How To Get Started in Domain Names

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Table of contents:

My story

How I got into domain names

Sites I use as a domain broker and you should too

Phone calls

The Double Dial

Leave a voicemail at the beep.

Domain registrars, registries and the registrant

Domain registration

$100 education at Namepros

Chasing trends

The $5,000 domain selling sales tip

Domain age

Naming your startup

Buying domain names

Payments plans

Brokering domain names

Selling domain names

Top 10 tips


Emailing and email templates

Follow up and follow up templates

Social media

Legal stuff and trademarks

Value of a domain name and domain appraisals

This ebook is dedicated to my Momz, Dad, brother and gran, as well as

Mrs Page in Primary school for letting me use computers afterschool and double lessons on a

The best way someone can teach you how to do something is to show you.
You live life forwards and read it backwards.

I have always liked outdoors, getting my hands dirty by digging and planting
trees, most of my childhood, I went to my gran’s farm for school holidays,
when I was in pre-school I used to come home with acorns in my lunchbox
and my Momz used to empty it, one acorn made it and is actually growing on
the farm and it is taller than me, so you could somewhat say I have green

I also did a year at Lifestyle college in Johannesburg, South Africa doing

horticulture and landscape design, one assignment a friend in my class and I
went with teachers to Nelspruit, Mpumalanga where they grow the best
orchids and spent the weekend learning about how to grow orchids. The
master grower had this one spectacular orchid that literally smells like
chocolate when it bloomed, he gifted it to me when I left and it was my pride
and joy, the orchid was placed in a tree in branches and I would care for it, my
idea was one day to have thousands of them in a greenhouse and have a bee
hive that would pollinate them and get chocolate honey! What happened next
was there was a freak cold snap and I lost my orchid and even my banana
trees. From that day on I vowed to concentrate my work on things that do not
die and that is why I have chosen the internet.

I then moved to Cape Town over with my family. or fun I would build and
develop websites for family and friends. One day I found a blog post about a
guy called Danny Batelic who was a guitarist and he was writing about how he
would not build websites but just sell the domain names. The domain name
itself has value he claimed, this is the single thing and moment I can pinpoint
that changed my mind,I wanted to see if I could do it too .
Like people say if someone else can do, you can do it too, right?

Fine, I won’t stop you, go ahead and register any domain name that is
available to register, you will think you are a genius and think how stupid
people are to leave this domain name unregistered, I thought I was a genius.
The thing is most domain names you hand register have very little value
unless you know what you are doing, if you blindly register domain names,
you will just be throwing money away. I won’t stop you because it is a learning
experience and you know what all those years ago I did it too. To point you in
a better direction, how about go wild with a couple hundred dollars and
re-evaluate what you own. Just remember every domain name you own will
needed to be renewed, so take that into account when you just registered
hundreds of domain names and this time next year, renewals will be coming

Get a sense of how to register a domain name and where to find it in your
account. You register a domain name at a registrar, some examples of
registrars are,,,,,, to name a few.

I would recommend you open accounts at various registrars so you can learn
the layouts and get used to the interfaces to find one or two that best suit your

Play around with a domain name and change the name servers, create an
email account, point it to a certain URL by forwarding it, these are the basics.

The best way to do something is to do it yourself, it will become an experience

and a skill. Domaining and being a domain broker is a skill.

How I got started as a domain broker.

For a period of two years, when I would come home from work, I would spend
time with my family and have dinner, everyone one would go to bed and I
would use that time between 9 - 12am to browse the internet and learn, study
about domain names.

To quote an interview I did with Patrick McCleery of in 29th

August 2012.

Read the full article here:

Insight into the .CO.ZA ccTLD

“I started learning from the best in the business, the likes of Rick Schwartz,
Frank Schilling, Elliot Silver, Michael Cyger, Michael H. Berkens as well as a
special mention to Gavin Durni, a heavy hitter in the .CO.ZA domain market,
they have been most influential to me as a domainer. They were open to
share information on their blogs and even through email. My first success with
domaining was picking up a deleted domain on a "drop day" and I found the
right buyer. I picked up and sold it four months later to PayU Intelprop Holdings Limited, owned by Naspers for $3,000.
That got me hooked and helped fund me getting online, getting a laptop, a top
of the line modem and a high speed internet and more domains!”

I really appreciate Patrick for doing this interview with me, it did make me feel
special and it felt was actually getting somewhere with domain names.

My advice to everyone is to help some new domainers out, they might broker
domain names for you one day and return the favor.

In regards to sale, it was great, I had no idea what I was doing in
terms of negotiations, at first I shot for the moon and asked for $11,000 USD
for the name, the buyer said in passing they bought the .com for $3,000 USD,
so that is how we settled on that amount. I closed the deal with,
Escrow is a secure third party service based in California, USA. They help
domainers with securing funds and safe and secure domain transfer process
for the buyer. If you do not have an account with, open one up
and I suggest you become at least Tier 2 verified. Thank me later.
Learn the ins and outs of, set up practice transactions with
yourself and get familiar with the layout.

