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College Essay

The first time I’ve heard of Sampoerna University is from my school event, and I gave
my contact number so that they could contact me in the future. Hearing from their
presentation I think it’s a pretty cool university. First, it is rare for me to see a university in
Indonesia where you can easily go abroad and get a second degree while you are away, usually
what universities in Indonesia will offer is scholarship to an abroad university, but you’ll still
have to major in the same degree. The Sampoerna University has a lot of networks as well
with other university abroad, you can choose any university as long as Sampoerna University
have the connection and can make the offer, but usually the benefits will be greater if you
choose the one where Sampoerna focuses on, for example University of Arizona, you don’t
even need to graduate in Indonesia, you can graduate abroad, with the university of your
choice, and I think that’s pretty cool.
I think that there’s a lot of things for me to why I choose Industrial Engineering. One
of the factors are, that both of my parent has a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering,
and they said to me that Industrial Engineering has a lot of applications to the real world, like
the saying jack-of-all trades, while you may not learn things deeply, but you can go to any kind
of job, it has the potential of a really diverse career, which I would like to have. Since I was
little, I would always like to make things more efficient, and I would always ask questions for
even the simplest thing, “What’s the most efficient and least time-consuming way to do this?”,
and that really align with Industrial Engineering where one of the goals is to optimizing the
time used. With the diverse potential of the career that you get as an Industrial Engineering
postgraduate can give me the excuse to learn as much as I wanted to, I always really like
learning things, especially the hard skills, it feels like really fun, and I always imagined it like
those skill tree in RPG games, where there’s a lot of branches that I can expand and add to my
skill. There’s also job security, I think Industrial Engineering will always be needed in the job
space, because of the interdisciplinary knowledge.
I believe I deserve this scholarship because of my academic records. In addition to my
academic records, I have been actively involved in my school’s student council which is Boys
Brigade, for 6 years, I’ve been the committee leader for the Sports Week 2022, and I’m also
belong to the division that scheduled weekly school’s service, for the majority of my senior
high school, and also as a manager for my senior high’s e-sport team. The university goals and
values really align with my motivation, which is that I want to expand my horizons. I am truly
grateful for the opportunity to apply for this scholarship.

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