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Soal Seleksi Penerimaan Calon PPDS IKA Unpad 2024

1. A 5-year-old boy was brought to you as he experienced a lot of red purplish spots on legs and buttock which
raised over the skin for 5 days. Some of the spots are aggregated in the last 24 hours. He has no fever, but knees and
ankles are swollen and painful. Which lab test do you plan?

a) Complete blood count

b) Erythrocyte sediment rate
c) Anti Nuclear antibody
d) Antibody Dengue
e) Anti SARS Cov2

2. A 5-year-old boy was brought to your practice due to rash and red spots on both legs sin ae 3 days before also
pain and swollen ankle since 2 days before. He complained of a cough and runny nose one week before. He drink
and eats well. The vital signs were all normal. Which medication do you consider needed by this patient.

a) Aminoglycoside
b) Ibuprofen
c) Vitamin K
d) Cefotaxime
e) Antihistamin

3. Breastmilk is rich in nutritional, immunological and non-nutritional components. What is the non nutritional
component of breastmilk which can facilitate the development of infant immune system?

a) Non digestible carbohydrate

b) Digestable carbohydrate
c) Cholesterol
d) Triglyseride
e) Colostrum

4. What is the benefit of baby bom per vaginal to the immune system education compared to caesarean section?

a) Vaginal delivery is more physiologic

b) Vaginal delivery doesn't need specialist
c) Vaginal delivery is way less expensive
d) Vaginal delivery provides contact with vaginal flora
e) Vaginal delivery provides with clean skin upon baby passage

5. A 6 years-old boy has been diagnosed with Nephrotic syndrome and look shorter than his pref. You order a bone
age film. What do you expect to see related to his height?

a) Early Bone age maturation

b) Delay Bone age maturation
c) Normal bone maturation
d) Increased Bone density
e) Decreased bone density

6. A 7 years old girl was presented to you as she has developed large breast as well as pubic hauf. You decided to
consult the child to pediatric endocrinologist, but the parent refused. What do you say about risking the child by not
taking her to an endocrinologist?
a) She exporiences precocious puley and might loss of height potential when not refer
b) Nothing special with it but she might be bullied at school and loss of emotional potential
c) She experiences precocious puberty and might loss of intellectual potential
d) She experiences precocious puberty and might loss of weight potential
Soal Seleksi Penerimaan Calon PPDS IKA Unpad 2024

e) Nothing special with it but she might be loss of social potential

Soal Seleksi Penerimaan Calon PPDS IKA Unpad 2024

7. A 14-year-old girl has been ill for 4 months and was just diagnosed as SLE today. Later you found that she didn't
get her period for 6 months. What is your conclusion?
a) Tertiary amenonhea
b) Secondary amenorhea
c) Primary Amenonhea
d) Pseudo amenorthea
e) Premature menopause

8. You received a 5-year-old girl who was brought to you as she experienced tremor since two weeks, she is thin,
sweating, and restless. You found pulses were 118/minute, has dry skin and exophthalmia. Which laboratory testing
do you plan for the girl?
a) scrum specific IgE
b) Thyroid hormone level
c) Calcium level
d) Sodium level
e) Potassium level

9. A 1-year-old boy is brought to the ER appears lethargic and has dry mucous membranes, has massive diarhea and
vomiting. Heart rate 170 beats/minute, respiratory rate 40x/minutes, blood pressure 65/45 mmg, with capillary reil
time is 3 seconds. Which of the following is the most appropriate initial management after IV access has been
a) IV antibiotics
b) Vasoactive drugs
c) D5% bolus 20cc/kgBW
d) Crystalloid fluid bolus 20cc/kgBW
e) Normal saline 70 cc/kgBW for 5 hours

15. A boy of 24 months old was experiencing vomit and diathea. You found his urine output had decreased and lips
were dried. What would you do?
a) Insert nasogastric tube to support oral hydration
b) Assess dehydration state before making decision
c) Stop vomit with proton pump inhibitor otherwise oral rehydration will fail
d) Assist and accompany mother to ensure Oral dehydration was successful
e) Start Intravenous rehydration in children who vomit as oral route normally fail

16. A 5 years-old boy was brought due to recurrent constipation. What do you try to identify most during history
a) Drug use
b) Possible obstruction
c) Allergy in the family
d) Hydration and Dict
e) Similar Family history