Watch this video:

How Does Work? - YouTube

When I sold, another thing I did was hand regsitered
and and sold them as a package to the same buyer for $500
USD. Think about that next time you are in negotiations or closing or have
closed a deal.

Is there any other domain names you could offer to the buyer that would be of
value to them and possibly you could add to get the deal over the finish line as
a package deal? The easiest sale is the second sale.

When I was working for Uniregistry, I often upsold. If it was a two word domain
name and the same seller or owner had the domain name with the dash/
hyphen I would offer it or if the same client had the domain name in lets say
the .net version and we just closed a deal on the .com, I would offer it. I made
more commission this way, the seller was happier as I was being productive
and the buyer was happy because they were being smart and doing what
some people call “domain hygiene”. Can the name be singular or plural? Oh
yes, now you are thinking on the right track, you could even upsell buyers you
have done deals with in the past. You have a good report with them and have
done a deal already, the worst you are going to hear is a no, or not interested.
Try it out and let me know what successful upsells you make.

Even one form of upsell could be the peace of mind in a form of longer
renewal rate on the domain name the buyer is interested in.
I had registered possibly close to 50 names, wasted money that I thought was
a sure thing, I haven’t sold a single name and now months have gone by.

$100 education at

NamePros is an online community for domain name investors. Its services

include forums and domain name auctions.

If you decide not to waste a couple hundreds dollars hand registering domain
names and want a better value for your money, I highly recommend you
create an account at for free. You can upgrade your account
for more features and I do from time to time. I really like NamePros and I have
made some really great domain flips there. Right, so for your education, once
you have an account, go and find the Bargain Bin section and go find a
domain name you like that is under $20 - $10 and make an offer to buy it.
Usually you need to post sold on the conversation thread. Now connect with
the seller of the domain name and find out where the domain name is and
make sure you have an account there and push the domain name to our

Congrats on your first domain purchase! Send me a tweet or send me

message me so I can also celebrate your achievement Mr or Ms Domain

You know have learnt a valuable skill to transfer domain name but you also
need to learn how to transfer to someone else. Practice with a friend or
between two different accounts you own. Keep in mind that transferring a
domain name does come with a transfer fee which usually adds a years
renewal onto a domain name, which is nice.

The main reason you need to learn this now is that one day, when you do
make a big deal, you don’t want to seem inexperienced and unsure, you want
to know what you are doing or at least act like you know what you are doing, a
professional. Buyers will get scared and you could lose deals like this I
promise you, perhaps deals could even get delayed for days or weeks, so this
is a vital point in becoming a domain broker, domain investor and transfer
Pro tip, you even look at the Free section at Namepros, for people giving
domain names away. Yes, sometimes people give domain names away for
free. People give names away because it could be close to expiring or they
just don’t want the name. Set email notifications on for the free section
because names get claimed very fast.

Learn how to renew a domain name and how to transfer it to one account to
another. The best way someone can teach you how to do something is to
show you.

How I got my dream job at Uniregistry formerly I

used to be a frequent and catch up with the latest news of
the domain industry, sales reports and stories and one time they posted an
article about a job opportunity to work for, the only
catch is that you had to move to the Cayman Islands. In order to apply you
had to email Jeff Gabriel, the VP of Sales. I can tell you I typed out a an email
from what must of been 12am until like 2am in the morning.

I found it! Here is what I wrote.

“​Hi Jeff,

I am a Sales Consultant for an online store in Cape Town, South Africa by day and by night I am a
domain broker.

SALES, SALES, SALES, it's in my blood. I am Portuguese and I believe my family before me used to sail
the seas and trade spices and goods.

I have had success domaining.

I learnt by myself how to broker, buy, sell and register domain names. I am a quick learner and can
think quickly with passion for domains and the domain industry and people in it!

I have my own website The Domains -

I have been interviewed. interview blog post by

I have brokered for an ecommerce site in South Africa.

I have brokered for Gavin Durni, a well known domainer in the COZA domain space.
I have sold for $3,000 and and for $550 all to the same
I picked off a drop and sold it 6 months later by finding the correct buyer.
Luck? Yes. Opportunity. Ofcourse, anyone could of done it. But I did. That's the difference.

With the money I invested in myself, got a high speed laptop, good internet and home phone, also
bought many domains and spent money on Adwords to increase my income 10X.

If you let me have this job as a domain broker in the Caymans, It would change my life
I am looking for a job that I am passionate about and working for the best Domain Sales team in the
world would be the ultimate experience and adventure.

I read tech blogs and business books and am tech savvy and a good and all forms of social media,
Facebook and LinkedIn. Know how to use Google docs and business english, have 6 month
experience with Pastel and 1 Year in online sales.

