in these activities stimulates their mind-sets and develop
motivation among them towards learning. In order to augment student learning, it is vital for
the instructors to put into operation, the curriculum and instructional strategies in an
appropriate manner. The various types of curriculum and instructional strategies that are
implemented by the instructors in case of academic concepts as well as extra-curricular and
creative activities have been stated as follows:

Classroom Teaching – Classroom teaching is regarded as one of the common

curriculum and instructional strategies. When the instructors are imparting knowledge and
understanding to the students in terms of any form of academic concepts, such as, alphabets,
numbers, artworks, crafts and so forth, they make use of various kinds of teaching materials,
such as, dark-coloured or light-coloured boards, books, and other materials. In the case of
classroom teaching, it is vital for the teachers to communicate the concepts to the students
clearly and fluently. Research has indicated that in some cases, the students are unable to
acquire an understanding of the concepts in one class. In such cases, the teachers are required
to reiterate the concepts. Therefore, it can be stated that classroom teaching is regarded as one
of the indispensable curriculum and instructional strategies in promoting student learning.

Group Discussions – Group discussions is a strategy, when groups are formed of

students and they are able to participate in discussions with each other. Though in most cases,
pre-school students are introvert in nature. They keep to themselves and do not tend to
interact with others to a major extent. But it is vital for the teachers to develop their social
skills, in order to attain this objective, group discussions are promoted. The teachers usually
form groups of students and give them an assignment. In order to carry out the assignment in
a satisfactory manner, the students are encouraged to discuss the concepts with each other.
Normally, this strategy is encouraged among the students between four to six years of age.
This strategy has also rendered a significant contribution in promoting student learning.

Practice Exercises – In pre-schools, the students are different from each other in
terms of various factors. These include, learning abilities, age, gender, nature, behaviour, and
personality traits. Some students are able to acquire an understanding of the concepts rapidly,
whereas, others take time in understanding. It is essential for the teachers to give practice
exercises to the students to augment their learning. Practice exercises are given to the
students in case of academic subjects as well as extra-curricular and creative activities. When
the students are implementing these exercises, they usually are assisted by their teachers.
Therefore, after the completion of lesson plans and academic concepts, when the students are
given practice exercises as well as are assisted by their teachers, they are able to acquire an
efficient understanding of the lesson plans and academic concepts.

Role Plays – Role plays are regarded as one of the important curriculum and
instructional strategies, which not only enables the students to understand the academic
subjects, but also hone their communication skills and develop creativity among themselves.
When the instructors are teaching students, lesson plans in English, they encourage them to
assume the roles of characters and organize a role play. The organization of role plays have
proven to be beneficial to the students in number of ways. These include, enabling them to
acquire an efficient understanding of the lesson plans, bringing about developments in their
communication skills and interactive abilities and motivating them towards learning. Role
play is an enjoyable strategy and students feel pleasurable, when they are provided with the
opportunity to participate in it or observe it.

Providing Assistance – In pre-schools, students are young and they initiate learning. It
is apparent that when students are imparted information in terms of lesson plans, academic
concepts and extra-curricular and creative activities, they need support and assistance from
teachers in schools and parents at home. When they are given an assignment to complete
within class as well as for homework, they need help and assistance from others. Research
has indicated that teachers in class, normally pay attention on an individual basis to the
students in completion of an assignment. The common strategy, which is put into practice by
the teachers is hand-over-hand assistance. Whereas, in lower kindergarten, in some cases,
students are able to carry out their assignments on their own, and others need assistance from
teachers. Therefore, it can be stated that providing assistance is one of the important
strategies in promoting student learning and helping them to achieve academic goals.

Promoting Play-based Approach – Play-based learning is the type of early childhood

education, based on child-centred and open-ended play. When the students get enrolled in
pre-schools, their learning begins with play. In this approach, the play-things, which are
given to the students need to be in accordance to their needs and interests. Play is a voluntary
and pleasurable activity, which does not have a goal or an objective. Play-based learning
helps the children to develop social skills, motivation to learn and language and numeracy
skills. The major elements of play-based approach are, self-chosen, enjoyable, unstructured,
process-oriented and make believe (What is Play-based Learning? 2017). The students
participate in indoor as well as outdoor play activities. When they are participating in these
activities, the teachers need to pay attention. This approach has proven to be advantageous to
the students in getting accustomed to the school environmental conditions and overcome
apprehensiveness. Therefore, it can be stated that play-based approach is crucial in helping
the students to recognize the meaning and significance of attending schools and learning.