17. A 7-year-old boy was presented to the ER with a sudden onset severe abdominal pain lasting for 12 hours.
Mother firstly thought he might have gastritis as the pain started in epigastric area. You, however, found the pain
was located to the right iliac fossa with rebound tenderness also guarding. White blood cell count was 18 × 10%/L
with 81% neutrophils, C-reactive protein was 27. What is your conclusion for diagnosis?
a) Volvulus
b) Peritonitis
c) Pancreatitis
d) Appendicitis
e) Obstructive ileus
Soal Seleksi Penerimaan Calon PPDS IKA Unpad 2024

18. A 6 months-old-baby was brought with inconsolable crying. He has been having watery diarrhea in the last 2
days. You found, no sunken fontanelle neither sunken eye, turgor was normal, but the last urine output was limited
and occurred 7 hours prior to the visit. You suspect the clinical manifestation represented an electrolyte imbalance
a) Hyperphosphatemia
b) Hypermagnesemia
c) Hypernatremia
d) Hypercalcemia
e) Hyperkalemia

19. A 8-month-old boy was brought to the doctor because he looks pale. Leucocyte 4,5 x 10*/uL, HB 8 g/dL, and
MCV is 76 fL, MCH 24 pg, MCHC 29 g/dL, PLT 295 x 103/uL, reticulocyc 0,31 %, with microcytosis,
hypocromia, cigar cell, porkiloytosis, and mild polyeromasia noted on the peripheral blood smear. The data lead you
to suspicion of:
a) Thallasemia
b) Hemolytic anemia
c) Iron deficiency anemia
d) Anemia on chronic disease
e) Anemia of sickle cell discase

20. A 10 month old baby was presented to your clinie as he experienced red spot on his legs. Tom CBC shown
platelet count was 5,000 per mm3, while the remainder was normal. The baby baby vigorous, while pregnancy,
labor and delivery ere uncomplicated. Mother noticed the baby had MR vaccination few days before. Which one
below do you considered the most possible diagnosis?
a) Dengue fever
b) Viral infection
c) Vaccination reaction
d) Von Willebrand Disease
e) Idiopatic Thrombocytopenia

21. A 4 day-old baby admitted to ED due to seizure without fever nor other complaints. The baby was delivered
spontaneously in good condition. Vit K injection after birth was withhold due to stock shortage. The baby looked
pale with bulging fontanelle. Which of laboratory findings below do you consider relevant to the clinical
a) Decreased of platelet count
b) Prolonged Bleeding count
c) Prolonged PT and APTT
d) Decreased of FVIII level
e) Decreased of FIX level

22. You just received a retur referral from Third level hospital informing about a 5-year-old boy you sent before has
been diagnosed with Hemophili. Mother asked for a renewal first level referral to enable them keep using
government insurance. Mother shared worries of two other daughters of hers might affected from Hemophilia. You
mentioned it was seemed unlikely as the inheritance pattem of Hemophilia, is:
a) Y linked recessive
b) Y linked dominant
c) X linked recessive
d) XY linked dominant
e) X linked dominant
Soal Seleksi Penerimaan Calon PPDS IKA Unpad 2024

23. A 15 years-old gil experiencing a sudden onset of a mild sore throat, low-grade fever, and
difuse pink maculopapular rash, which followed by rednes in the eyes. The phsycian notes mild tenderness and
marked swelling of her psterior cervical lymph modes. Four days later the rash vanished. The most likely diagnosis
of this case is:
a) Rubella
b) Rubeola
c) Roscola
d) Erythema infectiosum
e) Erythema multiforme

24. A 2-year-old girl was brought of low-grade fever for 1 month and sore throat. She looks fatigued and has a
decreased appetite. She appears moderately ill, wasted, and her body temperature is 37.7 oC. White patches are found
throughout the oral cavity with lymph nodes palpable along her neck and axillac. The liver is 2 cm below the costal
arc. Her mom recently died after a notable severe malnutrition. What is the most likely diagnosis of the girl?
a) Human immunodeficiency Virus infection
b) Cytomegalovirus infection
c) Mononucleosis infectiosa
d) Tuberculosis infection
e) Streptococcal tonsillitis

25. You are determined to be in the Primary Health Care team for facility planner. You are asked to make a list of
plans for Specific immunoglobulins facility. Which of the specific immunoglobuline available currently, hence,
needed to be in the list
a) Rabies
b) Pertussis
c) Tetanus
d) Rubella
e) Varicella Zoster