Call me and I will sell and close you on why you should buy this and why you
should invest in me, why I am the guy that would be what you are looking for to add to your sales

Please see my CV attached PDF or Word document format.

Thank you.

All the Best,

Darryl Lopes”

I sent this email and got no reply, I follow up a few days later and still got no
reply. Finally one night before I went to be I sent another email looking for a

I got a response, turns out I passed a test, out of all the applicants that applied
to the position I was one of very few that followed up, I later find out which is a
good attribute to have a sales person. I have a Skype meeting with Jeff and
the Sales Director Dan Adamson. I had to leave my current sales job I was
working as a sales consultant for an online camping store for a “dentist
appointment” in order to jump on the call. All went well and I had been put on
trial for a month, that month I sold one name and after that I got a three month
trial, I passed that and was told to get to Cayman as soon as I could. It took
me a month to get my transit VISA, I had to borrow $3,000 USD from my
Uncle to pay for the flight and I am blessed that my Momz is Travel Agent.

I got my VISA at 8am in the morning and my flight left at 4pm that same
afternoon! I got to Cayman and met up with Jeff and the team and went to
have a couple drinks at Calicos Beach bar. I will never forget that day. I had
always dreamed about Cayman Islands and the famous Seven Mile Beach
that Frank Schilling wrote about on his blog, I was now living
my dream.

You can now only see the archives of here:

I went on to broker hundreds of domain names and sales totalling millions of

dollars over the 4 and a half years I worked there.

I made many friends and got to travel to many places that I would read option
about in travel brochures I used to page through, such as Jamaica, Cuba,
Miami, New York, Washhington, Los Angeles and Atlanta.

My brother Kevin joined me one school holiday in Cayman, which was

awesome, his favorite day was taking jet skis to StingRay City and Starfish
Point and having lunch at Lone Star grill and pub.

I really enjoyed my time at Uniregistry and learnt many useful sales skills and
which helped me become a top broker at the company.

The Double Dial

What is The Double Dial? Quite simply you call a number twice. First time if
you do not connect, leave a voicemail and before you hang up the phone in
your hand. Hit the redial button and let it ring again. This time if the prospect
does not answer, you don’t have to leave a voicemail but as it shows two
missed calls, it does seem like an urgent call and your rate for call backs is

“This is the best and easiest actionable advice I

have ever used and got me more sales and results
This is the best and easiest actionable advice I have ever used and got me
more sales and results instantly, so much so I would say it quadrupled my
sales numbers most likely even more this estimation is low.

Why? Because you make more connections and what I mean by this is as a
salesperson your set meetings and appointments via email and text to get
people on the phone. Sometimes you do not have a phone number and you
can try do deal via email, it does work don’t get me wrong in this day and age,
however, to take miscommunications and move a deal along you need to get
on the phone. This was drilled into my head when I started as a Domain
Broker at Uniregistry (formerly Domain Name Sales) and I took it to another
level and it was my secret weapon to be the top broker and many months I
was and I consider this tool was the underlying factor that produced the

For high ticket sales items, you really need to get people on the phone. Being
on the phone with someone is a completely different landscape.

I remember one time I used The Double Dial, I swore to myself that if it works
this time, I was really going to use it for every phone call for the rest of my life.

I was in a call room trying to reach a buyer regarding the deal for
and we had scheduled a call time between myself and another co-broker and
friend of mine Jason White who was sitting in the room with me. As the buyer
was in the UK, you had to make calls during UK business hours.

I rang once and they did not answer. He must be busy, he is a CEO of a big
company, maybe the phone was out of reach or he forgot about the meeting?
I left a voicemail and without putting the phone down, I ended the call and hot
the redial. “Hello?” he answered.

We later went on to close the sale of for $500,000 USD. My highest
domain name I have ever brokered.

Another point I would like to add which you possibly would find interesting is
this seller was Candian and the CAD/USD was good, meaning the sale closed
in USD, the buyer actually got a better sales price for CAD as the foreign
exchange was fluctuating. Next time you are dealing with a buyer or seller
from another country to yours check the currency rate and how it’s doing or
quote them in both USD and their local currency so they can make sense of
the amount, plus being courteous and saving them time and energy doing the
conversions back and forth. You would be surprised how much better your
deals will go when you talk to people in their language of money.

Here is a link to an article about the sale: Speciality Drinks Ltd Acquires for $500,000

To test this out, I gave this secret piece of advice to a girl who sat across from
me who was a new Domain Broker and asked for some advice and pointers.

I told her about The Double Dial, she did not seem skeptical at all, you can
imagine what happened next, her numbers went up and so did her call
numbers because she was just hitting the redial button and making more
connections thus making more deals. Absolute magic! Funny thing is when
someone asked her what she was doing differently she said, much to my
admiration, she said “The Double Dial”. We had a good laugh because it was
an inside joke and sales secret. Now it is yours.

