(CIA-INTERPOL) Re-Edited Addendum To The Curriculum Vitae of Shawn Dexter John

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Sole Author of The New Societies - Concepts and Apperceptions of an Eastern Caribbean

model of Commonality (both the book sketch published with iUniverse and the legal
article of the same namesake): Shawn Dexter John

Professional Occupations and Vital Information of Shawn Dexter John:

*[Sole] Author of the New Societies - Concepts and Apperceptions of an Eastern Caribbean
model of Commonality (Law Review Article) and a series of other published Works
*[Sole] Chief Manager of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and INTERPOL (separately and
jointly) (without the threat of custody)
*Chief Audit Agent of the FBI and NSA (without threat of custody)
*Lead and Prosecutorial Agent of the United Nations (UN)
*Chief Manager and Abroad Auditor of CARICOM
*Lead Audit Manager of the United States Marshals Service (prioritizing [halting] White
Supremacist domestic terrorism) (without the threat of custody)
*Chief and Lead Audit Agent of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE)
*Former Foreign Service Officer representative of a Canadian-American managerial officer
*Bachelor of Arts degree (issued in 2007)
*Master of Arts degree (issued in 2009)
*Graduate Certificate in International Studies
*Prepared degree: Juris Doctorate (Yale Law School)
*Phone Contact: 1-407-600-1760
*WEB: Shawndexterjohn.wordpress.com
*Citizenship and Nationality: United States (American)
*Permanent Jurisdiction of Residence: Florida, United States (USA)
*AGENCY ALIAS: Khaled Hassan

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