Promoting Theme-based Learning – Theme-based learning is one of the important

curriculum and instructional strategies that is implemented by the instructors in pre-schools.
In this case, one topic is selected and all the classroom activities and teaching-learning
methods are focused upon that topic. This can be explained with the help of an example. For
example, the topic of plants is selected, then all the lesson plans and concepts that are taught
to the students are focused upon plants. The arts and crafts activities, colours and so forth are
focused upon plants. In a singing class, songs are taught to the students related to plants. One
topic is usually put into practice for a certain period of time from two weeks to one month. In
the implementation of theme-based learning, the teachers organize various activities and
make learning pleasurable. Therefore, this type of learning has proven to be pleasurable and
meaningful to the students.

Using Technology – Using technology is regarded as one of the indispensable

strategies in promoting student learning as well as in leading to enrichment of the overall
system of early childhood education. In pre-schools, computers are mostly used by the
teachers in imparting information to the students. It is apparent that students will not be able
to make use of computers. But when teachers are making use of them, they teach students,
draw and paint, provide knowledge in terms of shapes, show them pictures on the internet in
terms of various concepts, such as, plants, flowers, environment, animals, birds, vehicles and
so forth. Research has indicated that when the students observe teachers, when they are
making use of technologies, they develop curiosity and motivation towards learning.
Therefore, it can be stated that using technology has rendered an important contribution in
promoting student learning.

Using Flashcards – Flashcards are the cards, which contain a small amount of
information. The teachers make use of them as an aid to learning. These are used in all
subjects. The flashcards, which are used in pre-schools are in terms of various subjects. For
instance, mathematics flashcards comprise of numbers, English flashcards comprise of
alphabets, and other flashcards would include, pictures of various objects, such as, vehicles,
animals, birds, plants, flowers, trees, fruits, vegetables, shapes, and so forth. The major
benefit of flashcards is to give to the brain a quick way to check, whether the answers are
correct. Another benefit is, they encourage the participation of students in academic
activities. When the students participate in academic activities, they are able to easily
remember the term, process or a concept with or without any indications. Therefore, it can be
stated, use of flashcards have proven to be beneficial and meaningful to the students.

Asking Questions – It is important for the teachers to encourage socialization among

students. Apart from teaching academic subjects and extra-curricular and creative activities,
they need to be encouraged to socialise and interact with fellow students as well as teachers.
Asking questions is regarded as one of the important curriculum and instructional strategies,
which is put into practice by the teachers in classrooms on a regular basis. After the teachers
have completed a lesson plan or during its implementation, they put forward their questions.
The questions are put forward either in front of the entire class or the teachers may call out
names and ask on an individual basis. This strategy has proven to be helpful to the teachers in
identifying, whether instructional strategies and teaching-learning methods have proven to be
favourable to the students or there is a need to bring about improvements. On the other hand,
the students are able to interact with the teachers and enhance their knowledge and


Early childhood education is the branch of education that focuses upon imparting
knowledge to the students up to six years of age regarding various types of lesson plans and
academic concepts. The various early childhood education programs are, ECCE, ECD,
ECCD and ICDS. The important factors that need to be taken into account in order to
promote enrichment of early childhood education are, academic lesson plans and concepts,
extra-curricular and creative activities, cognitive skills, intellectual skills, motor skills,
creativity, communication skills, manners and etiquettes, diet and nutrition and personality
development. Curriculum and instructional strategies in early childhood education programs
are, classroom teaching, group discussions, practice exercises, role plays, providing
assistance, promoting play-based approach, promoting theme-based learning, using
technology, using flashcards and asking questions. It is vital for the educators to conduct
research and up-grade their knowledge and understanding in terms of modern, scientific and
innovative methods, so they can make operative use of these strategies. Finally, it can be
stated that when effective use of these strategies is made, one can promote student learning,
enhance the system of education and achieve desired goals.
Early Childhood Education. (2006). National Council of Educational Research and Training.

Retrieved July 13, 2020 from ncert.nic.in

Early Childhood Care and Education. (2019). UNESCO. Retrieved July 13, 2020 from



of Women and Child Development. Government of India. Retrieved July 14, 2020
from icds-wcd.nic.in

Unit 13 Frameworks for Maturation. (n.d.). Retrieved July 14, 2020 from


What is Play-based Learning? (2017). Retrieved July 14, 2020 from wonderschool.com

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