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THSS-189G0205X001 Rev.

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The “How to - Operational” subchapters outline the following operational procedures:

User Management

The procedures listed below are applicable to the Customer user with MASTER profile

• Dataset sub-group creation

• Sub-group dialogue access
• Sub-group creation
• Sub-group editing
• Sub-group deletion
• Dataset Profile creation
• Profile dialogue access
• Profile creation
• Profile editing
• Profile deletion
• User profiling
• User profiling dialogue access
• User profiling

Query Management

The procedures listed below are applicable to the Customer user with MASTER profile

• DARF (Data Analysis Request Form) and A-DARF (AVDM Requset Analysis Form)
• Request/New Request (from TVMdialogue)
• New Request (from User Management dialogue)
• TCR (Threshold Change Request)
• Request for Threshold/Trend reset
• Request for permanent thresholds change
• TQ (Technical Query)
• Request

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Scope of the user management dialogue is to define the profile for each user belonging to a well defined
fleet (hereafter identified as Customer Group).

The operative work flow to profile a user consists of three steps:

STEP1: Create a dataset of subgroups (a subgroup is a set of H/Cs, a Master user can create new
subgroups or edit/delete existing ones)

STEP2: Create a dataset of profiles (a profile is a list of Heliwise dialogues which can be accessed by the
user with that profile. A Master user can create new profiles or edit/delete existing ones)

STEP3: Profiling the user

Profiling a user means to assign them:

• A role
• One subgroup from the subgroups dataset
• One profile from the profiles dataset
• Options
• Accessibility in Heliwise

A master user can go through the work flow previously shown as described below:

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
than for which it is supplied, without the prior written consent of the Companies. Every permitted disclosure, reproduction, adaptation or publication of this document in whole or in part
and in any manner or form shall prominently contain this notice.
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1.1.1 How To - Dataset Subgroup Management

The following subchapters describe the procedures involved in creating, editing and deleting subgroups
from the User Management dialogue for a user with a MASTER status. Subgroup Dialogue Access

Table 207: How to - subgroup dialogue access


1 Open the Heliwise application

Select System Administration > User Management from the menu on the right
side of the screen.

The User Management dialogue opens. By default it displays the “Users” dia-

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 207: How to - subgroup dialogue access


Click on the “Groups” button on the left side of the dialogue and the “Groups”
dialogue opens.

If the Upper-Right table has a grey background editing is disabled. To enable it

click on the “Modify” button (Point 1).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 207: How to - subgroup dialogue access


The Bottom-Left box shows the list of the H/Cs which belong to a selected sub-
group (point 2). The Bottom-Right box displays the H/Cs in the Customer
Group’s fleet (point 3).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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UNCLASSIFIED Subgroup Creation

Table 208: How to - subgroup creation


Activate the “H/C Sub-group” table by clicking on the “Modify” button. Click on
the “Add New H/C Group” symbol (point 1) to create a new subgroup: both the
Upper boxes flip round to show the “Add a New Group” area.

In the “Add a new Group” area fill in (free text) the “Sub-Group” and the “Sub-
Group Description” fields (points 2 and 3). Click on the “Accept” button to save
(point 4).

The “Add a new Group” area flips back round to the Upper boxes and the new
sub-group is displayed and selected in the Upper-Right table.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 208: How to - subgroup creation


The Upper-Right box displays the subgroups and the new subgroup is selected
and highlighted in blue (point 5). The Bottom-Right box contains all the H/Cs in
the Customer Group’s fleet. The arrow pointing to the right is disbled because
there are no H/Cs in the Bottom-Left box (point 6).

Select the H/C to be moved into the subgroup by clicking on it (point 7), the
selected H/C is highlighted in blue, multi-choice is not allowed. If required the fil-
ter function can be used (point 8). Click on the blue arrow pointing right (point
9) to move the selected H/C into the table on the left.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 208: How to - subgroup creation


The selected H/C has now been removed from the Bottom-Right box and is
now in the Bottom-Left box (point 10) and belongs to the previously created

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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UNCLASSIFIED Subgroup Editing

Table 209: How to - subgroup editing


Select the subgroup to edit in the Upper-Right table (point 1) and then click on
the “Edit HC Group” symbol (point 2).

The two upper tables flip around to show the “Edit a Group” dialogue. Edit the
“Sub-Group Descripiton” free text field (point 3) and then click on the “Accept”
button to save (point 4). The dialogue flips back to the two upper tables.

To add more H/Cs to the subgroup proceed as described in Subgroup

To remove H/Cs, select one or more (multi-choice is allowed) HCs in the table in
the Bottom-Left box (point 5) and click on the blue arrow pointing towards the
right (point 6).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 209: How to - subgroup editing


The removed H/Cs are placed back in the Bottom-Right box. Subgroup Deletion

Table 210: How to - subgroup deletion


Select the subgroup to delete in the Upper-Right table (point 1) and then click
on the “Delete Group” symbol (point 2).

After clciking on the “Delete Group” symbol a pop-up window opens asking if
you are sure you want to remove the subgroup. Click “OK” to delete the sub-

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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1.1.2 How To - Dataset Profiles Management

The following subchapters describe the procedures involved in creating, modifying, editing and deleting pro-
files from the User Management dialogue for a user with a MASTER status. Profile Dialogue Access

Table 211: How to - profile dialogue access


1 Open the Heliwise application.

Select System Administration > User Management from the menu on the right
side of the screen.

The User Management dialogue opens. By default it displays the “Users” dia-

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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Table 211: How to - profile dialogue access


Click on the “Profiles” button on the left side of the dialogue and the “Profiles”
dialogue opens.

The “Profiles” dialogue opens. The dialogue shows the list of all user profiles
defined for the relevant customer group. Five pre-defined user profiles plus the
Master profile are initially displayed by default (Point 1).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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UNCLASSIFIED Profiles Creation

Table 212: How to - profiles creation


Click on THE “MASTER CREDENTIALS” row (point 1). The row is highlighted
in blue.

Click on the “Add New Profile” symbol (point 2) to create a new profile. The Pro-
file dialogue flips around to the “Add new Profile” dialogue.

Fill in the (free text) “Profile” and “Description” fields (points 3 and 4). Click on
the “Accept” button to save (point 5) and to flip back to the “Profiles” dialogue. A
new row is added with the profile and description just added.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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Table 212: How to - profiles creation


Click on the row of the new profile (point 6). Now click on the “Modify Profile”
symbol (point 7), this symbol enables the list of credentials. The right box shows
the list of all possible credentials to be assigned to the customer group (point 8).
Each credential refers to a specific dialogue of Heliwise corresponding with the
vertical menu on the right side (point 9). The list of credentials is organized in a
hierarchy of 3 levels. The 3rd level is operative, the first 2 levels are only
descriptive. Each credential (access to the corresponding Heliwise dialogue)
can be assigned/unassigned to the profile by ticking/un-ticking the relevant
check box (point 10).

When the user modifies a credential, each operative credential (third

level) is enabled only if its upper levels (first and second) are ticked as

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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UNCLASSIFIED Profile Editing

Table 213: How to - profile editing


Click on the row of the profile to be edited (point 1). Click on the “Edit Profile”
symbol (point 2) to modify the description of the selected profile. The left box
flips to the “Edit a Profile” dialogue.

Edit the “Description” field (free text) (point 3). Click on the “Accept” button to
save (point 4) and to flip back to the “Profiles” dialogue. The selected profile has
been updated according to the modifications made.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 213: How to - profile editing


To modify a profile’s credentials select the profile in the table on the left (point
5), then click on the “Modify Profile” symbol at the top of the dialogue (point 6)
and then tick/untick the check boxes on the right as required (point 6). See
chapter Profiles Creation for credential selection rules.

*Default profiles cannot be edited or modified*

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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UNCLASSIFIED Modify a Profile’s Credentials

Table 214: How to - modify a profile’s credentials


To modify a profile’s credentials select the profile in the table on the left (point
1), then click on the “Modify Profile” symbol at the top of the dialogue (point 2).

*Default profiles cannot be modified*

The selected row now has a modify symbol next to it (point 3) and the check
boxes in the “Profile Details” box on the right are enabled (point 4) and can be
ticked/unticked as required. The selection is automatically saved. Click on any
profile in the left box to exit modification mode.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 215: How to - copy a profile


Click on the row of the profile to be copied (point 1). Click on the “Copy Profile”
symbol (point 2).The left box flips to the “Paste Copied Profile” dialogue.

Edit the “Description” field (free text) (point 3) and the “Profile” field (point 4).
Click on the “Accept” button to save (point 5) and to flip back to the “Profiles”
dialogue. The copied profile is displayed in the table on the left.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 215: How to - copy a profile


A copied profile inherits the credentials of the profile from which it was copied.
To modify a copied profile’s credentials select the profile in the table on the left
(point 6), click on the “Modify Profile” symbol at the top of the page (point 7) and
then tick/untick the check boxes on the right as required (point 8). See chapter Profiles Creation for credential selection rules.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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UNCLASSIFIED Profile Deletion

Table 216: How to - delete a profile


Click on the row of the profile to be deleted (point 1). Click on the “Delete Pro-
file” symbol (point 2) to remove the selected profile.

When the “Delete Profile” symbol is clicked, a message is displayed. Click on

“OK” to permanently remove the selected profile: the selected profile is
removed from the target customer group.

*Default profiles cannot be deleted*

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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1.1.3 How To - User Profiling

The following subchapters describe how to access and edit data attributed to a user. User Profiling - Users Dialogue Access

Table 217: How to - users dialogue access


1 Open the Heliwise application.

Select System Administration > User Management from the menu on the right
side of the screen.

The User Management dialogue opens. By default it displays the “Users” dia-

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 217: How to - users dialogue access


The “Users” dialogue displays the list of all customer users in the Upper block
(point 1), the list of H/Cs belonging to the subgroup associated to a selected
user in the Bottom-Left block (point 2) and in the Bottom-Right block the fea-
tures/credentials associated to a selected user (point 3). The Lower blocks are
read only. New User Creation

New users are not created directly on the Heliwise application but according to the procedure outlined in the
table below.

Table 218: How to - new user creation


The Leonardo Portal customer administrator creates the new Leonardo Portal
The Leonardo Portal customer administrator forwards the new user(s) to the
HUMS support team
The Heliwise customer Master user can now see the new user(s) and assign
3 them helicopters and a profile through the functions described in the following
“How to - user profiling” subchapters.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 219: How to - user profiling


In the Upper block select the row of the user to be profiled (point 1) and click on
the “Edit User” symbol (point 2). The table flips around to display the “Edit a
User” dialogue.

Select the role of the user by ticking or un-ticking the check box labelled “Mas-
ter” (point 3); if a user is profiled as MASTER, they will be provided with all the
credentials of its customer group and they will be linked to all the H/Cs of the
customer fleet, therefore, the “Group” and “Profile” drop down lists are automat-
ically set to “Master Credentials” (point 4), no other option is available.

If the user is not profiled as a MASTER user it is necessary to select one of the
H/C subgroups belonging to the Customer Group of the selected user using the
“Group” drop down list and one of the profiles defined for the Customer Group
using the “Profile” drop down list (point 5).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 219: How to - user profiling


Tick/un-tick check boxes to enable/disable functional features.

Tick/untick the check box “Enable” (point 6) to enable/disable the user to have
access in Heliwise. Click on “Accept” (point 7) to save the profile and flip back to
the Users dialogue.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• The “Query Management” function allows the user to deal with the following tasks:
• Creation of DARF (Data Analysis Request Form) type queries
• Creation of TCR (Threshold Change Request) type queries
• Creation of TQ (Technical Query) type queries

• The query process consists of generating a query

• Only customers can generate a Query

• The Query reply process can only be carried out by PSE (customers are not enabled to reply to a query)

• TQ requests can only be generated from the “Query Management” dialogue

• DARF and TCR requests can be generated from the TVM steady plots only

• New DARF requests (following a PSE reply) can be generated from both the TVM steady plots and the
“Query Management” dialogue.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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1.2.1 How To - DARF Management

The following subchapters describe DARF request/new request procedures from the “TVM Trends” dialogue
and DARF new request procedure from the “Query Management” dialogue.
The procedures below are also valid for the AVDM Analysis Request Forms which are available to custom-
ers who have subscribed to the AVDM (Advanced Vibration Data Mining) service. DARF Request/New Request from TVM Trends Dialogue

Table 220: How to - DARF request/new request from TVM trends dialogue


1 Open the Heliwise application.

Select an H/C from the fleet home page.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 220: How to - DARF request/new request from TVM trends dialogue


Select TVM > Acquisition Results > TVM Trends from the main menu bar on the

The “TVM Trends” dialogue opens. Single click on the “Open DARF” symbol
(point 3) to create a new request or to create a new request following an LH
PSE team reply.

When the “Open DARF” symbol is clicked, all the plots where a DARF can be
generated are outlined in blue (points 4 and 5).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 220: How to - DARF request/new request from TVM trends dialogue


Place the mouse cursor on a plot enabled for DARF creation; the message
“Open Request” is shown; single click to open the DARF form.

The following fields on the DARF form shall be compiled:

• “Maintenance on Interested Area” (point 6)
• “Next Scheduled Maintenance” (point 7)
• “Description” free text (point 8); when compiled, the green tick
(point 9) is enabled
Select an option from the “Reason” area (point 10) and then click on the green
tick to send the request (point 9).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 220: How to - DARF request/new request from TVM trends dialogue


A DARF symbol is now visible on the plot. The symbol is displayed as follows
until a reply is received:

When a reply has been sent by the LH PSE team the DARF symbol visible on
the chart changes to the following:

8 The user can view the reply by clicking on the symbol. The form opens on the
“Reply Form” page which has been filled out by the LH PSE team. The user
may need to send a new request and the symbol displayed on the plot will be
the following:

This procedure can continue until the DARF is closed by the LH PSE team. The
closed DARF symbol on the plot will be as follows:

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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UNCLASSIFIED DARF New Request from Query Mangement Dialogue

Table 221: How to - DARF new request from Query Management dialogue


1 Open the Heliwise application.

Select System Administration > Query Management from the main menu bar on
the right.

The “Query Management” dialogue opens. Click on a DARF with a “New Reply”
status (point 1).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 221: How to - DARF new request from Query Management dialogue


Right click on the selected DARF and an option menu opens. Click on the
“Open Query” option (point 2).

The DARF form opens. All the fields are disabled. Click on the arrow pointing to
the right (point 3).

The form moves to the next page which is editable. Fill in the form as described
in DARF Request/New Request from TVM Dialogue.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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1.2.2 How To - TCR Management

The following subchapters describe the procedures for TCR requests for Threshold/Trend Reset and Per-
manent Threshold Change from the “TVM Trends” dialogue. TCR Threshold/Trend Reset Request from TVM Trends Dialogue

Table 222: How to - TCR Threshold/Trend Reset request from TVM trends dialogue


1 Open the Heliwise application.

Select an H/C from the fleet home page.

Select TVM > Acquisition Results > TVM Trends from the main menu bar on the

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 222: How to - TCR Threshold/Trend Reset request from TVM trends dialogue


The “TVM Trends” dialogue opens. Single click on the “Open TCR” symbol
(point 3) to create a new request.

When the “Open TCR” symbol is clicked, all the plots where a TCR can be
generated are outlined in blue (points 4 and 5).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 222: How to - TCR Threshold/Trend Reset request from TVM trends dialogue


Place the mouse cursor on a plot enabled for TCR creation; the message
“Open Request” is shown; single click to open the TCR form.

The TCR form opens. Select “Threshold/Trend Reset” in the “Reason” area
(point 6).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 222: How to - TCR Threshold/Trend Reset request from TVM trends dialogue


Fill in the description field (point 7) and then tick the check boxes of the thresh-
olds to be reset (point 8). Finally, click the green tick to send the request (point

A TCR symbol is now visible on the plot. The symbol is displayed as follows:

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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UNCLASSIFIED TCR Request for Permanent Threshold Change

Table 223: How to - TCR request for permanent threshold change


1 Open the Heliwise application.

Select an H/C from the fleet home page.

Select TVM > Acquisition Results > TVM Trends from the main menu bar on the

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 223: How to - TCR request for permanent threshold change


The “TVM Trends” dialogue opens. Single click on the “Open TCR” symbol
(point 3) to create a new request.

When the “Open TCR” symbol is clicked, all the plots where a TCR can be
generated are outlined in blue (points 4 and 5).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 223: How to - TCR request for permanent threshold change


Place the mouse cursor on a plot enabled for TCR creation; the message
“Open Request” is shown; single click to open the TCR form.

The TCR form opens. Select “Permanent Threshold Change” in the “Reason”
area (point 6).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 223: How to - TCR request for permanent threshold change


Fill in the description field (point 7) and then input the new values for each
threshold to be changed (point 8). Finally, click the green tick to send the
change request (point 9).

A TCR symbol is now visible on the plot. The symbol is displayed as follows:

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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1.2.3 How To - TQ Management

The following subchapter describes how to open a TQ request from the “Query Management” dialogue. TQ Request from Query Management Dialogue

Table 224: How to -TQ request from Query Management dialogue


1 Open the Heliwise application.

Select System Administration > Query Management from the main menu bar on
the right.

The “Query Management” dialogue opens. Click on the “Open TQ” symbol
(point 1).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 224: How to -TQ request from Query Management dialogue


The “Technical Query” form opens. Insert a subject (point 2) for the TQ and a
description (point 3). Then click on the green tick to send the request (point 4).

The TQ will be added to the overview area at the top of the dialogue (point 5)
and will be visible in the main table (point 6).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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The following subchapters provide a guide to resolving problems which may occur when running the Heli-
wise application.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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The steps below describe the procedure to be followed in order to check the Heliwise security settings are

Table 225: Troubleshooting Procedure - check security settings


Open Internet Options.

Select the "Security" tab, click on “Trusted Sites” and then click on
the “Sites” button next to the “Trusted Sites” text.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 225: Troubleshooting Procedure - check security settings


Click on the “Add” button in the pop-up window and then on the
“Close” button.

Leave the default settings on the “Internet Options” window “Secu-

rity” tab and click “OK” . NOTE: If for any reason it is not possible to
add the Heliwise website to the trusted sites list then it is necessary
to ensure that the "Enable Protected Mode (requires restarting
Internet Explorer)" in both "Internet" and "Trusted Sites" zones are
unchecked. Click “Ok” to close the window.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 225: Troubleshooting Procedure - check security settings


Open "Delete Browsing History".

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

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Table 225: Troubleshooting Procedure - check security settings


Delete, at least, the following items:

• "Preserve Favorites website data"

• "Temporary Internet files and website files"
• "Cookies and website data"
• "Tracking Protection, ActiveX Filtering and Do Not

Do not delete "History"

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 225: Troubleshooting Procedure - check security settings


Check regedit Silverlight settings under HKEY_LOCAL_MA-

• AllowElevatedTrustAppsInBrowser set to 1
• AllowLaunchOfElevatedTrustApps set to 1
8 Check local security settings and disable Virtual Store.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Requirement: check all security settings are correctly in place. See “Check Security Settings” on page 44.

PROBLEM: Unable to access Heliwise because Heliwise digital certificates are not installed on the PC.

Table 226: Troubleshooting procedure - Install digital certificate


The following popup opens after an attempted login if the required digital certifi-
cate is not installed on the PC.

Click on the link at the bottom of the popup:


You are redirected to the page displayed in Step 3.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 226: Troubleshooting procedure - Install digital certificate


If all the system requirements can be met, automatic installation can be carried
out (see Table 227 on page 50 below for the procedure).

If system requirements cannot be met, manual installation is necessary (see

Table 228 on page 53,Table 229 on page 60 and Table 230 on page 67 below
for the procedure).

Automatic Certificate installation procedure:

Table 227: Automatic digital certifcate installation procedure


After ensuring you have administrator privileges, click on the “Click here” text in
point 3.

2 Run the installer and follow the Wizard as shown in the following steps.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 227: Automatic digital certifcate installation procedure


Click on the “Install” button.

Click on the “Next” button when it becomes clickable.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 227: Automatic digital certifcate installation procedure


Click on the “Finish” button. The digital certificate has been installed success-
fully and the window closes.
Click on the “Click here” text in point 5 in order to return to the Heliwise Login

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Manual certificate installation procedure

Three certificates have to be imported manually:

The import procedure for each certificate is described in the tables below.

After successful import of the three certificates go to the Certificates_Manual_Import folder and double
click on the “AllowElevatedTrustAppsInBrowser.reg” to update the Silverlight Windows registry key. A
notification window opens to confirm the insertion of the registry key in the registry system.

Import aw_root certificate procedure:

Table 228: Troubleshooting procedure - Import aw_root certificate


If the PC does not meet system requirements it is necessary to carry out man-
ual installation of the digital certificate. Click on the “Click here” text in point 4 to
download the certificates and install them.

An installation guide is also available by clicking on the “here” text in point 4.

Extract the “” file which opens after clicking on
the link mentioned in Step 1.
3 Start Internet Explorer.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 228: Troubleshooting procedure - Import aw_root certificate


Open “Internet Options” and click on the “Content” tab. Press the “Certificates”

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 228: Troubleshooting procedure - Import aw_root certificate


After pressing the “Certificates” button a popup window opens. Click on the
“Import” button.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 228: Troubleshooting procedure - Import aw_root certificate


A Wizard opens allowing you to import the required certificate.

Click on the “Next” button.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 228: Troubleshooting procedure - Import aw_root certificate


Click on the “Browse” button. Browse to the aw_root.cer file in the previously
extracted file and then press the “Next” button.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 228: Troubleshooting procedure - Import aw_root certificate


Press the “Browse” button and select Trusted Root Certification Authorities
and then click on “Next” and the Wizard imports the certificate.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 228: Troubleshooting procedure - Import aw_root certificate


Click on the “Finish” button.

When the certificate has been successfully imported the following notification
window opens:


© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Import aw_ext certificate procedure:

Table 229: Troubleshooting procedure - Import aw_ext certificate


If the PC does not meet system requirements it is necessary to carry out man-
ual installation of the digital certificate. Click on the “Click here” text in point 4 to
download the certificates and install them.

An installation guide is also available by clicking on the “here” text in point 4.

Extract the “” file which opens after clicking on
the link mentioned in Step 1.
3 Start Internet Explorer.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 229: Troubleshooting procedure - Import aw_ext certificate


Open “Internet Options” and click on the “Content” tab. Press the “Certificates”

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 229: Troubleshooting procedure - Import aw_ext certificate


After pressing the “Certificates” button a popup window opens. Click on the
“Import” button.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 229: Troubleshooting procedure - Import aw_ext certificate


A Wizard opens allowing you to import the required certificate.

Click on the “Next” button.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 229: Troubleshooting procedure - Import aw_ext certificate


Click on the “Browse” button. Browse to the aw_ext.cer file in the previously
extracted file and then press the “Next” button.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 229: Troubleshooting procedure - Import aw_ext certificate


Press the “Browse” button and select Intermediate Certification Authorities

and then click on “Next” and the Wizard imports the certificate.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 229: Troubleshooting procedure - Import aw_ext certificate


Click on the “Finish” button.

When the certificate has been successfully imported the following notification
window opens:


© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Import thss_new certificate procedure:

Table 230: Troubleshooting - Import thss_new certificate


If the PC does not meet system requirements it is necessary to carry out man-
ual installation of the digital certificate. Click on the “Click here” text in point 4 to
download the certificates and install them.

An installation guide is also available by clicking on the “here” text in point 4.

Extract the “” file which opens after clicking on
the link mentioned in Step 1.
3 Start Internet Explorer.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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Table 230: Troubleshooting - Import thss_new certificate


Open “Internet Options” and click on the “Content” tab. Press the “Certificates”

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 230: Troubleshooting - Import thss_new certificate


After pressing the “Certificates” button a popup window opens. Click on the
“Import” button.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 230: Troubleshooting - Import thss_new certificate


A Wizard opens allowing you to import the required certificate.

Click on the “Next” button.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 230: Troubleshooting - Import thss_new certificate


Click on the “Browse” button. Browse to the thss_new.cer file in the previously
extracted file and then press the “Next” button.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 230: Troubleshooting - Import thss_new certificate


Press the “Browse” button and select Trusted Publishers and then click on
“Next” and the Wizard imports the certificate.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 230: Troubleshooting - Import thss_new certificate


Click on the “Finish” button.

When the certificate has been successfully imported the following notification
window opens:


After successful import of the three certificates go to the Certificates_Manual_Import folder and double
click on the “AllowElevatedTrustAppsInBrowser.reg” to update the Silverlight Windows registry key. A
notification window opens to confirm the insertion of the registry key in the registry system.

The manual import of the three certificates has completed.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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Requirement: check all security settings are correctly in place. See “Check Security Settings” on page 44.

PROBLEM: Unable to log in with another account if passwords have been saved.

Table 231: Troubleshooting Procedure - Unable to log in to another account if passwords have been saved


Open "Delete Browsing History".

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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Table 231: Troubleshooting Procedure - Unable to log in to another account if passwords have been saved


Delete the following items:

• "Preserve Favorites website data"

• "Temporary Internet files and website files"
• "Cookies and website data"
• "History"
• "Download History"


Press F12 on the keyboard.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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Table 231: Troubleshooting Procedure - Unable to log in to another account if passwords have been saved


Select the "Network" tab.

Click the fifth icon "Clear cookies for domain".

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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Requirement: check all security settings are correctly in place. See “Check Security Settings” on page 44.

Install Heliwise Offline - Automatic method

Table 232: Troubleshooting Procedure - Install Heliwise Web - Automatic method


Download the Heliwise Offline Updater from here: https://heli-
Go to Step 2 below. This setup will remove the previous version of
Heliwise Offline and install the latest one.

Click on the “Install” button.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 232: Troubleshooting Procedure - Install Heliwise Web - Automatic method


Click on the “Next” button when it becomes clickable at the end of


Click on the “Finish” button.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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Manual Method (Uninstall only)

Table 233: Troubleshooting Procedure - Uninstall Heliwise Web - Manual method


Go to the following folder on the file system:

You will find one or more folders with a format like the following:

2 ""

Delete all of them.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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PROBLEM: The following system alert message displays after login:


Table 234: Troubleshooting Procedure - Error message due to Heliwise Offline not installed


The above error message displays due to the fact that at login the Heliwise applica-
tion automatically searches for updates for Heliwise Offline. If the Offline application is
not installed the error message opens. To verify that this is the cause of the error
message go to “System Administration” > “User Audit Log”. The following entry will be
visible in the table:

In other words the directories

are not present under the default directory

To resolve the problem it is necessary to install Heliwise Offline. Please go to chapter
2.4 Offline - Install Heliwise Offline and follow the procedure.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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Requirement: check all security settings are correctly in place. See “Check Security Settings” on page 44.

PROBLEM: the offline local repository cannot be found.


Table 235: Troubleshooting Procedure - Offline - Local repositiory not found


In Heliwise go to System Administration>System Settings.

Disable the "Use Heliwise Local Data Manager" slider in the Heli-
wise System Settings and apply the change.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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Requirement: check all security settings are correctly in place. See “Check Security Settings” on page 44.

PROBLEM: The whole fleet is not displayed after logging in to Heliwise, or only some of the fleet is dis-

Table 236: Troubleshooting Procedure - Fleet/H/C not displayed after login


1 Close Heliwise.
Delete the two files contained in the folder:

(On Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Applica-
tion Data\AgustaWestland\HeliwiseLocalDB)
Restart Heliwise and wait until the “Update Procedure Completed”
popup message appears in the lower right corner of the Online web-

An increment in the size of the files contained in C:\Program-
Data\AgustaWestland\HeliwiseLocalDB will be noticed during syn-

(On Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Applica-

tion Data\AgustaWestland\HeliwiseLocalDB)

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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Requirement: check all security settings are correctly in place. See “Check Security Settings” on page 44.

PROBLEM: Unable to upload from the DSN Management Dialogue.


Table 237: Troubleshooting Procedure - Unable to upload from DSN Management dialogue


Open the folder:

(On Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Applica-
tion Data\AgustaWestland\HeliwiseClient\DSNManagement)

Copy the folder containing the DTC which is giving the error and
paste it under C:\
On Heliwise open the DTC Download dialog and select the DTC
copied under C:\ through the "My Computer" icon.
4 Upload the selected DTC by clicking the "FULL" button.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Requirement: check all security settings are correctly in place. See “Check Security Settings” on page 44.

PROBLEM: Unable to upload due to DTC transfer failure.


Table 238: Troubleshooting Procedure - Unable to upload - transfer DTC fails


This problem is encountered on the Transfer DTC Step while

1 uploading DTCs with the error: “Unable to upload files, retry later.
Procedure interrupted.”
Check that the following URL and port (used by Heliwise to connect
the SFTP Server) are not blocked within the internal network set-
tings (e.g. by Firewall):
1. URL: s
2. Port: 22 (standard SFTP port)

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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Requirement: check all security settings are correctly in place. See “Check Security Settings” on page 44.

This procedure allows the user to connect to the aircraft (AW169, AW189) using the free FTP Client FileZilla
and copy Download files if Heliwise Offline isn’t working.

PROBLEM: Heliwise Offline isn’t working and it is not possible to download data from the H/C.

Procedure to Connect to the H/C’s DTD

Table 239: Troubleshooting Procedure - Connect to H/C DTD


Download and install FileZilla (or similar FTP client software) from
2 Connect the PC to the DTD via WiFi or ethernet cable.
Open the FTP Client to connect directly to the H/C.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 239: Troubleshooting Procedure - Connect to H/C DTD


Insert the following default connection values in the corresponding

fields in FileZilla:
• IP address: (this is the default IP to access via
• IP address: (this is the default IP to access via Ether-
• User: anonymous
• Password: blank, there is no password
• Port: 21 (this field can also be left blank since 21 is the default


© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 239: Troubleshooting Procedure - Connect to H/C DTD


Click on the “Quick Connect” button.

You are now connected to the H/C’s DTD. Follow the procedures
below according to the data to be downloaded.

Procedure to Download MDS Data (Monitoring and Diagnostic System)

Table 240: Troubleshooting procedure - download MDS data


Go to the folder ssd/ams/mds. All the data to be downloaded is in

this folder.
Copy the whole content of this folder on to your PC, for example,
2 under C:\DownloadFromAcMds

Delete only the files from the following folders (if present): mds,
sumrecord, vmauto and vmresult
vmauto and vmresult)

Backup: copy the C:\DownloadFromAC content into a new folder

under ssd/ams/mdsbackup. Respect the sequential number of the
existing “mdsbckXXXXXX” folders using the following rules:

1. The folder name consists of “mdsbck” followed by a 6 figure pro-

gressive number “0000000”
4 2. If the folder number in mdsbck is < 100:
e. Find the highest number, create a new folder and
call it: mdsbck[NUMBER+1]
3. If the folder number in mdsbck is >= 100:
e. Find the highest number, create a new folder and
call it mdsbck[NUMBER+1]
f. Copy locally (local PC data backup storage) the
backup folder with the lowest number

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Procedure to Download MDS Backup Data

Table 241: Troubleshooting procedure - download MDS backup data


Go to the folder ssd/ams/mdsbackup. All data to be downloaded is

in this folder.
Copy the specific folder needed on to your PC, for example, under

Download FDM Data (Flight Monitoring Data)

Table 242: Troubleshooting procedure - download FDM data


Go to the folder ssd/ams/fdm. All the data to be downloaded is in

this folder.
Move the whole content of this folder on to your PC, for example,
2 under C:\DownloadFromAcFdm

Backup: copy the C:\DownloadFromAC content into a new folder

under ssd/ams/fdmbackup. Respect the sequential number of the
existing “mdsbckXXXXXX” folders using the following rules:

1. The folder name consists of “fdmbck” followed by a 6 figure pro-

gressive number “0000000”
3 2. If the folder number in fdmbck is < 100:
g. Find the highest number, create a new folder and
call it: fdmbck[NUMBER+1]
3. If the folder number in fdmbck is >= 100:
g. Find the highest number, create a new folder and
call it fdmbck[NUMBER+1]
h. Copy locally (local PC data backup storage) the
backup folder with the lowest number

Procedure to Download FDM Backup Data

Table 243: Troubleshooting procedure - download FDM backup data


Go to the folder ssd/ams/fdmbackup. All data to be downloaded is

in this folder.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 243: Troubleshooting procedure - download FDM backup data


Copy the specific folder needed on to your PC, for example, under

Upload MDS Data to Heliwise Server

Once these files are on the PC, open the folder and check if there are any files with the size 0kb. Delete any
files of this size.
It is possible to open Heliwise online, log in and through the DTC Download page upload the data to the
Heliwise server selecting the folder C:\DownloadFromAcMds.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Requirement: check all security settings are correctly in place. See “Check Security Settings” on page 44.

PROBLEM: RTB file selection is missing from the drop down list in RTB Adjustment.

Table 244: Troubleshooting Procedure - RTB Configuration files missing


Check all security checking are in place then restart Internet

Explorer and log in to Heliwise.

RTB files will be automatically download in the folder C:\Program-

Data\AgustaWestland\HeliwiseClient\RTB_FILE\SETTINGS once
the login is completed.
(On Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Applica-
tion Data\AgustaWestland\HeliwiseClient\RTB_FILE\SETTINGS)

If all security settings are in place but it still does not work it is
necessary to download the files manually following the proce-
dure starting at step 2 below.
2 Download the auto-extracting archive SETTINGS.EXE
Extract it under C:\ProgramData\AgustaWestland\HeliwiseCli-
(On Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Applica-
tion Data\AgustaWestland\HeliwiseClient\RTB_FILE\SETTINGS)

4 Reload the RTB Adjustment page.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Requirement: check all security settings are correctly in place. See “Check Security Settings” on page 44.

PROBLEM: Initialization fails for AW139 in PCMCIA Management


Table 245: Troubleshooting Procedure - AW139 - PCMCIA Management - initialization fails


1 Download the auto-extracting archive DtcCartridge.exe

Extract it under C:\ProgramData\AgustaWestland\HeliwiseCli-

Please note: "ProgramData" is a Windows registry key. If it has

2 been modified, the extract path should be modified accordingly.

On Windows XP the C:\ProgramData folder does not exist, it is

replaced by the folder: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Appli-
cation Data\AgustaWestland

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Requirement: check all security settings are correctly in place. See “Check Security Settings” on page 44.

PROBLEM: Unable to connect to the aircraft via WiFi or ethernet


Table 246: Troubleshooting Procedure - Unable to connect to A/C via WiFi or ethernet


1 Close Heliwise.
Delete the file C:\ProgramData\AgustaWestland\HeliwiseClient\Dtc-
(On Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Applica-
tion Data\AgustaWestland\HeliwiseClient\DtcConnection.xml)

3 Restart Heliwise and navigate to the DSN Management dialogue.

This procedure will recreate the C:\ProgramData\AgustaWestland\HeliwiseClient\DtcConnection.xml file

(On Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\AgustaWestland\HeliwiseCli-
ent\DtcConnection.xml) populated with the correct connection parameters.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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The following chapters describe the Heliwise interface and how to interact with it.

ATTENTION: References to “AVDM” may be found throughout this user manual; only customers
who have subscribed to the specific AVDM (Advanced Vibration Data Mining) service can view this
data on the Heliwise application.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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Click on the link to connect to the Heliwise help online:

If the user is not logged on the system will ask the user to log on (see chapter 3.3 User Login).

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Click on the link to connect to Heliwise:

It is necessary to have the Microsoft Silverlight plug-in installed.

Figure 1717: Site Address

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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After inserting the web address the following page appears:

Figure 1718: Login

To proceed with the login, both User name and Password must be inserted.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1719: Insert User name and Password

If the user name or password is not correct, the following message appears.

Figure 1720: Login Error

After six consecutive attempts, Heliwise temporarily locks the user’s account.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1721: Account temporarily locked

To unlock the account click the Reset Password link. The window below opens.

Figure 1722: Enter verification code

Insert the words that are displayed and then press the Verify button. If the words were entered correctly the
window below opens.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1723: Insert user name and email address

Insert the requested information and then press the Send Reset Code button. The window below opens.

Figure 1724: Insert code

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Copy and paste the code that was sent to your email address into the Code area in the window and then
press the Check Code button. A new window opens displaying two options; choose the option you require to

Figure 1725: Unlock or change password

If you select the Unlock Password button the window displayed below opens, press Continue and it will now
be possible to log on using the unlocked password.

Figure 1726: Account unlocked

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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If you select the Change Password option the window below opens.

Figure 1727: Change password

Enter the new password and then press the Change Password button. A window opens informing the user
that the password is being changed.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1728: Password changing

When the password has been changed a confirmation window opens and an email is sent to the user’s
account. Press Continue to log on using the new password.

Figure 1729: Password changed successfully

At the end of the process of either unlocking the password or changing the password the window below

Figure 1730: End of procedure message

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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After logging on correctly the user is connected to the Heliwise application

Figure 1731: Connecting to Heliwise

Once the site has loaded correctly the user is directed to the Heliwise Homepage.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Once logged in, the Fleet Home page is displayed. All the helicopters in the fleet are displayed by default.
On this page it is possible to select a helicopter on which to carry out further actions.

Figure 1732: Main Screen

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.4.1 Main Menu

On the right side of the page, the web application always shows the main menu and each icon represents a
macro area of Heliwise’s capabilities.

N.B. Not all menu icons are available for all users as access to menu items is based on the profile assigned
to the Heliwise user logged-in.

Table 247: Main Menu Items

Menu Icon Description

Click here to return to the Home Page (or Main Screen).

Module dedicated to the analysis of Fleet HUMS data.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 247: Main Menu Items

Menu Icon Description

Module dedicated to the monitoring of failures and usage data of a

selected helicopter.

Module dedicated to the analysis of Transmission Vibration Monitoring

information, such as Health Index and Accelerometers status.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 247: Main Menu Items

Menu Icon Description

Module addressed to Rotor Track and Balance features and Structural
Vibration Monitoring pages.

Module containing features for downloading data from the DTD to PC

and for the processing of information in each download folder.

Module dedicated to advanced settings.

Module addressed to resources management such as user

credentials and aircraft data. It also contains the Heliwise settings.

Opens the Help Online.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 247: Main Menu Items

Menu Icon Description

Clicking on the about window the user can get more information about
the software features introduced with the latest version.

Log-out button. Once clicked, the web site requests confirmation to

log out.

A tooltip provides information regarding the current session

information (user name, server and application time standard).

This area can host messages and notifications for the user.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.4.2 Content Area

The content area is a central section which hosts the aircraft fleet by default.

Figure 1733: Content Area example

When the user navigates to another page, this area changes dynamically showing the requested page.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.4.3 Banner
A banner section is always visible at the top of the Heliwise application.

Figure 1734: Banner Section

The banner also displays the user’s navigation history. By moving the mouse pointer over the clock, Heliwise
shows a transparent area which displays the pages which the user has navigated through in the current ses-

Figure 1735: Navigation History

Another functionality placed in the banner is the ‘Smart-link’ button.

Figure 1736: Smart-Link button

This button works differently depending whether you’re navigating the Main Screen or another specific dia-

In the Main Screen, if the logged user is able to see different Customers, Locations or HC Variants, the but-
ton works as a filter and it is shown as below.

