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In a world constantly pappling with the devastating aftermath of natural disasters, envision a

scenario where your surroundings are plunged, lines are severed, and urgency services are
disrupted. Imagine you are in chaos, communicating on low battery, and the urgency to connect
with your loved ones intensifies. The question now is: How do you ensure communication in the
midst of an intensified cald rep? The unetian no longer has a battery? Are there any ways of
charging it without the use of conventional electricity?
Introduction: According to the Asian Disaster Reduction Center, the Philippines is situated in a
geographical location that exposes it to an average of 20 typhoons annually, heightening its
susceptibilities to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and various environmental hazards.
All of us witnessed how Bagyong Odette wreaked havoc across several Philippine provinces,
displacing over 1.9 million individuals. Not only that, but it left entire regions contending with
power outages, disrupted communication lines, and a widespread disconnection from essential
services for an extended period. The issue here is that families found themselves unable to
communicate with their loved ones for weeks, which stretched into months due to the prevailing
Significance of the Study: This study is of great importance since it addresses one of the existing
issues, which is the need for more environmentally friendly alternative energy sources that can
be used during community-level catastrophes when there are blackout scenarios. Now what
makes this study more significant is that imagine the dire scenario of a complete loss of
electricity that lasts for months. Let’s say you charged your phone prior, but if you didn’t, or
worse, you consumed your whole phone’s battery, leaving it empty. What do you do now,
especially when you really need to communicate with other people, especially your family? And
that is why this innovation was created. It’s crucial because it has the potential to revolutionize
the way we generate electricity during emergencies. We don’t have to worry because, by just
using this generator, by using the crank, it can now generate power for your phones to be
charged, and now you can use it. Well, this invention might seem obsolete or out of date because,
of course, why do you have to manually crank the generator if you have power banks? But it is
imperative to remember that you can resort to this because it is renewable, unlike power banks,
and you just use it as an emergency power supply when there is a complete blackout.

It’s also important to influence the young generations about sustainable practices by using
mechanical mini generators like this.
Optimizing this invention can advance the transition to sustainable energy production during
prolonged blackouts during or after disasters. When we say sustainable energy production during
blackouts, it involves implementing practices and technologies that ensure a continuous and
reliable power supply while minimizing environmental impact. Crank generators harness human
energy to generate electricity. This is a renewable source of energy since human energy can be
continuously supplied by individuals. Unlike fossil fuels, which are finite and contribute to
environmental degradation, the human energy input for cranking is sustainable.

“Power outage” is a broader term that can be used for any loss of power, regardless of scale or
cause. “Blackout,” on the other hand, often conveys a sense of a more extensive and significant
disruption, particularly on a larger scale.

Why did you include BMI? Why can’t you just let some crank it?
BMI is important because it will be beneficial to analyze the amount of energy produced while
cranking the mechanical generator.
BMI is connected to stamina.
-because usually people with BMI ranging from normal to slightly overweight are much stronger
and more capable of cranking the generator.
stores energy; two antennas

24 voltage
need to power the DC motor

Why did you not use solar?

Indeed, solar panels are more convenient when it comes to energy generation, but let us consider
that the sun isn’t there. For example, in Bagyong Odette, most of the time, the surroundings are

Why does your research only state community level?

Well, the prototype we built is functional and low-scale which means it can only generate power
to charge phones. It’s community-level because it’s the last resort the communicator can rely on.

How did you come up with the study?

We came up with this study because we wanted to address the issue of blackout scenarios where
we need environmentally friendly alternatives to energy sources that can be used during
community-level catastrophes.

-creates energy. It’s short for dynamo electric machine, which is a generator that cranks out
electricity current.


Study inspired:
The study is inspired by a study conducted by Moyers and Chromop in 2004 where they
developed a portable DC hand crank generator to aid dismounted soldiers, but in our case, with
all the disasters the Philippines has experienced, we wanted to use this technology as a last resort
during a blackout.

Mass productive ba ang inyuhang prototype compared to other renewable energy?

Other renewable energy sources are much more efficient, but they will run out, and the goal of
the study is to invent something that can be used during blackouts where there is a complete loss
of electricity.

If you want to improve your project so that it can be used by a wider range of individuals, not
just those with considerable strength and stamina, does that mean your project will no longer use
mechanical work?
No, as it says in the phrase, we only want to improve, not totally change it, so the mechanical
work is still there, but we imagine that furthermore, a prototype for the purpose will generate
more output, it can charge more phones, and it will take a lot of time and effort.
Respondents: quantitative—participants—participating
Participants are qualitative—participants are just responding to the questions given.
Research is not autonomous.

Why did you come up with this traditional way?

