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| GUARANTOR’S FORM Employees are required to provide two (2) guarantors each to complete the documentation process. These guarantors should be people of high integrity and must meet all requirement in Section A and at least one of the requirements in Section B. SECTION A 1, Forms must be filled in Guarantor’s own handwriting 2. The annual income of the Guarantor must not be less than Five Hundred ‘Thousand Naira (N500,000) i.¢ about N41,666 monthly. 3. The Guarantor must be within the ages of 30-60 years SECTION B — As the guarantor, you should at least be: A Home Owner (has a property in his/her name) A Business Owner/Previous Employer (with a registered Business Name) A Senior Employee in the public service not below Grade 8 + An Employee in the private s + A Traditional/Religious Leader lor not lower than executive trainee A Certified professional such as Doctors, Pilots, Accountants, Engineers, Secretaries. (Lawyers and Military / Paramilitary personnel’s are exempted from being guarantors) N.B: You are advised not to stand Carefully review Any person who does not fa GUARANTORS DETAILS SECTION A: BIO DATA Tille: MRUMRS/MISS/MS/Others (Please Cirels) Guarantor'sFull Name:__ James Okoro Oghenetejiri ‘appress:_First Road Akenfa Yenagoa Bayelsa state at of Bir 06/09/1983, yyy Motite No:_08037916582 persona Emsir_Jmesoghenetejin' Sister Relationship to Employee: SECTION B: ELIGIBILITY ‘Where do you belong? Kindly write alphabet in the box A 8) A Business Owner Previous Employee b) A Home Owner ‘©) A Senior Employee in the public service not below Grade 8 4) An Employee i the private sector not lower than executive trainee ‘e) A Traditional Religious Leader 1) A Certified professional such as Lawyers, Doctors, Pilots, Accountants, Ei atc Profession/Occupation___ Pharmacologist. ‘Name of Organization _NAPPMED incers, Secretaries Position Status_MEMBER Level (if applicable) Address: First Road Akenfa Yenagoa Bayelsa State Oitice Phone: Official Email: GUARANTOR’S DECLARATION 1__James Okoro Oghenetejiri hereby agree to ‘guarantee and be equally liable for any and all acs of negligence, misdemeanor and fraud caused by James Godgift Ogaga soring hisher employment asa staff of Incite Enterprises lll. Limited. 1 also Guarantee: i ‘That T will be responsible to cover all demands, claims, losses, cot, damages or expenses whatsoever (including all legal and other costs, charges and expenses) employee may incur and suffered by Incite Enterprises. International Limited as a result of a breach of his/her contract of employment. ii, That I shall pay and reimburse such sums as mentioned above on hivher behalf to Incite Enterprises International Limited on demand ‘ii, That this guarantee shall remain in full force and effect so long as the above-named employee is in Incite Enterprises International Limited ‘employment. a ignatu t te WITNESS SECTION Testify that this Guarantor form was completed in my presence Okoro Martha Name — Trader Phone. 08064954066 Relationship to Guarantor Mother

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