Figure 1737: Fleet Filter button

By clicking on the ‘Fleet Filter’ button, the filter window opens and the user can select the required aircraft. In
the lower part of the filter there is a preview of the filtered aircraft.
Once the proper view parameters have been set, click to load the relevant data otherwise click to close
the window without applying the filter.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1738: Fleet Filter

On each specific dialog the aim of the Smart-Link button is to change the data set loaded on each page of
Heliwise. For example, while using the Fleet pages the user can use the Smart-Link to select which H/C to
be analysed. When analyzing the data the user can interact with this button to load another aircraft and
avoid going back to the home page. Therefore, the user should click on the button placed in the top right cor-
ner of the page and the following popup opens.

Figure 1739: Smart-Link window example

The body of this popup changes according to the page currently loaded in Heliwise. It can host a list of air-
craft which can be selected to be analysed, an interval time period to be loaded for analysing the AC data
and a list of AC models.
Once proper view parameters have been set click to load the relevant data otherwise click to close the
window without applying the filter.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Clicking on the icon highlighted below, the Help Online opens:

Figure 1740: User Manual icon

The help redirects itself automatically and shows the information about the page currently open by the
logged in user.

Figure 1741: Help Online

The manual is navigable by means of the tool-bar placed in the upper side of the popup.

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The functionalities are described in the table below.

Table 248: Help Online Functionalities

Icon Functionality
Save the entire help Online as a PDF file.

Print the entire help Online. By clicking on it, a pre-

defined operating system window is shown.

These functions allow page navigation. The first icon

takes the user to the first page, the second one shows
the previous page, the third one shows the next page
and the last one goes to the last page.
In the middle, the user can type directly the page num-
ber to be shown.

A zoom function is available. The last three icons per-

mit to set a predefined view of the manual (one or two
Use the ‘Find’ area to search for specific text.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

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The following paragraphs describe a set of common features applicable to all pages in Heliwise.


In the bottom right corner, Heliwise advises the user regarding each change applied to one aircraft of the
user’s fleet.

As shown in the images below, there are two types of notification.

The first one informs about the progress of an operation launched by the same user logged in. It closes by
itself when the operation finishes.

Figure 1742: 1st Notification

The second one communicates the result of an operation executed by another user logged in.
In this case, you have to confirm the receipt of notification by clicking on the green tick icon as shown in the
figure below.

Figure 1743: 2nd Notification

Filter Window

Each column in a table has a filter icon which allows the user to open a dedicated filter popup.

Figure 1744: Header Filter

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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See the table below for more details.

Table 249: Filter Functionalities

Filter Description
To open the filter window, double click on the relevant

The popup opens and it allows the filtering of the data

placed in the relevant column.

To select all options placed in the top area, tick the

check box labelled ‘Select all’ otherwise the user can
select the data to be shown by hand.

Another way in which the user can filter the data set
placed in the relevant column is using the combo box
placed below the current subtitle: ‘Show rows with
value that’.
The user can select the filter parameter to be used:
• ‘Is equal to’;
• ‘Is not equal to’;
• ‘Starts with’;
• ‘Ends with’;
• ‘Contains’;
• ‘Does not contain’;
• ‘Is contained in’;
• ‘Is not contained in’;
• ‘Is less than’;
• ‘Is less than or equal to’;
• ‘Is greater than’;
• ‘Is greater than or equal to’.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

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Table 249: Filter Functionalities

Filter Description

Once the combo is filled properly, the user can type

the characters to be searched and the filter will search
the relevant string according to the selected filter.

Below this text box, the user can select the method to
combine multiple filters; it is possible to select ‘And’ or

After that, the second parameter is configurable like

the first one.

At the bottom of the popup there are two buttons: ‘Fil-

ter’ and ‘Clear Filter’.
Use the first one to apply the parameters or the sec-
ond one to remove the already applied filters.

In case the column is hosting a date time information,

the user can filter using the calendar button placed in
the text box filter in which there is the label ‘Enter

Sorting Data

The user can sort data ascending/descending alphabetically or ascending/descending numerically. See the
table below for more details.

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Table 250: Definitions List

An upward pointing arrow appears above the col-

umn header text. This means the data in the col-
umn has been sorted in ascending alphabetical/
numerical order.
If you would like to sort the data in descending
alphabetical/numerical order click once on the col-
umn header showing the upward pointing arrow.

To return to the original order left click again and

the column header will return to its original format
without an arrow and the data in the column
returns to its original order.

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Group by Columns

Above some tables in the application there is the text ‘Drag a column header and drop it here to group by
that column’.

Figure 1745: Group by Columns

Drag and drop the column header into the area labelled ‘Drag a column header and drop it here to group by
that column’.
For example, if you want to group the data shown by ‘Code’, drag the relevant column header and you will
see the grid grouped by Code.

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Figure 1746: Group by 1st column

At the top of the table the text area ‘Grouped by’ identifies which are the grouped columns. The arrow above
the header text shows that the data has been automatically sorted into ascending alphabetical/numerical

Figure 1747: Header of grouping columns

To return to the original layout of the table click on the close button on the right side of the header. Repeat
the operation until all the grouped column headers have been closed and the table returns to its original lay-

Figure 1748: Ungroup columns

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

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Through the exporting functionalities, the user is able to generate an external file which contains the same
content as the dialog currently shown.
The Exporting functionalities are placed in a contextual menu which appears over the dialogs used to
analyze the data. The image below shows its design.

Figure 1749: Export and Reporting menu

After right clicking on a grid or a chart, the menu shown above appears. Moving over the “Export” option, the
available functionalities are shown. On a chart, you can also export as ‘PNG Image’ or ‘BMP Image’.

Figure 1750: Export functionalities

After clicking on a format, the browser opens an operating system window in which the user can select the
path where save the file just created.


The GS supports the user during the creation of a report, the relative features are contained in the same
menu used for exporting.
Right click on a table and then move the mouse over the “Reporting” option, the functionalities available are
shown below.

Figure 1751: Reporting functionalities

Clicking on “Save Grid as PDF”, the browser opens a window in which to select the folder where to save the
file. The result is a PDF file which contains the selected grid and its content.
The others options allow the user to create and customize a new report. The user can navigate through the
dialogs and add the desired grids with the option “Add Grid to Report”. Once all grids have been added to

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the report, the user can save it as PDF and select the folder. Another feature named “Clear Report” allows
the user to clear the report of all selected grids.

Chart Capabilities

There are many dialogs which are based on a chart elaboration. It’s always possible to interact with a chart
by right clicking on it. The result is a contextual menu which is able to recognize the environment where it
has been used and retrieves a menu displaying the available functionalities. By right clicking on a chart the
following menu appears:

Figure 1752: Chart Menu – Common buttons

The four options above the separator line are always visible because they are applicable to all types of
charts. Whereas the options below are dynamically shown according to the selected chart.


Figure 1753: Chart Menu – Zoom

The zoom can be adjusted by scrolling the mouse wheel. Select ‘Reset Zoom’ to return to the original set-

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1754: Chart Menu – Settings

The ‘Chart Settings’ menu option applies to the modes in which the chart represents the information.
Select ‘Change series Type’ option to modify the way in which you view the chart.
It’s possible to set the visibility of the tooltip and the grid lines. The options work as on-demand requests,
they will not apply as default settings. Clicking on the first option “Change Series Type”, the user can set the
way in which the data is displayed in the chart.


Figure 1755: Chart Menu – Export

It is possible to export the chart as a PNG image, a BMP image or as CSV Data. In each case your browser
opens and you can select a destination in which to save the file.
The CSV data is not always visible, it depends on the applicability of the data contained in the chart.


Figure 1756: Chart Menu – Reporting

It is possible to report data by selecting ‘Reporting’ from the menu. Another menu opens and you can select
‘Save Grid as PDF’ or ‘Add Grid to Report’. Their functionalities are explained above in the previous chapter.

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Flip to Grid

One of the features applicable to a chart is called “Flip to Grid.

Figure 1757: Chart Menu – Flip to Grid

As shown in the image above, the option allows flipping the view from a chart to a table.

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The option “Close” closes a specific view of a chart. It is very useful in several dialogs when the user can
decide to view multiple charts on a single page.

Figure 1758: Chart Menu – Close


The “Axis” option menu allows to change the view mode of values placed in both axes.

Figure 1759: Chart Menu – Axes

As shown in the image above, the user can change the value represented in an axis.
The possibility to change both axes or only one depends on the current chart.

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Switch Harmonics/Sidebands

By clicking on the “Switch Harmonics/Sidebands” option, the user is able to identify which are the abscissas
in a specific point.

Figure 1760: Chart Menu – Harmonics and Sidebands

As shown in the image above, once the contextual menu is opened the user has to click on “Switch Harmon-
Clicking on it once, the “Harmonics” mode enables and each time the user clicks on chart the system shows
the relative abscissa.
Clicking on it twice, the “Sidebands” mode enables and each time the user clicks on chart the system shows
the relative abscissa and its multiple values.

Show/Hide Axis Cursor

Identifies the coordinate of a point in a chart.

Figure 1761: Chart Menu – Show/Hide Axis Cursor

Once the contextual menu is opened, the user is able to click on “Show/Hide Axis Cursor”. Clicking on this
option, the chart enables a mode which shows the coordinates of the mouse pointer.

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Show/Hide Thresholds

To show the relative threshold.

Figure 1762: Chart Menu – Show/Hide Thresholds

Once the contextual menu is opened, clicking on “Show/Hide Thresholds” the user is able to see the relative
thresholds according to the data loaded.

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Once a user has logged in, Heliwise shows the Helicopters assigned to the Customer fleet by default.

As shown in the image below, it’s possible to view general information about the Customer H/Cs.
The Aircraft are grouped according to status.

Figure 1763: Fleet Home

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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The possible H/C statuses are shown in the table below.

Table 251: H/C Status

Helicopter Status Definition

The H/C’s temporary condition during dynamic data
population and up to H/C acceptance: you can
insert/update/delete components and their metric
consumption details.
An H/C which is temporarily frozen because of anal-
ysis in progress or a problem with the aircraft.

The Helicopter is able to fly. It could have several

active arisings; however, the GS ensures that they
are not blockers.
The Helicopter is not able to fly. The active arising
blocks any type of flight, the user must clear the
The H/C status while there is a download in process.

Each Helicopter is displayed in a dedicated section as shown below. Each section shows the tail number,
the serial code and the date of the last Heliwise update.

Figure 1764: Helicopter in fleet

If there is a warning icon (as shown in the figure below) in front of the H/C image there is at least one DSN to
be processed.

Figure 1765: Alert on Aircraft

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Four colour coded indicators are displayed on the right side of the section. These indicators represent macro
areas in which an arising could be active. When the indicator is green there is no active arising, when it is
amber or red there is an active arising; red meaning that the arising is more serious than amber.

Figure 1766: Home Page – Contextual Menu

As shown in the image above, right clicking on the H/C the user can navigate to the analysis pages.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Aircraft Details

By clicking on a single H/C, the user can view summary data of the selected H/C.

Figure 1767: H/C Status

Near the image of the H/C, there are four indicators regarding the presence of arisings in each subsystem
(as in the Home Page). Below the image, the H/C status is displayed.

In the upper part of the page, the user can view a group box containing the following information about the
selected H/C:

• ‘Tail Id’; the tail identification number of the selected H/C.

• ‘HcSerialCode: the serial assigned to selected H/C.
• ‘Variant’; the variant of the selected H/C.
• ‘S/W Version’; the software version installed on the selected H/C.
• ‘Role’; an alphanumerical field which shows the roles used to define H/C configuration.
• ‘Environment’; the flying environment of the selected H/C.
• ‘Location’; the place where the H/C is situated.

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The group box on the right displays the following information regarding the last processed download:
• ‘Id’; number of the last download.
• ‘Date Time Start’; date and time references about the start of last download.
• ‘Date Time End’; date and time references about the end of last download. Being the end of
last download, it can be considered as the date until the Helicopter was updated with data
download from DTD.
• ‘FH start’; the indicator of flight hours when the last DSN was started.
• ‘FH End’; the end flight hours of last DSN. They can be considered as Total Flight Hours of

Below the status, there are two icons. The first one is used to select the arising view and another one to view
the cumulative metrics values.

Figure 1768: H/C Icons

By default the page shows a list of active arisings (status is ‘Open’ or ‘Pending’).

Figure 1769: H/C Arising list

The column filter can be used to view arisings which have been cleared or rejected in the last 10 DSNs.

In this table you can view the following data:

• ‘DSN’; the Download Sequence Number in which the Arising was raised.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• ‘Description’; description of the arising.

• ‘Reason’; the type of TVM Exceedance. The cell is colored according to its type.

• ‘Update Time’; the recorded time of the last update.

• ‘Update Author’; who modified the arising the last time.
• ‘Number’; the arising ID (useful for carrying out a search in other parts of Heliwise).
• ‘Status’; the status of the arising. It can be ‘Open’, ‘Pending’, ‘Cleared’ or ‘Rejected’ and it is shown with
different colors.
• - Light brown shows a ‘Pending’ status. This means it is waiting user action.
• - Amber shows an ‘Open’ status.
• - Green shows a ‘cleared’ or ‘rejected’ status in which there are no further
actions to be carried out.
• ‘Remarks’; Any comments regarding the arising inserted by the user that debriefed the download.

Arising Management

By default the most critical arisings are displayed first. Here the user can manage the active arising by right
clicking on one of them.

Figure 1770: AC Details – Contextual Menu

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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In the contextual menu, you can click on “Clear” to close the “Open” arising.
Otherwise, if the Arising has a “Pending” status and the options available will be “Accept” or “Reject”.

To quickly navigate to the analysis of TVM data, click on “Analyze...” and select “TVM Health Indexes”. For a
description of the page please refer to the Aircraft TVM Data module.

Figure 1771: AC Details - TVM shortcut

If the arising occurred due to an RTB exceedance, the web application allows the user to quickly navigate to
the RTB Health Index Trend by means of the ‘Analyze…’ option.

Figure 1772: AC Details – RTB shortcut

If the arising was raised due to multiple occurrences of a fault, you can right click in the ‘Reason’ column and
select ‘Analyze..’ > ‘Faults’. In this way the user is taken directly to the ‘Faults’ page.

Figure 1773: AC Details - Fault shortcut

Clicking on the icon you can view the table of cumulative values of the selected H/C.

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Figure 1774: AC Details - Cumulative values

In this table you can view the following data:

• ‘Description’, a description of the metric.

• ‘UoM’, the corresponding unit of measure.
• ‘Entry Date Time’, the date and time of entrance into the fleet.
• ‘Cumulative Value’, the cumulative value of the data displayed.

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The System Administration module manages personal information (such as the password for login) and
other system settings.

Figure 1775: System Administration area

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3.8.1 User Audit Log

On this page the user can view the logs relevant to their navigation, and errors encountered during usage.

Figure 1776: Audit Log

The creation of these files is linked to user access; each time a user accesses the application a new group
of rows is automatically generated.

Figure 1777: User Audit Log columns

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As shown in the image above, the log file name consists of the date and time of the session recorded.
The page consists of a table showing the following columns:

• ‘File Date Time’; the date and time of the log file entry shown in DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.
• ‘Date and Time’; the date and time of the action recorded by the log, shown in DD_MM_YYYY
• ‘Message’; information regarding the action recorded by the log.
• ‘Message Details’; the internal methods called to execute that action.
• ‘Category’; the category of the message.
• ‘Priority’; the priority of the message represented by a circle which can be green, grey or red.

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3.8.2 User Management

After logging-on, the Fleet Home page opens and the main menu is visible on the right side of the applica-
tion. To access the User Management dialogue click on the System Administration icon (see point 1 in figure
62) and then select User Management from the menu (see point 2 in Figure 1778).

Figure 1778: System Administration access

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The User Management dialogue is an area dedicated to:

• Refreshing the list of customer users (Sync Users function: see chapter
• Generation, editing and management of helicopter subgroups for the customer fleet (Groups function:
see chapter
• Generation and editing of user profiles (Profiles function: see chapter
• Assigning profiles, features and helicopter subgroups to each customer user (Users function: see chap-

Actions which can be carried out in the User Management dialogue vary according to the profile status of the
user. The following two profile statuses are available:

• Master: a user with full credentials. The User Management function in Heliwise is enabled for a user with
a Master profile status. A master user can enable another user in Heliwise by assigning him/her the
same profile as his/herself (Master) or a profile with limited credentials (User)
• User: the basic user whose credentials are assigned by the Master user. The User Management function
in Heliwise is unavailable for a basic user.

The following subchapter describe the functions available to a user with Master status.

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UNCLASSIFIED Sync Users Button

To register new users, update existing users and delete removed users press the ‘Sync Users’ button. Fol-
lowing this action the table of users (see chapter will be updated in real time.

Figure 1779: Users Management - Sync Users button

After pressing the button a notification window opens stating the number of new users found, the number of
updated users found and the number of deleted users for the customer group.

Figure 1780: User Management - Sync Users notification

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After clicking on the ‘Groups’ button the ‘Groups’ dialogue opens. The page displays four boxes (see Figure


Figure 1781: User Management - Groups dialogue

UPPER-LEFT box (see Figure 1782)

In this box the following information is displayed:

• the name of the customer group of the logged Master (‘Customer Group Description’ column)
• the quantity of Helicopters assigned to the customer fleet (‘No. Aircraft’ column)
• the quantity of Helicopter subgroups (‘Aircraft Groups’ column)

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Figure 1782: User Management - Groups, Upper-left box

This box and the UPPER-RIGHT box are mutually exclusive. When this box is disabled, its background
becomes grey. In order to enable this box, the user shall click on the ‘Modify’ text as shown in Figure 1783.

Figure 1783: User Management - Groups, modify (upper-left)

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UPPER-RIGHT box (see Figure 1784)

This box refers to subgroups. A subgroup is a set of Helicopters belonging to the customer fleet.
This box displays:

• the name of each subgroup (‘HC Sub-Group’ column).

• the description of each subgroup (‘Description’ column)
• the quantity of Helicopters assigned to each subgroup (‘Count’ column)

Figure 1784: User Management - Groups, Upper-right box

This box and the UPPER-LEFT box are mutually exclusive. When this box is disabled, its background
becomes grey. In order to enable this box, the user shall click on ‘Modify’ as shown in Figure 1785.
When this box is enabled, the user can generate or edit subgroups (see

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

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Figure 1785: User Management - modify (upper-right box)

In this box the following information is displayed:

• the list of Helicopters belonging to the customer fleet when the UPPER-LEFT box is enabled. In this
case no actions can be implemented in this box, the blue arrows are disabled and the BOTTOM-RIGHT
box is empty (see Figure 1786)
• the list of Helicopters belonging to the selected subgroup when the UPPER-RIGHT box is enabled. In
this case the BOTTOM-RIGHT box shows the Helicopters which are part of the customer fleet but do not
belong to the selected subgroup and, by using the blue arrows, the user can add Helicopters to the sub-
group by clicking on the arrow pointing towards left or remove Helicopters by clicking on the arrow point-
ing towards right (see Figure 1787)

BOTTOM-RIGHT box (see Figure 1787)

In this box the following information is displayed:

• the box is empty when the UPPER-LEFT box is enabled (see Figure 1786)

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• the list of Helicopters belonging to the customer fleet but not belonging to the selected subgroup when
the UPPER-RIGHT box is enabled. In this case the BOTTOM-LEFT box shows all the Helicopters
belonging to the selected subgroup and as described for the BOTTOM-LEFT box, a user can add or
remove Helicopters to/from the subgroup

Figure 1786: User Management - Groups, upper-left box selected

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Figure 1787: User Management - Groups, upper-right box selected Helicopter Subgroup Management

A user can add/edit/delete Helicopter subgroups only when the UPPER-RIGHT box is enabled. Use the
symbols shown inFigure 1788 to carry out these actions.

Figure 1788: Add, Edit, Delete H/C Group Add Subgroup

Enable the UPPER-RIGHT box by clicking on the ‘Modify’ text located in the upper right corner of the box.
Click on the ‘Add New H/C Group’ symbol and the table flips around and displays the ‘Add a new Group’
box. In this box it is possible to insert the following information in order to create a new subgroup:

• ‘Sub-Group’; insert an alphanumeric code for the subgroup (max 30 characters)

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

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• ‘Sub-Group Description’; insert a brief description of the subgroup (max 30 characters)

Figure 1789: Add a new H/C group

To save the new sub-group and return to the ‘H/C Group Details’ table click the ‘Accept’ button. To return to
the ‘H/C Group Details’ table without saving the new sub-group, click ‘Cancel’.

Figure 1790: Add new H/C Group - buttons

After creating the new subgroup the table flips back and the new subgroup is visible in the ‘H/C Sub-Group’
table. Helicopters can now be added to the new subgroup from the H/Cs available in the main Customer
Group. Select the new subgroup in the table and then click on one or more H/Cs in the ‘H/C in Fleet’ area to
select or deselect them and then use the move arrows to put the selected H/Cs into the ‘H/C Group Details’
group. The new group is automatically saved.

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Figure 1791: H/C Group Details Edit Sub-group

To edit an existing subgroup, select the subgroup from the ‘H/C Sub-Group’ table and then press the ‘Edit H/
C Group’ symbol. The table flips around and displays the ‘Edit a Group’ group box. In this group box it is
possible to edit only the description of the group.

To save the edited subgroup and return to the ‘H/C Group Details’ table click the ‘Accept’ button. To return to
the ‘H/C Sub-Group’ table without saving the modifications, click ‘Cancel’. Delete Subgroup

To delete a subgroup select it from the ‘H/C Sub-Group’ table and then click on the ‘Delete Group’ symbol. A
pop up window opens asking for confirmation of the deletion. Click ‘OK’ to confirm or ‘Cancel’ to return to the
table without deleting the group.

Figure 1792: Delete group pop up

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The following three tables provide a quick guide on how to add, edit or delete a sub-group.

Table 252: Add a group

Action to add a group Description

After clicking on the ‘Add new H/C group’ symbol

the table flips and displays the ‘Add a new group’
With the UPPER-RIGHT box enabled, click on the group box.
‘Add new H/C group’ symbol above the table.

Insert the data the “Sub-Group” and “Sub-Group

Description” fields and then click on the ‘Accept’
button. The changes are saved and the ‘Add a new group’
area flips back to the ‘H/C Sub-Group’ table view.

With the new group selected in the ‘H/C Sub-

Group’ table move the required H/Cs from the ‘H/ When the desired H/Cs have been moved to the
C in Fleet’ area to the ‘H/C Group Details’ area ‘H/C Group Details’ area, the group is automati-
using the move arrows. cally saved

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Table 253: Edit a group

Action to edit a group Description

Select a subgroup to edit from the table.

When a subgroup is selected the row is high-

lighted in blue.

After clicking on the ‘Edit H/C Group’ symbol the

table flips and displays the ‘Edit a group’ group
Click on the ‘Edit H/C Group’ symbol at the top of
the table.

The ‘Sub-Group Description’ field can be edited.

Click on the ‘Accept’ button.
The changes are saved and the ‘Edit a group’
area flips back to the ‘H/C Sub-Group’ table view.

With the subgroup selected in the ‘H/C Sub-

Group’ table it is possible to add or remove H/Cs
from the subgroup using the two bottom tables.

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Table 254: Delete a group

Action to Delete a group Description

Select a subgroup to delete from the table.

When a subgroup is selected the row is high-

lighted in blue.

After clicking on the ‘Delete Group’ symbol a pop

up window opens asking for confirmation to delete
Click on the ‘Delete Group’ symbol at the top of the group.
the table.

After clicking the ‘OK’ button the selected group is

Click on the ‘OK’ button to confirm deletion of the
deleted and is removed from the list of sub-
selected group.

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UNCLASSIFIED Profiles Button

After clicking on the ‘Profiles’ button the ‘Profiles’ page opens. On this page it is possible for a Master user to
add, copy, modify, edit or delete a profile. A profile consists of a set of credentials which correspond to the
dialogues available on the Heliwise application. These credentials can be assigned to a user according to
relevancy, this means different users can have access to the areas of the application which are relevant to
the specific user.

After clicking on the ‘Profiles’ button the page opens displaying a list of profiles for the Customer Group(s) on
the left and an area which displays a list of Heliwise credentials (equivalent to the dialogues found in the
main vertical menu) on the right when a profile has been selected. Once a profile has been selected from the
table on the left, the credentials which are associated with that profile are displayed as ticked in the check
box next to the credential in the list on the right. The profiles table displays a list of profiles associated to a
main group. The table displays the profiles in a tree hierarchy starting from the main group to which the pro-
files are linked followed by the master profile and then the basic profiles. There is only one master profile for
each main customer group; if customer groups have been merged the master profile inherits any extra cre-
dentials that the other master profile(s) may have had. There are five default profiles and the Master profile
created for each Customer Group. It is possible for a Master user to add customised profiles.

Figure 1793: User Management - Profiles page

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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The left side of the page displays a table in hierarchy format which displays the name of the customer group
and the customer code(s) within the group (if customer main groups have been merged the customer code
associated to each individual main group will be displayed). Below the customer group information the mas-
ter profile (always one per main customer group) is displayed. The basic user profiles are listed below the
master profile. There are five default basic profiles for each Customer Group. It is possible for a Master user
to add customised profiles.

At the top of the page there are five buttons which allow the user to modify, copy, add, edit or delete pro-
files.The default profiles can be copied but cannot be edited, modified or deleted. Copied profiles can be
modified, edited and deleted.

Table 255: Profiles dialogue buttons

Modify a Profile button. This button is

used to assign/unassign credentials to
a new or an existing profile (not appli-
cable to default profiles).

Copy a Profile button. This button is

used to copy an existing profile and its

Add New Profile button. This button is

used to create a new profile, giving it a
name and a description.

Edit Profile button. This button is used

to edit the profile descripition only (not
applicable to default profiles).

Delete Profile button. This button is

used to delete a profile (not applicable
to default profiles). Add Profile

To Add a new basic profile first select the ‘Master Credentials’ group from the table on the left then click on
the ‘Add New Profile’ button. The table on the left flips around to display the ‘Add a new profile’ group box. In
this group box it is possible to insert the following information:

• ‘Group Description’; is an alphanumeric code reporting the group description (read only)
• ‘Profile’; an alphanumeric code for the new profile (max 30 characters)
• ‘Description’; a brief description of the new profile (max 30 characters)

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Figure 1794: Add a new profile

The table on the right is empty at this point and states: ‘Configure after creating a profile’. To create the new
profile click on the ‘Accept’ button. To return to the table without saving the profile click on the ‘Cancel’ but-

Once the profile has been created it is visible in the table on the left under its parent group. By default no
credentials are assigned to the new profile. In order to assign credentials to the new profile it is necessary to
first select it in the table and then click on the ‘Modify Profile’ button.

Figure 1795: Modify profile button

The selected profile will now be visible in the left table with a modify symbol next to it.

Figure 1796: Modify new profile

The right box labelled ‘Profile Details’ shows the list of all possible credentials which can be assigned to the
customer group. Each credential refers to a specific dialogue in Heliwise in accordance with the main verti-
cal menu on the right side of the screen. The list of credentials is organized in a hierarchy of 3 levels. The 3rd
level is operative, the first 2 levels are only descriptive. Each credential (meaning access to the correspond-
ing Heliwise dialogue) can be enabled/disabled by ticking/un-ticking the relevant check box.Therefore, to

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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assign credentials to a profile, click on the new profile to select it, click on the ‘Modify Profile’ button and then
tick the check boxes of the credentials which shall be assigned to the profile. The selection is automatically

Figure 1797: Profile details Modify Profile

To update the credentials assigned to a profile first select the profile to be modified in the table on the left
and then click on the ‘Modify Profile’ button. The check boxes in the table on the right are now enabled and
it is possible to tick/untick them to assign/unassign credentials. The modifications are automatically saved.
Click on another profile to exit the modification mode. The default profiles cannot be modified. To modify a
profile’s description use the ‘Edit profile’ button. Edit Profile

To edit a profile’s description (the profile’s description is the text displayed in the first column of the table on
the left on the Profiles page), first select the profile to be edited in the table on the left then click on the ‘Edit

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Profile’ button. The table flips around to the ‘Edit a profile’ table and it is possible to edit the ‘Descripition’
field. After making the required modification to the text click on the ‘Accept’ button to save the modification
and return to the main page. The default profiles cannot be edited. Copy Profile

To copy an existing profile and all its credentials, select the profile to be copied from the table on the left and
then click on the ‘Copy Profile’ button. The table flips around to the ‘Paste Copied Profile’ table. Insert the
new ‘Profile’ and ‘Descripiton’ in the corresponding fields and then click on the ‘Accept’ button to save the
copied profile and return to the main page. Delete Profile

To delete a profile select it from the table on the left and then click on the ‘Delete Profile’ button. A pop up
window opens asking for confirmation of the deletion. Click ‘OK’ to confirm or ‘Cancel’ to return to the table
without deleting the profile. The default profiles cannot be deleted.

Figure 1798: Delete Profile Quick Guide

The following tables provide a quick guide on how to copy, add, modify and delete a profile.

Table 256: Copy a profile

Action to copy a profile Description

After clicking on the ‘Copy Profile’ button the table

flips around and displays the ‘Paste Copied Pro-
file’ group box.
Select a profile from the table on the left and then
click on the ‘Copy Profile’ button above the table.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 256: Copy a profile

Action to copy a profile Description

The ‘Profile’ and ‘Description’ fields display the

data copied from the copied profile. It is necessary
to change at least the ‘Profile’ field otherwise the
copied profile will not be accepted as it already The copied profile is saved and the table flips back
exists. Click the ‘Accept’ button. to the ‘Profiles’ table view.

A copied profile inherits the credentials assigned

to the original profile. To change the credentials
use the ‘Modify Profile’ button.

Table 257: Add a profile

Action to add a profile Description

After clicking on the ‘Add New Profile’ button the

table flips around and displays the ‘Add a new pro-
file’ group box.
Select the ‘Master Credentials’ row in the table on
the left and then click on the ‘Add New Profile’ but-
ton at the top of the table.

Insert the data in the required fields and then click

on the ‘Accept’ button.
The changes are saved and the ‘Add a new pro-
file’ area flips back to the ‘Profiles’ table view.

To assign credentials to the newly created profile it

is necessary to use the ‘Modify Profile’ button.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 258: Modify a table

Action to modify a profile Description

The selected profile now has a modification sym-

bol next to it.
Select a profile from the table on the left and then
click on the ‘Modify Profile’ button.

Tick/untick in the checkboxes as required.

The check boxes in the ‘Profile Details’ area on

the right of the page are now enabled.

The modifications are automatically saved. To exit

the modification mode click on any other row in
the table on the left.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 259: Edit a profile

Action to edit a profile Description

When a profile is selected the row is highlighted in


Select a profile to edit from the table on the left.

After clicking on the ‘Edit Profile’ button the

table flips around and displays the ‘Edit a Profile’
group box. Only the ‘Description’ field is editable
Click on the ‘Edit Profile’ button at the top of the

Modify the Description field and then click on the

‘Accept’ button.
The changes are saved and the ‘Edit profile’ area
flips back to the ‘Profiles’ table view.

To edit the credentials assigned to the profile use

the ‘Modify profile’ button.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 260: Delete a profile

Action to delete a profile Description

When a profile is selected the row is highlighted in


Select a profile to delete from the table (default

profiles cannot be deleted).

After clicking on the ‘Delete Profile’ button a pop

up window opens asking for confirmation to delete
Click on the ‘Delete Profile’ button at the top of the the profile.

Click on the ‘OK’ button to confirm deletion of the After clicking the ‘OK’ button the selected profile is
selected profile. deleted and is removed from the list of profiles.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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ATTENTION: The Users Management - Users dialogue description makes references to “AVDM”;
only customers who have subscribed to the specific AVDM (Advanced Vibration Data Mining”
service can view this data on the Heliwise application.

By default the Users Management area opens on the ‘Users’ page (the Users button is highlighted). On this
page there is a list of users and details regarding each user. By selecting a user from the Users list it is pos-
sible to view the profile associated with the user and the group associated with the user.

Note regarding new user creation:

New users are not created directly on the Heliwise application but are created according to the procedure
1. The Leonardo Portal customer administrator creates the new Leonardo Portal user(s)
2. The Leonardo Portal customer administrator forwards the new user(s) to the HUMS support team
3. The Heliwise customer Master user can now see the new user(s) and assign them helicopters and a pro-
file through the functions available in the User Management section of the Heliwise application.

Figure 1799: Users Management - Users page

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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On the ‘User’ page there are three main areas: ‘Users’, ‘Group Details’ and ‘Profile Details’.

In the upper area there is a table which contains a list of users and information regarding these users. In this
table you can view the following information:

• ‘User Code’; an alphanumerical code given to the user.

• ‘Name’; the first name of the user
• ‘Surname’; the last name of the user
• ‘Customer Group Description’; a short description of the user’s company’s group
• ‘Group’; the group code associated to the user profile
• ‘Profile’; the profile type associated with the user
• ‘Master’, flagged if the user has been assigned a ‘Master’ profile
• ‘Enabled’; flagged if the user has a basic user status
• ‘Options’; displays any options which have been assigned to the user (see below).

Figure 1800: Users Management - Users List Edit User

If the ‘Edit User’ button is clicked the ‘Users’ table flips around and displays the ‘Edit a User’ group box. In
this area it is possible to edit some of the following information for the selected basic user:

• ‘User Code’; displays the code assigned to the user. Not editable
• ‘Name’; the first name of the user. Not editable
• ‘Surname’; the second name of the user. Not editable
• ’Email Address’; displays the email address assigned to the customer. Not editable
• ‘Customer Code Description’; a short description of the user’s company. Not editable
• ‘Customer Group Description’; a short description of the user’s company group
• ‘Group’; a drop down menu displaying all the available subgroups which can be associated with a basic
• ‘Profile’; a drop down menu displaying all the available profiles which can be associated with the user
• ‘Options’; a group box displaying a number of check boxes which can be ticked to select them and
assign the option to the user:
- Master: to assign the user Master status. A user with Master status cannot demote his/her own status

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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- Enabled: to assign a basic user status

- Read Only: the user cannot cancel arisings
- Query Management enabled: the user can send a query request to Heliwise Support team
- AVDM Enabled: the user can interact with the AVDM charts

Figure 1801: User Management - Edit basic User

Two buttons are available on the right side of the ‘Edit a User’ group box: ‘Accept’ to save the changes and
return to the ‘Users’ table; ‘Cancel’ to return to the ‘Users’ table without saving the change.

Figure 1802: Edit a User buttons

A user with a master profile status cannot edit his/her basic information or the options assigned to the mas-
ter status (these options are greyed out).

Figure 1803: User Management - Edit Master User

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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The ‘Group Details’ area in the lower left side of the page displays the aircraft contained within the group
code that has been associated with the user. This area is not editable and displays the group details for the
user selected in the ‘Users’ table at the top of the page.

Figure 1804: Users page - Group Details

The ‘Profile Details’ area in the lower right side of the page displays the profile associated with the user
selected from the ‘Users’ table at the top of the page. The user profile determines which areas of the Heli-
wise application a user has access to. All possible areas of the Heliwise application are listed in the ‘Profile
Details’ area, those which the selected user has access to have a ticked check box next to them. This area
is not editable. The Master user can edit which areas the users have access to on the ‘Profiles’ dialogue.

Figure 1805: Users page - Profile Details

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Users with Master status can edit a user from the ‘Users’ table at the top of the page. The table below
describes how to carry out the action.

Table 261: Edit user

Action to edit a user Description

When a user is selected the row is highlighted in


Select a user to edit from the table.

After clicking on the ‘Edit User’ icon the table flips

and displays the ‘Edit a User’ group box display-
Click on the ‘Edit User’ icon at the top of the table. ing the user’s details.

Edit the required fields and then click on the

‘Accept’ button.
The changes are saved and the ‘Edit a User’ area
flips back to the ‘Users’ table view.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.8.3 Query Management

ATTENTION: The following chapter makes references to AVDM Analysis Request Forms. Only
customers who have subscribed to the AVDM (advanced Vibration Data Mining) service can view
this data on the Heliwise application.

The Query Management function manages (creation/reply) queries.

Four kinds of queries are managed in HELIWISE:

1. Data Analysis Request Forms (DARF)

2. AVDM Analysis Request Form (A-DARF)
3. Threshold Change Request form (TCR)
4. Technical Query form (TQ)

Each query can assume one of following statuses (see 262 for status symbols):
• Open: the query is generated
• New Reply: LH Support reply to a query without closing it (waiting for a new request from the user). This
status is applicable for DARFs and A-DARFs
• New Request: User replies to an LH support reply without closing it. This status is applicable for DARFs
and A-DARFs
• Closure: the LH Support reply to and close a user query which has either an Open or New request status

Only the DARF and A-DARF can be subjected to all four statuses: it means that for a DARF or A-DARF it is
possible to have more than one Customer user/LH support interaction.

For TCR and TQ only OPEN and CLOSED statuses are applicable, so for these kind of queries only one
loop of Customer user/LH support interaction is foreseen.

DARF and A-DARF creation procedure is described in

TCR creation procedure is described in

The Query Management page can be opened from the main menu > System Administration > Query Man-
ager. On this page it is possible to track and edit Data Analysis Request Forms, AVDM Analysis Request
Forms and Threshold Change Request Forms which have been sent from the Aircraft TVM Trends page. It
is also possible to open a Technical Query Form from this page.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1806: Query Management page

At the top of the Query Management page there is an area displaying the quantity of Data Analysis Request
Forms (DARF), AVDM Request Analysis Forms (A-DARF), Threshold Change Request forms (TCR) and
Technical Query forms (TQ) with an open, closed or new reply status.

Figure 1807: Query Management - Overview area

For each type of request form there are a series of symbols which represent the current status of the form.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 262: Query Management - Symbols

Open Request. This symbol is appli-

cable to all request forms.

New Request on a previously opened

request. This symbol is only applica-
ble for DARFs and A-DARFs.
New Reply on a previously opened
request. This symbol is only applica-
ble to DARFs and A-DARFs.

Closed Request. This symbol is appli-

cable to all request forms.

The main area of the Query Management page is dedicated to the Request Details table. All DARFs, A-
DARFs, TCRs and TQs are listed in a table which displays all information relevant to each request. In this
area it is also possible to open a Technical Query form by clicking on the icon “Open Technical Query”. The
open TQ icon is visible only for MASTER users or users who are not Masters but have the Query Flag
enabled (see

The Request Details area consists of a table which displays a list of DARFs, TCRs and TQs and their
details. The table allows interaction with a selected Request. The table shows the following information for
each request form where valid:

• Code: A unique code to identify the customer

• H/C Model: a H/C icon representing the H/C model
• HCSerial: the H/C serial code on which the request has been opened
• HCTail: the tail number of the H/C on which the request has been opened
• AOG: flagged if the Aircraft is on the ground
• Type: the type of request made - DARF, TCR or TQ
• Status: the status of the request in text
• Revision: starting from 0 for the initial request, each reply or request after increases by one number
• Health Index: valid for DARFs and TCRs, states the Health Index for which the request was opened
• Acquisition: valid for DARFs and TCRs, states the acquisition number for which the request was opened
• Subject: the subject of a TQ form
• Last D/T: the date and time of the last response or request

To interact with a request click on it in the table and then right click to open the contextual menu. The actions
that are possible are displayed. For DARFs and TCRs the following menu opens:

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1808: Query Management - DARF and TCR contextual menu

By selecting “Analyse...TVM Trend” the Aircraft TVM Trends page opens on the selected acquisition and
Health Index - the status of the request is displayed through a symbol on the HI chart.