Crank powered:
better than power banks because this generator won’t run out.
Burning fossil fuels for electricity generation releases greenhouse gases, causing climate change.

-the state of being easily done or workability

SOP: What is the level of feasibility of utilizing mechanically generated electricity as a

renewable energy source?
won't run out, have minimal impact on the environment

Why is your study research considered a quantitative-quality type of research?

Research is considered a mix of quantitative and qualitative types of research because it includes
survey questionnaires that collect numerical data and is qualitative because it includes theories,
comparative analysis, and laws.

What includes your survey questionnaires?

In the survey questionnaires of our research, it includes getting their body max index, or bmi. To
analyze the amount of energy produced while cranking the mechanical generator.

Describe your research in one sentence.

An attempt made by senior high school students to create a dynamo power generator as a last
resort during community-level blackouts, as experienced during Typhoon Odette
What challenges did you encounter during your research, and how did you address them?
One problem we encountered was the angle at which the chain of our prototype
Was place. It initially stood close to ground level, which caused it to drag on the floor while we
cranked the machine. And to address that, we did add another beam for the chain to loop over,
which made the chain smoother.

What did you mean by Jacob Box?

a connection box that has one or more jacks into which a piece of electricity equipment may be
It came from or was inspired by an old children's toy known as Jack in the Box. It has
similarities to the crank contraction that Jack in the Box has; the way you crank it to generate
output, which is music, and the toy is similar to how we need to crank our device in order to
generate electricity.

What is a generator?
A generator is a machine that turns mechanical energy into electrical energy.

What is community-level?
Community level is a population group rather than an individual.

What is mechanically powered?

Mechanically powered means applying mechanical force, or it has components that make the
innovation considered a mechanical machine.

Highlights of your paper:

The highlight of our paper is the need to provide electricity during catastrophes.

What is the purpose of your study?

The study aims to innovate mechanically powered mini generators that serve as an emergency
power supply during community-level catastrophes to mitigate the adverse impacts of such
catastrophes on community connectivity.

How does the jacko box compare to the existing emergency power supply?
The Jacko Box distinguishes itself by being mechanically powered, eliminating the need for
traditional fuel sources and making it more sustainable and resilient in disaster scenarios.

How can you make your study stand out from other studies?
-we can make our study stand out from the other studies as it is environmentally friendly because
it will not burn fossil fuels, releasing greenhouse gases, which cause climate change, and it is
sustainable and renewable as it will not run out.

The difference between catastrophes and emergencies

Emergencies are unexpected events, while catastrophes, on the other hand, are also unexpected
events because they are considered emergencies, but not all emergencies can be considered
catastrophes as not all emergencies are severe.

What if the storm is too strong? Do you really have to always crank?
-it has a capacitor where it can store energy, for instance, during a typhoon like Bagyong Odette,
and for sure, before the typhoon comes, there’s a prior warning, and it is your initiative to crank
beforehand because there’s a power bank.
Let’s say that’s the situation, but we can’t guarantee that everything you charge, for example, a
cellphone and power banks, will last long, like in the case of the bagyong odette. We didn’t know
when the blackout would cause a better phone to end, and let’s say we ran out of batteries. Can
you use this as an alternative?

Why did you only choose five respondents for your study?
We only have five respondents because of the availability and convenience of the respondents. It
is based on convenience sampling and non-probability sampling. During the time when we were
about to test, only five people or participants were available. Convenience sampling is a non-
probability sampling method in which the sample is chosen based on how easy or difficult it is
for the researcher to access.

What is the difference between participants and respondents?

A respondent is an individual who answers or responds to a question, either written or oral. On
the other hand, a participant is an individual who voluntarily joins to be part of a study as a

Block diagram:
What do you mean by electrical conversion?
As you crank clockwise, the mechanical energy generated by the crank moves the motor
counterclockwise, causing the DC motor to generate electricity. That’s what we call electrical

One way of dividing energy:

-it divides the energy so that it isn’t removed from the motor because if it removes the energy the
motor generates, the power bank will remove it from itself, so instead of giving it, it receives.

Storing of electricity through capacitors:

In the cheap built-in output, there is a built-in capacitor that is used to store energy for a brief
moment and limit the output to 5 volts. However, when more voltage is taken away, for example,
when charging a phone through it, the rest of the extra voltage produced becomes a substitute for
the lost voltage.