“If there is one piece of actionable advice you can

take away from this ebook, may it be The Double
Seriously, If there is one piece of actionable advice you can take away from
this ebook, may it be The Double Dial, try it today on the next sales call or
even phone that friend that is hard to get a hold of. Powerful stuff.

Leave a voicemail at the beep.

Another piece of actionable advice, which also has to do with sales, is to

always leave a voicemail, mention your name, reason or purpose of your call
and repeat your number twice, slow enough that you yourself can write the
numbers down when you are saying them. Your caller will thank you for that.
Domain registrars, registries and the registrant

When you register a domain name you become a registrant and domain
owner of that domain name as long as you continue to pay the renewals each
year. Your domain names are kept at a registrar, they are like banks for
domain names.

It is good to understand the lingo and words of domaining so you can better
understand the process and what other people are talking about.

Sites I use as a domain broker and you should too:

The $5,000 domain selling sales tip

In order to do outbound emails on domain names you own, you need to find
leads and contact details of businesses and individuals that would be possibly
interested in the domain name. One way to go about doing so is to type the
domain name you own into Google search, not the web browser but go to the
Google home page and type, then type your domain name or the
keywords of your domain name into the search box and hit search. It will bring
up pages of search results and I would hold the command of shift key on the
keyboard and open each page on the first page - The $5,000 tip would be to
go to the second page of Google and do this all over again and open all the
results. Why is this the $5,000 domain selling sales tip? Well, I told this piece
of advice to a domainer with a real estate name he wanted to sell and he
contacted me like a week later saying thank you and he sold the domain name
for $5,000. He took action and did the work and got the result, you can do it to.
There are many ways to generate leads and make sales and this is one of

Chasing trends

You can make thousands of dollars chasing trends, you need to be fast. New
planet or dinosaur discovered and you register a domain name, you could get
offers on the domain name with in a couple of hours of days. New trend or
challenge happening in popular culture and you secure the matching .com
domain name and throw up a sales page, you will get traffic immediately. The
idea behind this is to flip the domain name fast, trends do die, remember
Harlem Shake r Ice Bucket Challenge, two names that would have been most
valuable would have been and and both
were owned by a domainer. They did get traffic and if you do not sell during
the hype you can be stuck holding the domain name like a hot potato.

You can hunt trends down by casually reading the news and staying up to
date with entertainment sites and trending hashtags, another way would be to
look at Google trends and see what is getting really high % increase of the
search traffic. I know domain brokers who made more money selling bitcoin
domain names that they made off bitcoin. I personally chase trends and have
made thousands selling domain names to people who see more value in the
domain name than I do. You can get a couple thousand, make sure you value
the domain name correctly as you have only one time to sell the domain

Included in the purchase of this ebook, you are invited to join the Domain Talk
Telegram chat group of 150 members and we talk about trends. Right now the
trends are CBD and Neom related domain names. Some members have
already made sales in the thousands of dollars with domain names with those

Domain age

One of the reasons domain age is important is because Google has bots that
check the WHOIS and based off the domainage, it could rank higher in search
as it has authority. Domain age is important as obviously most expensive
domain names sold were the older names that were registered. Where this
can be put on its head is when a domain name expired or dropped and caught
by a drop catching service like and therefore a domain name
that had many years of registration would look like it was just registered
according to the WHOIS. This does not mean the domain name has any less
value than before, if anything has more value as it has changed hands,
owners and could now be possibly available for resale or not.

To see who owns a domain name you use a WHOIS lookup. ​WHOIS
(pronounced "who is") is an Internet service used to look up information about a
domain name. You would use this service to contact the domain owner or seller
when you have a potential client interested in a particular domain name. Much like a
real estate agent could use a title deed to see who owns a house or property. Some
cases you can see if a domain name is available by typing the domain name into
your browser bar and see if a sales lander page comes up. Another reason to do a
WHOIS check is to see if a domain name has been registered or not, if it has not
been registered you can register a domain name on a first come first serve basis.

Naming your startup

Domain names are pivotal in this day and age for branding. When you
mention your company name in passing conversation to family, friends or
potential clients, people naturally assume you also own the company name
online and in .com. Still the best way to name your startup would be to get a
domain name first and foremost that best describes your product and or
service your provide in a one or two word combination.

You can get creative and use more than three words but it could be less likely
people will remember your brand unless your marketing skills are superior to
none. The top Fortune 500 companies in the world have a one word name
and matching .com, for example, Apple, Amazon, Google,

Buying domain names

You can buy domain names available for registration prices and you can buy
domain names that are owned by sellers that could be listed at the same
registrar. The quickest way to see if a domain name is for sale is to type it in
your browser bar and see if a for sale or sales lander page comes up.

Payment plans

The first deal I ever did for as a Domain Broker when I was
starting out was a payment plan, the domain name was and it sold
for a total of $13,000. If I did not close that deal, perhaps things would be very
different. By the way a leveret – it means young hare and is a
sleepwear and matching pajamas company.