By selecting “Open Query” the selected request form is opened and it is possible to make further requests
only if the users is a MASTER user or a basic user with the Query Flag enabled (see

If any modifications are made via the Aircraft TVM Trends page they are automatically updated on the Query
Management page.

After right clicking on a selected TQ the following contextual menu opens:

Figure 1809: Query Management - TQ contextual menu

After clicking on “Open Query” the selected TQ form opens and it is possible to view the TQ.

A filter function is available by clicking on the button in the top left corner.

Figure 1810: Query Management - Filter button

The filter window allows the user to filter the data displayed in the Request Details area.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1811: Query Management - Filter

It is possible to filter the Request Details table by the following parameters:

• ‘Date From/Date To’: select a date range for which to display requests; to enable this filter it is necessary
to tick in the check box ‘Use Dates’
• ‘Status’: filter requests according to their status (All, Open, Closed, New Reply, New Request)
• ‘Customer Code’: filter requests according to customer code
• ‘Query Type’: filter requests according to type of query (All, Data Analysis Request, Threshold Change
Request, Technical Query, AVDM Data Analysis Request).

Use the check boxes to select the items for filtering.

Click on the green tick at the top of the window to apply the filter options and close the window. Click on the
red X to close the window without applying any filter options.


A Technical Query request for support can be opened from the Query Management page. A Technical
Query form (TQ) allows the user to send a message to the Heliwise Support Group and receive a direct

To open a new TQ click on the icon above the Request Details table.

Figure 1812: Query Management - Open new TQ icon

A TQ form consists of two pages - the initial “Create Request” form filled out by the user and the “Reply
Form” filled out by the Heliwise Support Group.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1813: Query Management - TQ Create Request

The “Create Request” form is filled out by the user making the generic request. At the top of the form there is
the following information regarding the request:

• ‘Reference Num.’: a reference number to track the request and the customer
• ‘Revision’: a number starting from zero to track the requests and reply (the initial request is Revision 0,
the reply Revision 1 and so on)
• ‘Issue Date’: the date and time the request was made
• ‘Compiled By’: the user name of the person who compiled the form.

The above fields are automatically compiled when the new TQ is opened.

The user can write the request in the “Description” field in the main area and give the request a subject. A
check box is available at the bottom of the form which can be ticked if the Aircraft is On Ground (AOG).To
send the request click on the green tick in the bottom right corner of the window. To close the form without
sending it click on the red X.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Heliwise Support Group will send a reply on the “Reply Form” page as shown below.

Figure 1814: Query Management - TQ Reply Form

Once the Support Group replies the TQ is automatically closed.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.8.4 System Settings

This pop-up allows the user to change personal settings regarding the current management of ESUM files,
synchronization of offline data and AW139 functions.

Figure 1815: Heliwise Settings

See the table below for more details.

Table 263: Change Heliwise Settings

Setting Description
Use Heliwise Local Data Manager This setting refers to the Heliwise Sync Agent
application. Enabling the Local Data Manager the
user allows the application to auto-synchronize its
offline data with the online information.

This setting must be set to NO otherwise the offline

database will not be synchronized.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 263: Change Heliwise Settings

Setting Description
Use Automatic ESUM File Manager Enabling this option the user allows Heliwise to
upload in the background its ESUM data to the
FHD server.
Activate Local ESUM File Logger Enable or disable the log tracing of ESUM files

AW139 functions

This area allows the user to set the DTD initialization mode, the debrief type and activate or not the AAD
data replication.

Figure 1816: Heliwise Functions - AW139 Functions

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 264: AW139 Functions

Setting Description

DTD Initialization Mode if set on 'auto' the PCMCIA DTC will be automati-
cally initialized following a debrief

Debrief Type set on 'fast' to automatically debrief files following

an upload or 'slow' to manually debrief files

if set on 'yes' it enables the replication of the file

AAD Data Replication
during upload phase. See below for further details.

The AAD Data Replication folder must be set as follows:

32Bit OS
C:\Program Files\GE Aviation\Information Exploitation AW139 Client Software\AW139 Full DTD\

64Bit OS
C:\Program Files(x86)\GE Aviation\Information Exploitation AW139 Client Software\AW139 Full DTD\

To install the ‘AAD Client’ (always run as Administrator) under Windows 7/8/10 64 bit, please consider
merging a .key patch which can be provided by LH HUMS Support Team.

In addition, set the AAD Client Options as follow:

• Right Click on the AAD Client

• ‘Pause’ and ‘Turn Archiving On’ are displayed (as fig. below): left click on the labels to change their sta-
• On ‘Channel Options’ check that ‘Full DTD Only’ is selected

Figure 1817: AAD Client Options

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

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The DTD backups will be stored in the following folder:


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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Moving the mouse over the sixth icon placed in the main menu, the “Data Management” module expands.

Figure 1818: Data Management area

The Data Management menu allows the user to transfer and process HUMS data coming from the aircraft
card to the Heliwise Web Site.

As shown in the image above, in Data Management, the following modules are listed in the menu:

• DTC Download: This module allows the user to download files from the local folder and upload them to the
Heliwise on line server.
• Data Debrief: This module allows the user to process the HUMS data previously uploaded and to review
the 5 most recent DSN downloads.
• DSN Management: [applicable only for AW169/AW189 helicopters]. This module allows the user to get
HUMS data via Wi-Fi or Ethernet from the DTD Panel. Only valid for AW169/AW189, however, in this sec-
tion the user is able to find the list of the most recent AW139 uploaded data. FULL button is to be ignored.
• PCMCIA Management: This module allows the user to initialize the card and to upload the INIT file (Initial
parameters) on the Helicopter.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.9.1 DTC Download

The following page is displayable by clicking on the menu item ‘DTC Download’ in the Data Management
module. Here you can transfer the MDS folder from your local PC to the online server.

Figure 1819: DTC Download

Figure 1820: DTC Download – include/exclude SUM files

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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You can decide whether to upload SUM files or not. Since these files are big, uploading them could impact
on the time required to complete the downloading process. Heliwise automatically remembers the last
choice. By excluding the SUM files the ground station will upload the other data more quickly.

To upload the HUMS data placed on a USB, SSD or file system, click on “My Computer” and select the
folder which contains the download data. You should click on the ‘Select’ button when the single files are dis-
played in the central area.

Figure 1821: Browse folder

Once the folder has been selected, the web application displays a message which requires user action.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1822: DTC Download – Full or QA

The user has to click on ‘Full’ to perform a debrief with file usage, otherwise click on ‘Quick’ to obtain a quick
overview of the TVM exceedances. In both cases the application closes the popup and proceeds to upload
the file to the Leonardo Helicopters’ server.

The system shows the progress and status of the process in the central area. Four steps are used to repre-
sent the entire process: Read, Compressing, Upload and Validation.

• Read: Heliwise is able to read the folder in which the download package is placed.
• Compressing: Heliwise compresses the files before uploading them on the Internet.
• Upload: Heliwise uploads the entire download folder (compressed) from the local operator PC to the
Leonardo Helicopters’ online server.
• Validation (applicable only to Full download): Heliwise checks the integrity of the downloaded data; soft-
ware version used to record it and it checks whether the tail code plugged in the HUMS data is actually
part of the AC fleet.
• Read HC Info Files (applicable only to Quick Access download). Heliwise reads the information placed
directly in the VM AUTO and VM RESULT files.

The page consists of a grid which shows all uploading files.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1823: Upload Files – DTC Content

As shown in the image above, the grid contains multiple columns to specify the files contained in the down-
load folder:

• Directory  path where is placed the download file.

• Name  The name of file validated.
• File Size  The size of file uploaded (In bit).

In the upper part of the area, you can see information about the total size of the download folder and the
type of DSN selected before.

Once the uploaded is completed, the pages can execute two different actions according to the type of pro-
cess (Full or QA).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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In this case, the application returns a message in which the name of the DSN row added in the Data Debrief
page is specified.

Figure 1824: Upload Files – Operation completed

For its data processing refer to Data Debrief page.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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In the case of QA, the page immediately opens a window in which the user can directly analyse the TVM
exceedances occurred from the last download.

Figure 1825: Quick Access overview

As shown above, the ‘look and feel’ are similar to the Health Index page used for the analysis of TVM Aris-
ings. The upper part consists of information about the helicopter.

This section displays the following details:

• ‘Tail ID’; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the H/C selected.
• ‘HC Status’; the current status of the H/C selected.
• ‘Variant’; the variant of the H/C selected.
• ‘AMMC Ver’; the version of AMMC.
• ‘Running Hours’; the operative hours in which the HUMS data were recorded.
• ‘Last DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the last DSN carried out.
• ‘Flight Hours’; the total flight hours of the selected H/C.
• ‘Last DSN End’; the date and time of the end of the last DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN Type’; reports the type of DSN.

Figure 1826: H/C details

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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To maximize the window, click on the square icon placed in the top right corner of the page.
In the central area of the page, the application plots the results obtained by processing the TVM data regard-
ing the selected helicopter. By default, the page shows the acquisition which contains at least one exceed-
ance and the relative HI exceeded (highlighted with a blue square).

Figure 1827: QA page – HI list

To switch to another TVM acquisition you have to use the combo list placed above the plotting area.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1828: QA page – Acq. List

The TVM components are identified by the acquisition Id, Type, Description and Accelerometer, on the right
the user can see the presence and quantity of exceedances. By clicking on one of them, Heliwise automati-
cally plots the health index in which there is an exceedance.

Figure 1829: QA page – Auto Plotting

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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The left side of the area consists of the list of Health Indexes applicable to the selected TVM component. By
ticking them, the user can decide which HI to plot in the central area.

The user can hide this list by clicking on the button placed in the upper-left corner (red arrow).

Figure 1830: QA page – Close HI List

To show the list, click again on the same button (meanwhile the arrow has become green).

Figure 1831: QA page – Open HI List

Near the list of TVM Components, the user can see the Close Monitoring status regarding the selected

Figure 1832: QA page – Close Monitoring

In the toolbar, by a calendar button the user can set whether to visualize one or two charts per view (as
shown below).

Figure 1833: QA page – Plots number

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Each chart has a button placed in the upper part of the view, in which the user can set the legend of acquisi-
tions to be plotted.

Figure 1834: QA page – Legenda

By default the HI plot shows the following data:

• Abscissa axis composed by Flight Hours indications;

• Value 0 of y-axis show with a green line;
• Blue, Amber and Red Steady Threshold - moving over the TH line, the chart shows the type of TH (tem-
porary, learned or permanent);
• Vertical line to indicate where the thresholds was reset (Permanent thresholds not included) due to parts
removal or manual reset;
• Vertical line to show where the Quick Assessment begins to display data.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Furthermore, every point representing an acquisition has a tooltip. Moving over one of them, the application
shows the main information. In detail, the following information is displayed:

• DSN number to identify the download from which the acquisition was generated;
• Acq. Date Time to get out when the acquisition was tracked;
• Acq. Flight Hours to indicate how many FH were recorded when the acquisition was tracked;
• A/C Flight Hours to indicate the total number of Flight Hours recorded by the current DSN;
• Health Index to show which index is being showing;
• The Value of health index.

Figure 1835: QA page – tooltip

By right clicking anywhere on the plot, you can select the option ‘Show Extended ToolTip’. As a result the
tooltip will display additional information such as IAS, Engine 1 Torque, Engine 2 Torque, Main Rotor Torque,
Tail Rotor Torque, Pitch and Roll degrees.

Figure 1836: QA page – Extended Tooltip

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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By clicking on an acquisition of HI plots, Heliwise shows the same acquisition in the other HI plots which are
already open. The selected acquisition is identifiable by a green circle around it.

Figure 1837: QA page – Acq. Selection

To zoom select an plot area by dragging and dropping the mouse pointer, to reset the zoom click twice. Oth-
erwise, you can zoom the view by using the scroll wheel of the mouse.

Figure 1838: QA page – Zoom an area

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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As explained above, by right clicking on any point of the plot, the web application displays the following con-
textual menu:

Figure 1839: QA page – Contextual menu

The menu contains the following functionalities:

• Zoom; to reset the zoom and focus on all acquisitions;

• Chart Settings.

Figure 1840: QA page – Chart Settings

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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It is possible to hide the automatic tooltip and the background coordinates and change the way in which the
acquisition is plotted. Following, an example of:
• XY Plot;

Figure 1841: QA page – Chart with Plot

• QA page – Chart with Plot;

Figure 1842: QA page – Chart with Step Area

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• Bar;

Figure 1843: QA page – Chart with Bar

• Line;

Figure 1844: QA page – Chart with Line

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• Line Symbols;

Figure 1845: QA page – Chart with Line Symbols

• Export; export in PNG or JPEG of HI plot;

• Reporting; add of chart in the dynamic report available in Heliwise (as explained in the
“Common Functionalities” paragraph at the beginning of user manual chapter);
• Axis X; possibility to switch the value of abscissa from Acq. FH in Acq. Date time and vice
• Axis Y; possibility to switch the parameters of axis from linear to logarithmic and vice versa;
• Show/Hide Extended ToolTip; view or not the additional parameters in the ToolTip as
described above;
• Show/Hide Thresholds; choose to view or not the thresholds the thresholds;
• Show/Hide DSN Markers; possibility to hide the indicators of start DSN;
• Close; close the HI plot;
• Flip to Grid; report the values in a tabular format. Possibility to export in CSV the HI values
and relative parameters.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1846: QA page – Table view

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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By right clicking on a row, you can open the contextual menu again, different options are available compared
to the previous one.

Figure 1847: QA page – Contextual menu in table

The ‘Show Extended Grid’ option allows to detail the information adding several columns (IAS, Pitch, Roll,
MGB Oil Temperature, MGB Oil Pressure, TGB Oil Temp, IGB Oil Temp, MGB Bearing 1 Oil Temperature,
MGB Bearing 2 Oil Temperature, Engine 1 Torque, Engine 2 Torque, Main Rotor Torque, Tail Rotor Torque,
NR) in order to associate each TVM acquisition with relative Flight Condition and Torque indicators.
The ‘Open Acquisition Thresholds’ allows to get the specific value about the thresholds of selected acquisi-

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1848: QA page – Acquisition Thresholds

The upper part consists of information about the helicopter. This section displays the following details:

• ‘Tail ID’; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the H/C selected.
• ‘HC Status’; the current status of the H/C selected.
• ‘Variant’; the variant of the H/C selected.
• ‘AMMC Ver’; the version of AMMC.
• ‘Running Hours’; the operative hours in which the HUMS data were recorded.
• ‘Last DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the last DSN carried out.
• ‘Flight Hours’; the total flight hours of the selected H/C.
• ‘Last DSN End’; the date and time of the end of the last DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).

Figure 1849: QA page - Thresholds page

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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The grid shows a list of applicable Health Indexes on that acquisition and each row consists of a HI Code
and a brief description.
Click on the plus icon placed near the HI code in order to view its thresholds.

Figure 1850: QA – thresholds of HI

Each HI has two tabs in which the user can visualize the thresholds of steady and trend (this is not applica-
ble to QA).
The grid shown by default regards the threshold values of steady plots and it displays following data:

• Type: the type of steady threshold;

• Value: the current value of TH;
• Status: shows if the TH is permanent (PRM), temporary because its learning is not completed yet or LRN
indicating that the phase of auto-learning is terminated;
• Temp Value: in case of the status is not LRN yet, the TH inherits the temporary value from TH fleet;
• Start Date Time: from which the TH has begun to acquire the custom value;
• Start FH: the FH from which the TH has begun to acquire the custom value;
• Start Initiator: who started the learning of TH;
• Update Date Time: when the user has forced the re-learning;
• Update FH: the FH value when the user has forced the re-learning;
• Update Initiator: who forced the re-learn of TH.

To close the pop-up click on the cross placed in the top-right corner of the window.
Finally, to exit from the QA page click on the door icon placed in the top right corner of the page.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Exceedance View
Below the area dedicated to HI plots, Heliwise displays the exceedance occurrences.

Figure 1851: QA page – exceedance list

The grid details each occurrence with following data:

• Acq. Id: id of TMV acquisition.

• Acq. Description: name of TVM Acquisition.
• Threshold Value: value of TH exceeded.
• Highest Health Index Value: highest value of acquisition of that exceedance.
• Lowest Health Index Value: lowest value of acquisition of that exceedance.
• Exceeding Health Index: HI exceeded.
• Thresholds Status: to indicate if the TH is set by AW or is auto-learned in according to specific machine.
• Threshold Type: Red, Amber or Blue exceedance.
• Number of Red Threshold Exceedance: number of red exceedance.
• Number of Amber Threshold Exceedance: number of amber exceedance.
• Number of Blue Threshold Exceedance: number of blue exceedance.
• Downloaded Valid Acquisition: total valid acquisition for that HI.

By right clicking on a single exceedance a contextual menu opens.

Figure 1852: QA – analyse exceedance menu

As shown in the image above, the action to be performed is to analyze the exceedance. Once clicked on it,
Heliwise reloads the page with the acquisition which generated the exceedance. On the left side, the HI
exceedance is automatically ticked.

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Below the grid, there are three indicators which allow user to get immediately an overview of the number of
red, amber and blue exceedance.

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3.9.2 DTC Download (AW139)

NOTE: in order to prepare the settings to allow AAD data replication it is necessary to open the window
which contains Heliwise settings and AW139 functions. Open this window by clicking on the ‘System Admin-
istration’ module icon and then selecting ‘System Settings’ from the menu. A pop up window opens where it
is possible to input the required settings. For a detailed description of the ‘System Settings’ window please
refer to the ‘System Settings’ chapter in this user manual.

Figure 1853: System Settings window

The ‘DTC Download’ page can be displayed by clicking on the menu item ‘DTC Download’ in the Data
Management module. Here the user can transfer the MDS folder from the local PC or PCMCIA CARD to an
online server.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1854: AW139 - DTC Download

To upload the HUMS data placed on a USB, SSD or file system, click on My Computer and select the folder
which contains the download data. Once the folder is opened and its content is shown, the user shall click on
the Select button.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1855: AW139 - DTC download - Select folder

To upload the HUMS data from the PCMCIA CARD, click on the reader icon and then click on the blue triangle
on the right.

A confirmation popup appears in order to confirm the full upload of the files or to cancel the operation.

Figure 1856: AW139 - DTC download - Choose DSN process

After pressing FULL, a DTC Overview window will be displayed.

If the sequence of the operations is congruent with the last processed Operation (OPN), a green light bullet
will be displayed. It is now possible to proceed with the download by clicking Proceed.

In this case, the application closes the popup and proceeds to upload the file to Heliwise server

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1857: AW139 - DTC Download - Overview (correct)

A red bullet will be displayed if the helicopter is not present in the current Fleet and consequently the upload
Operations (OPN) will be discarded.

Figure 1858: AW139 - DTC Download - Overview (not in fleet)

Also a red bullet will be displayed if the same operation has been found pending on the server.
The user can now commit them or discard the commit with the cancel button.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1859: AW139 - DTC Download - Overview (pending)

A blue bullet will be displayed if a time gap is detected between the last processed OPN and the new ones.

Figure 1860: AW139 - DTC Download - Overview (time gap)

Once the upload operation has been launched with the Proceed button, the system displays the progress
and status of the process in the central area as shown in the figure below.

Nine steps are used to represent the entire process: Read, Validating, Analyzing, Compressing, Backup, Sav-
ing, Transfer, DTC Acknowledge Content and Begin Validation.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• Read: Heliwise is able to read the folder in which the download package is placed.
• Validating: Heliwise validates the files before uploading them on the FTP server.
• Analyzing: Heliwise analyzes the files before uploading them on the FTP server.
• Compressing: Heliwise compresses the files before uploading them on the FTP server.
• Backup: Heliwise checks if the backup folder is present. If the backup folder is present, it proceeds to
upload the compressed files on AAD client. To modify the AAD service directory, the user shall access
Heliwise Settings section and change the path directory in AAD Data Replication field.
• Saving: Heliwise saves the files into the repository.
• Transfer: Heliwise uploads the entire download folder (compressed) from local operator PC to Leonardo
Helicopters secure FTP server.
• DTC Acknowledge Content: Leonardo Helicopters secure FTP server acknowledges the successful data
• Begin Validation: Heliwise checks the integrity of the downloaded data, the software version used to
record and if the tail code recorded in the HUMS data are present among the AC fleet.

Figure 1861: DTC Download - upload process

As shown in the image above, the grid contains multiple columns to specify the files contained in the down-
load folder:

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Directory The path where is placed the download file.

Name  The name of the validated file.
File Size The size of the uploaded file (in bit).

In the upper part of the area, the user can see the information about the total size of the download folder and
the type of the selected DSN previously selected.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.9.3 Data Debrief

In this page the user can process the HUMS Data previously uploaded to the server.
Once they data has been uploaded, Heliwise detects Tail Code, AMMC SW version and the date of down-
loads and, in this dialog, creates sub-rows for each H/C.

Figure 1862: DSN Status

The page shows a list of all Helicopters placed in the fleet. To interact completely with this dialog the user
has to first upload any HUMS data and create a H/C with the relative serial number.


Table 265: DSN List

Actions Description

First, identify the H/C to be debriefed through

the information shown in the grid (H/C model
and serial number). To help the user identify the
correct helicopter and its uploaded HUMS data
a warning icon appears inside the grid.
It indicates that the H/C has some HUMS data
uploaded but still not processed.

Once identified the H/C, expand its node by

clicking on the icon placed in the first column of
the row.
Here, all DSNs relative to the H/C are shown.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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The operations allowed on a DSN are shown by right clicking on it.

They are available or not according to the status of the DSN.

Figure 1863: DSN List

Below there is a table containing the possible statuses and the relative operations allowed to proceed with
the debriefing. On all DSN statuses, it is possible to remove it by right clicking on the DSN (not applicable for
the DSN already processed).

Table 266: DSN Status

DSN Status DSN Status Description Operation al- Operation Description

Connected Start time of this DSN corresponds Automatic Debrief Debrief explained below.
with the end time of the last DSN
processed. No time gap is present
between them.
Unconnected Start time of this DSN does not cor- Connect DSN Clicking on it, the ground
respond with the end time of the system automatically cre-
last DSN processed. Time gap is ates a row named “Con-
present between them. nected By User” to cover
the gap with the previous
DSN. Once the gap is
debriefed, it becomes
“Connected” and ready to
Connected By Manual Debrief Complete debriefing pro-
User cess manually, however
the steps shown are the
same used for the auto-
matic debriefing but the
metric have to be filled by
Overlapped The date of this DSN is already No operation
covered by another one. allowed to pro-
ceed. Only the
removal DSN is

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 266: DSN Status

DSN Status DSN Status Description Operation al- Operation Description

Processed Already debriefed, operation fin- Historical Debrief Clicking on it, the debrief-
ished ing already processed is
shown and the user can
see the data already ana-
Debriefing The operation is in progress and it’s Resume Debrief Continue where the last
possible to resume it. time the debrief was
Rollback Debrief To cancel and delete all
temporary data

The automatic debrief procedure is explained in the table below. The explanation is applicable also to Man-
ual Debrief because the wizard used is the same for both operations.

Table 267: Debriefing steps

Actions Description
Right click on a “Connected” DSN and select
“Automatic Debrief”.

Step one shows a summary of the data regard-

ing the H/C in the debrief process. By clicking on

the forward arrow at the top of the page you

can move on to step two.
On this page you can manually modify some of
the data regarding metrics, take off and landings
and crew.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 267: Debriefing steps

Actions Description
To move on to step three you have to click on
the grey ticks of the ‘Metrics’ and ‘Take Off&
Landings, Crew’ areas.
When the grey tick is clicked it becomes green
. After clicking both ticks you can then move
on to step three by clicking on the forward arrow
Click “OK” to confirm the operation and commit
the DSN data.

In the last step, Heliwise shows eventual arising

occurred because of exceedance or failure on

To finish, click on the tick icon placed in the top

area of the page.

The DSN status changes to “PROCESSED”.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Design Description

Figure 1864: DSN Status – Page design

The page is divided into two parts – a table and a calendar.

In the top part of the page there is a table containing the following data:

• In the first column you can select which H/C you want to view. Click in the box next to the relevant H/C
and this button will highlight the row selected.

• In the second column you can click on this button to open a table with the downloaded data for that
specific H/C. Always use it to close the table.
• ‘HC Model’; identifies the model of the A/C.
• ‘Serial Code’; the serial code of the selected A/C.
• ‘Tail Id’; shows the id of the H/C.
• ‘Status’; the current status of the selected H/C.
• ‘Pend DSN’; the number of debriefs waiting to be carried out.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• In the fifth column you will see this symbol if the H/C status has not changed because downloads
are pending.
• ‘Total DSN’; the total DSN processed.
• ‘Total Flight Hours; the total flight hours of the selected H/C.
• ‘Last Download Type’; this column shows if the last download was ‘automatic’ or ‘manual’.
• ‘Last DSN Process Time’; the date and time the last DSN was processed.
• ‘Last DSN Start’, the date and time of the start of the last DSN.
• ‘Last DSN End’, the date and time of the end of the last DSN.

If you select an H/C on the table and then click the expand button, a new table opens which shows infor-
mation regarding the DSNs carried out or pending on that specific H/C.

Figure 1865: DSN Status – DSN on H/C

In this table you can view the following data:

• ‘DSN Id’; the DSN Id depends on the DSN status. If the DSN has a status the DSN Id will be
a sequential number exclusive to that specific H/C, for a brand new H/C the DSN Id will start from 1 and
increase after each data debrief. If the DSN status is not ‘processed’ then the DSN Id is a number which
corresponds to the date and time that the files were uploaded (YYYY_MM_DD HH.MM.SS_001) fol-
lowed by a number.
• ‘Download Type’; this column shows if the debrief is ‘AUTOMATIC’ or ‘MANUAL’.
• ‘Download Index’; this column shows a sequential number for the debriefings pending. It will be blank if
the debrief has a ‘processed’ status.
• ‘Download At’; these column shows the time which the debriefing was carried out.
• ‘AMMC 1’; a green circle shows if data was taken from this AMMC, a grey circle shows if it was not.
• ‘AMMC 2’; a green circle shows if data was taken from this AMMC, a grey circle shows if it was not.
• ‘Primary AMMC’; the AMMC from which the data derives.
• ‘DSN Status’, the ‘DSN Status’ can be the following:

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• ‘DSN Start’; the time the DSN started.
• ‘DSN End’; the time the DSN finished.

In the bottom area of the page, as already described there is a calendar with the aim to indicate in a time
frame bar the DSN.
It is possible to resize either the calendar or the table by dragging the icon highlighted in the image below.

Figure 1866: DSN Status – Resize Area

Once an H/C is selected in the grid, you can visualize the situation of past and present debriefs on the calen-
dar. The calendar shows the first row as hours, the second as days, the third as months and fourth as years.
The colour of the selected debrief shown on the calendar depends on its DSN Status. It is possible to move
the calendar using the buttons in the top right corner as shown below.

Figure 1867: DSN Status – Calendar buttons

Table 268: Description of Calendar buttons

Button Description
By clicking on this button you can increase the viewing size of the hours, days, months
and years.

By clicking on this button you can decrease the viewing size of the hours, days, months
and years.

By clicking on this ‘rewind’ button the calendar moves to the first recorded debrief.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Table 268: Description of Calendar buttons

Button Description
By clicking on this button the calendar moves slightly to the left of the current position
and therefore to earlier hours/days/months/years.

By clicking on this button the calendar moves slightly to the right of the current position
and therefore to later hours/days/months/years.

By clicking on this ‘forward’ button the calendar moves to the last recorded debrief.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Wizard Design Description

As explained in the “Procedures” section, to proceed with the debriefing process the ground station uses a

Figure 1868: Data Debrief Wizard – 1st step

The first step is shown in the image above. All three steps of the wizard keep the same design, therefore a
trace of the steps in the top area, an overview of H/C details and a central area which contains data to import
and analyse.

The trace of steps is useful to show the step you are currently in.

Figure 1869: Data Debrief Wizard – Overview steps

As shown in the image above, on the right there are four buttons:

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• Use this button to cancel the process and rollback all data applied.
• Use this button.
• to move forward to next step.

• Use this move to previous step.

• Use this button to accept HUMS data uploaded and finish the process.

In the second area on the page you can see details regarding the selected H/C.

Figure 1870: Data Debrief Wizard – H/C details

In this area you can view the following information:

• ‘Tail ID’; the tail identification number of the selected H/C.

• ‘HC Status’; the current status of the H/C.
• ‘HC Serial’; the serial number assigned to the selected H/C.
• Variant’; the variant of the H/C model selected.
• ‘AMMC Version’; the version of the AMMC from which the data has been taken.
• ‘Running Hours’; the rotor hours of the H/C.
• ‘Flight Hours’; the total flight hours of the H/C.
• ‘Selected DSN’; the provisional name of the DSN selected.
• ‘Last OI End’; the end date and time of the last OI.
• ‘Selected DSN Start’; the date and time of the start of the selected DSN.
• ‘Selected DSN End’; the date and time of the end of the selected DSN.

DSN Flight Type (visible on 2nd e 3rd step); there are three available types:

• Avionic with just the avionic start up. No engine start.

• Ground with just APU data filled and no flight data.
• Flight if the Weight on Wheel detected parameter was at least one.These two areas placed in the top of
the page are always visible meanwhile the central area changes in according to step loaded.

In the first step, the central area displays a “Metrics Summary”.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1871: Data Debrief Wizard – Metrics Summary

Here you can view a table showing information regarding the metrics of the H/C selected, two tables labelled
‘AMMC1’ and ‘AMMC2’ and finally a chart showing information regarding the take-off/landings and DSN
Time. The AMMC highlighted in green is the AMMC from which the data displayed originates.

The default AMMC is AMMC 2, change this by right clicking on the table and selecting ‘Switch AMMC’ from
the menu which opens.

The metrics table shows the following information:

• ‘Metric Name’; the name of the metric in download.

• ‘UoM’; the relevant unit of measure.
• ‘AMMC1’; metric values recorded for AMMC1. If the AMMC is the primary AMMC this column is high-
lighted in green.
• ‘AMMC2’; metric values for data recorded for AMMC2 (selected by default). If the AMMC is the primary
AMMC this column is highlighted in green.
• ‘Difference %’; the difference in percentage for the metrics downloaded on each AMMC of the lower
value, considering the higher value to be 100%. If the difference is greater than 2% the value is high-
lighted in yellow.
• ‘Current Value’; the current value of the relevant metric.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1872: Data Debrief Wizard – Metrics table

You can right click on the data in each row and the menu shown in the table below opens.

Figure 1873: Data Debrief Wizard – Switch AMMC

You can change the AMMC from which the displayed data is from by selecting ‘Switch AMMC’ from this
menu, or by double clicking on the relevant data in the table in the AMMC 1 or AMMC 2 column. The default

In the two tables below the metrics table you can view the following information (the primary AMMC source
is highlighted):
• ‘Take Off’; the take off time, shown in DD_MM_YY HH.MM.SS.
• ‘Landing; the landing time, shown in DD_MM_YY HH.MM.SS.
• ‘Flight Hours’; the time recorded between take off and landing shown in HH.MM.SS.

Figure 1874: Data Debrief Wizard – Switch AMMCs

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Below the two AMMC tables there is a chart. In this chart you can view the ‘take off/landings’ and ‘DSN Time’
of the selected H/C.

Figure 1875: Chart DSN Time

On the right of the chart there is a legend containing colors used in the chart.
The next step of the wizard is labelled as “Metrics”. On this page you can manually modify some of the data
regarding metrics, take off and landings and crew.

Figure 1876: Data Debrief Wizard – Metric Step

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

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There are three areas which make up this step:

• “Metrics”;
• “Take Off & Landings”;
• “SUM”.

Figure 1877: Data Debrief Wizard – 2nd step


Figure 1878: Data Debrief Wizard – 2nd step, Metrics

If you open the ‘Metrics’ menu, there is an editable grid. You can modify where the cursor becomes a hand

and then double clicking. In the table there is the following data:

• ‘Metric Name’; a description of the metric;

• ‘Metric Type’; the type of metric;
• ‘UOM’; the unit of measure;
• ‘Cumulative Value’; the total value of the metric;
• ‘AMS Value’; the relative AMS value;
• ‘Current Value’; the current value according to the AMS.

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Take Off & landings

Figure 1879: Data Debrief Wizard – 2nd step, Take Off and Landings

There is a chart in the top part of the area. In this chart you can view the ‘take off/landings’ and ‘DSN Time’
of the selected H/C.

Figure 1880: Data Debrief Wizard – 2nd step, Take Off Chart

Below the shown chart, there is a table containing the flight sessions.

Figure 1881: Data Debrief Wizard – 2nd step, DSN sessions

The grid shows the following data:

• ‘DSN Id’, the definitive identification number of the DSN;

• ‘Flight Id’, the identification number of the flight;
• ‘Take-off/Landing Id’, the identification number of the take-off and landing;
• ‘Take-off’, the date and time of take off, shown in DD_MM_YY HH.MM.SS;
• ‘Landing’, the date and time of landing, shown in DD_MM_YY HH.MM.SS;
• ‘Flight Fuel [kg]’, the amount of fuel consumed during the flight;
• ‘Flight Hours’, the time the H/C spent in flight between take-off and landing, shown in HH.MM.SS.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

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In the table it is possible to modify data double clicking on it or add a new item to the table by clicking in the
row with the text ‘Click here to add new item’.

Above the grid, three buttons are placed:

• The add icon permits to add a new row in the table.

• The cancel icon allows canceling a temporary row or deleting an existing one. The same feature is
also achieved by right click on the row and select “Remove TO/L”.

• The approving icon allows saving a new row in the table.

SUM Data

The third area, placed in the bottom of the page, is named “SUM”.
Here you can view charts related to the relevant Structural Usage Monitoring files. The charts are in view
mode only and cannot be modified.

Figure 1882: Data Debrief Wizard – 2nd step, SUM area

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

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In the top of the SUM area, there are two tables showing the ESUM files to upload. The left grid is regarding
the AMMC1 and another one about AMMC2.

The columns contained in each grid are:

• File Number  a progress number which identify uniquely an ESUM file.

• File Name  the name used to register an ESUM file.
• Start Date Time  start time of recording session in which the ESUM file are found.
• End Date Time  end time of recording session.

Below the area dedicated to grids, there is a button named “SUM Files”.

Figure 1883: Data Debrief Wizard – 2nd step, SUM button

Clicking on it, it is possible to show a list of SUM files.

Figure 1884: Data Debrief Wizard – 2nd step, SUM Files list

Click on one of them to show the relevant chart. Wait few second to permit the correct loading (the time of
loading depends on the complexity and size of option selected).

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Figure 1885: Data Debrief Wizard – 2nd step, SUM Files Chart

You can choose whether you want to view data from both AMMC1 and AMMC2 or from either one or the
other. On the right of each chart there is a legend with two check boxes.

Figure 1886: Data Debrief Wizard – 2nd step, Chart Legend

When the check box is ticked the AMMC is selected. To select or deselect, click in the check box. You
will view data originating from the AMMC(s) selected.

Each chart shows Value and Time of the file selected. It is possible to use the scroll bars to move to the left
and right of the chart or up and down. The name of the open file is shown at the top of the chart on the left.

N.B It is possible to view several charts simultaneously The SUM files list marks the files which are

currently open with a tick .

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Figure 1887: Data Debrief Wizard – 2nd step, Charts Open


The last step shows the result of the download in terms of arisings. On this page you can view the arisings
for the selected H/C from the last download.

Figure 1888: Data Debrief Wizard – 3rd step, Arising List

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The area consists entirely of a table showing the following data:

• ‘Number’, the number associated with the arising; a sequential number.

• ‘Code’, the identification code of the arising.
• ‘Author’, the personnel who created the arising.
• ‘Generated’, the date and time the arising was importing in the ground station.
• ‘Detected’, the date in which the technical event was detected during the recording.
• ‘Description’, a description of the arising.
• ‘LCN’, the relevant LCN.
• ‘ALC’, the relevant ALC.
• ‘Status’, the status of the arising. Possible statuses are the following:
• Pending: The arising has been acknowledged but with no change to the H/C status.
• Accepted: The arising requires maintenance action.
• ‘Remarks’, comments regarding the arising.

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3.9.4 Data Debrief (AW139)

The Data Debrief section opens as soon as the DTC download has been successfully completed.

The DSN H/C Status page is also reached after carrying out an automatic debrief from the DSN Status page
on a DSN with a Connected status. Right click on the DSN and a menu opens, on this menu click on the
‘Debrief DSN’ item. The DSN is debriefed and the user is taken to the ‘DSN H/C Status’ page.

Figure 1889: DSN Status - Debrief DSN

The DSN H/C Status page displays a list of processed DSNs. The Last Processed DSN list shows the last
five processed DSN.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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In the Pending DSN section, the user can process the HUMS Data which has already been uploaded on the
server and those that are pending to be committed.

Figure 1890: AW139 - Data debrief

Select a pending DSN and right click on it; a menu opens showing further actions which can be carried out
on the DSN.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1891: AW139 - Data debrief - pending DSNs

It is possible to commit one or more DSNs at the same time by selecting the last DSN and then right clicking
and selecting Commit DSN. The Commit operation will be performed on all the DSNs with a green bullet.
The commit DSN process will start from the oldest DSN to the newest one. While the commit operation is
being carried out a small window displaying the number of the DSN currently being processed is shown.

Figure 1892: AW139 - Data Debrief - committing DSN

When committing process has finished, the DSN will be displayed as Processed and will be placed in the
upper list that shows the last five DSN processed for the selected helicopter.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1893: AW139 - Data debrief - Last processed DSN

It is possible for the user to preview the helicopter arisings, including the new ones generated from the most
recent download.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1894: AW139 - Data debrief - arising list

By right clicking on an arising a menu opens allowing the user to open the relevant TVM trends page.

Figure 1895: AW139 - Data debrief - arising menu

The TVM trends page opens.

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Figure 1896: AW139 - Data debrief - TVM trends

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3.9.5 DSN Management

In the ‘DSN Management’ page, you can transfer HUMS data from the H/C SSD (Solid State Drive) to the
local operator’s PC via Wi-Fi or Ethernet.

Figure 1897: DSN Management

At the top of the page the section ‘DSN Local Repository’ contains the data which has already been down-
loaded from the DTD of the H/C.

The grid consists of the following information:

• HC Model: display the model of AC;

• Tail ID: display the Tail Code of AC contained in the downloaded files;
• Files: number which shows the total number of files;
• Total Size [B]; the size of downloaded folder (shown in byte);
• DSN Type: the type of download (Quick or Full);
• Upload Status: the status of the download folder. “NEW” if it’s still placed in the operator PC and has
never been uploaded from this PC before otherwise the term displayed is “UPLOADED”
• Uploaded: shows when the user has uploaded the DSN;

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

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• Start/End Download; the date and time of download from the H/C SSD to operator PC;
• Full; upload data from local PC towards production server;
• Quick; proceed with QA process;
• RTB; use the RTB feature on that download.

By right clicking on a DSN, the system shows a contextual menu.

Figure 1898: Remove Local DSN

By clicking on the “Remove Selected Item” option it’s possible to delete the DSN from the grid and erase the
physical files from the local PC.