**How did your title relate to the findings of yourresearch? ?**
The title, "JACKO BOX: Innovating Mechanically Powered Mini-Generators as Emergency
Power Supply During Community-Level Catastrophes," aligns with the research findings. The
study focused on developing a mechanically powered generator as an emergency power supply,
and the findings demonstrated the effectiveness of the generator during community-level

**Does your statement about the problem being answered? Which part of theresearch? ?**
Yes, the statement of the problem is addressed in various sections of the research. The research
aimed to develop mechanically powered mini-generators as emergency power supplies and
sought to answer specific questions related to electrical output, feasibility, and challenges. The
findings, conclusions, and recommendations directly respond to these questions.

Explain the conclusion. Does it answer the statement of theproblem? ?**

The conclusion summarizes key findings, emphasizing that the mechanically powered generator
is effective as a backup energy source during community-level catastrophes. It mentions average
output, efficiency, and the impact of user physiology on energy generation. The conclusion
directly addresses the statement of the problem by highlighting the generator's efficiency and its
dependence on factors such as the environment, component durability, and user physical

**Explain howaligneds your conclusion in eachbullet ist with your recommendation in each
bullet aswell. ?**
**Conclusion Bullet 1:**
*Aligned with Recommendation Bullet 1:* Both emphasize the need to improve energy output.
The conclusion identifies the average output per revolution, and the recommendation suggests
refining the mechanical design or incorporating more efficient components to increase watt-
hours per revolution.

**Conclusion Bullet 2:**

*Aligned with Recommendation Bullet 2:* The conclusion acknowledges the efficiency of the
generator but suggests there's room for improvement. The recommendation further explores
optimizing the generator's performance under various disaster scenarios, aligning with the idea of
enhancing efficiency.

**Conclusion Bullet 3:**

*Aligned with Recommendation Bullet 3:* The conclusion recognizes the impact of user
physical capabilities on the generator's output. The recommendation proposes addressing user
limitations by designing mechanisms to reduce physical effort, making the generator more user-
friendly and accessible.

You state in your recommendation that you want to improve yourproject sotthat itt can be
usedbyn a wider range of individuals, not just those with considerable strength and stamina.
Does it mean your project will no longer use mechanicalwork? ?**
No, the recommendation does not imply abandoning mechanical work. Instead, it suggests
designing the mechanism in a way that reduces the physical effort required to operate the
generator. This could involve incorporating additional features, gear systems, or optimizing the
design to make the generator accessible to a broader range of users without compromising its
reliance on mechanical work.

**Explain each bullet in the conclusion and in the recommendations.**

**Conclusion Bullet 1:**
*Conclusion:* The mechanically powered generator yielded an average output of 0.127 watt-
hours per 60 revolutions at an average RPM of 69.7, sufficient to charge a phone up to 4%.
*Recommendation:* Improve Energy Output: This suggests refining the mechanical design or
incorporating more efficient components to increase watt-hours per revolution.

**Conclusion Bullet 2:**

*Conclusion:* The mechanically powered generator proved itself efficient during disastrous
incidents as a last resort during a lack or total loss of usable energy.
*Recommendation:* Enhance Efficiency: Proposes research and development efforts to optimize
the generator’s performance under various disaster scenarios.

**Conclusion Bullet 3:**

*Conclusion:* Factors including the environment, durability of components, and user physiology
greatly affect the output.
*Recommendation:* Address User Limitations: Recommends designing mechanisms to reduce
physical effort, making the generator more user-friendly and accessible to a wider range of

**How did your title relate to the findings of your research? **

The title, "JACKO BOX: Innovating Mechanically Powered Mini-Generators as Emergency
Power Supply During Community-Level Catastrophes," is directly aligned with the findings of
the research. The study aimed to develop a mechanically powered generator for emergency
power supply during community-level catastrophes, and the research findings assess its
effectiveness and feasibility.

**Does your statement about the problem being answered? Which part of the research? **
Yes, the statement of the problem is addressed throughout the research. The findings, particularly
in the conclusion, provide insights into the average electrical output, feasibility, and challenges
associated with the use of mechanically powered mini-generators as emergency power supplies.

Explain the conclusion. Does it answer the statement of the problem? **

The conclusion summarizes key findings, such as the average output of the generator and its
efficiency during disasters. It answers the statement of the problem by presenting data on the
performance of the mechanically powered generator in providing emergency power during
community-level catastrophes.

**Explain how aligned your conclusion in each bullet is with your recommendation in each
bullet as well. **
The conclusion highlights the efficiency of the mechanically powered generator and its
dependence on the user's physical capabilities. The recommendations align with these
conclusions by suggesting improvements in energy output, enhancing efficiency, and addressing
user limitations to make the generator more accessible to a wider range of individuals.

**You state in your recommendation that you want to improve your project so that it can be used
by a wider range of individuals, not just those with considerable strength and stamina. Does it
mean your project will no longer use mechanical work? **
No, the recommendation does not imply eliminating mechanical work. Instead, it suggests
designing the mechanism in a way that reduces the physical effort required to operate the
generator, making it more user-friendly and accessible to a broader population.