It is also fun to see what buyers end up doing with domain names once they
buy them. There are a couple domain names I have brokered that I check
every now and again to see if they developed or if they are doing well.

OK - When you and a buyer are unable to come to an agreement for a domain
name for a lump sum or straight one time cash deal it is always good to
explore other possible options and a payment plan is one of them.

Typically how a payment plan works, is if you the buyer puts down a down
payment of 10 - 35% of the sales price that you have agreed to and then
makes monthly credit card installments. When the first payment is made, the
buyer would get access to the domain name servers as well as the MX when
is the email servers. could help with this.

Once they make the final payment the domain name is transferred to them
and into their ownership. It would be best to have a contract signed by both
parties on the terms of payment and schedule of the monthly installments as
well as what happens if they do not pay or would like to cancel the deal. Most
cases it is pretty straight forward if the buyer no longer wants to pay, the
domain name servers go back to normal and so does the email and the buyer
can walk away but lose out on any payments made until this point.

I would like to think I was born out of payment plans as a sales person since
the first sale I made was a payment plan. I have closed six-figure deals with
payment plans so do not think it will not work for bigger purchases. Also on the
flip side, if you are a buyer and you really like a domain name, ask about a
possible payment option that could be arranged, you will be paying off a
domain name you want, instead of buying an alternative that you do not like.
Also it will help with budgets and free up cash that you can put towards sales
and marketing and domain names tend to go up in value so it would be like
purchasing an asset that is appreciating in value.

There are various ways a payment plans options you can set up between a
buyer and yourself.

Such as equal monthly payments over a period of time until the domain name
is paid up in full, it can also range in length. 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72 and so
on. The longest payment plan I have done was for 5 years or 72 months, the
buyer would put down a non-refundable deposit and every month their credit
card would be billed. You can get creative, sometimes there are payment
plans called balloon payment plans, were there is the down payment and
lower monthly instalments and a larger double, triple or the same amount as
the down payment as the final payment.

One of the biggest payment plans I did was for and that was for
$110,000 USD, buyer put down $20,000 USD and monthly installment
payments over 9 months.

Any questions about payment plans, feel free to message me. is one company that can provide you with the payment plan
options for your longer term deals and for shorter term payment plans you can

You can also lease or rent a domain monthly with

I bought a domain name from that I paid $800 for it on a

payment plan, I was paying about $80 a month, a really low risk type deal,
also an education for me to see how HugeDomains do their payment plans.
The domain name was and I later sold the domain name for
$1,000, two signed hats, a signed vinyl and two tour related t shirts. Not
amazing profit, but I had a buyer in mind I just want to show you it is possible
to connect the dots, find opportunities and that you can negotiate for other
freebies such as merchandise into a deal, which I call spoils of war. Would I
have taken $500 more rather than the merch? Yes, but the buyer or should I
say SonReal’s manager, did not want to pay more for the name. SonReal is
Canadian Singer and songwriter, I quite like his music and now when you
search for “sonreal” in Google, the first result is Maybe you can
negotiate some cool stuff into your next domain deal, I would love to hear
about it.

If you find a domain name youn like you can do a payment plan yourself and
pay for the domain name off monthly like I did. I enjoyed the experience so
much so I have since put another domain name priced at $3,800 USD on a
payment plan and I am paying about $380 a month. I see it as an investment,
I could be totally wrong, so buyer beware, do your homework. If someone is
interested in my domain name today and I am still paying off the domain name
and they are serious about buying it, I would have to pay HugeDomains the
full amount to gain full control of the domain name and then resell the domain
name, but take into consideration the fees and money I just paid for the
domain name vs. what I am selling to the next potential buyer to realise my
profit. As you can see I am still learning but I recommend you try things
because I tell you, you will regret the things you didn’t try rather than the
things you did.

Top 10 tips

1. Put a sales lander on your domain names.

2. Change your name servers and import the names.
3. Check individual domain names from time to time to ensure they are
configured and show a sales lander.
4. Renew your domain names. (2 years in advance is recommended. 10
years in advance for your higher value names and names you use for
email and personal brand, this gives you peace of mind. Priceless).
5. Add your contact details in your email.
6. Make an enquiry on one of your own domain names and see what a
potential buyer sees.
7. See for comparable sales.
8. See the prices of what other extensions for the same or similar
keywords are asking for their domain names.
9. Try up sell other domain names in a deal to make more profits.
10. Publicise your sales to help the market and get recognition in online


There are many ways to negotiate and it is actually a skill that has to be
learned. You actually can learn negotiation skills from watching movies. I have
written a post on NamePros about it.

You can be firm on price or you can be fair and meet the buyer in the middle,
if you get desperate and need a sale, it can chase a buyer away. You need to
remember in most cases the buyer came to you, so you are the hot girl or guy
at the bar and they approached you, this is an analogy that you could use in
your next negotiations.