Once a DSN has been selected in the upper grid and clicking on the flip icon ( ) the central area ‘DSN
Details’ is automatically filled. It is also possible to check DSN details by right-clicking on the required DSN
and selecting ‘View Dsn Detail’ in the context menu.

Figure 1899: DSN Details

After clicking on ‘View Dsn Detail’ the files which make up the selected DSN are displayed. The following
information is displayed:

• File Name: shows the name of the file;

• File Size: shows the size of each file (in byte);
• AMMC: shows which is the AMMC involved;
• File Version: shows the version of the file;
• SW Version: shows the software version on board which was used to record;

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• Previous MDB Deletion: shows the date and time of previous deletion;
• DTC Allocation: shows the date and time of allocation on the DTD panel;
• CRC: shows if the CRC option is enabled or not.

By default in the central area of the page, the application shows the functionalities to download data from the
DTD via Wi-Fi or Ethernet.

First of all, the user has to connect to the DTD. If the intention is to download data by means of Wi-Fi con-
nection, the PC needs to connect to the DTD network as a common Wi-Fi Access Point. Otherwise, using an
Ethernet connection, you have to plug-in the Ethernet cable into your PC once it has been liaised with the
Secondly, ensure the type of connection, IP address, user and password are corrected. As shown in the
image below, you are able to switch from Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection using the toggle switch. After that,
check the IP address with the DTD IP (by default it is already set for the connection).
Leave the user ‘anonymous’ and no password.

Figure 1900: Download a DSN via Wi-Fi

Figure 1901: Download a DSN via Ethernet

Finally, click on ‘Connect’ and the light indicates if the connection is successful.

Figure 1902: Connected to DTD

Once it is connected, click on the ‘Download’ button to start the downloading.

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Figure 1903: Download Files

On the upper right side there is a progress bar showing the total progress of the operation.
“To Transfer (n)” area contains all files ready to be transferred while the area “Server Messages” reports the
feedback which a normal FTP client shows when connected to a server.
On the left side, the grid reports a log in order to trace the actions performed:

• Moving HC Failures List: moving the “AMSMNTFL….” Files to the mds path on DTD. They are ready to
be downloaded;
• Read HC Repository: checking the user permission to read the DTD content;
• Create Local Repository; creating a local repository on the operator PC;
• Download HC Maint Files; downloading the maintenance and usage files (applicable only on FULL
• Download HC VMauto Files: downloading the TVM files;
• Download HC VMresult Files: downloading the TVM files already processed on board;
• Download HC SUMrecord Files download the Structural Usage Monitoring files (applicable only on FULL
• Reading HC Info in Files: reading the information placed directly in the files of the download folder (appli-
cable only on Quick Access download);
• Verify HC Backup Folder: verifying the presence of ‘mdsbackup’ folder on SSD on board;
• Backup HC DSN Files: moving the files already downloaded to ‘mdsbackup’ DTD path. It creates a
queue consisting of all downloaded folders;
• Closing Download Procedure: shows the result and completion of the process.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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At the end of the process, the downloaded data is shown in the ‘DSN Local Repository’ grid as a DSN row.
The last download is placed as the first entry in order to immediately prepare the data to be uploaded to the
online server.
In the SSD on board, the mds folder has only the folders “sumrecord”, “vmauto” and “vmresult” and no data
is placed inside them. The DTD is ready to store other HUMS data.

Figure 1904: DSN Management – mds on board

Once the download is complete, the DTD moves the HUMS files from the mds to the mdsbackup folder in
which the user can find on board the last 100 data downloaded.

Figure 1905: DSN Management – mds on board

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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On Heliwise, inside the ‘DSN Local Repository’ grid, click on the ‘FULL’ button in order to upload the HUMS
data from the local PC to the online server. Depending which button is clicked, the processing will be per-
formed Full or Quick Access.

Figure 1906: DSN Management – Process DSN

Once the user has clicked on the button, the system automatically redirects to the ‘Upload DSN Files’ page.

Figure 1907: DTC Download – Uploading files

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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It is not possible to change the path where the download files are selected.From the ‘DSN Management’ dia-
log Heliwise sets the local repository as default path.

Figure 1908: DTC Download – SUM files

You can decide whether to upload also the SUM files or not. Since these files are big, their uploading could
impact the time required to complete the downloading process.
Click on the blue arrow to start with the upload process. The description of functionalities is contained in the
next chapter.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.9.6 PCMCIA Management

After clicking on the ‘PCMCIA Management’ menu item on the ‘Data Management’ menu, a window opens.
This window allows the user to format and prepare the PCMCIA after the data contained on it has been
downloaded. This window also opens after clicking on the ‘Init’ button on the ‘AW139 DTC Overview’ win-
dow from the ‘DTC Download’ page.

Figure 1909: PCMCIA Management - Manage DTC

At the top of the window the user selects the folder by clicking on the select folder button.

Figure 1910: PCMCIA Management - select folder button

Select the required folder from the pop up ‘Select a Folder’ window and then click on the ‘Select’ button.

When the folder has been selected it is possible to select the ‘DTC Type’ from the drop down menu.

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Figure 1911: PCMCIA Management - select DTC Type

It is now possible to click on the ‘Initialize’ button and the formatting of the PCMCIA begins. However, if, for
example, a part has been replaced on the helicopter, it is necessary to upload the initial parameters to the
PCMCIA. In this case an extra file will be prepared and added to the list of files on the PCMCIA. To upload
initial parameters click on the arrow next to the ‘Upload Initial Parameters’ text and select the initial parame-
ters to set from the list that opens.

Figure 1912: PCMCIA Management - Upload Initial Parameters

Click on the ‘Upload’ button to upload the file. Then click on the ‘Initialize’ button to continue preparing the

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During PCMCIA preparation the progress can be monitored on the progress bar.

Figure 1913: PCMCIA Management - Progress bar

Due to the fact that the formatting process can be time consuming, it is possible to minimize the window in
order to continue using Heliwise. Click on the ‘Minimize’ button to reduce the size of the window. The win-
dow and the format progress will be visible at the top of the application.

Figure 1914: PCMCIA Management

While the PCMCIA is being formatted it is not possible to carry out further actions in PCMCIA management.
If a user tries to carry out another action a warning window opens.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

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Figure 1915: PCMCIA Management - DTC is working window

The user can cancel the procedure at any time and a pop up will open reporting the user action.

Figure 1916: PCMCIA Management - cancel DTC preparation

When the preparation procedure has completed successfully a window opens informing the user that the
procedure is complete. Click ‘OK’ to close the window.

Figure 1917: PCMCIA Management - DTC preparation completed window

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

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Once an aircraft has been selected from the available A/C in the fleet, the user can refer to this module to
find out more information relevant to the status of the helicopter.

Figure 1918: Aircraft Status module

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3.10.1 Aircraft Arising

This page shows all data regarding the arisings for a selected H/C. The status of each arising can be one of
four available conditions:

• Pending  the system recognizes a threshold exceedance and generates a technical event.
It waits for a response by the user. The status of the H/C remains as before.
• Open  the maintainer checked the problem and accepted the technical event.
• Rejected  the maintainer checked the problem and decided not to apply any technical
• Cleared  the maintainer resolves the technical event before opening it and closes
successfully the action.

N.B The page automatically loads the most recent DSN information. To change its time frame please
refer to the Smart link paragraph.

Figure 1919: Aircraft Arising page

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

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The page is divided into three main areas; at the top of the page there are details regarding the H/C

Figure 1920: Arising – H/C details

In this area you can view the following data:

• ‘Tail ID’; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the tail code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Serial’; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the serial code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Status’; the current status of the H/C selected.
• ‘Variant’; the variant of the H/C selected.
• ‘AMMC Ver’; the version of AMMC.
• ‘Running Hours’; the operative hours in which the HUMS data were recorded.
• ‘Last DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the last DSN carried out.
• ‘Start DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected start DSN.
• ‘End DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected end DSN.
• ‘Flight Hours’; the total flight hours of the selected H/C.
• ‘FH Start’; the flight hours recorded at the start of the selected DSN.
• ‘FH End’; the flight hours recorded at the end of the selected DSN.
• ‘Last Dsn End’; the date and time of the end of the last DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN Start’; the date and time of the start of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN End’; the date and time of the end of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).

Below the H/C details there is an area called ‘Aircraft Arising’.

Figure 1921: Arising List

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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In this area there is a table showing data regarding the arising recorded in the DSN(s) selected. In this table
you can view the following data:

• ‘DSN’; the download sequence number selected.

• ‘Number’ the sequential number given to each arising.
• ‘Code’; an identification code associated with an arising-
• ‘Type’; the type of arising, this can be: ‘EXCEED_CODE’, ‘FAULT_CODE’, ‘MANUAL’, ‘VMEXCEED-
• ‘Created By’, the user logged on at the time of the relative download.
• ‘Generation Date &Time’; the date and time in which the arising was generated in the ground station.
• ‘Detection Date &Time’; the date and time in which the arising occurred.
• ‘Description’; a description of the arising.
• ‘Remarks’; a note of the arising.
• ‘LCN’; the logistic control number related to the arising.
• ‘ALC’; the alternate logistic control number related to the arising.
• ‘Status’; the status of the arising, this can be ‘Open’, ‘Pending’, ‘Cleared’ or ‘Rejected’.

To interact with the status of an arising placed in the table, just select one of them by clicking on it and then
right clicking.

A contextual menu opens as shown below.

Figure 1922: Arising List – Contextual menu

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

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Select the operation to be applied from the contextual menu; the system processes the selected arising and
changes its status to another one. The following table shows how an arising status can be changed.

Table 269: Description of Arising Status

Source Status Target Status

Pending Accepted
Open Cleared
Rejected “No action”


The status of arising are coloured as shown in the images below:

• - Light brown shows a ‘Pending’ status. It expects an action by user.

• - Amber shows an ‘Open’ status with no impact on helicopter status.

• - Green shows a ‘cleared’ or ‘rejected’ status in which there are no further

actions to be done.

In the bottom area of the page, there is a section named “Aircraft Arising Details”. This area is automatically
populated according to the selected arising in the main grid. The mechanism used to value its fields is based
on the type of the selected arising.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Exceed Code

Selecting an arising with type “Exceed_Code” the “Aircraft Arising Details” changes in order to detail this
type of arising.

Figure 1923: Arising Details – Exceed Code

The first area labelled ‘Exceedance’ displays the following information:

• ‘Plant/SubSystem’; the on board system from which the alarm originates.

• ‘Description’ the description of the alarm.
• ‘Type Auth Status’; the relevant status given to the alarm which has been generated; this can be ‘Vali-
dated’, ‘Suspicious’ or ‘Rejected’.
• ‘Active’; the circle shows whether the exceedance is active (red circle) or deactivated (grey circle).
• ‘MCDU Message’; the message which showed on the MCDU.
• ‘On Board Alarm Type’; there are three types of alarm: ‘Warning’, Caution’ or ‘Alert’.
• ‘On Board Alarm’; the message generated by the alarm.
• ‘Detection Date &Time’; the date and time the occurrence was detected.
• ‘Total Occurrences’; a number which shows how many times the occurrence was recorded.
• ‘Cumulative Duration’; the total duration of the active status.
• ‘Longest Duration’; the status which remained active for the longest time.
• ‘Worst Value’; the worst recorded value of the worst recorded values.

Below the ‘Exceedance’ area there is a table showing the following data:

• ‘Number’; the number given to the occurrence.

• ‘Status’; the validity of the occurrence.
• ‘Start Date & Time’; the date and time which the occurrence started.
• ‘End Date & Time’; the date and time which the occurrence finished.
• ‘Worst Value’; the worst value recorded during the occurrence.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Fault Code

If you select ‘Type’ equal to ‘FAULT_CODE’ the ‘Aircraft Arising Details’ area changes. As before, the area is
divided into two parts.

Figure 1924: Arising Details – Fault Code

In the first area labelled ‘Fault’ you can view the following details:

• ‘Plant/SubSystem’; the on board system from which the alarm originates.

• ‘Description’ the description of the alarm.
• ‘Type Auth Status’; the relevant status given to the alarm which has been generated; this can be ‘Vali-
dated’, ‘Suspicious’ or ‘Rejected’.
• ‘Active’; the circle shows whether the fault is active (red circle) or deactivated (grey circle).
• ‘MCDU Message’; the message which showed on the MCDU.
• ‘On Board Alarm Type’; there are three types of alarm: ‘Warning’, Caution’ or ‘Alert’.
• ‘On Board Alarm’; the message generated by the alarm.
• ‘Event Detection Time & Date’; the time and date the occurrence was detected.
• ‘Total Occurrences’; a number which shows how many times the same arising has occurred.
• ‘Cumulative Duration’; the total duration of the active status.
• ‘Longest Duration’; the status which remained active for the longest time.

Below the ‘Fault’ area there is a table showing the following data:

• ‘Number’; the number given to the occurrence.

• ‘Status’; the validity of the occurrence.
• ‘Start Date & Time’; the date and time which the occurrence started.
• ‘End Date & Time’; the date and time which the occurrence finished.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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VM Exceedance

If you select ‘Type’ equal to ‘VMEXCEEDANCE’ ‘the ‘Aircraft Arising Details’ area changes in order to detail
this arising type.

Figure 1925: Arising Details – VM Exceedance

In the first area labelled ‘VM Exceedance’ there is the following data:

• ‘Acq Id’; the code which identifies the acquisition.

• ‘Acq. Description’; a description of the acquisition.
• ‘N. of detected exceedances’; corresponding to threshold type ‘Trend’.
• ‘Event Detection Date &Time’; the date and time the occurrence was detected.
• ‘Health Index Worst Value’; corresponding to threshold type ‘Steady’.

Below the ‘VM Exceedance’ area there is a table showing the following data:

• ‘Exceeding HI’; the relevant Health Index code in which the exceedance occurred.
• ‘Threshold Type’; the threshold type which can be ‘Steady’ or ‘Trend’.
• ‘Threshold Value’; the relevant threshold value.
• ‘Status’; the validity of the occurrence; a green circle shows if it is valid, a grey circle if it is not.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Missing Data Close Monitoring

If you select ‘Type’ equal to ‘VMMISSINGDATACM’ ‘the ‘Aircraft Arising Details’ area changes in order to
details this arising type.

Figure 1926: Arising Details – VM Exceedance

The area displays the following information:

• ‘Acq Id’; the code which identifies the acquisition.

• ‘Acq Type’; the type of TVM acquisition.
• ‘Acq. Description’; a description of the acquisition.
• ‘Close Monitoring Start FH’; it indicates the FH value when the close monitoring was started.
• ‘Close Monitoring Start Date Time’; the date of beginning of close monitoring;
• ‘Close Monitoring Planned End FH’; it indicates the FH value when the close monitoring was finished.
• ‘Close Monitoring Request Originator’; the indication.

Below the ‘VM Exceedance’ area there is a table showing the following data:

• ‘Exceeding HI’; the relevant Health Index code in which the exceedance occurred.
• ‘Threshold Type’; the threshold type which can be ‘Steady’ or ‘Trend’.
• ‘Threshold Value’; the relevant threshold value.
• ‘Status’; the validity of the occurrence; a green circle shows if it is valid, a grey circle if it is not.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.10.2 Aircraft Faults

On this page the user can view the faults list for the selected DSN.

N.B The page automatically displays the information relevant to the most recent DSN.

Figure 1927: Aircraft Faults

The page is split into three main areas; the first one shows details regarding the selected aircraft.

Figure 1928: Aircraft Faults – H/C details

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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In this area you can view the following data:

• ‘Tail ID’; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the tail code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Serial’; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the serial code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Status’; the current status of the H/C selected.
• ‘Variant’; the variant of the H/C selected.
• ‘AMMC Ver’; the version of AMMC.
• ‘Running Hours’; the operative hours in which the HUMS data was recorded.
• ‘Last DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the last DSN carried out.
• ‘Start DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected start DSN.
• ‘End DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected end DSN.
• ‘Flight Hours’; the total flight hours of the selected H/C.
• ‘FH Start’; the flight hours recorded at the start of the selected DSN.
• ‘FH End’; the flight hours recorded at the end of the selected DSN.
• ‘Last Dsn End’; the date and time of the end of the last DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN Start’; the date and time of the start of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN End’; the date and time of the end of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).

The second area placed in the main section of the page, contains a set of tabs describing different types of
faults. The first tab shows a list of arisings raised due to a consequent fault generation.

Arising Tab

Figure 1929: Aircraft Faults - Arising tab

The table contains the following details:

• DSN: the DSN in which the arising was recorded.

• Number: the arising identification. By clicking on it, you will be redirect to the relevant fault description
using another tab placed in this table.
• Code: the fault code assigned to that arising.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• Type: the arising type.

• Status: the status of each arising. The information is colored as following:

The ‘Pending’ status requires an action by user.

- The ‘Open’ status means there is an active arising on that fault code.

- Green shows a ‘cleared’ or ‘rejected’ status in which there are no further actions to
be done. ‘Cleared’ means the user has performed the action while the ‘Rejected’ status reports no warning
required. To change the status right click on the arising and a contextual menu opens as shown below.

Figure 1930: Aircraft Faults - Arising Management

• Created by: the user code which processed the DSN which generated the arising.
• Generation Date&Time: the date and time of the DSN which generated the arising.
• Detection Date&Time: the date and time in which the arising occurred and was stored on the DTD.
• Description: a description of the arising.
• Remarks: an additional note that can be added by the user during the debriefing phase.
• LCN: the logistic control number related to the arising.
• ALC: the alternate logistic control number related to the arising.

Once an arising has been selected, the page automatically loads the relevant fault details in the grid at the
bottom of the page. The data displayed in the grid varies according to the type of arising selected. The sec-
tion is called ‘Aircraft Arising Details’.

Exceed Code

Figure 1931: Arising Details – Exceed Code

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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In case of ‘EXCEED_CODE’ the following details are displayed:

• Plant/SubSystem: the on board system from which the alarm originates.

• Description: description of the failures
• Type Auth Status: the status given to the alarm which has been generated;
• Active: the circle shows whether the exceedance is active (red circle) or deactivated (grey circle).
• MCDU Message: the message shown in the MCDU display.
• On Board Alarm Type: type of alarm displayed on CAS
• On Board Alarm: the message displayed on CAS (if any).
• Detection Date & Time: when the fault was detected during AC activities.
• Total Occurrences: how many occurrences are detected relevant to that exceedance.
• Cumulative Duration; the total duration of the active status.
• Longest Duration; the longest duration of that exceedance.
• Worst Worst Value; the worst value among worst recorded values.

To report the list of the occurrences, the details area contains a table showing:

• Number: the identification number of the occurrence (progressive ID)

• Status: the validity of the occurrence.
• Start Date & Time: when the occurrence was started.
• End Date & Time: when the occurrence was stopped.
• Worst Value: the worst value recorded during the occurrence.

Fault Code

If you select an arising with type equal to FAULT_CODE the following details are shown:

Figure 1932: Arising Details – Fault Code

• Plant/SubSystem: the involved on board system.

• Description: description of the alarm.
• Type Auth Status: the relevant status given to the alarm which has been generated
• Active: the circle shows whether the fault is active (red circle) or deactivated (grey circle).
• MCDU Message: the message shown in the MCDU display.
• On Board Alarm Type: there are three types of alarm: ‘Warning’, Caution’ or ‘Alert’.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• On Board Alarm: the message generated by the alarm.

• Event Detection Time & Date: the time and date the occurrence was detected.
• Total Occurrences: how many times the same occurrence occurred.
• Cumulative Duration: the total duration of the active status.
• Longest Duration: the status which remained active for the longest time.

At following more details about each occurrence.

• Number: the identification number of that occurrence (progressive ID).

• Status: the validity of the occurrence.
• Start Date & Time: the date and time which the occurrence started.
• End Date & Time: the date and time which the occurrence finished.

Faults Tab

The second tab on the Aircraft Faults page contains the Faults list recorded during the selected DSN.

Figure 1933: Aircraft Faults list

The faults table displays the following columns:

• DSN: the DSN from which the data derives.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• AMMC SW Version: the SW version installed on that aircraft.

• AMMC Id: the AMMC used to record.
• Major Item Code: the relevant code referring to the sub-system from which the failure originates.
• Fault Code: the code which identifies the alarm created.
• Maintenance Name: the corresponding name of the fault in maintenance.
• First Occurrence Start Time: when first occurrence started.
• Last Occurrence End Time: when the last occurrence stopped.
• Total Occurrence: how many times the fault occurred.
• Cumulative duration: the total duration of selected fault.
• Longest Duration: the longest duration recorded for the selected fault.
• Occurrence Active: if the fault is still active a green circle displays otherwise the application shows a grey
• Arising number: the identification of assigned arising (in case it has been generated). The arising num-
ber is colored according to the arising status (ref to Arising page for more details). By clicking on a spe-
cific arising number you are taken to the ‘Arising’ tab where you can manage its status.

Once selected a row in the grid, the web application automatically loads its details below.

Figure 1934: Faults Details

This area is split in three parts; the first one called ‘Occurrence Details’:

• Plant/SubSystem: the on board system from which the alarm originates.

• MCDU Message: the message shown into the MCDU component.
• Total Occurrences: counter which indicates how many times that fault was recorded.
• Alarm Type: there are three types of alarm: ‘Warning’, Caution’ or ‘Alert’.
• Alarm: the message generated by the alarm.

The second part consists of a grid containing the following data:

• Number: a progressive number.

• Auth Status: the relevant status given to the alarm which has been generated;
• Occurrence Start Time: the time in which the occurrence started.
• Occurrence Stop Time: the time in which the occurrence stopped.
• Occurrence Duration: the duration of the occurrence.
• Parameter Details: if the occurrence has additional parameters.

The third table contains additional parameters about each single occurrence:

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

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• Parameter Name: name of additional parameter existing in the occurrence.

• UoM: unit of measure applicable to that parameter.
• Value: value of the parameter.

Exceedances Tab

On the third tab the user can find out more information about the recorded exceedances.

Figure 1935: Aircraft Faults Exceedances.

This tab shows a list of exceedances registered during the last DSN time period.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1936: Exceedances Summary

The table in this area shows the following data:

• DSN: the DSN from which the data derives.

• AMMC SW Version: the installed SW version on board.
• AMMC Id: the AMMC used to record.
• Major Item Code: the relevant code referring to the sub-system from which the failure originates.
• Fault Code: it reports the identifier code for a specific fault. The codes starting with 9 identify an exceed-
• Maintenance Name: description of the exceedance.
• First Occurrence Start Time: time of first occurrence.
• Last Occurrence End Time: when the last occurrence stopped.
• Total Occ.: how many times the exceedance occurred.
• Cumulative duration: the total time of the exceedance recorded.
• Longest Duration: the longest duration of an occurrence.
• Worst Worst Value: the worst value among worst recorded values.
• Occurrence Active: green circle means exceedance is active otherwise a grey circle is displayed.
• Arising number: the arising identifier assigned to that exceedance (if any). The cell can change its color
according to the arising status (pending, accepted or cleared/rejected).Clicking on it, the page redirects
to the first tab in which the arising list is more detailed.

The area at the bottom of the tab displays details regarding the exceedance selected in the main grid.

Figure 1937: Exceedance Details

This area is split into three parts; the first one is called ‘Occurrence Details’ and contains the following data:

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• Plant/SubSystem: the on board system from which the alarm originates.

• MCDU Message: the message shown on the MCDU.
• Total Occurrences: how many times that fault was recorded.
• Alarm Type: there are three types of alarm: ‘Warning’, Caution’ or ‘Alert’.
• Alarm: the ob board message generated by the alarm.

The second part consists of a grid showing the following data:

• Number: a progressive number.

• Auth Status: the relevant status given to the alarm which has been generated.
• Occurrence Start Time: when the occurrence started.
• Occurrence Stop Time: when the occurrence stopped.
• Occurrence Duration: the duration of recorder occurrence.
• Worst Value: the worst value recorded in that time frame.
• Parameter Details: it reports if the occurrence has additional parameters.

The third table contains additional parameters about each single occurrence:

• Parameter Name: name of additional parameter linked to that occurrence.

• UoM: unit of measure applicable to parameter.
• Value: value of parameter.

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Alarm Tab

The fourth tab contains a list of alarms recorded during the selected DSN.

Figure 1938: Aircraft Alarm

The main table shows the following data:

• DSN: the DSN from which the data derives.

• AMMC SW Version: the SW version installed on-board.
• AMMC Id: the AMMC used to record.
• Major Item Code: the relevant code referring to the sub-system from which the failure originates.
• Fault Code: the code which identifies the alarm created.
• Maintenance Name: the corresponding maintenance name of that alarm.
• First Occurrence Start Time: when the first occurrence started.
• Total Occ.: how many times the fault occurred.
• Occurrence Active: if the fault is still active a green circle is shown, otherwise the page reports a grey cir-
• Arising number: a progressive number assigned to each arising. Each arising is colored according to its
status. Clicking on it, the user is redirected to the first tab where more details are shown.

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In the bottom part of the page the user can find out more details about the selected alarm.

Figure 1939: Alarm Detail

This area is split into two parts; the first one, on the left side, is labelled ‘Alarm Details’:

• Plant/SubSystem: the on board system from which the alarm originates.

• MCDU Message: the message shown on the MCDU.
• Total Occurrences: how many times that alarm was occurred.
• Alarm Type: there are three types of alarm: ‘Warning’, Caution’ or ‘Alert’.
• Alarm: the on board message generated by the alarm.

The second part consists of a grid reporting the following information:

• Number: a progressive number.

• Auth Status: status of the occurrence.
• Occurrence Start Time: when the occurrence started.
• Occurrence Stop Time: when the occurrence stopped.

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Discrepancy Tab

In the fifth tab the user can find a list of all discrepancies recorded in the selected DSN.

Figure 1940: Aircraft Discrepancy

The main grid displays the following details:

• DSN: the DSN from which the data derives.

• MMC SW Version’; the SW version installed on AMMCs.
• AMMC Id: the AMMC used to record.
• Major Item Code: the relevant code referring to the sub-system from which the failure originates.
• Fault Code: the code identifies the alarm created.
• Maintenance Name: the corresponding maintenance name of that discrepancy.
• First Occurrence Start Time: when the first occurrence started.
• Last Occurrence End Time: when the last occurrence stopped.
• Total Occ.: a number which shows how many times the fault occurred.
• Occurrence Active: If the alarm is still active a green circle is shown otherwise a grey circle
• Arising number: the progressive number linked to each arising. It is colored in according to its status and
clicking on it the page redirect to the first tab in which the user can find more details about the arising.

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In the bottom part of the page, more details are shown about the selected discrepancy.

Figure 1941: Discrepancy Detail

This area is split into two parts. The first one, on the left side, reports a set of fields to describe the discrep-
ancy in detail:

• Plant/SubSystem: on board system from which the alarm originates.

• MCDU Message: the message shown on the MCDU.
• Total Occurrences: how many occurrences were recorded.
• Alarm Type: there are three types of alarm: Warning’, Caution’ or ‘Alert’.
• Alarm: the message generated by the alarm.

The second part consists of a grid and contains:

• Number: a progressive number.

• Auth Status: the status of the generated alarm.
• Occurrence Start Time: when the occurrence was recorded.
• Own Value Boolean: Additional parameters reporting the existence of own value.
• Own Value Real: Additional parameters reporting the value of own parameter.
• Partner AMMC value: Additional parameters reporting the existence of partner value.
• Partner AMMC value: Additional parameters reporting the value of partner parameter.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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History Tab

The last tab contains the list of all events which occurred during the selected DSN.

Figure 1942: Aircraft Faults History

The table in this area shows the following data:

• DSN: the DSN from which the data derives.

• AMMC SW Version: the version of SW installed on AMMC.
• AMMC Id: the AMMC used to record.
• Major Item Code: the relevant code referring to the sub-system from which the failure originates.
• Fault Code: the code which identifies the alarm created.
• Maintenance Name: the corresponding maintenance name of the event.
• First Occurrence Start Time: the recorded time of first occurrence.
• Counter: how many times the event occurred.
• Occurrence Start Time: the start time of selected occurrence.
• Occurrence Stop Time: the end time of selected occurrence.

The details regarding the selected occurrence are shown in the bottom area ‘History Detail’.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1943: History Details

This area is split into two parts; the first one on the left side shows the following data:

• Plant/SubSystem: the on board system from which the alarm originates.

• MCDU Message: the message shown on the MCDU.
• Total Occurrences: how many times that event was recorded.
• Alarm Type: there are three types of alarm: ‘Warning’, Caution’ or ‘Alert’.
• Alarm: the alarm message generated by the alarm.

The second part consists of a grid which shows the following data:

• Number: a progressive number.

• Occurrence Start Time: when the occurrence started.
• Occurrence Stop Time: when the occurrence stopped.
• Occurrence Duration: the duration of selected occurrence.
• Occurrence Active: if the occurrence is still active or not.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Extended Grid

In the upper right corner of the grid, the user can extend the grid and therefore display more columns by
means of the dedicated button.

Figure 1944: Aircraft Faults - Show Extended Grid

Clicking on the button highlighted in the image above, the user can view the following columns in addition to
those already displayed in the table:

• Plant/SubSystem: the on board system from which the alarm originates.

• MCDU Message: the message shown on the MCDU.
• Alarm Type: there are three types of alarm: ‘Warning’, Caution’ or ‘Alert’.
• Alarm: the alarm message generated by the alarm.

The additional columns are filterable in order to allow complete searching of the information.
To hide this additional information click again on the button.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.10.3 Basic Usage and Operation Monitoring

Open the ‘Basic Usage and Operation Monitoring’ page by accessing it from the ‘Status’ > ‘Usage’ menu. On
this page it is possible to analyze usage data.

The page automatically loads the data relevant to the last session. Use the SmartLink button placed
in the top right corner of the page to change the period of time to be analysed by selecting a wider
DSN range.

Figure 1945: Basic Usage Monitoring - General View

In the top part of the page, the user can view a summary of data set currently loaded.

Figure 1946: Basic Usage Monitoring – H/C details

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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In this area you can view the following data:

• ‘Tail ID’; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the tail code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Serial’; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the serial code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Status’; the current status of the H/C selected.
• ‘Variant’; the variant of the H/C selected.
• ‘AMMC Ver’; the version of AMMC.
• ‘Running Hours’; the operative hours in which the HUMS data were recorded.
• ‘Last DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the last DSN carried out.
• ‘Start DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected start DSN.
• ‘End DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected end DSN.
• ‘Flight Hours’; the total flight hours of the selected H/C.
• ‘FH Start’; the flight hours recorded at the start of the selected DSN.
• ‘FH End’; the flight hours recorded at the end of the selected DSN.
• ‘Last Dsn End’; the date and time of the end of the last DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN Start’; the date and time of the start of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN End’; the date and time of the end of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).

The main part of the page is consists of a set of panels representing different types of usage information:

• Avionic Cycles: the number of start and stop of the avionic system on board.
• Electric Busses Cycles: the number of start and stop of the electric system.
• APU Cycles: the number of start and stop of APU.
• Engine Cycles: the start and stop of engines.
• Rotor Start/Stop Cycles: the number of start and stop of the rotors transmission.
• Rotor Braking Cycles: the number of application done on the rotor brake.
• Take off / Landing Cycles: how many take-off and landing performed in the last session.
• Touchdowns: the number of touchdowns performed during last flight.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Avionic Cycles Tab

The first tab contains information about the avionic system.

Figure 1947: BUOM - Avionic Cycles

The central area consists of a grid containing the following information:

• DSN: the number of Download Sequence Number.

• AMMC: the AMMC which registered that event.
• Power On Date&Time: when the AMMC was turned on.
• Start Cycle: the role of the AMMC at start up.
• Power off Date&Time: when the AMMC was turned off.
• Stop Cycle: the role of the AMMC when it was turned off.
• Power on time: how many minutes the AMMC was running in that role.

In the bottom part of the page, you can get more information about the total counters. For each AMMC the
user can view:

• Total Power On as Master.

• Total Power On as Stand-by.
• Total Changes from Master to Stand-by.
• Total Changes from Stand-by to Master.
• Total Power Off as Master.
• Total Power Off as Standby.
• Total Power On Cycles.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Electric Buses Cycles

In the second tab, the page shows the cycles recorded for the electric bus system.

Figure 1948: BUOM - Electric Buses

This tab consists of a list of buses on the left side:

• Emergency buses;
• Essentials buses;
• Main buses;
• Non Essential buses.

Clicking on one of them, the page will display a green tick icon near the button in order to identify which is
the bus under analysis. On the right side the page displays a grid which loads the information according to
the bus loaded. The table consists of the following set of columns which never change:

• ‘DSN’: the number of DSN currently loaded (the last one by default).
• ‘AMMC’: the AMMC that recorded the cycle.
• ‘Start Date&Time’: start date of cycle.
• ‘Stop Date&Time’: stop date of cycle.
• ‘Running Time’: the amount of time the bus was running.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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In the bottom part of the page, the user can get more information about the total number of cycles for each
AMMC and the relevant Running Time.

APU Cycles

This section shows how many times the APU was started and then stopped.

Figure 1949: BUOM – APU Cycles

The page contains the following columns:

• ‘DSN’: the number of the DSN in which the event was recorded. (the page loads the last DSN by
• ‘AMMC’: the identifier of AMMC.
• ‘Start Date&Time’: when the AMMC was turned on.
• ‘Stop Date&Time’: when the AMMC was turned off.
• ‘Running Time’: how many minutes the APU was running.
• ‘APU NG at cycle start [%]’: the value of NG at APU start up.
• ‘APU NG at cycle stop [%]’: the value of NG when the APU was turned off.
• ‘Max. APU NG [%]’: the max value of NG registered.

In the bottom part of the page, the application shows a list of total counters representing:

• AMMC 1 Total Start/Stop Cycles.

• AMMC 2 Total Start/Stop Cycles.
• Total Running Time for both AMMC.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Engine Cycles

Click on the ‘Engine Cycles’ tab to analyse the data recorded during each cycle of both engines.

Figure 1950: BUOM – Engine Cycles

The page is split into two sections, one per engine. Both areas contain the same data.
The columns in the grids are the following:

• ‘DSN’: the DSN from which the data originates.

• ‘AMMC’: the AMMC which recorded that cycle.
• ‘Start Date&Time’: when the engine was turned on.
• ‘Stop Date&Time’: when the engine was turned off.
• ‘Running Time’: amount of time about the engine running.
• ‘Flight Performed’: column showing if the aircraft has performed a flight during that engine cycle.

In the bottom part of the page, you can get more information about the total number of cycles performed by
each engine recorded by the AMMCs and the relevant total running time.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Rotor Start/Stop Cycles

The fifth tab contains information about the rotor cycles registered by each AMMC.

Figure 1951: BUOM – Rotor Cycles

In the main grid, the user can get more information about:

• DSN: the number of DSN in which the information was recorded.

• AMMC: identifier of AMMC.
• Start Date&Time: the start date of rotor registered by the specified AMMC.
• Stop Date&Time: the stop date of rotor registered by the specified AMMC.
• Running Time: the amount of time the rotor was in action.

in the bottom part of the page the user can get more information about the total cycles performed by each
AMMC and relevant running time.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Rotor Braking Cycles

The sixth tab shows more information about the cycles performed by the Rotor Brake during the last ses-

Figure 1952: Rotor Braking Cycles

The main grid display the following data:

• DSN: the number of the DSN in which the data was recorded (last DSN loaded by default).
• AMMC: the AMMC which registered that values.
• Start Date&Time: when the rotor brake has been enabled.
• Stop Date&Time: when the rotor brake has been disabled.
• Rotor Braking Time: amount of minutes in which the rotor brake was applied.
• XMSN NR at Rotor Braking Start [%]: the value of NR [%] when the rotor brake was applied.

In the bottom part of the page Heliwise shows the total cycles performed by each AMMC.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Take Off/Landing Cycles

Click on the ‘Take Off/Landings Cycles’ tab to analyse the data recorded during each TOL cycle.

Figure 1953: BUOM – Take Off Landings & Landing Cycles

Into the main grid you can analyse the following data

• ‘DSN’: the DSN from which the data originates.

• ‘AMMC’: identifier of the AMMC that has recorded that cycle.
• ‘Take Off Date&Time’: the date and time of take-off.
• ‘Landing Date&Time’: the date and time of landing.
• ‘Flight Time’: the amount of time the H/C was in flight.
• ‘Fuel at Take Off [kg]’: the amount of fuel aboard the H/C at take-off.
• ‘All Up Weight at Take Off [kg]’: the weight of aircraft at take off.
• ‘Fuel at Landing [kg]’: the amount of fuel aboard at landing.
• ‘All Up Weight at Landing [kg]’: the weight of aircraft at landing.

In the bottom part of the page, additional information is displayed relevant to the total counters. For both
AMMCs Heliwise displays the total number of TOL, total flight time and the maximum all up weight.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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If you click on the ‘Touchdowns’ tab you can get information about the touchdowns performed during the last

Figure 1954: BUOM – Touchdowns

The main part of the page contains a grid showing:

• ‘DSN’: the DSN from which the data originates.

• ‘AMMC’: identifier of AMMC which registered that cycles.
• ‘Touchdown Date&Time’: when the touchdown was recorded.
• ‘All Up Weight (kg)’: the weight of the aircraft at touchdown.
• ‘Vertical Speed (Ft/min)’: the vertical speed measured in feet per minute at touchdown.
• ‘True Air Speed (kts)’: the true air speed recorded at touchdown.
• ‘Vertical Speed Peak (Ft/min)’: the highest vertical speed measured in feet per minute at touchdown.
• ‘Vertical Acceleration Peak (g)’; the highest vertical acceleration measured in gravity at touchdown.

In the bottom part Heliwise displays how many touchdown was recorded by each AMMC during last DSN.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.10.4 Cumulative Torque Spectrum

Clicking on ‘Cumulative Torque Spectrum’ dialog you are taken to the page ‘TUM Cumulative Torque Spec-
trum’. On this page is possible to view all relative cumulative TUM data for the H/C selected. The data can
be viewed in table format or in chart format.

Figure 1955: TUM Cumulative Torque Spectrum

The page is divided into two areas; the first area shows data regarding the H/C selected, the second area
‘TUM Torque Band’ is split into two tabs ‘Cumulated Time’ and ‘Percentage’ the tabs show the cumulative
TUM data in table format. The data viewed in this area in table format can be switched to chart format using

the icon in the top right corner of the area.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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In the first area of the page there is an area which shows the following data regarding the H/C selected:

• ‘Tail ID’; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the tail code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Serial; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the serial code of selected aircraft.
• ‘H/C Status’; the current status of the H/C selected.
• ‘Variant’; the variant of the H/C selected.
• ‘AMMC Ver’; the version of AMMC.
• ‘Running Hours’; the operative hours in which the HUMS data were recorded.
• ‘Last DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the last DSN carried out.
• ‘Start DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected start DSN.
• ‘End DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected end DSN.
• ‘Flight Hours’; the total flight hours of the selected H/C.
• ‘FH Start’; the flight hours recorded at the start of the selected DSN.
• ‘FH End’; the flight hours recorded at the end of the selected DSN.
• ‘Last Dsn End’; the date and time of the end of the last DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS)
• ‘DSN Start’; the date and time of the start of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN End’; the date and time of the end of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).

Figure 1956: H/C details

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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The second and main area ‘TUM Torque Band’ is split into two tabs; the first, ‘Cumulated Time’ and the sec-
ond, ‘Percentage’. By default the page always opens showing the ‘Cumulated Time’ tab.