26. A 12-year-old has fever, neck muscle pain, headache, and malaise. He describes the area from the back of his
left mandibula toward the mastoid space as being full and tender. You observe that his left earlobe appears to be
sticking upward and outward. Drinking lemon juice causes much pain in the affected area. You retrieve his
immunization card and realize that he has failed to get vaccinated for:
a) MR
b) Varicella
c) PCV
d) Influenza
e) Covid-19

27. A 4 years-old girl was brought into Primary Health Care due to fever and vomiting for 3 days. No cough nor
runny nose. Vital signs and general physical status were otherwise normal, ssly positve Rumple Leed was found.
Laboratory test revealed Hb 11 g/dL. Hct: 33 %. WBC: 5500u/L. Pit: 125.000 u/L. The diagnosis of this patient was:
a) Severe Dengue
b) Probable Dengue
c) Expanded Dengue Sindrom
d) Dengue with warning signs
e) Dengue with out warning signs

28. Mother with HIV/AIDS pregnant with the first child. She got ARV since 12 weeks pregnancy. The child was
born with cacsarian section in good condition. What do you choose for the prophylactic ARV?
a) Lamivudine 2 mg/kgBW /day until 6 wecks
b) Zidovudine 4 mg/kgBW/12 hours until 4 weeks
c) Zidovudine 4 mg/kgBW/12 hours + Nevirapine 2 mg/kgBW until 6 weeks
d) Zidovudine 4 mg/kgBW/12 hours until 6 weeks
e) Nevirapine 2 mg/kgBW/days until 6 weeks.
Soal Seleksi Penerimaan Calon PPDS IKA Unpad 2024

29. A nine ycar-old girl presented to the hospital complaining of abdominal pain with blood in the stool within 10
days prior to admission. This girl lives in a mining area and her parents are mining company workers. Under
microscopic examination, doctors found the parasite in his stool with a buccal capsule in its head. What are the
possible parasites found in the patient's stool?
a) Hookworm
b) Pinworm
c) Tapewonm
d) Roundworm
e) Whipworm

30. A full-term newborn from spontancous delivery with no complication was noticed to have heart murmur at 1 day
of age. The murmur was systolic, 2/6 grade. On day 3, murmur transform into a continuous and was best heard on
upper left stemal border. The newborn was apparently well, fully breastfed, normal pulse, and oxygen saturation was
100% in room air. What is the likely cause of the heart murmur?
a) Mitral stenosis
b) Atrial septal defect
c) Ventricular septal defect
d) Patent ductus arteriosus
e) Peripheral pulmonary stenosis

31. A girl presented due to chest tightness. Further evaluation confirms her having Rheumatic heart disease.
Considering the most affected heart valve, which type of murmur the doctor has heard in this patient?
a) Holosystolic in parasternal line 3-4* intercostal space
b) Midsystolic in parasternal line 3-4 intercostal space
c) Early systolic parastemal line 3-4 intercostal space
d) Mid diastolic parasternal line 3-4 intercostal space
e) Early diastolic parasternal line 3-4 intercostal space

32. An 8-year-old girl was brought due to palpitation. Further evaluation revealed wide and fixed split 2nd heart
sound and ejection systolic murmur best heard on 2nd intercostal space lef parasternal line. ECG showed right
ventricular hypertrophic. Chest X ray showed Cardio thoraxic ratio 0.8 and upward heart apex. The most likely
diagnosis is:
a) Aortic stenosis
b) Pulmonary stenosis
c) Tetralogy of Fallot
d) Atrial Septal Defect
e) Persistent foramen ovale

33. A 12-year-old girl was presented due to chest tightness. Further evaluation confirms her having Rheumatic heart
disease. Which heart valve is most affected by this disease?
a) Tricuspid
b) Mitrale
c) Aortae
d) Pulmonale
e) Semilunare

34. You received a medical report of a previous patient who came with red urine who turned out to have hematuria.
You suspect the patient having upper urinary tract source of hematuria, which means you need to focus on finding
origin of abnormality in:
a) Glomerulus
b) Pelvocalyx
c) Ureter
d) Bladder
e) Urethra
Soal Seleksi Penerimaan Calon PPDS IKA Unpad 2024

35. A 4-year-old boy was brought to primary health care as he suffered from a swollen body since 5 days ago. It
started in the moming on eyelids and disappeared at noon, but later spread to occur o legs and abdomen. What do
you expect to see in urinalysis to support your diagnosis?
a) nitrite Positive
b) Bacteria more than 100K
c) Protein lower than positive two
d) Protein more than positive two
e) Erythrocyte sedimentation more than 10 hpf

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