I have been firm in negotiations when the asking price was $35,000 USD for
the domain name and the buyer paid and I have had deals lost over $100 fee, sometime people negotiate for sport and other people
negotiate because it is apart of their culture, whatever the reason you need to
improve your negotiation skills, the best way to do so is to read books and
watch YouTube videos and practice as you go along.

Email templates and follow up templates

As a Domain Broker, most of your sales, money you make, deals you close
and commission you will earn will most likely be done via email, a good
percentage. so you better become a pro at sending emails and following up
with prospects.

Invest in yourself and if English is not your first language get Grammarly.
Grammarly helps with grammar checking, spell checking for the English
language. Being more professional on emails can get you in the door with
CEO’s, lawyers and decision maker who you need to connect with in order to
close a deal. At least have an auto spelling checker or reread your emails
before you send them.
The following sentences can be used for
email follow up templates as is.

Example: Hello from Darryl,

Hello from [YOURNAME], (You would put your name, where it says

By greeting an email this way, it makes it a warmer approach rather than just
saying hello or not knowing your contacts name, plus you are introducing


Did you get my previous email or did it get buried?

You would send this to a prospect if they have not replied to you in a couple of
days. It has a high response rate. People usually reply or ask you to resend
your email. You can then forward previous email, send a revised one or follow
up with a phone call.


Any further thoughts on this?

This is a classic sentence, sent as is when a prospect does not reply. You can
send this line multiple times and even in the same email chain to follow up
with someone politely.


The $100,000 USD follow up email

What can I do to make this work?

I used this sentence and it got me a six figure offer. That is why I call it the
$100,000 USD follow up email. The buyer literally replied with an offer and
nothing else. Later on went to close the deal for $105,000 USD by throwing in
a similar name of lesser value that the buyer was also interested and had
made a previous inquiry on. This was for the sale of
which I brokered.




Believe it or not, I have followed up with buyers and potential prospects with a
smiley face. It actually gets a high response rate and sometimes an
explanation as to why the buyer or prospect never replied or responded to
your previous email. Use with leads you perhaps have a happy rapport with.
Others might see this as unprofessional or insulting. Hey! If it works it works.




This one gets a response as you calling the person by name and you just
have not heard back from them, call this a nudge. Use sparingly.



Yes a simple question mark. Oh, how many responses this one got me, you
would not believe. It is like a bee sting though, use as a last resort before
moving onto a one to two week follow up on the potential buyer.


Before you guess. Yes, I have tested blank emails. They do work and do get
responses and what is fun, is you can blame the email. Don’t be a spammer,
but try it at least one time and see what response you get.

PS: You better fix your email.

Outbound emails

When reaching out to potential buyers via email using the $5,000 domain tip.
You can simply just write.

Hello from [FIRST NAME],

Would you be interested in the [DOMAIN NAME]?


You are just trying to see if you can get interest, at this point you do not even
know if you are talking to the right person, you need to connect to the decision
maker, who is usually the CEO of the company or someone in marketing.

Once you have an interest and they ask how much, tell them you price. Do not
try and fluff it up or give them reasons why you came to this price. Be sure in
your price and state it clearly. Then depending on what they say then you
respond appropriately. You can find other leads so just do as much outbound
as you can.

The best is sometimes when you have down time or are on your phone before
you go to bed, send out a couple quick emails to drum up interest, then you
might wake up to a surprise in your inbox. The only way to actively sell your
domain names is to do prospecting and you need to do this every day.

“The only way to actively sell your

domain names is to do prospecting
and you need to do this every day.”
In an iPhone, you can go to the sent folder and there is an option to resend
emails. Go through all the emails you have sent during the day that have not
had a response and resend them so you get to the top of your prospects inbox
and in front of them. Not sure on other phones.

I would take time in my day to find ways to follow up with buyers for offers,
contracts and updates, also would follow up with sellers for prices, counter
offers, contracts and accepted deals with confirmations of the next steps.

When I had down time towards the end of my afternoon, I scour the net, read
articles that had data and facts and find golden nuggets of information that I
could apply and use in email follow ups and email subject lines. After all I
learned online I then put into A/B split testing and send the same amount of
emails to two batches of leads and see which had the best response rate and
go from them. I would also always be testing and that is how the sentences I
mentioned previously came about.

When replying to emails and unsure how to start, you can simply copy what
the other person has written, if this helps you to start writing an email. If they
say hello, you say hello, it write hey, you can write hey too. To me it seems to
build rapport, but sometimes you just have to get to the point of the email and
leave greetings out altogether like you would on a text message.

Email is not a postcard and you are not writing to a family back home.

To further make sure no leads fall through the cracks, I had actually assign
myself a follow up day that I would dedicate to people on my My Money List
(Buyers that had made offers), every Thursday. What this means is that I
would not get any new leads or phone enquiries and solely concentrate a
whole day towards following up and getting deals paid and over the finish line.