Figure 1957: TUM Torque Band

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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Cumulated Time Tab

In the ‘Cumulated Time’ tab you can view data regarding the cumulative time spent in every torque.

Figure 1958: Cumulated Time

The table is divided into the following columns:

• ‘Engine Input Torque Bands’; the relevant engine torque band from which the cumulative data derives
(36 bands plus unavailable band).
• ‘MGBin1 TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the cumulative time spent in the corre-
sponding torque band for the Main Gear Box input engine 1.
• ‘MGBin2 TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the cumulative time spent in the corre-
sponding torque band for the Main Gear Box input engine 2.
• ‘MGBinT TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the sum of cumulative time relative to all
three of the previously mentioned TPC (MGBin1, MGBin2) for the corresponding torque band.
• ‘Main Torque Band [lbft]’; the relevant main torque bands from which the cumulative data in ‘MRD TPC’
derives -measured in lbs. and feet (36 bands plus unavailable band).
• ‘MRD TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the cumulative time spent in the correspond-
ing main torque band for the Main Rotor Drive.
• ‘Tail torque Band [lbft]’; the relevant tail torque bands from which the cumulative data in ‘TRD TPC’
derives – measured in lbs. and feet (36 bands plus unavailable time band).
• ‘TRD TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the cumulative time spent in the correspond-
ing main torque band for the Tail Rotor Drive.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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Percentage Tab

In the ‘Percentage’ tab you can view data regarding the cumulative time converted into a percentage spent
in every torque band.

Figure 1959: TUM - Percentage

The table is divided into the following columns:

• ‘Engine Input Torque Bands’; the relevant engine torque band from which the cumulative data derives
(36 bands plus unavailable band).
• ‘MGBin1 TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the percentage of cumulative time spent
in the corresponding torque band for the Main Gear Box input engine 1.
• ‘MGBin2 TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the percentage of cumulative time spent
in the corresponding torque band for the Main Gear Box input engine 2.
• ‘MGBinT TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the sum of the percentages of cumulative
time relative to all three of the previously mentioned TPC (MGBin1, MGBin2) for the corresponding
torque band.
• ‘Main Torque Band [lbft]’; the relevant main torque bands from which the cumulative data in ‘MRD TPC’
derives -measured in lbs. and feet (36 bands plus unavailable band).
• ‘MRD TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the percentage of cumulative time spent in
the corresponding main torque band for the Main Rotor Drive.
• ‘Tail torque Band [lbft]’; the relevant tail torque bands from which the cumulative data in ‘TRD TPC’
derives – measured in lbs. and feet (36 bands plus unavailable time band).
• ‘TRD TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the percentage of cumulative time spent in
the corresponding main torque band for the Tail Rotor Drive.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Cumulative Torque Spectrum Charts

All of this data can be viewed in chart form by clicking on the button in the top right corner of the ‘TUM
Torque Band’ area or right clicking on any area of the tables and selecting ‘Flip to Chart’ from the menu
which opens.

Figure 1960: Flip to Chart

By default the chart which opens is set to ‘Time’. After clicking the ‘Flip to Chart’ button the area switches to
a chart; the default for the initial viewing of the chart area is set to ‘MRD TPC’ viewed in ‘Linear’ mode with
the Y Axis displaying ‘Time’.

Figure 1961: Torque Spectra Chart

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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To view other data from the previous ‘TUM Torque Band’ area in chart form, click on the ‘Torque Spectra
Chart’ button at the top of the chart area.

Figure 1962: Torque Spectra Chart button

When you click on this button a menu opens and you can select which cumulative torque data you would like
to view.

Figure 1963: Torque Spectra Chart menu

The chart currently open is marked with a . To open one or more charts click on the relevant name on the
menu. Is also possible to view two or more charts simultaneously.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1964: Torque Spectra Multiple Charts

Each chart has scroll bars to enable complete viewing of an individual chart. There is also a scroll bar on the
right of the area which enables you to scroll through all the open charts.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.10.5 DSN Torque Spectra

On this page is possible to view all relative TUM data for the H/C selected and the DSN range selected. The
data can be viewed in table format or in chart format.

N.B The page automatically loads data regarding the last DSN. If you would like to change DSN
range use the SmartLink button.

Figure 1965: TUM DSN Torque Spectra

The page is divided into two areas; the first area shows data regarding the H/C selected, the second,
labelled ‘TUM Torque Band’ is split into two tabs ‘Time’ and ‘Percentage’.

The data viewed in this area in table format can be switched to chart format using the icon in the top
right corner of the area. Only one DSN can be visualised at a time.

In the first area of the page there is an area which shows the following data regarding the H/C selected:

• ‘Tail ID’; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the tail code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Serial; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the serial code of selected aircraft.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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• ‘HC Status’; the current status of the H/C selected.

• ‘Variant’; the variant of the H/C selected.
• ‘AMMC Ver’; the version of AMMC.
• ‘Running Hours’; the operative hours in which the HUMS data were recorded.
• ‘Last DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the last DSN carried out.
• ‘Start DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected start DSN.
• ‘End DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected end DSN.
• ‘Flight Hours’; the total flight hours of the selected H/C.
• ‘FH Start’; the flight hours recorded at the start of the selected DSN.
• ‘FH End’; the flight hours recorded at the end of the selected DSN.
• ‘Last Dsn End’; the date and time of the end of the last DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN Start’; the date and time of the start of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN End’; the date and time of the end of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).

Figure 1966: H/C details

The second and main area ‘TUM Torque Band’ is split into two tabs; the first, ‘Time’ and the second, ‘Per-
centage’. By default the page always opens showing the ‘Time’ tab.

Figure 1967: TUM Torque Band

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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Cumulated Time Tab

This tab shows cumulated data for the DSN selected.

Figure 1968: TUM Torque Band Time

The table in this area is divided into the following columns:

• ‘Engine Input Torque Bands’; the relevant engine torque band from which the cumulative data derives
(36 bands plus unavailable band).
• ‘MGBin1 TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the cumulative time spent in the corre-
sponding torque band for the Main Gear Box input engine 1.
• ‘MGBin2 TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the cumulative time spent in the corre-
sponding torque band for the Main Gear Box input engine 2.
• ‘MGBinT TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the sum of cumulative time relative to all
three of the previously mentioned TPC (MGBin1, MGBin2) for the corresponding torque band.
• ‘Main Torque Band [lbft]’; the relevant main torque bands from which the cumulative data in ‘MRD TPC’
derives -measured in lbs. and feet (36 bands plus unavailable band).
• ‘MRD TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the cumulative time spent in the correspond-
ing main torque band for the Main Rotor Drive.
• ‘Tail torque Band [lbft]’; the relevant tail torque bands from which the cumulative data in ‘TRD TPC’
derives – measured in lbs. and feet (36 bands plus unavailable time band).
• ‘TRD TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the cumulative time spent in the correspond-
ing main torque band for the Tail Rotor Drive.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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Percentage Tab

In the ‘Percentage’ tab table you can view data regarding the cumulative time converted into a percentage
spent in every torque band for the selected DSN.

Figure 1969: TUM Torque Band Percentage

The table in this area is divided into the following columns:

• ‘Engine Input Torque Bands’; the relevant engine torque band from which the cumulative data derives
(36 bands plus unavailable band).
• ‘MGBin1 TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the percentage of cumulative time spent
in the corresponding torque band for the Main Gear Box input engine 1.
• ‘MGBin2 TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the percentage of cumulative time spent
in the corresponding torque band for the Main Gear Box input engine 2.
• ‘MGBinT TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the sum of the percentages of cumulative
time relative to all three of the previously mentioned TPC (MGBin1, MGBin2) for the corresponding
torque band.
• ‘Main Torque Band [lbft]’; the relevant main torque bands from which the cumulative data in ‘MRD TPC’
derives -measured in lbs. and feet (36 bands plus unavailable band).
• ‘MRD TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the percentage of cumulative time spent in
the corresponding main torque band for the Main Rotor Drive.
• ‘Tail torque Band [lbft]’; the relevant tail torque bands from which the cumulative data in ‘TRD TPC’
derives – measured in lbs. and feet (36 bands plus unavailable time band).
• ‘TRD TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the percentage of cumulative time spent in
the corresponding main torque band for the Tail Rotor Drive.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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DSN Torque Spectra Charts

From the ‘TUM DSN Torque Spectra’ page you can view the data in the ‘TUM Torque Band’ area in chart

form by clicking the button or right clicking on any area of the tables and selecting ‘Flip to Chart’ from the
menu which opens.

Figure 1970: TUM Torque Band – Flip to Chart

After clicking the ‘Flip to Chart’ button the area switches to a chart; the default for the initial viewing of the
chart area is set to ‘MRD TPC’ viewed in ‘Linear’ mode with the Y Axis displaying ‘Time’.

Figure 1971: DSN Torque Spectra Chart

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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To view other data from the previous ‘TUM Torque Band’ area in chart form, click on the ‘Torque Spectra
Chart’ button at the top of the chart area.

Figure 1972: DSN Torque Spectra Chart button

When you click on this button a menu opens and you can select which cumulative torque data you would like
to view.

Figure 1973: DSN Torque Spectra Chart menu

The chart currently open is marked with a .

To open one or more charts click on the relevant name on the menu. Is also possible to view two or more
charts simultaneously.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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Figure 1974: DSN Torque Spectra Multiple Charts

On the right side of each chart, there is a legend which allows changing the view mode.

Figure 1975: DSN Torque Spectra Chart Legenda

Each chart has scroll bars to enable complete viewing of an individual chart. There is also a scroll bar on the
right of the area which enables you to scroll through all the open charts.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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3.10.6 TUM Tail Torque Timers

After clicking on the ‘Tail Torque Timers’ link on the ‘Status > Transmission Usage Monitoring’ menu you are
taken to the page ‘TUM Tail Torque Timer’. On this page it is possible to view all relative tail torque timer val-
ues for the H/C selected and the DSN range selected. The data can be viewed in table format or in chart for-
mat. To access this page you must first select an H/C from the ‘Fleet Home’ page. By default the page loads
data regarding the last DSN for the selected H/C. If you would like to change the DSN range, click on the
SmartLink button in the top right corner of the page.

Figure 1976: TUM Tail Torque Timers

At the top of the page there is an area which displays the following details regarding the H/C selected:

• ‘Tail ID’; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the H/C selected.
• ‘H/C Serial’; the H/C serial number.
• ‘H/C Status’; the current status of the H/C selected.
• ‘Variant’; the variant of the H/C selected.
• ‘AMMC Ver’; the AMMC software version.
• ‘Running Hours’; the operational hours of the rotor.
• ‘Last DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the last DSN carried out.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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• ‘Start DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected start DSN.
• ‘End DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected end DSN.
• ‘Flight Hours’; the total flight hours of the selected H/C.
• ‘FH Start’; the flight hours recorded at the start of the selected DSN.
• ‘FH End’; the flight hours recorded at the end of the selected DSN.
• ‘Last DSN End’; the date and time of the end of the last available DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS)
• ‘DSN Start’; the date and time of the start of the last available DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN End’; the date and time of the end of the last available DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).

Figure 1977: TUM Tail Torque Timers - H/C details

In the second and main area labeled ‘TUM Tail Torque Timer’ there is a grid showing the following data
• ‘DSN’; the DSN from which the data derives.
• ‘Total Tail Torque 3 MIN Time’; the total time spent in the 3 minute band for the selected DSN.
• ‘Total Tail Torque 95 MIN Time’; the total time spent in the 95 min band for the selected DSN.
• ‘DSN A/C Flight Hours’; the flight hours recorded for the selected DSN.
• ‘Rotor Starts’; the number of rotor starts recorded for the selected DSN.

Figure 1978: TUM Tail Torque Timers - grid

View the data in the row selected in chart form by clicking ‘Flip to Chart’ in the contextual menu which opens
after right clicking on a row in the grid. Alternatively, click on the icon in the top right corner of the ‘TUM Tail
Torque Timer’ area to view the chart for the row selected.

Figure 1979: TUM Tail Torque Timers - Flip to chart/grid icon

By default the chart opens showing both the 3 MIN and the 95 MIN Tail Torque Timers. The data is dis-
played as a histogram showing one column for each Tail Torque Timer. By default the histogram is dis-
played using a linear vertical scale with the X-axis displaying DSN A/C Flight Hours.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

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Figure 1980: TUM Tail Torque Timers - Chart

The legend on the right of the chart shows the colour codes of the data you are viewing and enables you to
select which data to view by flagging or unflagging the check boxes.

Figure 1981: TUM Tail Torque Timers - Legend

Use the ‘Flip to grid’ icon at the top of the chart to return to the grid view.

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3.10.7 Structural Usage Monitoring Operations

In the ‘SUM Summary Data’ module you can access and view SUM data regarding a selected H/C. this page
is accessed by clicking in the ‘Status’ menu > ‘Structural Usage Monitoring’ > ‘SUM Operations’.


Figure 1982: Sum Main

At the top of the page you can see details regarding the selected H/C:

• ‘Tail ID’; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the tail code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Serial; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the serial code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Status’; the current status of the H/C selected.
• ‘Variant’; the variant of the H/C selected.
• ‘AMMC Ver’; the version of AMMC.

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• ‘Running Hours’; the operative hours in which the HUMS data were recorded.
• ‘Last DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the last DSN carried out.
• ‘Start DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected start DSN.
• ‘End DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected end DSN.
• ‘Flight Hours’; the total flight hours of the selected H/C.
• ‘FH Start’; the flight hours recorded at the start of the selected DSN.
• ‘FH End’; the flight hours recorded at the end of the selected DSN.
• ‘Last Dsn End’; the date and time of the end of the last DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN Start’; the date and time of the start of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN End’; the date and time of the end of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).

Figure 1983: H/C details

Between the details and main area, there is section named ‘SUM Files’.

Figure 1984: SUM Files area

As shown in the image above, the title is placed next to a button containing an arrow. Click on it to expand
the hidden area.

Figure 1985: SUM Files grids

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Figure 1986: SUM Details

This section contains two grids showing the SUM files placed in the specified DSN. Each grid is filled with
values coming from a single AMMC.

The columns shown are:

• ‘File Number’; a progressive number to identify each single file.

• ‘File Name’; the recorded file name.
• ‘Start Date Time’; the start time in which the SUM file was recorded.
• ‘End Date Time’; the time in which the SUM file was stopped.

Below the ‘SUM files’ section there is the ‘SUM Details’ section. This area contains information about flight
takeoff/landings.The columns shown are:

• ‘Flight Id’; the identification number of the flight.

• ‘Takeoff/Landing Id’; the identification number of the takeoff and landing.
• ‘Takeoff’; the date and time of takeoff, shown DD_MM_YY HH.MM.SS
• ‘Landing’; the date and time of landing, shown DD_MM_YY HH.MM.SS
• ‘Flight Fuel [kg]’; the amount of fuel consumed during the flight.
• ‘Flight Hours’; the time the H/C spent in flight between takeoff and landing, shown DD_MM_YY

The main area of the page is composed by a blank area; it is filled in according to the selected parameter. As
shown in the image below, in the top left corner of this area there is a button labelled “SUM Files”.

Figure 1987: SUM Files button

If you move the cursor over this button it becomes orange and a list of the Structural Usage Monitoring files

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1988: SUM Files list

When the file has loaded you can view the corresponding chart.

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Figure 1989: SUM File Chart

You can choose whether you want to view data from both AMMC1 and AMMC2 or from either one or the
other. On top of the area there is a legend with two check boxes. The legend can be hidden by clicking on
the button in the top left corner of the chart (red arrow).To show the legend click on the same button (now
with a green arrow).

Figure 1990: SUM File Chart Legend

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Each chart shows Value and Time of the file selected. It is possible to use the scroll bars to move to the left
and right of the chart or up and down.
It is possible to view several charts simultaneously; the ESUM files list marks the files which are currently
open with a tick.

Figure 1991: SUM Files Multiple Charts

It is possible to view a chart as a table by right clicking on the chart and selecting ‘Flip to Grid’ from the menu
which opens.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1992: SUM Files Chart to Table

The chart becomes a table and the information from the chart is displayed in six columns:

• ‘DSN’; the DSN Number.

• ‘Series Name’; the AMMC used to record the information.
• ‘File Name’, the ESUM file name.
• ‘Index Num.’, the index of values shown.
• ‘Date Time’, the date and time shown on the chart, recorded as DD_MM_YY HH.MM.SS.
• ‘Value’, the value shown on the chart.

Figure 1993: SUM Files Table

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Once an aircraft has been selected from the available ones in the fleet, the user can refer to this module to
find out more information relevant to the health of the helicopter.

Figure 1994: Aircraft health module

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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In a very simplified scenario, the TVM data assessment can result in one of the situations listed in the follow-
ing table.

Assessment result Consequent action

The HI trend assessment indicates a potential Specific inspections are requested in order to
degradation of the monitored component investigate.
Arising could be left in Accepted status until
investigations conclusion.

At the present stage, the HI trend is not suffi- Leave the threshold values as they are.
cient to clearly discriminate between a false Clear the arising.
alert or a potential degradation. Start a Close Monitoring phase.

The exceedance is caused by excessive scat- Close the arising.

tering or by inappropriate threshold setting; no Threshold adjustment for the specific H/C can
negative trend is present. be considered, after evaluating the current
Steady threshold status if applicable.

The exceedance is caused by isolated spikes, Close the arising.

the normal behavior of the HI is consistently Leave the threshold values as they are.
below the thresholds

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.12.1 TVM Exceedances

On this page you can view data regarding the TVM exceedances recorded in the DSNs selected. To access
this page click on ‘Health’ > ‘Transmission’ > ‘TVM Exceedances’.


Figure 1995: TVM Exceedances

The page is divided into three areas; in the first one there is an area which shows the following data regard-
ing the H/C selected:

• ‘Tail ID’; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the tail code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Serial; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the serial code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Status’; the current status of the H/C selected.
• ‘Variant’; the variant of the H/C selected.
• ‘AMMC Ver’; the version of AMMC.
• ‘Running Hours’; the operative hours in which the HUMS data were recorded.

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• ‘Last DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the last DSN carried out.
• ‘Start DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected start DSN.
• ‘End DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected end DSN.
• ‘Flight Hours’; the total flight hours of the selected H/C.
• ‘FH Start’; the flight hours recorded at the start of the selected DSN.
• ‘FH End’; the flight hours recorded at the end of the selected DSN.
• ‘Last Dsn End’; the date and time of the end of the last DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN Start’; the date and time of the start of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN End’; the date and time of the end of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).

Figure 1996: H/C details

The second area indicates information about the selected acquisition in grid. Therefore the content of this
area dynamically changes according to the selected TVM Acquisition.

Figure 1997: TVM Exceedance – Location Details

In the top right corner of the area, there is a field named “arising generation” indicating the number of
required consecutive exceedances to generate an automatic arising.

The right side of this area consists of a section labelled “Location Details”. It is populated automatically once
the user selects a row in the main grid. This area gives information regarding the logistic details relevant to
the transmission component monitored by the selected exceeding Acq.ID. In this area you can view the fol-
lowing data:

• ‘Acq. ID’.
• ‘Acq. Type’.
• ‘Part Serial’; the associate serial number.
• ‘Part Code’; the associated part number.
• ‘LCN’; the associated Logistic Control Number.
• ‘ALC’; the associated Alternate Logistic Control Number.
• ‘Description’; a description of the LCN.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1998: TVM Exceedance – Main Grid

In the third area labelled ‘TVM Exceedances’ there is a table containing the following data:

• ‘DSN’; the DSN from which the data derives.

• ‘Acq. ID’; the identification number of the acquisition.
• ‘Acq. Description’; a description of the relevant acquisition.
• ‘Acq. Type; the type of relevant acquisition.
• ‘CM Status; the status of close monitoring.
• ‘Threshold Value’; the threshold value of the relevant acquisition (Trend or Steady).
• ‘Highest Health Index Value’; the highest Health Index value recorded for the acquisition.
• ‘Lowest Health Index Value’; the lowest Health Index value recorded for the acquisition.
• ‘Exceeding Health Index’; the corresponding Health Index exceeded.
• ‘Threshold Status; the corresponding status of threshold. It can be filled with ‘Permanent’ or ‘Temporary’
for Steady Thresholds and ‘Learned’ relative to ‘Trend’ values.
• ‘Threshold Type’; the corresponding threshold type. It can be valued with Steady Red, Steady Amber,
Steady Blue, Far Trend and Close Trend.
• ‘Number of Red Threshold Exceedances’; Number of steady red exceedance.
• ‘Number of Amber Threshold Exceedances’; Number of steady amber exceedance.
• ‘Number of Blue Threshold Exceedances’; Number of steady blue exceedance.
• ‘Downloaded Valid Acquisitions’; Number of valid acquisition for that row.
• ‘Arising Number’; the arising linked to that exceedance.
• ‘Arising Status’; the status of the arising if generated.

By right clicking on the grid, it is possible to select the functionalities placed in the contextual menu.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 1999: TVM Exceedances – Acquisition Thresholds

The ‘Show Threshold’ menu item allows the user to get the specific threshold values of a selected acquisi-

Figure 2000: TVM Exceedances – Acquisition Thresholds

The grid shows a list of Health Indexes applicable to that acquisition and each row consists of a HI Code and
a brief description.

Click on the plus icon placed near the HI code in order to view its thresholds.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2001: TVM Exceedances – thresholds of Steady HI

Each HI owns two tabs in which the user can visualize the thresholds of steady and trend.
The grid shown by default regards the thresholds values of HI steady plots and it is composed by following

• Type: the type of steady threshold.

• Value: the current value of TH.
• Status: shows if the TH is permanent (PRM), temporary because its learning is not completed yet or LRN
indicating that the phase of auto-learning is terminated.
• Temp Value: in case of the status is not LRN yet, the TH inherits the temporary value from TH fleet.
• Start Date Time: from which the TH has begun to acquire the custom value.
• Start FH: the FH from which the TH has begun to acquire the custom value.
• Start Initiator: who started the learning of TH.
• Update Date Time: when the user has forced the re-learning.
• Update FH: the FH value when the user has forced the re-learning.
• Update Initiator: who forced the re-learn of TH.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2002: TVM Exceedances – thresholds of Trend HI

While the Trend tab contained another grid which is composed by following information:

• Type: Close Trend or Far Trend.

• Value: the maximum distance allowed from the baseline.
• Base Value: the value auto-learned used as baseline.
• Base Reset Date Time: when the baseline was reset the last time.
• Base Reset FH: the FH reference when the baseline was reset the last time.
• Base Initiator: who reset the baseline the last time.

To close the pop-up click on the cross placed in the top-right corner of the window.

Another option placed in the contextual menu allows direct analysis of the exceeded Health Index (refer to
exceedances management paragraph in the ‘Health Index & dB Results chapter’).

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.12.2 Aircraft TVM Trends

ATTENTION: The Aircraft TVM Trends dialogue description contains a section referring to
“AVDM Charts”; only customers who have subscribed to the specific AVDM (Advanced Vibration
Data Mining) service can view this data on the Heliwise application.

On this page it is possible to analyze the health indexes data in terms of steady and trend plots. It is also
possible to open a DARF (Data Analysis Request Form) or a TCR (Threshold Change Request Form), a
description of these functions is available in a dedicated chapter following this chapter.

The user can access the Aircraft TVM Trends dialog as described below:
a. Left click on the target helicopter (see Figure 2003)
b. Point the mouse cursor on the HEALTH symbol in the menu on the right (see Figure 288)
c. Left click on TVM Trends (see Figure 2005)

When the three steps above are implemented, the Aircraft TVM Trends dialogue opens (see Figure 290).

Figure 2003: Aircraft TVM Trends_Step 1

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2004: Aircraft TVM Trends_Step 2

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2005: Aircraft TVM Trends_Step 3

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Figure 2006: Aircraft TVM Trends Dialogue

Select the TVM component to be analyzed through the “Acquisitions” drop down menu in the upper-central

Figure 2007: Aircraft TVM Trends – Acquisitions List

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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The list displays each TVM component’s Acquisition Id, Type, Description and Accelerometer. The quantity
of arisings according to their exceedance are displayed on the right side of the list. The first square shows
any Accepted arisings while the second one represents the Pending arisings. By clicking on an item in the
drop down list, Heliwise automatically plots the health indexes in which there is at least one arising gener-
ated by an exceedance. Customers who have subscribed to the AVDM service will view a third column in the
acquisition drop down menu displaying any AVDM arisings on the components as shown in Figure 2008.

Figure 2008: Aircraft TVM Trends - Acquisitions drop down list - AVDM arisings

Some quick ways to visualize the TVM plot are listed below:
Synoptic Charts (method 1):
a. point the mouse cursor on the target helicopter
b. right click: a list is displayed
c. left click on "Exceedances Arising Synoptic Chart"
d. left click on one of the yellow or red sensor indicators: in this image the sensor’s position and
acquisitions are shown
e. on the right a list is shown: by using the scroll bar, to click on the acquisition with yellow or red
indicator (the acquisition row is highlighted)
f. Click on the button "TVM Health Index Summary Chart"

Synoptic Charts (method 2):

a. point the mouse cursor on the target helicopter
b. left click
c. point the mouse cursor on the HEALTH symbol in the menu on the right: a menu of dialogues
d. Click on "Exceedances Arising"
e. proceed as per steps d to f in the previous method (see Synoptic Charts method 1)

TVM Trends (method 1):

a. point the mouse cursor on the target helicopter
b. right click: a list is displayed
c. left click on "TVM Trends"

TVM Trends (method 2):

a. point the mouse cursor on the target helicopter
b. left click
c. point the mouse cursor on one of the rows (the row is highlighted)
d. left click: a list of operations is shown
e. click on "Analyze ...": the "TVM Trends" option is shown
f. click on "TVM Trends"
TVM Trends (method 3):
a. point the mouse cursor on the target helicopter
b. left click
c. point the mouse cursor on the HEALTH symbol in the menu on the right: a menu of dialogues

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

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d. click on "TVM Trends"

On the left side of the page there is a list of Health Indexes applicable to the selected TVM component. The
Health Indexes with an arising are automatically selected (check box is flagged) and are displayed in the
graphs in the central area. By clicking in the check box a HI can be selected or deselected manually.

The letters “S” and “T” show where the exceedance occurred and the relative colours display the type of
exceedance (red, amber or blue). Finally, at the end of row, a counter shows how many arising are still
active on that Health Index.

Figure 2009: Aircraft TVM Trends – HI list

The user can hide this list, by clicking on the button placed in upper-left corner (red arrow).

Figure 2010: Aircraft TVM Trends – Close HI List

To show the list, click again on the same button (meanwhile the arrow has become green).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2011: Aircraft TVM Trends – Open HI List

To select all HI check boxes with just one click, click on the second button with a green arrow (in the upper
right corner of the page).

Figure 2012: Aircraft TVM Trends – Select All HI

To remove the selection of all Health indexes in one click, use the same button as before. In this case the
arrow is red.

Figure 2013: Aircraft TVM Trends – Remove All HI

To view the dB Deviation charts for the selected health indexes click on the “Flip View” button in the top right
corner of the page.

Figure 2014: Aircraft TVM Trends - Flip View icon

To view the AVDM charts click three times on the “Flip View” icon. Customers who have subscribed to the
AVDM service will view the icon with a star on it as in the figure below.

Figure 2015: Aircraft TVM Trend - Flip View icon with AVDM access

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Flight Condition Filter

The steady HI charts plotted in the central area of the page can display the acquisitions according to the
Flight Conditions when the information was tracked. Select the flight conditions using the funnel icon in the
toolbar above the charts.

Figure 2016: Aircraft TVM Trends – Flight Condition Filter

Click on the filter icon to open a pop-up dedicated to filtering the flight parameters. Here you can set which
band to be plotted for each Flight Condition.

Figure 2017: Aircraft TVM Trends – Filter conditions disabled

Using the “Filter” switch on the right of the window it is possible to set the filter to “Enabled” or “Disabled”. If
the switch is set to “Disabled” no filtering is possible. Set the switch to “Enable” in order to allow filtering. The
user can manually select or deselect the flight conditions to be considered when plotting the HI values by
clicking in the relative check box to select or deselect them. Alternatively, it is possible to select or deselect
all flight conditions in one click using the two buttons above the chart.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2018: Aircraft TVM Trends – Filter conditions enabled

Flight conditions are displayed in the table with the following columns:

• ‘FC description’; displays the specific flight condition

• ‘Unit’; the Unit of Measure used to display the boundary value
• ‘Low Boundary’; the minimum value permitted
• ‘Low Limit’; the high boundary of low aircraft band for the Flight Condition.
• ‘High Limit’; the high boundary of medium aircraft band for the Flight Condition
• ‘High Boundary’; the maximum value permitted.
• ‘Low A/C Band’; flag the check box to include the band from “Low Boundary” to “Low Limit” in the chart
• ‘Mid ‘A/C Band’; flag the check box to include the band from “Low Limit” to “High Limit” in the chart
• ‘High A/C Band’; flag the check box to include the band from “High Limit” to “High boundary” in the chart.

Once the Flight Condition filters have been set click on the green tick icon in the top-right corner of the pop-
up. Click on the red X icon to cancel the filters and close the pop-up.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2019: Aircraft TVM Trends – FC plotting

The steady HI charts show the filtered acquisitions in blue, the grey points are the acquisitions which are not
included in the filter parameters.

AVDM Charts

ATTENTION: only customers who have subscribed to the specific AVDM (Advanced Vibration Data
Mining) service can view this data on the Heliwise application.

The AVDM “CChart” can be viewed if any AVDM arisings are associated with a selected acquisition. The
third column in the Acquisitions drop down list shows if there are any AVDM arisings for the acquisition. The
number of arisings is displayed and the background colour shows whether the Arising is AVDM Red or
AVDM Amber. The red and amber AVDM arisings are generated when AVDM values exceed the the thresh-
old values set by the dedicated authority. The example in Figure 2020 shows an acquisition with four AVDM
Red arisings associated with it.

Figure 2020: Acquisition drop down list with AVDM Red arisings

To view the AVDM Charts click on the “Flip View” icon three times.

Figure 2021: Flip to view AVDM charts

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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The “AVDM Charts” area displays. This area consists of a grid in the central upper area below the acquisi-
tions drop down list, the chart in the central area and the displayed chart name on the left.

Figure 2022: Aircraft TVM Trends - AVDM Charts

There is one chart available for the AVDM Charts area - “CChart” (Control Chart) and it is displayed on the
left along with the number of associated arisings and the type of arising according to the background colour.

Figure 2023: Aircraft TVM Trends - AVDM Charts List

The upper grid displays a list of AVDM arisings and their details associated with the selected acquisition.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2024: Aircraft TVM Trends - AVDM arisings list

The following data can be viewed in the arising list:

• ‘DSN’; the Download Sequence Number in which the Arising was raised.
• ‘Description’; description of the arising.
• ‘Reason’; the type of AVDM Exceedance: AVDM Red or AVDM Amber.
• ‘Update Time’; the recorded time of the last update.
• ‘Update Author’; who modified the arising the last time.
• ‘Number’; the arising ID (useful for carrying out a search in other parts of Heliwise).
• ‘Status’; the status of the arising. It can be ‘Open’, ‘Pending’, ‘Cleared’ or ‘Rejected’.
• ‘Remarks’; Any comments regarding the arising inserted by the user that debriefed the download.

Figure 2025: Aircraft TVM Trends - AVDM CChart - chart area

The main chart area plots the AVDM occurrences for the selected acquisition, the occurrences are repre-
sented by the blue dots. AVDM Red and AVDM Amber thresholds are displayed on the chart by two horizon-

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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tal lines - red and amber according to type. The threshold value is displayed on the left side of the chart as
shown in Figure 2026.

Figure 2026: Aircraft TVM Trends – AVDM Charts - Amber and Red thresholds

By placing the mouse pointer on a single occurrence (data point) tooltip function displays data for that spe-
cific occurrence as shown in Figure 2027.

Figure 2027: Aircraft TVM Trends – AVDM Charts - occurrence data with tooltip

Figure 2028: Aircraft TVM Trends – AVDM Charts - occurrence data with click

By clicking on a single occurrence a window opens displaying three radar charts for the selected acquisition.
See Figure 2029 below.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2029: Aircraft TVM Trends – AVDM Charts - Radar Charts window

The window displays three charts: LDA (Linear Discriminant Analysis) chart, QDA (Quadratic Discriminant
Analysis) chart and MQDA (Modified Quadratic Discriminant Analysis) chart. Each chart displays a series of
failure values and the chart is coloured according to whether the occurrence has an arising associated with
it or not. The charts are in view mode only.

Occurrences with no associated arisings are displayed in grey as shown in Figure 2030.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2030: Aircraft TVM Trends – AVDM Radar Charts - Grey no arisings

Occurrences with an AVDM Amber arising associated with it are displayed in amber as shown in Figure

Figure 2031: Aircraft TVM Trends – AVDM Radar Charts - Amber AVDM arising

Occurrences with an AVDM Red arising associated with it are displayed in red as shown in Figure 2032.

Figure 2032: Aircraft TVM Trends – AVDM Radar Charts - Red AVDM arising

At the top of the window the following details for the selected acquisition are displayed:

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• ‘Acq’: the component and the acquisition number

• ‘DSN Id’: the DSN in which the occurrence was recorded
• ‘Time’: the time at which the occurrence was recorded
• ‘Flight Hours’: the number of flight hours at which the occurrence was recorded.

Figure 2033: Aircraft TVM Trends – AVDM Radar Charts - Occurence details

There are two arrow buttons at the top of the window which allow the user to move from one recorded occur-
rence to the next without returning to the CChart. Click on the left arrow to view charts for the previous
occurrence or the right arrow to view the following occurrence.

Figure 2034: Aircraft TVM Trends – AVDM Radar Charts - buttons

To return to the CChart click on the ‘X’ in the top right corner of the window.

It is possible to carry out the following standard chart actions on the CCHart:

• Add user note

• Export Full CSV
• Open contextual menu

A general description of the above actions are described in the next part of this chapter.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Plot capabilities

Each chart has a button in the top left corner. Click on the button to view the options which are available to
be displayed on the chart. Click in the check boxes in order to include or exclude the options.

Figure 2035: Aircraft TVM Trends – Steady HI charts

By default the HI Steady plots show the following data:

• Abscissa axis consists of Flight Hours indications;

• Value 0 of y-axis shown with a green line;
• Blue, Amber and Red Steady Threshold - moving over the TH line, the chart shows the type of TH (tem-
porary, learned or permanent);
• Vertical line to indicate where the threshold was reset (Permanent thresholds not included) due to parts
removal or manual reset;

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2036: Aircraft TVM Trends – HI Steady Charts

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The HI dB Deviations charts display the following information:

• Abscissa axis consists of Flight Hours indications;

• Permitted Close and Far Trend Distance (if exceeded an arising is automatically generated);
• DSN markers represented with vertical lines indicating the start of the DSN;
• Vertical line to indicate when the baseline and far trend thresholds were reset due to parts removal or
manual reset;

Figure 2037: Aircraft TVM Trends – HI dB Deviations

In both views, each point has a tooltip which is automatically visible by default when the mouse cursor is
moved over it. The following information is displayed:

• DSN number to identify the download from which the acquisition was generated;
• Acq. Date&Time when the acquisition was tracked;
• Acq. Flight Hours to indicate how many FH were recorded when the acquisition was tracked;
• A/C Flight Hours to indicate the total number of Flight Hours recorded by the current DSN
• Health Index to show which index is being showing;
• The Value of the health index;

Figure 2038: Aircraft TVM Trends – tooltip

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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By right clicking anywhere on the steady plots, you can select the option ‘Show Extended Tooltip’. As result
the tooltip will display additional information such as IAS, Engine 1 Torque, Engine 2 Torque, Main Rotor
Torque, Tail Rotor Torque, Pitch and Roll degrees.

Figure 2039: Aircraft TVM Trends – Extended Tooltip

By clicking on an acquisition on a Steady HI chart it becomes highlighted in green; if any other HI charts are
open the selected acquisition is highlighted in all those charts too.

Figure 2040: Aircraft TVM Trends – Acq. Selection

To zoom in on a specific area of the chart, drag the mouse cursor while pressing the right mouse button over
the area. To reset the zoom double click anywhere in the chart.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2041: Aircraft TVM Trends – Zoom in on an area

It is also possible to zoom in on the charts simply by moving the mouse’s scroll wheel.

Figure 2042: Aircraft TVM Trends – Contextual menu

By right clicking on any point of the chart, a contextual menu opens in which it is possible to change the val-
ues of the axes:

• Axis X; possibility to switch the value of abscissa from Acq. FH in Acq. date time and vice versa.
• Axis Y; possibility to switch the parameters of axis from linear to logarithmic and vice versa.
• Show/Hide Thresholds; choose to view or not the thresholds the thresholds;
• Show/Hide DSN Markers; possibility to hide the indicators of start DSN;
• Close; close the HI plot.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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User Notes

To add a user note to the chart, click on the third icon in the toolbar.

Figure 2043: Aircraft TVM Trends – Add User Note

After clicking on the User Notes icon the mouse cursor changes shape and the user can select where to
place the note.

Figure 2044: Aircraft TVM Trends – Place Note

After selecting where to put the note the following popup opens.

Figure 2045: Aircraft TVM Trends – Note Management

Here the user can add a new note and it will be shown as part of a chat indicating who has written and when.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2046: Aircraft TVM Trends – Chat

The note will be applied to all Health Indexes for acquisition on which the user added the note.

Figure 2047: Aircraft TVM Trends – Note Icon

An envelope icon is displayed where the user created the new note. Move the mouse cursor over the icon
and the last message is displayed by default.

Close Monitoring

The Close Monitoring functionalities are managed through the button placed in the upper part of the charts

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2048: Aircraft TVM Trends – Close Monitoring window

The user can open a CM phase by clicking on the green tick icon on the left side. There is also a Remarks
field in which the user can type more information relevant to this CM.

Figure 2049: Aircraft TVM Trends – CM settings

Once opened, close the CM by clicking on the Red X icon.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2050: Aircraft TVM Trends – Close CM

Contextual Menu

By right clicking on any point of the chart a contextual menu opens:

Figure 2051: Aircraft TVM Trends – Contextual menu

The menu contains the following functionalities:

• Zoom; to reset the zoom and focus on all acquisitions.

• Chart Settings.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2052: Aircraft TVM Trends – Chart Settings

It is possible to hide the automatic tooltip or the background coordinates and change the manner in which
the acquisition is plotted. Following, an example:

• XY Plot;

Figure 2053: Aircraft TVM Trends – Chart with Plot

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• Step Area;

Figure 2054: Aircraft TVM Trends – Chart with Step Area

• Bar;

Figure 2055: Aircraft TVM Trends – Chart with Bar

• Line;

Figure 2056: Aircraft TVM Trends – Chart with Line

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• Line Symbols;

Figure 2057: Aircraft TVM Trends – Chart with Line Symbols

• Export; export in PNG or BMP the HI plot.