**Explain each bullet in the conclusion and in the recommendations.**

The conclusion bullets summarize the average output of the generator and its efficiency during
disasters. The recommendations suggest ways to improve energy output, enhance efficiency, and
address user limitations, aligning with the identified conclusions.

**Why did you include BMI? Why can’t you just let someone crank it? **
BMI is included to measure the physical capabilities of individuals cranking the generator.
Different physical attributes, including BMI, influence the energy output. It helps assess the
generator's performance at varying levels of physical strength and stamina.

**How is BMI connected to stamina?**

BMI is not directly connected to stamina; however, BMI, along with height and weight, provides
an overall indication of an individual's physical capabilities. Stamina is a broader term that
considers endurance, and while BMI may not directly measure stamina, it contributes to the
overall assessment of physical fitness.

**What is a capacitor? **
A capacitor is an electronic component that stores electrical energy in an electric field. In this
context, it is used for the long-lasting storage of electrical energy generated by the mechanically
powered generator.

**What is the use of 24 volts? Why 24 voltage? **

The 24-volt permanent magnet gear motor is used as a dynamo to translate mechanical work into
electricity. The specific voltage may be chosen based on the design and efficiency requirements
of the generator.

**Why did you not use solar? **

The research focused on developing a mechanically powered generator as an alternative energy
source. While solar power is a viable option, the emphasis was on exploring the feasibility and
effectiveness of a hand-cranked generator during community-level catastrophes.

**Why does your research only state community level?**

The research focuses on community-level catastrophes to address the need for emergency power
supply in situations where entire communities are affected. The scope may be more challenging
to implement at a larger scale, and community-level disasters are often immediate and impactful.

**Why did you come up with this traditional way where there is modern technology, or despite
the modern era where more energy sources are produced in an easier way? **
The research aims to provide a cost-efficient and environmentally friendly solution for
emergency power supply in community-level catastrophes. Traditional methods, like hand-
cranked generators, can be more accessible and require fewer resources than some modern
technologies, making them suitable for specific scenarios.

**How did you come up with the study? **

The study likely originated from recognizing the need for alternative and sustainable energy
sources during disasters, especially in regions prone to frequent natural calamities. The
researchers aimed to develop a practical solution to address this need.

**What is a dynamo? **
A dynamo is a device that generates electrical power through electromagnetic induction. In this
context, the 24-volt gear motor serves as a dynamo, converting mechanical work into electricity.

How productive is your prototype compared to other renewable resources? **

The research does not provide a direct comparison with other renewable resources. Its focus is on
the viability of a mechanically powered generator during community-level catastrophes, offering
an alternative solution to address emergency power needs.

**What is the relationship between the limitations of the other studies in your production? **
The limitations of other studies may highlight challenges or areas for improvement in existing
technologies. The current research may take these limitations into account when proposing
enhancements or addressing potential challenges in the implementation of mechanically powered

**What is the difference between respondents and participants? Which is qualitative? Which is
quantitative? **
Respondents and participants are often used interchangeably. In this context, respondents or
participants refer to the individuals involved in the study. Both terms can be used for both
qualitative and quantitative studies, depending on the nature of the data collected.

**How does this crank-powered source differ from other sources? **

The crank-powered generator is manually operated, converting mechanical work into electricity.
It differs from other sources, such as solar or wind power, which harness natural forces. The
crank-powered generator is portable and can be used immediately, making it suitable for
emergency scenarios.

**What is feasibility? **
Feasibility refers to the practicality and viability of a project or solution. In this context, the
feasibility of utilizing mechanically generated electricity as a renewable energy source is
assessed in terms of its effectiveness and practical application during community-level

**What is the level of feasibility of utilizing mechanically generated electricity as a renewable

energy source? **
The level of feasibility is not explicitly provided in the information provided. It would likely be
determined through the findings of the study, considering factors such as energy output, user
limitations, and cost-efficiency.

**Why is your study research considered a quantitative-quality type of research? **

The research is considered quantitative-quality because it combines both quantitative (numerical
data from surveys and experiments) and qualitative (descriptive information about the
development and application of the generator) research methods to provide a comprehensive
understanding of the topic.

**What includes your survey questionnaires? **

The survey questionnaires likely include questions related to the physical attributes of the
participants (e.g., height, weight), their experience using the crank-powered generator, and their
feedback on its usability and effectiveness.

Describe your research in one sentence. **

The research aims to develop and assess the effectiveness of mechanically powered mini-
generators as

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