I have attached a copy of what My Money List would look like. It has the
domain name, the offer that was made by the buyer or prospect and the
expected date the payment would be made. The higher the offer, the higher
on The money List it would be because you would be a higher commission as
a broker if you close a higher deal. The date a payment is due is important to
have so you can have expectations set to the buyer, if they miss that deadline,
the get a serious urgent follow up the next day or asked for a wire receipt for
payment confirmation to keep things on track and keep your seller updated.

10 Emailing tips and tricks I have learnt:

1. Make sure your contact information is correct in your signature.

2. If you have a Linked In account, hyperlink your name in your signature
to your LinkedIn account.
3. Confirm the name of the person you are emailing and spell it correctly
before sending emails.
4. CC or BCC yourself on important emails, this way you will know
the email went through your server and then you also have a copy.
5. Did you know, if you go to your sent folder in your iPhone, you can click
send again. When you have some free time, resend emails that did not
get a response. I am not sure if this works on other phones or email
platforms but yes just literally resend the email again perhaps the
person did not get your email.
6. Mirror emails.
7. Use follow up to stay on top on people’s inboxes.
8. Send images to switch up boring text and use it as a follow up too.
9. Write a subject line about the body of the email.
10. Don’t assume email will be private.

Social media

How to get leads on social media?

Instagram: You can search keywords that your domain name and contact the
top accounts via DM (direct message) or sometimes profiles have, contact
numbers to call or text and an email address on their bio. You can click the
email and you will be redirected to send them an email. Fill in the subject line
and copy and paste the same message you would DM to them on the email
and sent away. Having a message copied to your clipboard helps as you can
then contact multiple accounts that potentially could be interested in your
domain name. Instagram will block you when you send the same message
after about 20 - 30 messages. This will wear off in a couple hours and you can
try prospecting for the same domain name or switch it up with another domain
Linked In: I have only got one deal via Linked In and that was because the
buyer was not responsive via email and the seller agreed to the deal, so I
literally just needed them to pay, it was for a four letter domain name and the
sale price was $10,000 USD. I do not think Linked In Premium is worth
getting, try it for a month free but it has done nothing in helping generate
leads or close deals.

Twitter: I have done an auction on Twitter for a domain name of mine and it
closed for just over $100, nothing to write home about. I have people contact
me about buying and selling domain names. I almost had a lead for a
six-figure name but never came to fruition. I have heard of other domain
brokers and domain sellers have had success selling domain names via

Twitter is my favorite social network at this time, connect with me

@darryllopes ​

Other Twitter accounts to follow:

@DotWeekly ​

@MorganDOTLinton ​

@omainShane ​

@DNUpdate ​

@DomainKing ​

@Frank_Schilling ​

@onlinedomaincom ​

@domainnamewire ​

@katebuckley1 ​

@Dinvesting ​

@bhartzer ​

@andrewrosener ​

@DomainingCom ​
@DNJournal ​

@TheDomains ​

@JoshuaReason ​

@GeorgeKirikos ​

@namepros ​

@alvinbrown ​

@joeudeme ​

@Undeveloped ​

@markupgrade ​

If you search Twitter for keywords such as domain names, domains, domain
broker and domaining, you will find more people. Use hashtags to search as

Facebook / messenger: I have closed a couple deals via Facebook

messenger and I like it because it is fast and at your fingertips. Deals for under
$1,000 this is the place to work, and if you are looking to do domain flips, this
is where the money is made. Once you have come to an agreement, I send
people to with the domain name adjusted to the price we agreed to,
no hassles, no fuss. Payment is secured, the domain is transfered and I get
funds in a day or two. Great combination.

Legal stuff and trademarks

United States Patent and Trademark Office or USPTO for short can be found
here: ​

You can do a trademark search and look at new and old registered
trademarks. This helps for a domain owner or domain broker, when a potential
buyer or lawyer tell you their client has a trademark on the domain name, that
can be true and you could have all the rights to own the domain name.
Sometimes they just filed for a trademark and you have owned the domain
name for years, you have every right to own the name. I am not a lawyer or
offering legal advice, you should seek legal counsel if you get into a situation
like this. As a beginner or newbie in domain names, stay away from brand and
trademark names, you do not want to get into legal trouble where your name
will be tarnished online. The best names to broker and sell are generic domain
names, meaningful one and two word domain names, you can even try
number domain names. A wise investment would be trying to get your hands
on any four letter .com domain names under $500 USD and every time you
sell one, go use that money to buy more than four letters, almost like trading
cards, if you get into that school playground mindset you will grow a portfolio
of domain names in no time.

Another legal topic you should be knowledgeable in should be Uniform

Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy or URDP’s for short.

Sites you can learn more from are:

Value of a domain name and domain appraisals

There are many ways to value a domain name, it can be based off the
keywords, industry, extension, demand, length, brandability, numbers, vowels
and consonants and even syllables.