• Reporting; add the chart to the dynamic report available in Heliwise (as explained in the “Common Func-
tionalities” paragraph at the beginning of the user manual).
• Axis X; possibility to switch the value of abscissa from Acq. FH to Acq. Date time and vice versa.
• Axis Y; possibility to switch the parameters of the axis from linear to logarithmic and vice versa.
• Show/Hide Extended Tooltip; to view or not the additional parameters in the Tooltip as described above.
• Show/Hide Thresholds; choose to view or not the thresholds.
• Show/Hide DSN Markers; possibility to hide the indicators of the start DSN.
• Open Acquisition Thresholds; to get specific thresholds values of the selected acquisition
• Close; close the HI chart.
• Flip to Grid; report the values in a tabular format. Possibility to export the HI values and relative parame-
ters in CSV.

Figure 2058: Aircraft TVM Trends – Table view

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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By right clicking on the table the contextual menu opens.

Figure 2059: Aircraft TVM Trends – Contextual menu in table

The ‘Show Extended Grid’ option adds several columns (IAS, Pitch, Roll, MGB Oil Temperature, MGB Oil
Pressure, TGB Oil Temp, IGB Oil Temp, MGB Bearing 1 Oil Temperature, MGB Bearing 2 Oil Temperature,
Engine 1 Torque, Engine 2 Torque, Main Rotor Torque, Tail Rotor Torque, NR) to the table in order to associ-
ate each TVM acquisition with relative Flight Condition and Torque indicators.

The ‘Open Acquisition Thresholds’ opens a window displaying specific threshold values for the selected

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2060: Aircraft TVM Trends – Acquisition Thresholds

The upper area of the window displays information about the helicopter. This section displays the following

• ‘Tail ID’; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the H/C selected.
• ‘HC Status’; the current status of the H/C selected.
• ‘HC Serial’; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the serial code of selected aircraft.
• ‘Variant’; the variant of the H/C selected.
• ‘AMMC Ver’; the version of AMMC.
• ‘Running Hours’; the operative hours in which the HUMS data were recorded.
• ‘Last DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the last DSN carried out.
• ‘Flight Hours’; the total flight hours of the selected H/C.
• Last DSN End’; the date and time of the end of the last DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS

Figure 2061: Aircraft TVM Trends - Thresholds window

The grid shows a list of Health Indexes applicable to the selected acquisition and each row consists of a HI
Code and a brief description.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Click on the plus icon next to the HI code in order to view its thresholds.

Figure 2062: Aircraft TVM Trends – thresholds of Steady HI

Each HI has two tabs in which the user can visualize the steady and trend thresholds.
The grid shown by default regards the threshold values of HI steady plots and consists of the following data:

• Type: the type of steady threshold.

• Value: the current TH value.
• Status: shows if the TH is permanent (PRM), temporary because its learning is not completed yet or LRN
indicating that the phase of auto-learning is terminated.
• Temp Value: if the status is not LRN yet, the TH inherits the temporary value from the fleet TH.
• Start Date Time: when the TH began to acquire the custom value.
• Start FH: the FH from which the TH began to acquire the custom value.
• Start Initiator: who started the TH learning.
• Update Date Time: when the user forced the re-learning.
• Update FH: the FH value when the user forced the re-learning.
• Update Initiator: who forced the TH re-learning.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2063: Aircraft TVM Trends – Trend HI thresholds

The Trend tab contains another grid consisting of the following information:

• Type: Close Trend or Far Trend.

• Value: the maximum distance allowed from the baseline.
• Base Value: the auto-learned value used as the baseline.
• Base Reset Date Time: when the baseline was last reset.
• Base Reset FH: the FH reference when the baseline was reset the last time.
• Base Initiator: who reset the baseline the last time.

To close the pop-up click on the X placed in the top-right corner of the window.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Arising Management

Below the list of TVM components, Heliwise displays the arisings which are still active on the selected acqui-

Figure 2064: Aircraft TVM Trends – Arising list

The arising grid consists of the following columns:

• DSN; indicates the download Id in which the arising occurred;

• Description; the arising description.
• Reason; the type of exceedance which generated the arising. It can be: Far Trend, Close Trend, Steady
Red, Steady Amber, Steady Blue.
• Update Time; the date and time of last update.
• Update User Code; who performed the last update.
• Number; the arising’s id.
• Status; the status of the arising. Since this grid shows only active arisings, this value can be “Open” or
• Remarks; eventual notes typed by the user during data download processing.

Once performed the analysis the user can clear the arising by right clicking on it and selecting “Clear” or
“Reject” (depending on the previous status of the arising).

Figure 2065: Aircraft TVM Trends – Clearance Arising

This grid displays the arisings for a single TVM component, a list of all the arisings for the selected helicopter
is available at the bottom of the page.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2066: Aircraft TVM Trends – AC Arising hidden

By clicking on the arrow, the area expands. Click again to hide it.

Figure 2067: Aircraft TVM Trends – AC Arising visible

By right clicking on a single arising a contextual menu opens.

Figure 2068: Aircraft TVM Trends – AC Arising visible

As shown in the image above, the only action which can be performed is to analyze the arising. After clicking
on it, Heliwise reloads the page with the acquisition which generated the arising to be analyzed.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Exceedances Management

It is possible to access the Aircraft TVM Trends page from the TVM exceedance page (by means of the con-
textual menu) the page is automatically opened in order to allow analysis of a single exceedance without the
concept of arisings.

By default the page shows the exceeded HI which was selected on the TVM exceedance page. Further-
more, in the HI list on the left, the exceedance is represented by a blue square.

Figure 2069: Aircraft TVM Trends – Exceedances charts

To analyse other occurrences, the user can expand the Exceedance List at the bottom of the page.
Here the grid shown is the same as the one on the TVM Exceedance page and by means of the contextual
menu the user can click on ‘analyse’. As a result the page re-loads the data changing the TVM Acquisition
and relative HI exceeded.

Figure 2070: Aircraft TVM Trends – Exceedances list

Using the flip icon placed in the bottom right corner of the page, you can return to analyse the arising.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Signal analysis

On the chart several points are displayed with an orange triangle.

Figure 2071: Aircraft TVM Trends – Chart with Line Symbols

By clicking on one of them the raw signal is loaded and, through a dedicated page, signal analysis can be

ATTENTION: AVDM Analysis Request Forms are only available to customers who have subscribed
to the AVDM (Advanced Vibration Data Mining) service.

Figure 2072: Aircraft TVM Trends – TVM Signal

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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In the upper part of the TVM Signal window, Heliwise shows the following details:

• Acq. (moving the mouse over it, it’s possible to show the description of the TVM component);
• the DSN in which the signal was recorded;
• the date and time of recording;
• the relative aircraft FH value when the signal was recorded;
• File in which the signal is present;
• Plot Type to indicate which processing has been applied to plot the data.

In the top-right corner of the page, you can quickly reload the other signals avail-
able for that TVM Component by mean of the blue arrows.

Also in this dialog, the chart is manageable through several functionalities placed above the graph:

• Axis Cursor; to enable the dynamic display of coordinates while moving the mouse cursor.
• Tooltip; when enabled, the chart automatically creates a circle on the higher point of amplitude for each
frequency indicator. Moving over the circle, the user can see the precise coordinates.
• Harmonic (if applicable); first of all, once enabled, you have to select a frequency. Automatically Heliwise
calculates and shows the respective harmonics.
• Sideband (if applicable); first of all, once enabled, you have to select two frequencies in order to dynam-
ically calculate the sideband.
• Reset; disabled the engaged functionalities.
• Ref. Orders (if applicable); show the reference orders.

All buttons have an amber background when they are engaged by the user. Click again for disabling.

To zoom the chart, drag the mouse pointer on area of the chart.
To reset the zoom, you can double click on the chart or select “Reset Zoom” in the contextual menu (right
click on chart). Data Analysis Request Form and AVDM Analysis Request Form from Aircraft TVM Trends dialogue

It is possible to open a Data Analysis Request Form (DARF) or an AVDM Analysis Request Form (A-DARF)
directly from the Aircraft TVM Trends page. The description here below applies to both DARFs and A-

In particular, for each Health Index of a selected Acquisition, a DARF can be directly generated by selecting
the relevant TVM steady plot.
A user can open a new DARF only if the previous DARF is closed or does not exist.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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As described in 3.8.3, only the DARF can be subjected to all four status (Open, New Reply, New request,
Closure: for more details see 3.8.3): it means that for a DARF it is possible to have more than one interaction
Customer user/LH support.

In the toolbar at the top of the page there is an icon which allows the user to open a DARF. The open DARF
icon is visible only for users type MASTER or users not Master with Query Flag enabled (see

Figure 2073: Aircraft TVM Trends - Open DARF Icon

After clicking on the Open DARF icon, all plots where a DARF can be generated are outlined in blue (see
Figure 2074).

Figure 2074: Aircraft TVM Trends - Open DARF Icon_2

When the mouse cursor is pointed in one of the allowed plots for a DARF, the message "Open Request" is

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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After clicking, the DARF form opens in a pop-up window (see Figure 2075).

Figure 2075: Aircraft TVM Trends - Diagnostic Analysis Request Form

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2076: Aircraft TVM Trends - AVDM Analysis Request Form

The initial form that opens allows the user to create a request to send to the Heliwise Support Group. The
initial request is “Revision 1”. At the top of the form there is a group box displaying the information which is
automatically populated using the H/C data available and the selected acquisition and relative HI chart. The
information displayed is the following and is read only:

• Reference Num.
• HC Tail Id: the tail number of the
• Acquisition
• Revision
• HC Serial
• Issue Date
• Compiled by

The main area of the form is divided into three areas; Maintenance on Interested Area, Next Scheduled
Maintenance, Description.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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In the first area the user can insert the date and time and a description of any maintenance actions to be car-
ried out on the interested area. Any scheduled maintenance actions can be inserted into the second area
specifying date and a description of the maintenance action.

The third area allows the user to insert a more detailed description of the request and is asked to specify the
reason for the request from the following options:

• Data Analysis
• Send Data
• Maintenance Report
• End of Close Monitoring
• AOG (Aircraft on Ground)

Use the radio buttons to make the selection.

Once the form has been filled out the user can send the form to the Heliwise Support Group by clicking on
the green tick in the bottom right corner of the form. If the user wants to close the form with out sending or
saving it then click on the red X above the green tick.

The DARF icon will be visible on the chart as follows until a reply is received:

Figure 2077: Aircraft TVM Trends - Open DARF symbol

When the Heliwise Support Group replies to the request the DARF symbol visible on the chart changes to
the following:

Figure 2078: Aircraft TVM Trends - DARF New Reply

The user can open the DARF by clicking on the symbol. The form opens on the “Reply Form” page which
has been filled out by the Heliwise Support Group.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2079: Aircraft TVM Trends - DARF Reply Form

The user can read the reply sent by the Support Group. At the top of the form there is an area displaying
information which is automatically populated using the H/C data available and the selected acquisition and
relative CI/HI as before.

The main area is divided into four group boxes; the first area “Analysed Cls/His” displays the Cls and the His
that have been analysed by the Support Group, The second area “Analysis on related Components” dis-
plays any additional components that have been analysed, the analysis results are reported in the dedicated
area “Result of Analysis” and any recommended actions are listed in the “Recommended Actions” group

At the bottom of the form there is a list of actions that the Heliwise Support Group can request of the user.
One or more options can be selected. The possible requests from the Heliwise Support Group are the fol-

• Send additional data with form

• Report Maintenance with form
• Close Monitoring report
• None/Request Close (no next revision)

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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If the user is required to carry out a further action or has another request it is possible to move to the next
section of the form by clicking on the arrow pointing right. The next page shows a new “Create Request”
form and the user can fill it out as before. After sending the new request the following symbol is visible on the
related CI/HI chart:

Figure 2080: Aircraft TVM Trends - DARF New Request symbol

The Heliwise Support Group opens the DARF and uses a new “Reply Form” to respond to the request. The
procedure continues until the DARF is closed by the Support Group selecting “None/Request Close (no next
Rev)” from the list of Action Requests on the Reply Form.

Once the DARF has been closed the following symbol is visible on the relevant CI/HI chart:

Figure 2081: Aircraft TVM Trends - DARF Closed symbol

The status of the DARFs and access to them is also possible from the “Query Manager” dialogue which can
be reached from the main menu > System Administration > Query Manager. (see 3.8.3) Threshold Change Request Form from Aircraft TVM Trends dialog

It is possible to open a Threshold Change Request form (TCR) directly from the Aircraft TVM Trends page.

In particular, for each Health Index of a selected Acquisition, a TCR can be directly generated by selecting
the relevant TVM steady plot.
A user can open a new TCR only if the previous TCR is closed or does not exist.

As described in 3.8.3, for a TCR only OPEN and CLOSED statuses (Open, Closure: for more details see
3.8.3) are applicable, so for this kind of query only one loop of interaction Customer user/LH support is fore-

In the toolbar at the top of the page there is an icon which allows the user to open a TCR. The open TCR
icon is visible only for users type MASTER or users who are not Masters but have the Query Flag enabled

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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Figure 2082: Aircraft TVM Trends - Open TCR icon

After clicking on the Open TCR icon, all plots where a TCR can be generated have a blue border. When the
mouse cursor is pointed in one of the outlined plots, the message "Open Request" is shown.

After clicking on the “Open Request” icon the “Create Request” form shown below opens.

Figure 2083: Aircraft TVM Trends - Threshold Change Request Form

The initial form that opens allows the user to create a request to send to the Heliwise Support Group. The
initial request is “Revision 1”. At the top of the form there is a group box displaying the information which is
automatically populated using the H/C data available and the selected acquisition and relative CI/HI chart.
The information displayed is the following and is read only:

• Reference Num.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• HC Tail Id
• Acquisition
• Revision
• HC Serial
• Issue Date
• Compiled by

The main area is divided into two areas. The first labelled “Threshold Status” displays a table with the follwo-
ing columns:

• Threshold: this column displays the threshold type - Red, Amber, Blue, Far and Close
• Actual Value: this column displays the current value for the corresponding threshold
• Proposed Value: this column is displayed when the Reason (see Below) is set on “Permanent Threshold
Change” (see Figure 2085). In this case the user can input a value for each cell of the column

• Reset: this column is displayed when the Reason (see Below) is set on "Threshold / Trend Reset". In this
case two check boxes are shown (one for Red/Amber/Blue thresholds, one for Far threshold and Close
Threshold) and the user can request the reset by ticking the check box referred to the threshold to be
reset (see Figure 2083)

Below the table there is a “Reason” area where the user can select from two options the reason for the
requested threshold value change. The reasons can be either of the following:

• Threshold / Trend Reset

• Permanent Threshold Change

The second area “Description” is an area in which the user can add any further information regarding the
change proposal.

Once the form has been completed the user can send it to the Heliwise Support Group by clicking on the
green tick on the right of the window.

The red X on the right of the window can be used to close the window without sending the request. The sym-
bol shown below will be visible on the chart.

Figure 2084: Aircraft TVM Trends - Open TCR symbol

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2085: Aircraft TVM Trends - TCR Support reply form

The TCR is closed by the Support group and the icon on the chart will be viewed as shown below.

Figure 2086: Aircraft TVM trends - TCR Closed symbol

The status of the TCRs and access to them is also possible from the “Query Manager” dialogue which can
be reached from the main menu > System Administration > Query Manager (see 3.8.3).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.12.3 Accelerometer Status

On this page you can view status details for each specific accelerometer used by the TVM system.

N.B. On opening the page the DSN selected by default is the last DSN for the H/C selected. Click on
the SmartLink button in the top right corner to change the filter parameters.

Figure 2087: TVM Accelerometer Summary

At the top of this page you can view the following data regarding the H/C selected:

• ‘Tail ID’; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the tail code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Serial; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the serial code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Status’; the current status of the H/C selected.
• ‘Variant’; the variant of the H/C selected.
• ‘AMMC Ver’; the version of AMMC.
• ‘Running Hours’; the operative hours in which the HUMS data were recorded.
• ‘Last DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the last DSN carried out.
• ‘Start DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected start DSN.
• ‘End DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected end DSN.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• ‘Flight Hours’; the total flight hours of the selected H/C.

• ‘FH Start’; the flight hours recorded at the start of the selected DSN.
• ‘FH End’; the flight hours recorded at the end of the selected DSN.
• ‘Last Dsn End’; the date and time of the end of the last DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN Start’; the date and time of the start of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN End’; the date and time of the end of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).

Figure 2088: H/C details

The main area is divided into four tables. The first table ‘TVM System Status Last D/L’ shows the following

• ‘Component’; the identification code of the relevant accelerometer.

• ‘Location’; the location in which the component is found.
• ‘Ammc1’; a green circle shows if the data derives from this AMMC.
• ‘Ammc 2’; a green circle shows if the data derives from this AMMC.
• ‘Status’; the current status of the component; this can be ‘No Failures’ or ‘Fail’.
• ‘Arising Status’; the arising status if generated.
• ‘Failure Counter’; the number of failures occurred.
• ‘Occurrence Counter’; the number of occurrences.
• ‘Anomalies Counter’; the number of anomalies verified.
• ‘P/N’ the associated Part number.
• ‘S/N’; the associated Serial Number.
• ‘LCN’; the corresponding logistic Control Number.
• ‘ALC’, the corresponding Alternate Logistic Control Number.
• ‘LCN Description’; a description of the LCN.

Figure 2089: TVM System Status Last D/L

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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In this table you can select a component by clicking on the corresponding row, once selected it is highlighted
in blue. Further data for the component can be viewed in the tables below if available.
Right clicking on a row a contextual menu becomes visible.

Figure 2090: TVM System Status Last D/L - Menu

Selecting ‘Show Acquisition’ a pop-up window opens showing an image of the component selected and its
corresponding acquisitions.

Figure 2091: TVM System Status Last D/L – Acquisition window

On the left side is placed a table showing the following data:

• ‘Acquisition Code’; the corresponding identification code for the acquisition.

• Analysis Type Code’; the type code relevant to the acquisition (SYNC, THIST, FAVG or ENVE).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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The second table labelled ‘Missing Acquisiton Results - Last D/L’ is populated if any occurrences of missing
TVM data are detected in the last download for the Acq. Id performed with the selected accelerometer.

Figure 2092: TVM System Status Missing Details Last D/L

This table contains the following data:

• ‘Component’; the aircraft component involved.

• ‘Acquisition ID’, the identification code of the associated acquisition.
• ‘Description’, a description of the acquisition.
• ‘Type’; the acquisition type (SYNC, THIST, FAVG or ENVE).
• ‘Last Valid Acq. Date-Time’; the date and time of the last valid acquisition (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘Last Valid Acq. FH’; the last valid acquisition recorded flight hours.
• ‘Last InValidAcq. FH’; the last invalid acquisition recorded flight hours.
• ‘Missing FH; the amount of missing flight hours.
• ‘Missing Threshold (Normal operation); the missing threshold value during normal operation.
• ‘Missing Threshold (Close Monitoring); the missing threshold value during close monitoring.
• ‘CM Status’; the close monitoring status.
• ‘Arising number’; the identification number of the arising generated.
• ‘Arising Status’; the status of the generated arising.

‘Failures Cross Correlation - Last D/L’ Tab

The second tab labelled ‘Failures Cross Correlation - Last D/L’ shows the results of any cross correlation
checks carried out in the last DSN for a specific component.’

Figure 2093: TVM System Status Failures Cross Correlation Last D/L

As shown in the image above, the table is composed by three columns:

• ‘Component’; the aircraft component involved.

• ‘Description’, a description of the acquisition.
• ‘Cross Correlation Check Result’; the result of check about the cross correlation.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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‘Failure Details’ Tab

In the ‘Failure Details’ tab there are two. In these tables you can view data regarding the failures recorded for
the selected component. The data in the table in the right corresponds to the row at the same level of the
data in the table on the left. Therefore the occurrences in the table on the right refer to the fault in the same
row in the table on the left.

Figure 2094: TVM System Status Failure and Acquisition Details

The table on the left shows the following data:

• ‘DSN’, the DSN from which the data derives.

• ‘Ammc’; the AMMC used to record.
• ‘Fault Number’; the identification number of the fault.
• ‘Fault Description’; a description of the associated fault.
• ‘Arising Number’; the number of the arising generated following the failure detection.
• ‘Arising Status’; the status of the generated arising.
• ‘Occurrence Counter’; the number of occurrences recorded for the corresponding fault.
• ‘Occurrence Active’; if the fault is active a red circle displays, if it is not active a grey circle displays.
• ‘Cumulative Duration’; the total duration of all the occurrences.
• ‘Longest Duration’; the duration of the longest occurrence.
• ‘Remarks’; comments associated to the detected failure.

• The table on the right is populated after selecting a row in the main table on the left. This table shows the
following data regarding the failures:

• ‘Occurrence Start Time’; the recorded start time of the occurrence (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘Occurrence Stop Time’; the recorded stop time of the occurrence (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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‘Acquisition Anomaly Details’ Tab

Click on the ‘Acquisition Anomaly Details’ tab to view the counters of the acquisition anomalies relevant to
the acquisitions performed with the selected accelerometer. The table shows the following data:

• ‘DSN’; the DSN from which the data derives.

• ‘Acq. ID’; the acquisition identification code.
• ‘Accelerometer Low Signal Level Counter’; the number of corresponding occurrences.
• ‘A/D Converter Saturation Counter’; the number of corresponding occurrences.
• ‘Primary Azimuth Unlock Counter’; the number of corresponding occurrences.
• ‘Convergence Failure Counter’; the number of corresponding occurrences.
• ‘Timeout Counter’; the number of corresponding occurrences.

Figure 2095: TVM System Status Acquisition Anomaly Details

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.12.4 Azimuth Sensors Status

On this page you can view status data relevant to the two TVM system azimuth sensors.

N.B. On opening the page the DSN selected by default is the last DSN for the H/C selected. Click on
the SmartLink button in the top right corner to change the filter parameters.

Figure 2096: TVM Azimuth Sensor Status

At the top of this page you can view the following data regarding the H/C selected:

• ‘Tail ID’; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the tail code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Serial; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the serial code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Status’; the current status of the H/C selected.
• ‘Variant’; the variant of the H/C selected.
• ‘AMMC Ver’; the version of AMMC.
• ‘Running Hours’; the operative hours in which the HUMS data were recorded.
• ‘Last DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the last DSN carried out.
• ‘Start DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected start DSN.
• ‘End DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected end DSN.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• ‘Flight Hours’; the total flight hours of the selected H/C.

• ‘FH Start’; the flight hours recorded at the start of the selected DSN.
• ‘FH End’; the flight hours recorded at the end of the selected DSN.
• ‘Last Dsn End’; the date and time of the end of the last DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN Start’; the date and time of the start of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN End’; the date and time of the end of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).

Figure 2097: H/C details

In the first table labelled ‘Current Azimuth Sensor Status – Last D/L’ you can view the following data regard-
ing the two TVM system azimuth sensors.:

• ‘Component’; the identification code of the Azimuth sensor.

• ‘Location’; the location in which the component is found.
• ‘AMMC1’; a green circle shows if the data derives from this AMMC a grey circle shows if it does not.
• ‘AMMC 2’; a green circle shows if the data derives from this AMMC a grey circle shows if it does not.
• ‘Status’; the current status of the component; this can be ‘No Failures’ or ‘Fail’.
• ‘Arising Status’; the arising status if generated.
• ‘Failure Counter’; the number of failures occurred.
• ‘Occurrence Counter’; the number of occurrences.
• ‘Anomalies Counter’; the number of anomalies verified.
• ‘P/N’ the associated Part number.
• ‘S/N’; the associated Serial Number.
• ‘LCN’; the corresponding logistic Control Number.
• ‘ALC’, the corresponding Alternate Logistic Control Number.
• ‘LCN Description’; a description of the LCN.

Figure 2098: Azimuth Sensor Status

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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‘Failures Cross Correlation Last D/L’ Tab

In the second area there is a tab labelled ‘Failures Cross Correlation Last D/L’ shows the results of any cross
correlation checks carried out in the last DSN for a specific component.

Figure 2099: Failures Cross Correlation Last D/L

As shown in the image above, the table is composed by three columns:

• ‘Component’; the aircraft component involved.

• ‘Description’, a description of the acquisition.
• ‘Cross Correlation Check Result’; the result of check about the cross correlation.

‘Failure Details’ Tab

In the ‘Failure Details’ tab there are two tables. In these tables you can view data regarding the failures
recorded for the selected component. The data in the table on the right is populated after clicking on a row in
the table on the left.

Figure 2100: Failure Details

As shown in the image above, the table on the left contains the following data:

• ‘DSN’, the DSN from which the data derives.

• ‘Ammc’; the Ammc used to record.
• ‘Fault Number’; the identification number of the fault.
• ‘Fault Description’; a description of the associated fault.
• ‘Arising Number’; the number of the arising generated following the failure detection.
• ‘Arising Status’; the status of the generated arising.
• ‘Occurrence Counter’; the number of occurrences recorded for the corresponding fault.
• ‘Occurrence Active’; if the fault is active a green circle displays, if it is not active a grey circle displays.
• ‘Cumulative Duration’; the total duration of all the occurrences.
• ‘Longest Duration’; the duration of the longest occurrence.
• ‘Remarks’; comments associated to the detected failure.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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The table on the right is populated after selecting a row in the main table on the left. This table shows the fol-
lowing data regarding the failures selected:

• ‘Occurrence Start Time’; the recorded start time of the occurrence (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘Occurrence Stop Time’; the recorded stop time of the occurrence (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).

Figure 2101: Failure Details – Occurrences

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.12.5 VDAM Board Status

On this page you can view status data relevant to the VDAM Board sensors used by the TVM system.

N.B. On opening the page the DSN selected by default is the last DSN for the H/C selected. Click on
the SmartLink button in the top right corner to change the filter parameters.

Figure 2102: TVM VDAM Board Status

At the top of this page you can view the following data regarding the H/C selected:

• ‘Tail ID’; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the tail code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Serial; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the serial code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Status’; the current status of the H/C selected.
• ‘Variant’; the variant of the H/C selected.
• ‘AMMC Ver’; the version of AMMC.
• ‘Running Hours’; the operative hours in which the HUMS data were recorded.
• ‘Last DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the last DSN carried out.
• ‘Start DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected start DSN.
• ‘End DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected end DSN.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• ‘Flight Hours’; the total flight hours of the selected H/C.

• ‘FH Start’; the flight hours recorded at the start of the selected DSN.
• ‘FH End’; the flight hours recorded at the end of the selected DSN.
• ‘Last Dsn End’; the date and time of the end of the last DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN Start’; the date and time of the start of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN End’; the date and time of the end of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).

Figure 2103: H/C details

In the second area there is a table labelled ‘Current VDAM Board Status Last D/L’ you can view the following
data regarding the TVM VDAM Board sensors:

• ‘Component’; the identification code of the VDAM sensor.

• ‘Location’; the location in which the component is found.
• ‘Status’; the current status of the component; this can be ‘No Failures’ or ‘Fail’.
• ‘Arising Status’; the arising status if generated.
• ‘Failure Counter’; the number of failures occurred.
• ‘Occurrence Counter’; the number of occurrences.
• ‘P/N’ the associated Part number.
• ‘S/N’; the associated Serial Number.
• ‘LCN’; the corresponding logistic Control Number.
• ‘ALC’, the corresponding Alternate Logistic Control Number.
• ‘LCN Description’; a description of the LCN.

Figure 2104: VDAM Board Status

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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‘Failures Cross Correlation Last D/L’ Tab

In the second area there is a tab labelled ‘Failures Cross Correlation Last D/L’ shows the results of any cross
correlation checks carried out in the last DSN for a specific component.

Figure 2105: Failures Cross Correlation Last D/L

As shown in the image above, the table is composed by three columns:

• ‘Component’; the aircraft component involved.

• ‘Description’, a description of the acquisition.
• ‘Cross Correlation Check Result’; the result of check about the cross correlation.

‘Failure Details’ Tab

In the final tab labelled ‘Failure Details’ there is a table.

Figure 2106: Failure details

As shown in the image above, you can view the following data regarding the failures recorded for the
selected component:

• ‘DSN’, the DSN from which the data derives.

• ‘Ammc’; the Ammc used to record.
• ‘Fault Number’; the identification number of the fault.
• ‘Fault Description’; a description of the associated fault.
• ‘Arising Number’; the number of the arising generated following the failure detection.
• ‘Arising Status’; the status of the generated arising.
• ‘Occurrence Counter’; the number of occurrences recorded for the corresponding fault.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• ‘Occurrence Active’; if the fault is active a green circle displays, if it is not active a grey circle displays.
• ‘Cumulative Duration’; the total duration of all the occurrences.
• ‘Longest Duration’; the duration of the longest occurrence.
• ‘Remarks’; the comments related to the detected fault. Double click in the remarks column on the rele-
vant row to insert a comment.

The table on the right is populated after selecting a row in the main table on the left.

Figure 2107: Failure details - Occurrences

This table shows the following data regarding the failures selected:

• ‘Occurrence Start Time’; the recorded start time of the occurrence (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘Occurrence Stop Time’; the recorded stop time of the occurrence (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.12.6 Exceedances
On this page you can navigate through the TVM exceedances by means of a synoptic chart. Here the user
has an overview where the TVM exceedance occurred. The data displayed are relative to the last DSN.

Figure 2108: Exceedances Synoptic Chart

At the top of this page you can view the following data regarding the H/C selected:

• ‘Tail ID’; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the tail code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Serial; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the serial code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Status’; the current status of the H/C selected.
• ‘Variant’; the variant of the H/C selected.
• ‘AMMC Ver’; the version of AMMC.
• ‘Running Hours’; the operative hours in which the HUMS data were recorded.
• ‘Last DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the last DSN carried out.
• ‘Flight Hours’; the total flight hours of the selected H/C.
• ‘Last Dsn End’; the date and time of the end of the last DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2109: H/C details

In the main area of the page there is a synoptic chart displaying the TVM components which on selection (by
clicking on it) open a window showing further details of the selected component.
The components are colour in according to the legenda shown in the right side:

Table 270: Exceedances Synoptic Legenda

Colour Code Definition

Green shows there are no DA threshold exceed-

ances present.
Blue shows the component which registered values
under the steady blue threshold.

Yellow shows at least one DS Steady Yellow

threshold exceedance was reported for the last

Red shows at least one DA Steady Red threshold

exceedance was reported for the last DSN.

Purpose shows there was missing TVM data

reported for the last DSN.
It indicates a component under monitoring.

It indicates components with an expired monitoring.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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To view in more detail a specific component click on the corresponding component in the synoptic chart. A
window then opens showing the sensor selected and its associated acquisitions.

Figure 2110: Exceedance Synoptic Chart – Component window

On the left of the window there is an image of the component showing the location of the sensor (through a
triangular shape) and the location of the relative acquisitions (through a circular shape).

Figure 2111: Exceedance Synoptic Chart – Component image

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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As the main window, on the right side there is a legenda containing the colour codes and below it there is a
list of the acquisitions.

Figure 2112: Exceedance Synoptic Chart – Right side of component window

Select an acquisition by clicking on the relevant row in the list and once selected; details regarding it are
shown in a table in the lower area of the window.

Below the acquisition list there are buttons which provide a link to navigate directly to the relevant system
status browser or the TVM Health Index Summary Chart. The availability of each button depends on the
applicability of selected component

Below the browser link buttons there is a table which shows the following details of the acquisition selected
in the list:

• ‘Id’; the identification code of the selected acquisition.

• ‘Type’; the type of acquisition.
• ‘Description’; a description of the selected acquisition.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.12.7 Exceedances Arising

On this page you can navigate through the TVM exceedance generated arising by means of a synoptic
chart. Here, the user can explore how many arising are present due to TVM Exceedance.

Figure 2113: Exceedances Arising Synoptic Chart

At the top of this page you can view the following data regarding the H/C selected:

• ‘Tail ID’; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the tail code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Serial; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the serial code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Status’; the current status of the H/C selected.
• ‘Variant’; the variant of the H/C selected.
• ‘AMMC Ver’; the version of AMMC.
• ‘Running Hours’; the operative hours in which the HUMS data were recorded.
• ‘Last DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the last DSN carried out.
• ‘Flight Hours’; the total flight hours of the selected H/C.
• ‘Last Dsn End’; the date and time of the end of the last DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS)

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2114: H/C details

In the main area of the page there is a synoptic chart displaying the TVM system components which on
selection (by clicking on it) open a window showing further details of the selected component. The compo-
nents are colour coded in order to give an immediate view of the system status and arisings. The colour
code is shown in the legenda on the right side:

Table 271: Exceedance Arising Synoptic Legenda

Colour Code Definition

Green shows there are no arising present.

Brown shows arising are present.

The yellow colour represents the arising which

does not impact on the H/C status.

The red colour represents the arising which

changes the H/C status to “Unserviceable”.
It shows if a specific component (which owns an
arising) is already monitored.

It shows if a component is still monitored even the

expiration date is expired.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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To view in more detail a specific component click on the corresponding component in the synoptic chart. A
window then opens showing the sensor selected and its associated acquisitions.

Figure 2115: Exceedances Synoptic Charts – Component Window

On the left of the window there is an image of the component showing the location of the sensor (through a
triangular shape) and the location of the relative acquisitions (through a circular shape).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2116: Exceedances Synoptic Charts – Component Image

On the right of the image there is further information.

Figure 2117: Exceedances Synoptic Charts – Component details

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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At the top there is a legend showing the colour code.Below the legend there is a list of the acquisitions
shown on the right. Select an acquisition by clicking on the relevant row in the list. Once an acquisition is
selected details regarding it are shown in a table in the lower area of the window.

Below the acquisition list there are buttons which provide a link to navigate directly to the relevant system
status browser or the TVM Health Index Summary Chart. Their availability depends on selected component
and its applicability.

Below the browser link button there is a table which shows the following details of the acquisition selected in
the acquisition list:

• ‘Id’; the identification code of the selected acquisition.

• ‘Type’; the type of acquisition.
• ‘Description’; a description of the selected acquisition.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.12.8 System Status

On this page you can navigate through the TVM System Status by means of a synoptic chart.
The graphics display the registered on board failure relative to HUMS sensors of last DSN.

Figure 2118: System Status Synoptic Chart

At the top of this page you can view the following data regarding the H/C selected:

• ‘Tail ID’; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the tail code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Serial; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the serial code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Status’; the current status of the H/C selected.
• ‘Variant’; the variant of the H/C selected.
• ‘AMMC Ver’; the version of AMMC.
• ‘Running Hours’; the operative hours in which the HUMS data were recorded.
• ‘Last DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the last DSN carried out.
• ‘Flight Hours’; the total flight hours of the selected H/C.
• ‘Last Dsn End’; the date and time of the end of the last DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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Figure 2119: H/C details

In the main area of the page there is a synoptic chart displaying the TVM system components which on
selection (by clicking on it) open a window showing further details of the selected component. The compo-
nents are colour coded in order to give an immediate view of the system status:

Table 272: System Status Synoptic Legenda

Colour Code Definition

Green shows there are no failures present.

Yellow shows the presence of anomalies.

Red shows that failures are present.

To view in more detail a specific component click on the corresponding component in the synoptic chart. A
window then opens showing the sensor selected and its associated acquisitions.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2120: System Status Synoptic Chart – Component window

On the left of the window there is an image of the component showing the location of the sensor (through a
triangular shape) and the location of the relative acquisitions (through a circular shape).
On the right of the image there is further information.

Figure 2121: System Status Synoptic Chart – Component details

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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At the top there is a legend showing the colour code.

Below the legend there is a list of the acquisitions. Select an acquisition by clicking on the relevant row in the
list. Once an acquisition is selected details regarding it are shown in a table in the lower area of the window.

Below the acquisition list there is a button which provides a link to the relevant system status browser. Their
visibility depends in according to selected component. Clicking on them, the user is able to navigate directly
to another dialog with the component data as input parameter.

Below the browser link button there is a table which shows the following details of the acquisition selected in
the acquisition list:

• ‘Id’; the identification code of the selected acquisition.

• ‘Type’; the type of acquisition.
• ‘Description’; a description of the selected acquisition.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.12.9 System Status Arising

On this page you can navigate through the TVM System Status Arising by means of a synoptic chart.
Here, the user can retrieve information about the active arising to be carried out because of failure on certain
HUMS sensors.

Figure 2122: System Status Arising Synoptic Chart

At the top of this page you can view the following data regarding the H/C selected:

• ‘Tail ID’; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the tail code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Serial; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the serial code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Status’; the current status of the H/C selected.
• ‘Variant’; the variant of the H/C selected.
• ‘AMMC Ver’; the version of AMMC.
• ‘Running Hours’; the operative hours in which the HUMS data were recorded.
• ‘Last DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the last DSN carried out.
• ‘Flight Hours’; the total flight hours of the selected H/C.
• ‘Last Dsn End’; the date and time of the end of the last DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
than for which it is supplied, without the prior written consent of the Companies. Every permitted disclosure, reproduction, adaptation or publication of this document in whole or in part
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Figure 2123: H/C details

In the main area of the page there is a synoptic chart displaying the TVM system components which on
selection (by clicking on it) open a window showing further details of the selected component. The compo-
nents are colour coded in order to give an immediate view of the system status and arising. The colour code
is as follows:

Table 273: Status Arising Synoptic Legenda

Colour Code Definition

Green shows there are no arising present.

Brown shows that pending arising is present.

The yellow colour represents the arising which

doesn’t impact with the H/C status.

The red colour represents the arising which

changes the H/C status to “Unserviceable”.

To view in more detail a specific component click on the corresponding component in the synoptic chart. A
window then opens showing the sensor selected and its relevant acquisitions.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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Figure 2124: System Status Arising Synoptic Chart – Component window

On the left side there is an image of the component showing the location of the sensor (through a triangular
shape) and the location of the relative acquisitions (through a circular shape)
On the right of the image there is further information.

Figure 2125: System Status Arising Synoptic Chart – Component details

At the top there is a legend showing the colour code.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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Below the legend there is a list of the acquisitions shown on the right. Select an acquisition by clicking on the
relevant row in the list. Once an acquisition is selected details regarding it are shown in a table in the lower
area of the window.

Below the acquisition list there is a button which provides a link to the relevant system status browser.
The buttons are visible in according to selected component. They act as link to navigate to the relative dialog
with the component as input parameter.

Below the browser link buttons there is a table which shows the following details of the acquisition selected
in the acquisition list:

• ‘Id’; the identification code of the selected acquisition.

• ‘Type’; the type of selected acquisition.
• ‘Description’; a description of the selected acquisition.
• ‘Status’; the current status of the selected acquisition.
• ‘Installed P/N’ the part number installed (if available).
• ‘Installed S/N’; the serial number installed (if available).
• ‘LCN’; the associated Logistic Control Number.
• ‘ALC’; the associated Alternate Logistic control Number.
• ‘LCN/ALC Description’; a description of the relevant LCN/ALC.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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3.12.10 Close Monitoring

On this page you can identify which Helicopters and acquisitions are monitored by Heliwise.

Figure 2126: Close Monitoring

The page is divided into two main areas; the first area shows details regarding the H/C selected.

Figure 2127: Close Monitoring – H/C details

In this area you can view the following data:

• ‘Tail ID’; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the tail code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Serial; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the serial code of selected aircraft.
• ‘H/C Status’; the current status of the H/C selected.
• ‘Variant’; the variant of the H/C selected.
• ‘AMMC Ver’; the version of AMMC.
• ‘Running Hours’; the operative hours in which the HUMS data were recorded.
• ‘Last DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the last DSN carried out.
• ‘Start DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected start DSN.
• ‘End DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected end DSN.
• ‘Flight Hours’; the total flight hours of the selected H/C.
• ‘FH Start’; the flight hours recorded at the start of the selected DSN.
• ‘FH End’; the flight hours recorded at the end of the selected DSN.
• ‘Last Dsn End’; the date and time of the end of the last DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN Start’; the date and time of the start of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN End’; the date and time of the end of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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The second area named ‘Close Monitoring Processes’ allows managing the process to monitor one or more
specific acquisitions of selected H/C.

