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Wilona: Once upon a time, there lived two children with different fates. The first child comes from a very
rich family. Meanwhile, the other child comes from a poor family. They are both blessed with essential
stupidity. Until one day right after their first exam finished...

*the poor child sitting on a park bench, contemplating

Wilona: The poor child sat silently on a park bench, thingking about his bad exam results.

Wilona: Suddenly, a beautiful young lady came and sat next to her.

Bagas: Hello, is something bad just happened to you? You look sad.

Hanum: Yes.. i got bad grades. Always.

Bagas: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that..

Hanum: Yeah.. that's fine..

Bagas: I have something for you. This could be a gift. A special gift.

*Bagas gives two cookies to hanum

Hanum: What is this for?

Bagas: Two cookies for you. This cookie could help you to be the smartest student on your class.

Hanum: Really..?

Bagas: Yes. Eat one before you're going to sleep. And study in the morning after you wake up.

Hanum: okay?

Bagas: Hmm.. but there are consequences if you're not doing what i said..

Hanum: What is it?

Bagas: Keep studying even there's no cookie left. Or you will not remember everything.

Hanum: How could i trust you? I don't even know who you are

Bagas: Trust yourself. Don't be an arrogant after you're being smart.

Wilona: The beautiful young lady leaves the poor girl with smile on her face. At the different time.. the
rich kids also sit on the branch at the park, angry. There comes the beautiful young lady and sits beside

Bagas: Hello there, is there anything bad happened to you?

Arfi: What? that's none of your business anyway.

Bagas: ..Yes, you're right. Are you getting bad grades?

Arfi: Is that a problem for you?

Bagas: So you're getting a bad grades.. This is for you.

*bagas gives him two cookies

Bagas: This cookie could help you be the smartest student on your class. But there's terms and

Arfi: What? Really? Tell me!

Bagas: Eat one before you're going to sleep. And study in the morning after you wake up.

Arfi: That's easy! I'll take the cookies. Thank you!

*Arfi runs and leave Bagas alone at the park

Bagas: Hey, wait!

Bagas: well, i wish that he keep studying even though he has no cookie left.

Wilona: The young lady leaves the park. When night arrived, the two kids did what the young lady said.
But the rich kids eat the cookies at the same time. On the other side, the poor little girl did what the
young lady said she just ate one cookie before going to bed. When the poor kids woke up, she was
studying, but the rich kids were not.

*Hanum opened the book

Hanum: hm, why has it become so easy? It makes me more eager to learn!

Wilona: and in the other side..

*Arfi opened the book

Arfi: huh? It was too easy! I'm sure I'll get a good grade.

Wilona: Instead of studying, the rich kid plays video games.

Arfi: oh this is so fun! I'll get a good grade without studying!

*Widonova and Nila entered Arfi's room

Widonova: why are you playing video games? Don't you have an exam today?

Arfi: I do.

Nila: then why are you playing video games?! You're supposed to be studying!

Arfi: oh, momm, don't be so worried, I'm pretty sure I'll get a good grade!

Nila: there's no way you'll get a good grade without studying! What will you become if you keep doing

Widonova: honey, stop, don't push him too hard. Maybe he will get a good grade then, just trust him.

Nila: Fine! I'll never let you have a bad grades, anymore!

Wilona: the rich kid's mother was furious. And the rich kid's father was driving him to school.

Wilona: All students enter the class, and the teacher shares the exam paper.

Zara: Okay students, let's just start the exam. Do it properly and do it by yourself. I don't want to see
anyone's cheating.

Hanum: I hope I can pass the exam this time! I'd studied earlier..

Arfi: oh it will be easy! I bet I will be the number one!

Wilona: they easily passed their exams. they two get good grades. day passed, tomorrow is the final

Jihan: Dear.. how was your exam this week?

Hanum: Wonderful, mom.

Jihan: Did you pass the exam yesterday?

Hanum: Yes, I did. Thank you for always supporting me.

Jihan: You're doing better and better everyday. I hope you know that I always proud of you. (she smiles
to her kid)

Hanum: (smiling) Thank you mom. Thank you very much.

Jihan: Have you studied today? Is there any exam left?

Hanum: Oh! I almost forgot about studying today! Thank you for reminding me, mom. Tomorrow is the
last day of exam. Math exam.

Jihan: Alright.. good luck on your last exam sweetheart.

Wilona: Meanwhile Jason, the rich kid..

Arfi: Why should I study for math exam? Too easy. I'm very smart now. I guess I'm the smartest student
on class.

Nila: Jason? Have you studied today? Isn't tomorrow is your final exam?

Arfi: I don't have to study, mom. Don't you see my last grade? A+, perfect!

Nila: And you think you don't have to study when your grades is perfect already!?

Arfi: Oh mom, you don't believe on your kid?

Widonova: ..Just let him do whatever he wants.

Nila: We can't let this ha-

Widonova: Shut up! I don't want to argue with you today.

Nila: You spoiled him too much! That's why he becomes like this!

Wilona: Again, the rich kid's mother was furious. The rich kid's father is taking him to school.

Wilona: The final exam will start as soon as possible. The students enter the classroom and the teacher
shares the exam paper.

Arfi: I'll get a good grade again, of course!

Hanum: I hope I can pass this time too, gladly my mother reminded me to study this morning.

Zara: alright students! Let's just start the exam and remember! No one cheating!

Wilona: Jason, the rich kid found it difficult to do the final exam questions, and in the other side the
poor little girl found it easy. After the exam has passed, the teacher reads and shares the students' exam

Zara: Jason!

*Arfi stepped in front of Zara

Zara: you're getting bad grades again. I've telled your mom, Jason. Don't forget to always study.

Arfi: huh?! No way! I must get a good grade!

*Arfi took his exam paper and sat back down

Zara: and congratulations to Enora! She got the perfect grade.

*Hanum came forward to take her test paper with a smile on her face
Zara: you're getting better and better, keep it up!

Arfi: she must be just lucky! Or maybe she was cheating

Hanum: no, no i'm not!

Arfi: It was all because of those stupid cookies. I know you also get cookies from that lady! You must
have conspired with her to get me bad grades.

Hanum: no, I'm not! I mean yes I get the cookies from the lady but I'm not cheating!

Arfi: liar!

Zara: stop! I'm sure it wasn't because of the cookie, it's because she wants to study. Congratulations

Hanum: thank you, mam.

Wilona: And finally, these beautiful stories end. The moral of the story is don't accuse people carelessly
without evidence. Apart from that, we also have to believe in ourselves. With effort and hard work, we
will get good results. One more thing, don't be arrogant when you get something good, be sure there
will be people who get it better than you.

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