You can get an idea of market value by checking what other similar domain
names for and always check Google news, just in case there has been a news
article and your domain name keyword is now popular or being mentioned.
Another sign to increase your domain name price is when you all of a sudden
get a spike in traffic. There was once this four letter domain name this client
had and all in a couple of days the traffic went up 10X, the price was $30,000
USD for the domain name at the time and I advised to raise it to $60,000 USD,
which they did, another broker got a hot new lead and closed a deal for the
domain name for $50,000 USD. $20,000 USD more for just asking a high
price at the right time.
You can price your domain names at a $1 or a million dollars, Does not mean
someone is going to buy it the next day. You need to be sure in your pricing
and do your homework, nothing worse than getting seller's remorse because
you sold the domain name too low or could have got more for the domain
name. You leave money on the table if you do not look at comparable sales
and ask for higher prices on your domain names, you might just get it. I would
tell you to double the prices of all your domain names today or at the very
lease increase them by 5 - 10% every month. You can always negotiate down
but hardly do you ever negotiate up.

“You can always negotiate down but

hardly do you ever negotiate up.”

To buy it now or make an offer, that is the question.

I have seen the sale of go for $88,000 USD as a BIN price and
I have brokered names where people saw a name they liked and started transaction at $9,999. I would set 90% of my names to make an
offer, so you can field who the buyer is and see if there are any trends. I have
received multiple inquiries on a domain name in a day and that prompted me
to increase the price in negotiations, if it was BIN price I could have sold and
left money on the table.

The names I would put with BIN prices would be names that you won’t have
seller remorse if they sell for that price and ones you have done homework on
that you price them correctly at or above market value, you also do not have to
keep the price the same, increase the price every now and again. It is always
nice to have BIN prices and wake up with a sale sure. Want to make more
profits? Price your domain names higher. If you want a second look, you can
hire me for a domain portfolio consultation.
Highest reported domain name sales: $30 million 2019 $17 million 2015 $16 million 2009 $13 million 2010 $12 million 2008 $11 million 2001 $11 million 2014 $9.5 million 2007 $8.8 million 2015 $8.5 million 2010 $8 million 2015 $7.5 million 2006 $7 million 2004 $6.8 million 2014 $6 million 2011 $5.5 million 2003 $5.5 million 2010
com $5.1 million 2000 $5.1 million 2009 $4.9 million 2008 $4.8 million 2014 $4.6 million 2013 $4 million 2012 $3.8 million 2008 $3.77 million 2016 $3.6 million 2014 $3.5 million 2018 $3.3 million 1998 $3.1 million 2014 $3.0 million 2000 $3.0 million 2006 $3.0 million 2009 $3.0 million 2019


In South Africa we have and not because that is actually for
Saudi Arabia. To search for domain names WHOIS we use is​. Back in the day I used to search for domain names that
were available to register, I would literally sit at my laptop and type words of
things I saw,,, and so on, so much so that
the server had to block me and I had to try again later.


I am a huge fan of GTLDS. I recommend you buy a couple and see if they
grow on you. The premium GTLDS can be a worthwhile investment if you
have the funds available to pay for the renewals.

Highest GTLD sales:

510000 USD 2018-06-30
500300 USD 2017-12-04
500000 USD 2017-12-31
335000 USD 2019-05-26
300000 USD 2017-12-12
201250 USD 2017-03-20
183000 USD 2017-02-28
182971 USD 2016-03-31
180000 USD 2015-11-19
175166 USD 2015-12-21
175000 USD 2014-06-09
Sex.LIVE USD 2016-07-13
Wine.Club USD 2015-01-13
125000 USD 2015-11-22
Porn.LIVE USD 2016-07-14
115000 USD 2016-08-15
100667 USD 2016-12-15
100001 USD 2015-05-08
100001 USD 2015-06-01

Source: ​

Future of domain names

I predict domain names will continue to grow in value and overtime domain
names will be assets that will be handed down from one generation to
another. Domain names in the future will be mostly rented and provide a
steady cash flow that could provide rent money for a family.

Unless something else comes along that will be better than the internet,
sounds hard to imagine but with better interface and technology, one day you
could literally surf the internet. Domain names will continue to grow in value
and sales will be higher and higher. We will definitely see another sale over
$30 million for a domain name, you just need the right seller to say no to $29
million. Domain hacks and emoji domain name could become mainstream or
in culture. CCTLDS will become more valuable to local markets within their
respective countries.

Fun facts actually is a typo the domain name that they originally wanted to
call the company was owns the domain name
Facebook used to be called and bought for
$200,000 USD.

If you would like to contact me, my email I use are ​​.

@darryllopes on Twitter. Hope you enjoyed reading this ebook, if you bought
this ebook, it will be updated as time goes by so you can stay up to date with
the latest version. Thank you for your support.

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