Figure 2128: Close Monitoring Processes

The table in this area shows the following data:

• ‘DSN’; the DSN from which the data derives.

• ‘HI’; navigation button, clicking on it the user navigates directly to the Health Index Result page.
• ‘Acq.Id’; the unique id to identify each acquisition.
• ‘Description; description of selected acquisition.
• ‘Type’; the acquisition type; SYNC, THIST, FAVG or ENVE.
• ‘Status’; the status of the current process. Clicking on it, the user is able to change its status and set is as
• ‘Start Date Time’; the date and time of process creation.
• ‘End Date Time’; the date and time of process end.
• ‘Start FH’; number of flight hours when the process was started.
• ‘End FH’; number of flight hour when process terminates.
• ‘Planned End FH’; number of planned flight hours in order to complete the process.
• ‘Request Originator’; who created the process.
• ‘Conclusion Originator’; who set the process as closed.
• ‘Remarks’; note to insert.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Above the grid, there are three buttons needed to manage the set of data in grid.

Figure 2129: Close Monitoring Buttons

In order to create and close a process the buttons placed have the following features:

• Click on to create a new row in the table. Once the user clicked on the button, below it appears an
area in which the user must insert the desired value.

Figure 2130: Close Monitoring – Process creation

As shown in the image above, the fields are the same used into the grid below. The most of them are not
editable; therefore the user has to select only the ‘Acq.Id’ combo box. The ‘Remarks’ field is not mandatory
and the user can leave it empty.
Once the Acq.Id is selected is possible to accept the inserted value clicking on . Instead to cancel the
operation the user has to click on .

• Click on to accept the changes applied to a process. It becomes clickable when the user set as
“Close” the status of a row. Its target is to approve the change of status.
• Click on to cancel the changes applied to a process. It becomes clickable when the user set as
“Close” the status of a row. Its target is to reset the change of status and restore the previous data set.

Furthermore, clicking on the charts (placed in second column) you are automatically redirect to the HI plots
of that TVM component.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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3.12.11 Threshold Setting Check

On this page you can view the list of occurrences in which the Steady threshold and Far trend threshold set-
ting checks were not successfully passed. There are two tabs for the DA Steady threshold area and two tabs
for the DA Far Trend threshold area. In both areas the tabs are labelled ‘Threshold Anomalies’ and ‘Skipped
Checks’. The ‘Threshold Anomalies’ tabs list the potentially anomalous threshold values detected during the
check, the ‘Skipped Checks’ tabs list all of the Acq. Id/Health Index pairs where the threshold setting check
was skipped due to the lack of a sufficient number of valid results.

N.B. The results displayed correspond to the last valid health index.

Following the selection of a single A/C the application shall perform a statistical assessment of the DA
threshold values with respect to the last valid Health Indexes.

Figure 2131: TVM Threshold Setting Check

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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At the top area of the page there is a section which shows the following data regarding the H/C selected:

• ‘Tail ID’; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the tail code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Serial; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the serial code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Status’; the current status of the H/C selected.
• ‘Variant’; the variant of the H/C selected.
• ‘AMMC Ver’; the version of AMMC.
• ‘Running Hours’; the operative hours in which the HUMS data were recorded.
• ‘Last DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the last DSN carried out.
• ‘Start DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected start DSN.
• ‘End DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected end DSN.
• ‘Flight Hours’; the total flight hours of the selected H/C.
• ‘FH Start’; the flight hours recorded at the start of the selected DSN.
• ‘FH End’; the flight hours recorded at the end of the selected DSN.
• ‘Last Dsn End’; the date and time of the end of the last DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN Start’; the date and time of the start of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN End’; the date and time of the end of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).

Figure 2132: H/C details

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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DA Steady Threshold Check Results

In the ‘DA Steady Threshold Check Results’ area you can view data regarding the DA steady threshold
results. This area is divided into two tabs.
In the first tab labelled ‘Threshold Anomalies’ you can view the following data:

• ‘Acq. Id’; the acquisition identification code.

• ‘Description’; a description of the corresponding Acq. Id.
• ‘Type’; the acquisition type; SYNC, THIST, FAVG or ENVE.
• ‘Health Index’; the corresponding health index code.
• ‘Threshold Type’; type of steady threshold, blue, amber or red.
• ‘Status’; the current DA Steady threshold status. Permanent or Temporary.
• ‘Value’; the current value.
• ‘Anomaly Message’; the relevant message associated with the anomaly.
• ‘Low Limit’; the low steady limit.
• ‘High Limit’; the high steady limit.
• ‘HI mean’; the computed HI mean value.
• ‘HI STD’; the computed HI standard deviation value.
• ‘STD_DIFF’; the computed standard deviation difference value.
• ‘Check Low Limit’; the steady threshold setting check low limit.
• ‘Check High Limit’; the steady threshold setting check high limit.

Figure 2133: Steady Threshold Anomalies

In the second tab labelled ‘Skipped Checks’ you can view the following data:

• ‘Acq. Id’; the acquisition identification code.

• ‘Description’; a description of the corresponding acquisition code.
• ‘Type’; the acquisition type; SYNC, THIST, FAVG or ENVE.
• ‘Health Index’; the corresponding health index code.
• ‘Threshold Type’.
• ‘Status’; the current DA Steady threshold status. Permanent or Temporary.
• ‘Value’; the current DA steady threshold value.
• ‘Remarks’; an indication of the reason for the check skip.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2134: Steady Skipped Check

DA Far Trend Threshold Check Results

In the second area you can view data regarding the DA far threshold check results. This area is divided into
two tabs. In the first tab labelled ‘Threshold Anomalies’ you can view the following data:

• ‘Acq. Id’; the acquisition identification code.

• ‘Description’; a description of the corresponding acquisition code.
• ‘Type’; the acquisition type; SYNC, THIST, FAVG or ENVE.
• ‘Health Index’; the corresponding health index code.
• ‘DA Far Trend Th.’; the current DA Far Trend threshold value.
• ‘Anomaly Message’; the relevant message associated with the anomaly.
• ‘dB Diff’; the current dB difference.
• ‘Low Trend’; the setting checks low trend value.
• ‘High Trend’; the setting check high value.

Figure 2135: Far Threshold Anomalies

In the second tab labelled ‘Skipped Checks’ you can view the following data:

• ‘Acq. Id’; the acquisition identification code.

• ‘Description’; a description of the corresponding acquisition code.
• ‘Type’; the acquisition type; SYNC, THIST, FAVG or ENVE.
• ‘Health Index’; the corresponding health index code.
• ‘DA Far Trend Th.’; the current DA Far Trend threshold value
• ‘Remarks’; an indication of the reason for the check skip.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2136: Far Trend Skipped Checks

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.12.12 Summary Report

The report is generated automatically on opening the page and provides Summary data for the following:

• TVM Exceedances.
• System Status Missing Data.
• System Status Accelerometer.
• System Status Azimuth.
• System status VDAM.

This is a single document containing all maintenance related information relevant to the TVM system for the
last recorded download.

Figure 2137: TVM Summary Report

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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At the top area of the page there is a section which shows the following data regarding the H/C selected:

• ‘Tail ID’; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the tail code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Serial; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the serial code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Status’; the current status of the H/C selected.
• ‘Variant’; the variant of the H/C selected.
• ‘AMMC Ver’; the version of AMMC.
• ‘Running Hours’; the operative hours in which the HUMS data were recorded.
• ‘Last DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the last DSN carried out.
• ‘Start DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected start DSN.
• ‘End DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected end DSN.
• ‘Flight Hours’; the total flight hours of the selected H/C.
• ‘FH Start’; the flight hours recorded at the start of the selected DSN.
• ‘FH End’; the flight hours recorded at the end of the selected DSN.
• ‘Last Dsn End’; the date and time of the end of the last DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN Start’; the date and time of the start of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN End’; the date and time of the end of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).

Figure 2138: H/C details

The second and main area is dedicated to the actual report which is automatically generated for the H/C
At the top of this report, there is a tool bar which enables you to carry out further actions on the report.

Figure 2139: Report toolbar

See the table below for a description of the commands on the tool bar.

Button Description
Click here to save the report. Your Browser opens and you select the destination.
Click here to print the report.
Click here to view the first page of the report.
first page
Click here to view the previous page.
previous page

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Button Description
Click here to view the next page.
next page
Click here to view the last page.
last page
Click here to reduce the size of the page.
zoom out
Click here to increase the size of the page.
zoom in
Is also possible to zoom in or out using the drop down menu. Choose the level of
zoom from this menu.

Click here so that the document fits the width of the page.
fit width
Click here to view one page at a time.
one page
Click here to view two pages at a time.
two pages
Type a word into the text field and the document will automatically find the word.

Click here to view the ‘found’ word in an earlier part of the document.
Click here to view the next ‘found’ in the document. The words which have been
next found are highlighted.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.12.13 Signal Display & Analysis

On this page is possible to see the chart of signals contained in the DTD files. Here they are visible without
being processed in the ‘Health Index Results’.

N.B. On opening the page the DSN selected by default is the last DSN for the H/C selected. Click on
the SmartLink button in the top right corner to change the filter parameters.

Figure 2140: TVM Signal Charts

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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At the top area of the page there is a section which shows the following data regarding the H/C selected:

• ‘Tail ID’; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the tail code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Serial; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the serial code of selected aircraft.
• ‘HC Status’; the current status of the H/C selected.
• ‘Variant’; the variant of the H/C selected.
• ‘AMMC Ver’; the version of AMMC.
• ‘Running Hours’; the operative hours in which the HUMS data were recorded.
• ‘Last DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the last DSN carried out.
• ‘Start DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected start DSN.
• ‘End DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected end DSN.
• ‘Flight Hours’; the total flight hours of the selected H/C.
• ‘FH Start’; the flight hours recorded at the start of the selected DSN.
• ‘FH End’; the flight hours recorded at the end of the selected DSN.
• ‘Last Dsn End’; the date and time of the end of the last DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN Start’; the date and time of the start of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN End’; the date and time of the end of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).

Figure 2141: H/C details

In the main area, the user is able to see the raw signal.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2142: TVM Signal Charts - Main area

Above the chart, there are three combo boxes to allow the user to filter which data to be shown.
The first field contains a list of all acquisitions present in the selected DSN.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2143: TVM Signal Charts – Acquisitions list

Once the user selects an acquisition, the next field is automatically populated in order to load the physical
file containing that acquisition.

Figure 2144: TVM Signal Charts – DSN file

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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The last field is always loaded according to the acquisition selected in the first field. It contains the plots
ready to be shown. The plots available are visible or not according to the applicability of the acquisition.

Figure 2145: TVM Signal Charts – Plot

Once the user has selected the fields, the ground station is able to load the correct set of data and generates
the appropriate chart. To complete the operation, click on the tick icon placed at the end of toolbar ‘Apply’

Right clicking on chart, it’s possible to save the chart as a PDF file.

Figure 2146: TVM Signal Charts – Plot

In the bottom area of the page, the user can expand the Health Index view and see the Health Index values.

Figure 2147: TVM Signal Charts – Health Index table

The data displayed is reported in tabular format showing the same columns as the Health Index Page.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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In the RTB module the user can open the RTB Health index trends and RTB Vibration.

Figure 2148: RTB Module

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.13.1 Aircraft RTB Trends

On this page it’s possible to analyse the health indexes trend of Rotor Track and Balance. The user can
access to this page using the main menu ‘RTB Health Index Trend’ or through the contextual menu placed in
the home page.
In the central area the web application plots the results of processing RTB data relevant the selected heli-

Figure 2149: RTB Trend – Central Area

Heliwise automatically plots the health index in which there is an arising generated by an exceedance.
The left side of the area is composed by the list of Health Indexes applicable to the selected RTB component
and relevant flight conditions:

• -“G”: Ground;
• -“H”: Hover;
• -“S”: Slow cruise;
• -“C”: Cruise;
• -“F”: Fast Cruise or VNE.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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The input data is the RTB channel to be analysed. You can select it through the combo box placed in the
upper-central part. Each row represents the proper acquisition on board and, on the right part of this list; the
user can get information about quantity of arising occurred on it.
The first square shows the Accepted arising meanwhile the second indicator represents the Pending ones.
Clicking on one of them, Heliwise automatically plots the health index in which there is an arising generated
by an exceedance.

Figure 2150: RTB Trend – Acq. list

The left side of the area is composed by the list of Health Indexes applicable to the selected RTB acquisition.
Ticking them, the user can decide which HI plotting in the central area. As visible in the image above, the
web site automatically ticks the HI where there is an arising.
The squares show the Flight Condition in which the exceedance was occurred and the relative colour dis-
plays the type of seriousness (red or amber).
Finally, at the end of row, a counter shows how many arising are still active on that Health Index.

Figure 2151: RTB Trend – HI list

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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The user can hide this list, by clicking on the button placed in upper-left corned (red arrow).

Figure 2152: RTB Trend – Close HI List

To show the list, clicking again on the same button (meanwhile the arrow is became green).

Figure 2153: RTB Trend– Open HI List

To select all HI with just one click, select the button highlighted in red in the image below (placed in the top
right corner of the page).

Figure 2154: RTB Trend – Select All HI

The HI charts plotted in the central area of the page, can display the acquisitions in according to the Flight
Condition in which was the aircraft when tracked the HI value.
You can set them using the funnel icon, placed always in the toolbar above the charts. The page can show
only one Flight Condition per time.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2155: RTB Trend – Flight Conditions

The last button placed on the right upper corner allows to flip the central view to others plots relevant to track
and lead/lag collected data.

Figure 2156: RTB Trend - Flip Icon

The features are available only when the selected acquisition corresponds to ‘Main Rotor’ otherwise the icon
will be disabled.

This view allow the change the HI list showing the Blade Track and Blade lead/lag check-boxes.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2157: RTB Trend - Track and lead/lag

The plots containing the track of each blade assigning a colour for each ones:

• Black Rel. H
• Red Rel. H
• Blue Rel. H
• White Rel. H
• Yellow Rel. H

The green line is fixed on the 0 abscissa value to help the user during the data analysis.
The chart capabilities will be described in the next paragraph and are equal for both view.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Plots capabilities

Figure 2158: RTB Trend – Plots capabilities

By default the RTB Trend plots show the following data:

• X-axis composed by Flight Hours indications;

• Y-axis composed by IPS values;
• Value 0 of y-axis show with a green line;
• Amber and Red Threshold (if any);

Figure 2159: RTB Trend – tooltip

Every acquisition point has a tooltip automatically visible by default. Moving over one of them, the web appli-
cation shows the main information. In detail, the following information displayed are:

• Flight Condition to confirm which is the selected condition;

• DSN number to identify the download from which the acquisition was generated;
• Acq. Date Time to get out when the acquisition was tracked;

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• Acq. Flight Hours to indicate how many FH were recorded when the acquisition was tracked;
• A/C Flight Hours to indicate the total number of Flight Hours recorded by the current DSN
• Health Index to show which index is being showing;
• The Value of health index;
• Rotor Speed [%]; the percentage value representing the speed of selected rotor.
• IAS [kts]; the value of Indicated Air Speed at time in which the acquisition was recorded;
• Acq. Type: the manner in which the acquisition point was recorded. It can be manual or automatic. The
user can find out which is the Acq. Type referring to the point used in the plot. As shown in the image
below, when the point is composed by a circle (i.e. on the right side) that means an automatic acquisition
otherwise a manual one (i.e. on the left side).

Figure 2160: RTB Trend – Acquisition Types

By right clicking everywhere on the steady plots, you can select the option ‘Show Extended Tooltip’. As
result, the tooltip will be composed by additional information such as Radar Altitude, Vertical Accel., Pitch,
Roll and Yaw degrees.

By clicking on an acquisition of one plot, Heliwise shows the same acquisition occurrence in the others HI
plots open. The selected acquisition is identifiable by a green circle around it.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
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Figure 2161: Acquisition Green Circles

To zoom a plot section, select an area by drag and drop the mouse pointer, instead to reset its view click
twice on the chart.

Figure 2162: RTB Trend – zoom

Otherwise, you can zoom the view by using the scroll wheel of mouse.
By right clicking on whatever point of the plot, the web site displays a contextual menu in which it’s possible

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• Change the X axis value switching the indicators of abscissa from Acquisition Flight Hours to Acquisition
date time and vice versa.
• Show/Hide Thresholds; choose to view or not the thresholds the thresholds;
• Show/Hide DSN Markers; possibility to hide the indicators of start DSN;
• Close; close the HI plot.

Figure 2163: RTB Trend – Contextual Menu

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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User Notes

To add a user note in the plot, you should click on the second icon placed in the top right corner of the page.

Figure 2164: RTB Trend – Add User Note

Once enabled the creation of notes, the user has to decide where place its annotation (as shown below).
Once clicked where there will be the user notes, the following popup opens.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2165: HI and dB page – Note Management

Here the user can add a new note and it will be shown as part of a chat indicating who has written and when.

Figure 2166: HI and dB page – Chat

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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The communication will be applied to all Health Indexes of that acquisition on which the user is adding a
note. Finally, the user will see a letter icon where the user has created a new communication channel and
moving the mouse pointer over that, Heliwise shows the last message by default.

Arising Management

Below the list of RTB acquisition and Flight Conditions, Heliwise displays the arising still active on that
selected acquisition.

Figure 2167: RTB Trend – Acq Arising

The arising grid is composed by the following columns:

• DSN; indicating the download Id in order to get out when the arising occurred;
• Description; containing the arising description.
• Reason; the type of exceedance which generated the arising.
• Update Time; the date and time of last update.
• Update User Code; who has performed the last update.
• Number; the id of arising.
• Status; the status of arising.
• Remarks; eventual note typed by user during data download processing.

Once performed the analysis the user can clear the arising by right clicking on the arising and select “Clear”
or “Reject” (depends on previous status of arising). It’s possible to clear all just selecting the last option

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

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Figure 2168: HI and dB page – Arising Clearance

While this grid displays the arising for a single RTB component, you can see all arising for that helicopter
referring to the area expandable in the bottom-left corner of the page.

Figure 2169: RTB Trend – Aircraft Arising

By clicking on the arrow, the area expands. Click again to hide it.
By right clicking on a single arising a contextual menu opens.

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Figure 2170: RTB Trend – analyse Arising

As shown in the image above, the only action to be performed is to analyse the arising. Once clicked on it,
Heliwise reloads the page with the selected arising as input data.

Contextual Menu

By right clicking on whatever point of the plot, the web site displays the following contextual menu:

Figure 2171: RTB Trend– Contextual menu

The menu contains the following functionalities:

• Zoom; allow to reset the zoom and focus on all acquisitions.

• Chart Settings.

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Figure 2172: RTB Trend – Chart Settings

Possibility to hide the automatic tooltip or the background coordinates and change the manner in which the
acquisition are plotted. Following, an example of:

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• XY Plot;

Figure 2173: RTB Trend – Chart with Plot

• Step Area;

Figure 2174: RTB Trend – Chart with Step Area

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• Bar;

Figure 2175: RTB Trend – Chart with Bar

• Line;

Figure 2176: RTB Trend – Chart with Line

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• Line Symbols;

Figure 2177: RTB Trend – Chart with Line Symbols

• Export; export in PNG or JPEG of HI plot.

• Reporting; add of chart in the dynamic report available in Heliwise (as explained in the “Common Func-
tionalities” paragraph at the beginning of user manual chapter).
• Axis X; possibility to switch the value of abscissa from Acq. FH in Acq. Date time and vice versa.
• Show/Hide Extended Tooltip; view or not the additional parameters in the Tooltip.
• As result, the tooltip will be composed by additional information such as Radar Altitude, Vertical Accel.,
Pitch, Roll and Yaw degrees.
• Show/Hide Thresholds; choose to view or not the thresholds the thresholds.
• Show/Hide DSN Markers; possibility to hide the indicators of start DSN.
• Close; close the HI plot.
• Flip to Grid; report the values in a tabular format. Possibility to export in CSV the HI values and relative

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Figure 2178: RTB Trend – Table view

By right clicking on it, you can open again the contextual menu relevant to table view.

Figure 2179: RTB Trend – Contextual menu in table

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The ‘Show Extended Grid’ option allows to detail the information adding several columns (Radar Altitude,
Vertical Accel., Pitch, Roll and Yaw degrees.) in order to associate each RTB acquisition with relevant HI val-

By using the export option, the user can obtain a CSV file in which you will save the information.

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3.13.2 RTB Vibration

This page displays information regarding RTB vibration. It is necessary to first select an H/C from the fleet
menu in order to be able to access the page from the ‘Rotors and Airframe’ menu. When the page opens it
is necessary to select the DSN on which to read the signals coming from the vibration sensors.

Figure 2180: RTB Vibration - select DSN

At the top area of the page there is a section which shows the following data regarding the H/C selected:

• ‘Tail ID’; an alphanumeric field which exclusively identifies the H/C selected.
• ‘H/C Serial’; the H/C serial code.
• ‘HC Status’; the current status of the H/C selected.
• ‘Variant’; the variant of the H/C selected.
• ‘AMMC Ver’; the version of AMMC.
• ‘Running Hours’; the operative hours in which the HUMS data were recorded.
• ‘Last DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the last DSN carried out.
• ‘Start DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected start DSN.

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• ‘End DSN’; a sequential number which identifies the selected end DSN.
• ‘Flight Hours’; the total flight hours of the selected H/C.
• ‘FH Start’; the flight hours recorded at the start of the selected DSN.
• ‘FH End’; the flight hours recorded at the end of the selected DSN.
• ‘Last DSN End’; the date and time of the end of the last DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS)
• ‘DSN Start’; the date and time of the start of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).
• ‘DSN End’; the date and time of the end of the selected DSN (DD_MM_YYYY HH.MM.SS).

Figure 2181: RTB Vibration - H/C Details

On the left side of the page it is possible to set filter parameters and view details of the selection.

Figure 2182: RTB Vibration - Filter and details

The area is dedicated to filtering and choosing the accelerometer to be shown and its relative viewing
At the top it is possible to select the rotor, after which the list below is dynamically filled. The user can decide
which is the regime of flight and the unit of measure to apply on the FFT chart: gravity or inches per second.

The following information is displayed in the ‘Details’ area:

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• ‘Rotor’; the rotor involved in the acquisition.

• ‘Sensor’; the rotor involved in the acquisition.
• ‘Health Index’; the relevant health index.
• ‘Flight Regime’; the regime kept during flight.
• ‘Flight Hours’; the number of flight hours executed by the H/C until this acquisition.
• ‘Date&Time’; the date and time of recording.
• ‘Acq. Mode’; the mode of acquisition.
• ‘Rotor Speed’; the speed of the selected rotor.
• ‘Air Speed’; the outside speed received by sensors in knots.
• ‘Weight on Wheels’; identifies whether the helicopter was in flight or not.
• ‘Rad Alt’; the rad altimeters value.
• ‘Lat Accel’; the lateral acceleration speed.
• ‘Long Accel’; the longitude acceleration speed.
• ‘Vert Accel’; the vertical acceleration speed.

The central area consists of a group of charts and grids showing the source signal coming from
accelerometer sensors. Once a user has selected any filter parameters, the values are dynamically shown.

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Figure 2183: RTB Vibration - main area

The charts show the signal coming from the selected indicator. Both charts display the amplitude of the
source signal. The first chart regarding the “Raw Signal” reads directly from the HUMS file, therefore its
abscissa is the value of the Raw Signal.
Whereas, the second chart shows the signal in another manner called “FFT Signal” in which the input is
converted to frequency (therefore, its abscissa is equal to the FFT Signal).

At the bottom of the area there are two grids containing the values shown in the charts.

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Figure 2184: RTB Vibration - Signal grids

The “Raw Signal” grid contains the following columns:

• ‘Order’; a progressive number which identifies the X value.

• ‘Amplitude’; the amplitude value which identifies the Y value.

The “FFT Signal” grid contains the following columns:

• ‘Order’; a progressive number which identifies the X value.

• ‘Amplitude’; the amplitude value which identifies the Y value.
• ‘Phase’; the value of the frequency phase.

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The ‘HUMS Fleet Management’ area, the user can visualize and group data by fleet.

Figure 2185: HUMS Fleet Management menu item

As shown in the image above, the fleet HUMS area consists of six dialogs:

• Fleet Arisings
• Fleet Faults
• Fleet RTB Trends
• Fleet TVM Trends
• Fleet Close Monitoring
• Fleet TUM Torque Spectra

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3.14.1 Fleet Arising

Click on the menu item “Fleet Aircraft Arising” to open the dialog, the first window to open requires the user
to select the helicopters to be analysed.

Figure 2186: HUMS Fleet Management Arising – H/C selection

The HUMS data will be loaded according to the selected parameters:

• Type: you can select the information type that generated the arising.
• DSN: select the range of DSN to analyse.
• Aircraft Model: select the aircraft model to filter dynamically the aircraft list below.

To complete the selection, confirm the operation by clicking on the green tick icon placed in the top right cor-

ner ( ). Otherwise, click on the red button to cancel ( ).

By clicking on the Smart Link button the user is able to change the filter parameters and select new view

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Figure 2187: Fleet Aircraft Arising

The main grid shows data regarding the arising recorded in the DSN(s) selected and relative aircraft. In this
table you can view the following data:

• ‘Tail Id’; to identify uniquely the aircraft involved.

• ‘DSN’; the download sequence number selected.
• ‘Number’ the sequential number given to each arising.
• ‘Code’; an identification code associated with an arising.
• ‘Type’; the type of arising, this can be: ‘EXCEED_CODE’, ‘FAULT_CODE’, ‘MANUAL’, ‘VMEXCEED-
• ‘Created By’, the user logged on at the time of the relative download.
• ‘Generation Date &Time’; the date and time in which the arising was generated in the ground station.
• ‘Detection Date &Time’; the date and time in which the arising occurred.
• ‘Description’; a description of the arising.
• ‘Remarks’; a note of the arising.

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• ‘LCN’; the logistic control number related to the arising.

• ‘ALC’; the alternate logistic control number related to the arising.
• ‘Status’; the status of the arising, it can be ‘Accepted’, ‘Pending’, ‘Cleared’ or ‘Rejected’ and shown with
different colors.

To interact with the status of an arising placed in the table click on the desired arising and then right click.

A contextual menu opens as shown below.

Figure 2188: Arising List – Contextual menu

By clicking on the operation to be applied the system processes the selected arising and changes its status
to another one. The following table shows how a status can be changed according to its source status.

Table 274: Description of Arising Status

Source Status Final Status

Pending Accepted
Accepted Cleared
Rejected “No action”

N.B. After Accepting an arising the status of the aircraft becomes “Unserviceable” until the user
changes the arising status to Cleared.

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The status of arisings are colored as shown in the images below:

• - Light brown shows a ‘Pending’ status. It expects an action by user.

• - Amber shows an ‘Open’ status with no impact on helicopter status.

• - Green shows a ‘cleared’ or ‘rejected’ status in which there are no further

actions to be done.

In the bottom area of the page, there is a section named “Aircraft Arising Details”. This area is automatically
filled in according to the selected arising in the main grid. The mechanism used to value its fields is based on
the type of selected arising.

Exceed Code

Selecting an arising with type “Exceed_Code” the “Aircraft Arising Details” changes in order to detail this
type of arising.

Figure 2189: Arising Details – Exceed Code

In the first area labelled ‘Exceedance’ is detailed with following columns:

• ‘Plant/SubSystem’; the on board system from which the alarm originates.

• ‘Description’ the description of the alarm.
• ‘Type Auth Status’; the relevant status given to the alarm which has been generated; this can be ‘Vali-
dated’, ‘Suspicious’ or ‘Rejected’.
• ‘Active’; the circle shows whether the exceedance is active (red circle) or deactivated (grey circle).
• ‘MCDU Message’; the message which showed on the MCDU.
• ‘On Board Alarm Type’; there are three types of alarm: ‘Warning’, Caution’ or ‘Alert’.
• ‘On Board Alarm’; the message generated by the alarm.
• ‘Detection Date &Time’; the date and time the occurrence was detected.
• ‘Total Occurrences’; a number which shows how many times the occurrence was recorded.
• ‘Cumulative Duration’; the total duration of the active status.
• ‘Longest Duration’; the status which remained active for the longest time.
• ‘Worst Value’; the worst recorded value of the worst recorded values.

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Below the ‘Exceedance’ area there is a table showing the following data:

• ‘Number’; the number given to the occurrence.

• ‘Status’; the validity of the occurrence.
• ‘Start Date & Time’; the date and time which the occurrence started.
• ‘End Date & Time’; the date and time which the occurrence finished.
• ‘Worst Value’; the worst value recorded during the occurrence.

Fault Code

If you select ‘Type’ equal to ‘FAULT_CODE’ the ‘Aircraft Arising Details’ area changes as occurred with the
“Exceed_Code” type. As before, the area is divided into two parts.

Figure 2190: Arising Details – Fault Code

In the first area labelled ‘Fault’ you can view the following details:

• ‘Plant/SubSystem’; the on board system from which the alarm originates.

• ‘Description’ the description of the alarm.
• ‘Type Auth Status’; the relevant status given to the alarm which has been generated; this can be ‘Vali-
dated’, ‘Suspicious’ or ‘Rejected’.
• ‘Active’; the circle shows whether the fault is active (red circle) or deactivated (grey circle).
• ‘MCDU Message’; the message which showed on the MCDU.
• ‘On Board Alarm Type’; there are three types of alarm: ‘Warning’, Caution’ or ‘Alert’.
• ‘On Board Alarm’; the message generated by the alarm.
• ‘Event Detection Time & Date’; the time and date the occurrence was detected.
• ‘Total Occurrences’; a number which shows how many times the same arising has occurred.
• ‘Cumulative Duration’; the total duration of the active status.
• ‘Longest Duration’; the status which remained active for the longest time.

Below the ‘Fault’ area there is a table showing the following data:

• ‘Number’; the number given to the occurrence.

• ‘Status’; the validity of the occurrence.
• ‘Start Date & Time’; the date and time which the occurrence started.
• ‘End Date & Time’; the date and time which the occurrence finished.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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VM Exceedance

If you select ‘Type’ equal to ‘VMEXCEEDANCE’ ‘the ‘Aircraft Arising Details’ area changes in order to details
this arising type.

Figure 2191: Arising Details – VM Exceedance

In the first area labelled ‘VM Exceedance’ there is the following data:

• ‘Acq Id’; the code which identifies the acquisition.

• ‘Acq. Description’; a description of the acquisition.
• ‘N. of detected exceedances’; corresponding to threshold type ‘Trend’.
• ‘Event Detection Date &Time’; the date and time the occurrence was detected.
• ‘Health Index Worst Value’; corresponding to threshold type ‘Steady’.

Below the ‘VM Exceedance’ area there is a table showing the following data:

• ‘Exceeding HI’; the relevant Health Index code in which the exceedance occurred.
• ‘Threshold Type’; the threshold type which can be ‘Steady’ or ‘Trend’.
• ‘Threshold Value’; the relevant threshold value.
• ‘Status’; the validity of the occurrence; a green circle shows if it is valid, a grey circle if it is not.

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3.14.2 Fleet Faults

Click on the menu item “Fleet Faults” to open the dialog, the first window to open requires the user to select
the helicopters to be analysed.

Figure 2192: HUMS Fleet Faults – H/C selection

The HUMS data will be loaded according to the selected parameters:

• Type: you can select the information type that generated the arising.
• DSN: select the range of DSN you would analyse.
• Aircraft Model: select the available aircraft model to filter dynamically the aircraft list below.

To complete the selection, confirm the operation clicking on the tick green icon placed in the top right corner

( ). Otherwise, click on the cross red button to cancel ( ).

Anyway clicking on the Smart Link button the user is able to change the filter parameters and select new
view parameters.

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Figure 2193: Fleet Faults

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Arising Tab

Figure 2194: Fleet Faults - Arising tab

The table contains the following details:

• Tail Id: the identification of the aircraft among fleet helicopter.

• DSN: the DSN in which the arising was recorded.
• NUMBER: the arising identification. By clicking on it, you will be redirect to the relevant fault description
using another tab placed in this table.
• Code: The fault code assigned to that arising.
• Type: The arising type.
• Status: The status of each arising. The information is colored as following:

- The ‘Pending’ status expects an action by user.

- The ‘Accepted’ status means there is an active arising on that fault code.

- Green shows a ‘cleared’ or ‘rejected’ status in which there are no further actions to
be done. ‘Cleared’ means the user has performed the action meanwhile the ‘Rejected’ status reports no
warning required. To change the status do right click on that one to be managed and a contextual menu
opens as shown below.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2195: Aircraft Faults - Arising Management

• Created by: the user who processed the DSN generating that arising.
• Generation Date&Time: the date and time of DSN generating that arising.
• Detection Date&Time: the date and time in which the arising was occurred and stored in DTD.
• Description: a description of the arising.
• Remarks: an additional note that could be typed by user during the debriefing phase.
• LCN: the logistic control number related to the arising.
• ALC: the alternate logistic control number related to the arising.

Once selected an arising, the page automatically loads the relevant fault details in the bottom part.
The data shown below are displayed in according to the type of selected arising. The section is called ‘Air-
craft Arising Details’.

Exceed Code

Figure 2196: Arising Details – Exceed Code

In case of ‘EXCEED_CODE’ the following details are displayed:

• Plant/SubSystem: the on board system from which the alarm originates.

• Description: description of the failures
• Type Auth Status: the status given to the alarm which has been generated;
• Active: the circle shows whether the exceedance is active (red circle) or deactivated (grey circle).
• MCDU Message: the message shown in the MCDU display.
• On Board Alarm Type: type of alarm displayed on CAS
• On Board Alarm: the message displayed on CAS (if any).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• Detection Date & Time: when the fault was detected during AC activities.
• Total Occurrences: how many occurrences are detected relevant to that exceedance.
• Cumulative Duration; the total duration of the active status.
• Longest Duration; the longest duration of that exceedance.
• Worst Worst Value; the worst value among worst recorded values.

To report the list of the occurrences, the details area contains a table showing:

• Number: the identification number of the occurrence (progressive ID)

• Status: the validity of the occurrence.
• Start Date & Time: when the occurrence was started.
• End Date & Time: when the occurrence was stopped.
• Worst Value: the worst value recorded during the occurrence.

Fault Code
If you select an arising having type equal to FAULT_CODE the following details are shown:

Figure 2197: Arising Details – Fault Code

• Plant/SubSystem: the involved on board system.

• Description: description of the alarm.
• Type Auth Status: the relevant status given to the alarm which has been generated
• Active: the circle shows whether the fault is active (red circle) or deactivated (grey circle).
• MCDU Message: the message shown in the MCDU display.
• On Board Alarm Type: there are three types of alarm: ‘Warning’, Caution’ or ‘Alert’.
• On Board Alarm: the message generated by the alarm.
• Event Detection Time & Date: the time and date the occurrence was detected.
• Total Occurrences: how many times the same occurrence occurred.
• Cumulative Duration: the total duration of the active status.
• Longest Duration: the status which remained active for the longest time.

At following more details about each occurrence.

• Number: the identification number of that occurrence (progressive ID).

• Status: the validity of the occurrence.
• Start Date & Time: the date and time which the occurrence started.
• End Date & Time: the date and time which the occurrence finished.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Faults Tab

The second tab on the Fleet Faults page contains the Faults list for the selected aircraft.

Figure 2198: Fleet Faults list

The faults table displays the following columns:

• Tail Id: identifier of a single aircraft among fleet helicopters.

• DSN: the DSN from which the data derives.
• AMMC SW Version: the SW version installed on that aircraft.
• AMMC Id: the AMMC used to record.
• Major Item Code: the relevant code referring to the sub-system from which the failure originates.
• Fault Code: the code which identifies the alarm created.
• Maintenance Name: the corresponding name of the fault in maintenance.
• First Occurrence Start Time: when first occurrence started.
• Last Occurrence End Time: when the last occurrence stopped.
• Total Occurrence: how many times the fault occurred.
• Cumulative duration: the total duration of selected fault.
• Longest Duration: the longest duration recorded for the selected fault.
• Occurrence Active: if the fault is still active a green circle displays otherwise the application shows a grey
• Arising number: the identification of assigned arising (in case it has been generated). The arising num-
ber is colored in according to the arising status (ref to Arising page for more details). By clicking on a
specific arising number you are taken to the ‘Arising’ tab where you can manage its status.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Once selected a row in the grid, the web application automatically loads its details below.

Figure 2199: Faults Details

This area is split in three parts; the first one called ‘Occurrence Details’:

• Plant/SubSystem: the on board system from which the alarm originates.

• MCDU Message: the message shown into the MCDU component.
• Total Occurrences: counter which indicates how many times that fault was recorded.
• Alarm Type: there are three types of alarm: ‘Warning’, Caution’ or ‘Alert’.
• Alarm: the message generated by the alarm.

The second part is composed by a grid containing the following data:

• Number: a progressive number.

• Auth Status: the relevant status given to the alarm which has been generated;
• Occurrence Start Time: the time in which the occurrence was started.
• Occurrence Stop Time: the time in which the occurrence was stopped.
• Occurrence Duration: the duration of the occurrence.
• Parameter Details: if the occurrence is featured by additional parameters.

The third table contains additional parameters about each single occurrence:

• Parameter Name: name of additional parameter existing into the occurrence.

• UoM: unit of measure applicable to that param.
• Value: value of parameter.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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On the third tab the user can find out more information about the recorded exceedance on the fleet.

Figure 2200: Fleet Faults Exceedances.

It shows a list of exceedances registered during the last DSN time period. The table in this area shows the
following data:

• Tail Id: identifier of a specific aircraft among fleet helicopters.

• DSN: the DSN from which the data derives.
• AMMC SW Version: the installed SW version on board.
• AMMC Id: the AMMC used to record.
• Major Item Code: the relevant code referring to the sub-system from which the failure originates.
• Fault Code: it reports the identifier code for a specific fault. The codes starting with 9 identify an exceed-
• Maintenance Name: description of the exceedance.
• First Occurrence Start Time: time of first occurrence.
• Last Occurrence End Time: when the last occurrence stopped.
• Total Occ.: how many times the exceedance occurred.
• Cumulative duration: the total time of the exceedance recorded.
• Longest Duration: the longest duration of an occurrence.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• Worst Worst Value: the worst value among worst recorded values.
• Occurrence Active: green circle means exceedance is active otherwise a grey circle is displayed.
• Arising number: the arising identifier assigned to that exceedance (if any). The cell can change its color
in according with the arising status (pending, accepted or cleared/rejected).Clicking on it, the page redi-
rects to the first tab in which the arising list is more detailed.

The bottom part details the exceedance selected in the main grid.

Figure 2201: Exceedance Details

This area is split in three parts; the first one called ‘Occurrence Details’ contains following data:

• Plant/SubSystem: the on board system from which the alarm originates.

• MCDU Message: the message shown on the MCDU.
• Total Occurrences: how many times that fault was recorded.
• Alarm Type: there are three types of alarm: ‘Warning’, Caution’ or ‘Alert’.
• Alarm: the ob board message generated by the alarm.

