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Ejercicios prácticos / Esfuerzos en una masa de suelo


Prof.: Rafael Méndez, I.C., M.Eng.

1. Compute the vertical stress produced by the square footing at the upper limit of the clay.

2. A sample of saturated clay, taken from a depth of 5 m, was tested in a conventional

oedometer. The table below gives the vertical effective stress and the corresponding
thickness recorded during the test.

σ' (kPa) 100 200 400 800 1600 800 400 100
h (mm) 19.2 19.0 17.0 14.8 12.6 13.1 14.3 15.9

The water content at the end of the test was 40% and the initial height was 20 mm.
Assume Gs=2.7.
a) Plot a graph of void ratio versus σ’ (log scale).
b) Determine Cc and Cr.
c) Determine σ’c (Past maximum vertical effective stress) using Casagrande’s method.
d) Is the clay normally consolidated? Justify your answer.

3. The state of plane stress in a body is described by the following stresses: σ1=8500 kPa
compression and σ3=1500 kPa tension. Determine by means of the Mohr circle the
normal stress and shear stress on a plane inclined at 20° to the plane on which the minor
principal stress acts. Check the results analytically (After A. Casagrande).

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