The second part is composed by a grid showing the following data:

• Number: a progressive number.

• Auth Status: the relevant status given to the alarm which has been generated.
• Occurrence Start Time: when the occurrence was started.
• Occurrence Stop Time: when the occurrence was stopped.
• Occurrence Duration: the duration of recorder occurrence.
• Worst Value: the worst value recorded in that time frame.
• Parameter Details: it reports if the occurrence is featured by additional parameters.

The third table contains additional parameters about each single occurrence:

• Parameter Name: name of additional parameter linked to that occurrence.

• UoM: unit of measure applicable to parameter.
• Criteria: value of parameter.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Alarm Tab

The fourth tab contains a list of alarm recorded during selected DSN on the fleet.

Figure 2202: Aircraft Alarm

The main table shows the following data:

• Tail Id: identifier of a specific aircraft among fleet helicopters.

• DSN: the DSN from which the data derives.
• AMMC SW Version: the SW version installed on-board.
• AMMC Id: the AMMC used to record.
• Major Item Code: the relevant code referring to the sub-system from which the failure originates.
• Fault Code: the code which identifies the alarm created.
• Maintenance Name: the corresponding maintenance name of that alarm.
• First Occurrence Start Time: when the first occurrence started.
• Total Occ.: how many times the fault occurred.
• Occurrence Active: if the fault is still active a green circle is shown, otherwise the page reports a grey cir-
• Arising number: a progressive number assigned to each arising. Each arising is colored in according to
its status. Clicking on it, the user is redirected to the first tab where more details are shown.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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In the bottom part of the page the user can find out more details about the selected alarm.

Figure 2203: Alarm Detail

This area is split in two parts; the first one, on the left side, is featured ‘Alarm Details’:

• Plant/SubSystem: the on board system from which the alarm originates.

• MCDU Message: the message shown on the MCDU.
• Total Occurrences: how many times that alarm was occurred.
• Alarm Type: there are three types of alarm: ‘Warning’, Caution’ or ‘Alert’.
• Alarm: the on board message generated by the alarm.

The second part is composed by a grid reporting the following information:

• Number: a progressive number.

• Auth Status: status of the occurrence.
• Occurrence Start Time: when the occurrence started.
• Occurrence Stop Time: when the occurrence stopped.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Discrepancy Tab

In the fifth tab the user can find out a list of all discrepancy recorded into the selected DSN for the selected

Figure 2204: Fleet Discrepancy

The main grid displays the following details:

• Tail Id: identifier of an aircraft among fleet.

• DSN: the DSN from which the data derives.
• AMMC SW Version’; the SW version installed on AMMCs.
• AMMC Id: the AMMC used to record.
• Major Item Code: the relevant code referring to the sub-system from which the failure originates.
• Fault Code: the code identifies the alarm created.
• Maintenance Name: the corresponding maintenance name of that discrepancy.
• First Occurrence Start Time: when the first occurrence started.
• Last Occurrence End Time: when the last occurrence stopped.
• Total Occ.: a number which shows how many times the fault occurred.
• Occurrence Active: If the alarm is still active a green circle is shown otherwise a grey circle
• Arising number: the progressive number linked to each arising. It is colored in according to its status and
clicking on it the page redirect to the first tab in which the user can find more details about the arising.In
the bottom part of the page, more details are shown about the selected discrepancy.

Figure 2205: Discrepancy Detail

This area is split in two parts.The first one, on the left side, reports a set of fields to describe the discrepancy
in detail.

• Plant/SubSystem: on board system from which the alarm originates.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• MCDU Message: the message shown on the MCDU.

• Total Occurrences: how many occurrences was recorded.
• Alarm Type: there are three types of alarm: Warning’, Caution’ or ‘Alert’.
• Alarm: the message generated by the alarm.

The second part is composed by a grid contains:

• Number: a progressive number.

• Auth Status: the status of the generated alarm.
• Occurrence Start Time: when the occurrence was recorded.
• Own Value Boolean: Additional parameters reporting the existence of own value.
• Own Value Real: Additional parameters reporting the value of own parameter.
• Partner AMMC value: Additional parameters reporting the existence of partner value.
• Partner AMMC value: Additional parameters reporting the value of partner parameter.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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History Tab

The last tab contains the list of all event occurred during the selected DSN for the fleet.

Figure 2206: Fleet Faults History

The table in this area shows the following data:

• Tail Id: the aircraft identifier.

• DSN: the DSN from which the data derives.
• AMMC SW Version: the version of SW installed on AMMC.
• AMMC Id: the AMMC used to record.
• Major Item Code: the relevant code referring to the sub-system from which the failure originates.
• Fault Code: the code which identifies the alarm created.
• Maintenance Name: the corresponding maintenance name of the event.
• First Occurrence Start Time: the recorded time of first occurrence.
• Counter: how many times the event occurred.
• Occurrence Start Time: the start time of selected occurrence.
• Occurrence Stop Time: the end time of selected occurrence.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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The details regarding the selected occurrence are shown in the bottom area ‘History Detail’.

Figure 2207: History Details

This area is split in two parts; the first one on the left side shows the following data:

• Plant/SubSystem: the on board system from which the alarm originates.

• MCDU Message: the message shown on the MCDU.
• Total Occurrences: how many times that event was recorded.
• Alarm Type: there are three types of alarm: ‘Warning’, Caution’ or ‘Alert’.
• Alarm: the alarm message generated by the alarm.

The second part is composed by a grid which shows the following data:

• Number: a progressive number.

• Occurrence Start Time: when the occurrence started.
• Occurrence Stop Time: when the occurrence stopped.
• Occurrence Duration: the duration of selected occurrence.
• Occurrence Active: if the occurrence is still active or not.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Extended Grid

In the upper right corner of the grid, the user can extend the grid adding more columns by means of a proper

Figure 2208: Fleet Faults - Show Extended Grid

Clicking on the button highlighted in the image above, the user can add more columns to the table:

• Plant/SubSystem: the on board system from which the alarm originates.

• MCDU Message: the message shown on the MCDU.
• Alarm Type: there are three types of alarm: ‘Warning’, Caution’ or ‘Alert’.
• Alarm: the alarm message generated by the alarm.

The additional columns are filterable in order to allow a complete searching of the information.
To hide this additional information click again on the button.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.14.3 Fleet RTB Trends

Click on the menu icon ‘Fleet RTB Trends’. Heliwise opens a window in which you can select the aircraft to
be analyse.

Figure 2209: Fleet RTB Trend - Popup for Aircraft Selection

The user can select all aircrafts, ticking the check-box ‘Select all Aircraft for this model’ once selected a
model in the upper part of the popup. On the contrary, the user can select each aircraft by selecting the rele-
vant box.
In the central area the web application plots the results of processing RTB Trend data relevant to selected

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2210: Fleet RTB Trend - General Page

In the upper part of the page, Heliwise shows the aircraft selected for the comparison. Each AC is marked
with a colour used to identify it in the plot representation. Also the flight hours and S/N help the user to have
all set of data required for the analysis.

The following three variables are implied directly in the loading of plots data:

• Acquisition

On the upper part of the page, it’s placed a combo box containing a list of available acquisitions of rotors
channels. As shown in the image below the user can select the Main Rotor (loaded by default), Tail Rotor,
MGB Lateral and Rear Cabin Vert.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2211: Fleet RTB Trend - Acquisitions list

• Flight Condition

Below the acquisitions list, it’s placed a panel which contains several button. One per flight condition.
Clicking on them, the user can switch the view from a FC to another one.
You can select FPOG (on ground Acq.), HOVER, SL CRS (Slow cruise), Cruise, FAST CRS (VNE or fast
cruise), UNKNOWN.

• Health Index

To show at least one plot in the central area, the user has to tick the relevant health index on the left side.
This lists changes in according to the select RTB Acquisition. The user can tick more than one HI per time.

Clicking one of aircraft loaded in the upper part of the page, the system automatically highlights its samples
in the plots helping the user to identify the specific aircraft.

Figure 2212: Fleet RTB Trend - Aircraft samples

As shown in the image above, the samples of the selected aircraft are colored in orange. To define how
many acquisitions have been stored in manual mode Heliwise displays a cross icon.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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To select all HI with just one click, select the button highlighted in red in the image below (placed in the top
right corner of the page).

Figure 2213: Fleet RTB Trend – Select All HI

The central page can be filled with a maximum of two aircrafts. The user can click on the last button having
a calendar icon to change the number of plots shown per view.

Figure 2214: Fleet RTB Trend - Charts per View

The first button which contains a grey circle allow to highlight the manual acquisition in the plots.

Figure 2215: Fleet RTB Trend - Manual acquisitions

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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The plots automatically highlights the samples stored with manual acquisitions and the circle icon placed in
the proper button changes its colour.

Moving the mouse pointer on a sample, the web application shows the relevant popup by default. It contains
several information regarding that point (AC Flight hours, HI Value, IAS, Rotor Speed).
To expand the information contained in this popup, you should do right click on the plot and selected ‘Show
Extended Tooltip’. In this way, the popup shows more information relevant to the altitude, acceleration and

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

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3.14.4 Fleet TVM Trends

Clicking on the ‘Fleet TVM Trends’ option in the main menu, the page opens a pop-up in which you have to
select the aircraft to be analysed.

Figure 2216: Fleet TVM trends – Select Aircraft

First of all, you have to specify the AC model to which the helicopters are assigned.
After that, tick the AC to be analyzed (otherwise you can tick the option ‘Select all the Fleet’ in order to ana-
lyze all helicopters with that AC model.
Once ticked, you have to confirm by clicking on the green icon placed in the top right corner.

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Figure 2217: Fleet HI – Default view

After a few seconds in waiting, the application loads the selected aircraft and in the upper part of the page
each helicopter is specified by means of serial code, flight hours and a colour.

Figure 2218: Fleet HI – Selected Aircraft

By default the acquisition number 01 (SYNC 1st Stage Pinion LH) is selected and, to switch and view
another one, use the combo list and click on the acquisition. The TVM components are identified by the
acquisition Id, Type, Description and Accelerometer.

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Figure 2219: Fleet HI – Acq. List

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Once clicked an acquisition, the page shows the applicable HI. However no HI is ticked and displayed by
default. Ticking them, the user can decide which HI plotting in the central area.
The user can hide this list, by clicking on the button placed in upper-left corned (red arrow).

Figure 2220: Fleet HI page – Close HI List

Figure 2221: Fleet HI page – Open HI List

In the toolbar, by a calendar button the user can set if visualize one or two charts per view (as shown below).

Figure 2222: Fleet HI page – One Chart per View

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Figure 2223: Fleet HI page – Two Charts per View

Every chart owns a button placed in the upper part of view, in which the user can set the legend of acquisi-
tions to be plotted (square without description means the average).

Figure 2224: Fleet HI page – Legenda

By default the plots show the following data:

• Abscissa axis composed by Elapsed Flight Hours (most recent FH for each AC are placed in the right
side of plot).
• Value 0 o f y-axis show with a green line.
• Blue, Amber and Red Fleet Threshold.

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As listed above, by default the shown threshold regarding the entire fleet of H/C. However, to see the thresh-
old for a specific aircraft click on the relative helicopter icon in the upper part of the page.

By clicking on the AC, the page shows the aircraft threshold and all its acquisition are highlighted by means
of an orange colour.

Every point has the tooltip automatically visible by default. Moving over one of them, the web site shows the
main information. In detail, the following information are displayed:

• DSN number to identify the download from which the acquisition was generated.
• Acq. Date Time to get out when the acquisition was tracked.
• Acq. Flight Hours to indicate how many FH were recorded when the acquisition was tracked.
• A/C Flight Hours to indicate the total number of Flight Hours recorded by the current DSN.
• Health Index to show which index is being showing.
• The Value of health index.

Figure 2225: Fleet HI page – tooltip

By right clicking everywhere on the steady plots, you can select the option ‘Show Extended Tooltip’. As
result the tooltip will be composed by additional information such as IAS, Engine 1 Torque, Engine 2 Torque,
Main Rotor Torque, Tail Rotor Torque, Pitch and Roll degrees.

Figure 2226: Fleet HI page – Extended Tooltip

By clicking on an acquisition of HI plots, Heliwise shows the same acquisition in the others HI plots open.
The selected acquisition is identifiable by a green circle around it.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2227: Fleet HI Page – Acq. Selection

To zoom select an area of plot by drag and drop the mouse pointer, instead to reset the zoom view click
twice on chart.
Otherwise, you can zoom the view by using the scroll wheel of mouse.

Distribution Chart

Click on the flip icon placed in the upper right corner of the plots area.

Figure 2228: Fleet HI – Flip view

The page automatically flips its view to another one called ‘Distribution’.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2229: Fleet HI Page – Distribution

The X axis is composed by total number of occurrences for each aircraft on that selected acquisition.
In this plot, the user can get out information about the density of data and understand which is the value
mainly reached by its aircraft fleet.

Contextual Menu

By right clicking on whatever point of the plot, the web site displays the following contextual menu:

Figure 2230: Fleet HI page – Contextual menu

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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The menu contains the following functionalities:

• Zoom; allows to reset the zoom and focus on all acquisitions.

• Chart Settings.

Figure 2231: Fleet HI page – Chart Settings

Possibility to hide the automatic tooltip or the background coordinates and change the manner in which the
acquisition is plotted. Following, an example of:

• XY Plot;

Figure 2232: HI and dB page – Chart with Plot

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• Step Area;

Figure 2233: HI and dB page – Chart with Step Area

• Bar;

Figure 2234: HI and dB page – Chart with Bar

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• Line;

Figure 2235: HI and dB page – Chart with Line

• Line Symbols;

Figure 2236: HI and dB page – Chart with Line Symbols

• Export; export in PNG or BMP of HI plot.

• Reporting; add of chart in the dynamic report available in Heliwise (as explained in the “Common Func-
tionalities” paragraph at the beginning of user manual chapter).

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• Axis X; possibility to switch the value of abscissa in Flight Hours, Acquisition Date Time and Elapsed
Flight Hours.
• Axis Y; possibility to switch the parameters of axis from linear to logarithmic and vice versa.
• Show/Hide Extended Tooltip; view or not the additional parameters in the Tooltip as described above.
• Close; close the HI plot.
• Flip to Grid; report the values in a tabular format. Possibility to export in CSV the HI values and relative

By right clicking on it, you can open again the contextual menu even if a couple of options are different
respecting the previous one.

Figure 2237: QA page – Contextual menu in table

The ‘Show Extended Grid’ option allows to detail the information adding several columns (IAS, Pitch, Roll,
MGB Oil Temperature, MGB Oil Pressure, TGB Oil Temp, IGB Oil Temp, MGB Bearing 1 Oil Temperature,
MGB Bearing 2 Oil Temperature, Engine 1 Torque, Engine 2 Torque, Main Rotor Torque, Tail Rotor Torque,
NR) in order to associate each TVM acquisition with relative Flight Condition and Torque indicators.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.14.5 Fleet Close Monitoring

On this page you can identify which steps are needed to monitor details of an acquisition about a fleet. The
page opens displaying a window from which the user has to select a helicopter model and the aircraft to be

Figure 2238: TVM Fleet Close Monitoring - Select A/C Model

Once the helicopters have been selected the main page is displayed.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2239: Fleet Close Monitoring

The main area named ‘Close Monitoring Processes’ allows to manage process to monitor one or more spe-
cific acquisitions.

The table in this area shows the following data:

• ‘Tail Id’; the tail id of the helicopter involved.

• ‘DSN’; the DSN from which the data derives.
• ‘HI’; navigation button, clicking on it the user navigates directly to the Health Index Result page.
• ‘Acq.Id’; the unique id to identify each acquisition.
• ‘Description; description of selected acquisition.
• ‘Acq. Type’; the acquisition type; SYNC, THIST, FAVG or ENVE.
• ‘Status’; the status of the current process. Clicking on it, the user is able to change its status and set is as
• ‘Start Date Time’; the date and time of process creation.
• ‘End Date Time’; the date and time of process end.
• ‘Start FH’; number of flight hours when the process was started.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• ‘End FH’; number of flight hour when process terminates.

• ‘Planned End FH’; number of planned flight hours in order to complete the process.
• ‘Request Originator’; who created the process.
• ‘Conclusion Originator’; who set the process as closed.
• ‘Remarks’; note to insert.

Above the grid, there are two buttons needed to manage the set of data in grid.

Figure 2240: Fleet Close Monitoring Buttons

In order to accept and close a process the buttons placed have the following features:

• Click on to accept the changes applied to a process. It becomes clickable when the user set as
“Close” the status of a row. Its target is to approve the change of status.

• Click on to cancel the changes applied to a process. It becomes clickable when the user set as
“Close” the status of a row. Its target is to reset the change of status and restore the previous data set.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.14.6 Fleet TUM Torque Spectra

Clicking on dialog “Fleet Torque Spectra”, the first window opens is regarding the selection of helicopter to

Figure 2241: HUMS Fleet Torque Spectra – H/C selection

In the first section of the dialog the user selects the aircraft model.

Each aircraft model is described using a set of data such as:

• The model name.

• The variant assigned.

In the second section of the dialog the user selects the desired aircrafts. The user can select all aircrafts for
a model by ticking next to “Select all Aircrafts for this Model”.

Each aircraft is described using a set of data such as:

• The tail number to identify the H/C.

• The total flight hours executed.
• The serial number assigned to the H/C.

The HUMS data will be loaded in according to the selected DSN and relative helicopter. To complete the

selection, confirm the operation clicking on the tick green icon placed in the top right corner ( ). Other-

wise,click on the cross red button to cancel ( ).

However, clicking on the SmartLink button the user is able to change the filter parameters and choose again
the data to load.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2242: HUMS Fleet Torque Spectra

The main area ‘TUM Torque Band’ is split into two tabs; the first, ‘Cumulated Time’ and the second, ‘Per-
centage’. By default the page always opens showing the ‘Cumulated Time’ tab.

Cumulated Time Tab

The ‘Cumulated Time’ tab shows first the fleet average for the cumulated time spent in every torque band
and then the same data for the selected H/C.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2243: TUM Torque Band Time

The table in this area is divided into the following columns:

• ‘Tail Id’; the tail id which exclusively identifies the H/C(s) selected.
• ‘Engine Input Torque Bands’; the relevant engine torque band from which the data derives (36 bands
plus unavailable band).
• ‘MGBin1 TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the cumulated time spent in the corre-
sponding torque band for the Main Gear Box input engine 1.
• ‘MGBin2 TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the cumulated time spent in the corre-
sponding torque band for the Main Gear Box input engine 2.
• ‘MGBinT TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the sum of time relative to all three of the
previously mentioned TPC (MGBin1, MGBin2) for the corresponding torque band.
• ‘Main Torque Band [lbft]’; the relevant main torque bands from which the data in ‘MRD TPC’ derives -
measured in lbs. and feet (36 bands plus unavailable band).
• ‘MRD TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the cumulated time spent in the correspond-
ing main torque band for the Main Rotor Drive.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• ‘Tail torque Band [lbft]’; the relevant tail torque bands from which the data in ‘TRD TPC’ derives – mea-
sured in lbs. and feet (36 bands plus unavailable time band).
• ‘TRD TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the cumulated time spent in the correspond-
ing main torque band for the Tail Rotor Drive.

Percentage Tab

In the ‘Percentage’ tab table you can view data regarding the time converted into a percentage spent in
every torque band first as the fleet average and then for the selected H/C(s).

Figure 2244: TUM Torque Band Percentage

The table in this area is divided into the following columns:

• ‘Tail Id’; the tail id to identify the H/C(s) involved.

• ‘Engine Input Torque Bands’; the relevant engine torque band from which the data derives (36 bands
plus unavailable band).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• ‘MGBin1 TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the percentage of time spent in the corre-
sponding torque band for the Main Gear Box input engine 1.
• ‘MGBin2 TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the percentage of time spent in the corre-
sponding torque band for the Main Gear Box input engine 2.
• ‘‘MGBinT TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the sum of the percentages of time rela-
tive to all three of the previously mentioned TPC (MGBin1, MGBin2) for the corresponding torque band.
• ‘Main Torque Band [lbft]’; the relevant main torque bands from which the data in ‘MRD TPC’ derives -
measured in lbs. and feet (36 bands plus unavailable band).
• ‘MRD TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the percentage of time spent in the corre-
sponding main torque band for the Main Rotor Drive.
• ‘Tail torque Band [lbft]’; the relevant tail torque bands from which the data in ‘TRD TPC’ derives – mea-
sured in lbs. and feet (36 bands plus unavailable time band).
• ‘TRD TPC’; the torque path code name; this column shows the percentage of time spent in the corre-
sponding main torque band for the Tail Rotor Drive.


From the ‘TUM Fleet Torque Spectra’ page you can view the data in the ‘TUM Torque Band’ area in chart

form by clicking the button or right clicking on any area of the table and selecting ‘Flip to Chart’ from the
menu which opens.

After clicking the ‘Flip to Chart’ button the area switches to a chart; the default for the initial viewing of the
chart area is set to ‘MRD TPC’ viewed in ‘Linear’ mode with the Y Axis displaying ‘Percentage’.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2245: Fleet Torque Spectra Chart

To view other data from the previous ‘TUM Torque Band’ table in chart form, click on the ‘Torque Spectra
Chart’ button at the top of the chart area.

Figure 2246: Fleet Torque Spectra Chart - Button

When you click on this button a menu opens and you can select which torque data you would like to view.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2247: Fleet Torque Spectra Chart - Menu

The chart currently open is marked with a . To close a chart, click on the corresponding name in the menu.
To open one or more charts click on the relevant name on the menu. It is possible to view two or more charts

Figure 2248: Fleet Torque Spectra Chart – Multiple Charts

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Each chart has scroll bars to enable complete viewing of an individual chart. There is also a scroll bar on the
right of the area which enables you to scroll through all the open charts.

It is possible to select or deselect the H/Cs you would like to view on the chart by clicking in the check boxes
in the legend on the right of the chart the charts also display the fleet average which you can select or dese-
lect in the same way.

Figure 2249: Fleet Torque Spectra Chart – Legend

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The Offline plug-in allows users to download data from the aircraft and process the information even when
no internet connection is available.

The main features are:

• Full Download (when the aircraft is on ground and after a saving of Maintenance Logs on board);
• TVM Quick Assessment (when the aircraft is on ground and with no need to save Maintenance Logs);
• Rotor Track and Balance;

To install the Heliwise plug-in on to your PC, navigate to the following web address:

Using the local Administrator account run the executable file and then follow the setup instructions to
install the Heliwise Offline application.

After installation a new icon to run the offline version of Heliwise is available on the desktop.
NOTE: at least one login to Heliwise online is necessary before running the offline application.

Figure 2250: Off-Line desktop icon

The following paragraphs describe the features plugged into the offline version of the Heliwise web applica-

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Double click on the desktop icon labelled ‘Heliwise Offline’ to run the Offline application.
The application shows the aircraft according to the online fleet visible to the user on the Leonardo web site.

The Data Management module gives the user offline access to the following dialogs:

• DTC Download
• DSN Management
• RTB Adjustment Upload

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3.16.1 Offline Data Management - DTC Download

The following page is displays by clicking on the menu item ‘DTC Download’ in the Data Management mod-
ule. Here you can transfer the MDS folder from your local PC to on-line server.

Figure 2251: DTC Download

Figure 2252: DTC Download – exclude ESUM

You can decide whether to upload also the ESUM files. Since these files have a big size, their uploading
could have impact on the time required to complete the downloading process. Heliwise automatically
remembers the last choice.

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Excluding them, the ground station will upload the other data in a shorter time.

To upload the HUMS data placed on USB, SSD or file system, click on “My Computer” and select the folder
which contains the download data. You should click on ‘Select’ button when in the central area the applica-
tion shows the single files.

Figure 2253: Browse folder

Once selected the folder, the web application prompts you a message in which request a user action.

Figure 2254: DTC Download

QUICK:automatically redirect the user to the TVM Quick Assessment (see chapter x)
RTB:automatically redirect the user to the RTB Data display (see chapter x)
CANCEL:close the form without any other actions.

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3.16.2 Offline Data Management - DSN Management

On the ‘DSN Management’ page you can transfer HUMS data from the aircraft DTD to the operator PC via
Wi-Fi or Ethernet.

Figure 2255: DSN Management

At the top of the page the section ‘DSN Local Repository’ contains the data which has already been down-
loaded from the H/C DTD.

The grid displays the following information:

• HC Model: display the model of AC;

• Tail ID: display the Tail Code of AC contained in the downloaded files;
• Files Count: number which shows the total number of files;
• Total Upload Size [B]; the size of downloaded folder (shown in byte);
• DSN Type: the type of download recognized according to the availability of some files on board.



• Upload Status: the status of the download folder. “NEW” if it’s still placed in the operator PC and has
never been uploaded from this PC before otherwise the term displayed is “UPLOADED”;

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• Uploaded: shown when the user has uploaded the DSN;

• Start/End Download; the date and time of download from the H/C SSD to the operator PC;
• Process; these three fields contain the following buttons:
• Full; proceed with the upload of data towards the Online production server (the PC must be
connected to the Internet).The button is enabled when the download has one of the following
types: Full, Main, Part, Mixed
• Quick; navigate to the TVM QA page; the button is enabled when the download type is one of
the following: Full, Quick or Part
• RTB; go to the Rotor Track and Balance page; the button is enabled when the download type
is either Full or Mixed.

By right clicking on a DSN the system shows a contextual menu.

Figure 2256: Remove Local DSN

Clicking on the “Remove Selected Item” option it’s possible to delete the DSN from the grid and erase the
physical files from the local PC.
By default, in the central area of the page, the application shows the functionalities to download data from
the DTD via Wi-Fi or Ethernet.
First of all, the user has to connect to the DTD. If the intention is to download data by means of Wi-Fi con-
nection, the PC needs to connect to the DTD network at a common Wi-Fi Access Point. Otherwise, using an
Ethernet connection, you have to plug-in the Ethernet cable into your PC once it has been liaised with the
Secondly, ensure the type of connection, IP address, user and password are correct. As shown in the image
below, you are able to switch from Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection using the toggle switch. After that, check the
IP address with the DTD IP (by default it is already set for the connection).
Leave the user ‘anonymous’ and no password.

Figure 2257: Download a DSN via Wi-Fi

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Figure 2258: Download a DSN via Ethernet

Finally, click on ‘Connect’ and the light indicates if the connection is successful.

Figure 2259: Connected to DTD

Once it is connected, click on the ‘Download’ button to start the downloading.

Figure 2260: Download Files

On the upper right side there is a progress bar showing the total progress of the operation.
The “To Transfer (n)” area contains all the files which are ready to be transferred while the area “Server Mes-
sages” reports the feedback which a normal FTP client shows when connected to a server.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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On the left side, the grid displays a log which traces the actions performed:

• Moving HC Failures List: moving the “AMSMNTFL….” Files to the mds path on DTD. They are ready to
be downloaded;
• Read HC Repository: checking the user permission to read the DTD content;
• Create Local Repository; creating a local repository on the operator PC;
• Download HC Maint Files; downloading the maintenance and usage files (applicable only on FULL
• Download HC VM auto Files: downloading the TVM files;
• Download HC VM result Files: downloading the TVM files already processed on board;
• Download HC SUM record Files: downloading the Structural Usage Monitoring files (applicable only on
FULL download);
• Reading HC Info in Files: reading the information placed directly in the files of the download folder (appli-
cable only on Quick Access download);
• Verify HC Backup Folder: verifying the presence of the ‘mdsbackup’ folder on the SSD on board;
• Backup HC DSN Files: moving the files already downloaded to ‘mdsbackup’ DTD path. It creates a
queue consisting of all the downloaded folders;
• Closing Download Procedure: shows the result and completion of process.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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If the message “Foreign File found in HC” displays in the grid as shown below, the files have not been recog-
nized by Heliwise and will therefore not be downloaded from the DTD.

Figure 2261: Downloading files - Foreign File found

At the end of the process, the downloaded data is shown in the grid ‘DSN Local Repository’ as a DSN row.
The last download is placed as the first entry in order to immediately prepare the data to be uploaded on the
Online server.

In the on board SSD the mds folder contains the folders “sumrecord”, “vmauto” and “vmresult” and no data is
placed inside them. The DTD is ready to store other HUMS data.

Figure 2262: DSN Management – mds on board

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Once download is completed, the DTD moves the HUMS files from the mds to the mdsbackup folder in
which the user can find the last 100 data files downloaded.

Figure 2263: DSN Management – mds on board

At the end of the download phase the following window will be displayed:

Figure 2264: DTC Download

QUICK: automatically redirects the user to TVM Quick Assessment

RTB: automatically redirects the user to RTB Data display
CANCEL: closes the window without any further actions.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.16.3 Offline Data Management- RTB Adjustment Upload

Click on RTB Adjustment Upload. The following page will be displayed to the Operator.

Figure 2265: Data Management - RTB Adjustment Upload

The operator has to fill in the IP address, User and Password fields. The user can then select whether to
upload the selected file in the RTB Adjustment Local Repository using a WiFi or an Ethernet connection
using the toggle button on the upper left side of the page.

The area in the lower part of the form displays the content of the selected file.

The ‘Upload’ button for RTB Adjustment files for AW139 is disabled.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2266: Data Management - RTB Adjustment Upload - file contents

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Click on the second icon placed in the main menu (Health and Status) and then click on ‘Quick Assessment’.

Figure 2267: Off-line Health and Status Menu icon

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.17.1 Offline TVM - Quick Assessment

The TVM Quick Assessment Wizard opens after selecting Health > TVM > Acquisitions Results and then
clicking on “Quick Assessment”.

The application opens a wizard to guide the user during the download of TVM Quick Assessment.
The first step contains a set of connection parameters to be filled in order to allow the connection with the
DTD through Wi-Fi or Ethernet.

Figure 2268: TVM QA Wizard - Connection page

The user should ensure the IP address of DTD corresponds to one reported into maintenance manual of air-
craft. After a first setting the application will remember the right configuration.
Once the IP address, user and password are set it’s possible to continue with data download clicking on
‘Connect’ button.
Heliwise automatically downloads the required file to perform a Quick Assessment.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2269: Off-line TVM QA Downloading

At the end of download, the file placed on board will not be moved to ‘mdsbackup’ folder. They will be avail-
able for the next Full Download.
The QA download does not perform any backup on board.

When the application completes the download, the wizard shows the second step automatically. In this page
the user can get information about how many exceedance were detected into last time period.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2270: Offline TVM QA - Exceedance detection

As shown in the image above the grid shows all the exceedance found out into the last download and for
each entry the user can get more information about
• Name and Id of TVM acquisition;
• Name of exceeded Health Index.
• The threshold status on that HI and the relevant values recorded for which Heliwise reports an exceed-
• Number of red, amber and blue exceedance comparing with total samples downloaded.

The grid automatically orders the rows by their criticality (starting from Red Exceedance).
In the bottom part, Heliwise displays the total number of exceedance split for type.
To analyse the plot of each HI, the user has to navigate to the next and final step of wizard and this can be
reached in two ways:
• Right click on an exceedance and select ‘analyse’ option.
• Click on the blue arrow placed in top part of the wizard.

As shown in the image below, the third step allows to analyse the data by means of plots.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2271: Offline TVM QA - Exceedance plots

The application allows to analyse one TVM acquisition per time. First of all, the user can choose the acquisi-
tion using the list control placed above the plots.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2272: Offline TVM QA - Acq. list

On the right part of that list, the system shows the total number of exceeded HI and the status of Close Mon-
itoring task.
Once selected the acquisition, the web page loads the applicable HI on the left part of the screen. Also in
this case, each HI has a relative box which shows the number of occurrences registered.

In the bottom part of the page, the user can click on the ‘Exceedance’ button to display the list of exceed-

Figure 2273: Offline TVM QA - Exceedance list

In this grid the user can get the same information shown into the previous step. To analyse directly an
exceedance, you can do right click on a row and then click on ‘analyse’. The page loads automatically the
acquisition and the HI exceeded.

At the end of Quick Assessment, you should click on green tick icon placed in the upper part of the wizard.
The application returns the user to the home page with its aircraft fleet.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Click on the third icon placed in the main menu (Rotors and Airframe) and then click on ‘RTB Adjustment’.

Figure 2274: Off-line TVM QA Menu icon

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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3.18.1 Offline RTB Adjustment RTB Diagnostics

On this page it is possible to select the helicopter Configuration file for Rotor Track and Balance.

Figure 2275: RTB Diagnostic – Choose RTB Config File

The Operator can select the Helicopter by clicking on the required aircraft modelin the pop-up window and
then select the Helicopter Configuration file by means of the drop-down list.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2276: Choose RTB Config File

After the selection, the Operator can accept or reject it using the relevant buttons.
Heliwise automatically plots the RTB Diagnostic view in which there is a presentation of the Helicopter
blades’ Track and Balance data.

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2277: RTB Diagnostic

On the top of the form there is the overall data pane containing the Helicopter information in terms of Tail Id,
S/N, Variant, AMMC Version Running Hours and Status.

Below there is a drop down menu which allows the Operator to select the Main or Tail visualization.

Figure 2278: Main/Tail Rotor Selection

The three main panes contain respectively the following views:

• Left hand pane: Track and Balance values and related graphs used as input

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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• Central pane: predicted Track and Balance values and related graphs resulting from the rotor adjust-
ments provided, by means of the Automatic method (left tab) or the Manual method (right tab).
• Right hand pane: options pane dedicated to selecting Units of Measurement and adjustment Corrections
or Optimizations.

In addition, the Operator is able to visualise the final RTB Adjustment and, exclusively for the AW169 and
the AW189, to save the RTB Adjustments. Measured and Adjusted Panes (Automatic and Manual Adjustment)

On the left hand side of each graph, a buttons toolbar will be available with the following scope:

• to flip view between Graph and Tabular representation by means of the flip view button
(example listed in the picture below);

• to reset zoom view

• to zoom in the selected Graph:

• to zoom out of the selected Graph;

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This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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Figure 2279: Graphical/Tabular Flip View

The Operator can modify the current status of the rotor by means of the dedicated “Previous Adjustment”
table which allows the user to input the correct Masses, PL and Tabs orientation values.The data displayed
in the “Previous Adjustment” table can be edited in the “Modify Initial Configuration” table which displays
after clicking on the button below:

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
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If the “Manual” tab in the Central tab is selected, the user can also modify the values in the “Delta
Configuration to be applied to blades” table. When the “Automatic” tab is selected, the adjustment values
are calculated automatically by clicking on the dedicated button:

Figure 2280: Modify Initial Configuration table

Please note: if Tail Rotor is chosen, the table above shall only display Mass and PL data.

The following buttons are displayed next to the ‘Modify Initial Configuration’ table:

• return to the ‘Previous Adjustment’ display mode

• to save the adjustment and return to the ‘Previous Adjustment’ display mode

• to reset the adjustment

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
than for which it is supplied, without the prior written consent of the Companies. Every permitted disclosure, reproduction, adaptation or publication of this document in whole or in part
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On the ‘Manual’ tab by the ‘Manual Adjustment’ table the following buttons are available:

• to calculate the adjustment

• to reload the previous adjustment values

• to reset the adjustment Options Pane

On the right side an Option Pane is available.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
than for which it is supplied, without the prior written consent of the Companies. Every permitted disclosure, reproduction, adaptation or publication of this document in whole or in part
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Figure 2281: Main and Tail Rotor Options Pane

The following options can be selected by the Operator:

• Change RTB configuration: this drop box menu allows the Operator to select a different RTB
configuration file.
• Selected Acquisitions: displays the type of acquisitions that can be selected using the
SmartLink button.
• Vibrations: possibility to change the graphical visualization in Acceleration (g) or Inches per
Second (ips).
• Track: possibility to change the graphical Unit of Measure; millimetres (mm) or inches.
• Corrections: the Operator, , can select or de-select the RTB adjustment in terms of Mass,
Pitch Link and TAB by clicking on the check symbol (available only for Main Rotor).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
than for which it is supplied, without the prior written consent of the Companies. Every permitted disclosure, reproduction, adaptation or publication of this document in whole or in part
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• Optimizations: this can be different for Main or Tail Adjustment. The MR Blade
Measurements, present only for the Main Rotor adjustment, also take into consideration the
Track Split measurement together with vibration data. If disabled, the Resolve to Limits allows
using a reduced vibration thresholds target (fine tuning). The Override TR Link Constraints, valid
only for the Tail Rotor adjustment, allows splitting the adjustment to two opposite blades and not
only to contiguous blades.
• Actions: it is possible to save the RTB adjustment in a file that can be automatically uploaded on
the helicopter at the end of the Save procedure, or print ht eRTB measurements.
• Predicted Adjustment: displays, in tabular format, all the final calculated Main or Tail Rotor
adjustments SmartLink
By clicking on the SmartLink button the RTB Data Selection form will be displayed:

Figure 2282: Data Selection table

Depending on the selected Acquisition (described Below), the Operator will be able to display or modify, for
Main and Tail rotor, each single input data parameter.

• Manual Only: considers only the manual acquisitions acquired on board.

• Manual & Automatic: considers both the manual and automatic acquisitions acquired on
board. If both Manual and Automatic are present for the same flight condition, the system will
display the Manual acquisition.
• Averaged: considers the average value, depending if Manual or Manual & Automatic are

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
than for which it is supplied, without the prior written consent of the Companies. Every permitted disclosure, reproduction, adaptation or publication of this document in whole or in part
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• User Input: allows the Operator to manually insert all the vibrations and track heights for each
blade and flight condition.

The Operator can select or de-select each single flight condition by clicking on the check symbol (enable) or
X symbol (disable) on the left side of the form (Use column).

In addition, for each flight condition, the Operator can select, if available, different acquisitions by clicking on
the drop down menu of each flight condition.

At the end, the Operator can accept or reject the data modification/selection by clicking on the following

• accept the modified/selected acquisitions and return to the RTB Diagnostics form

• reject the modified/selected acquisitions and return to the RTB Diagnostics form. User Input Button

By clicking on the User Input button the manual Acquisition input will be displayed:

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
than for which it is supplied, without the prior written consent of the Companies. Every permitted disclosure, reproduction, adaptation or publication of this document in whole or in part
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Figure 2283: Data Input table

On the right side of the form a button is available which allows the user to display or hide the blades and
Split Track acquisition:

• valid only for Main Rotor, click on it to display and modifyall the acquisitions for each blade
and the related Track Split (display only)

• Click on it to hide the blades and Track Split acquisitions.

The Operator can select or de-select each single flight condition by clicking on the check symbol (enable) or
X symbol (disable) on the left side of the form (Use column).

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
than for which it is supplied, without the prior written consent of the Companies. Every permitted disclosure, reproduction, adaptation or publication of this document in whole or in part
and in any manner or form shall prominently contain this notice.
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All the fields on this form can be modified except the Track Split; several options are available:
• Copy Manual: all the data is copied from the manual acquisitions.
• Copy Manual & Automatic: all the data is copied from the manual and automatic acquisitions.
• Clear Input: sets all the data to 0.
• Acquisition Input: returns to the Data Selection visualization.

Figure 2284: Data Modification table

When the blades and Track Split are displayed an indicator is visualized on the right side of the table:

• Green indicator: the input data is coherent.

• Yellow Indicator: some data is not coherent, for example, the sum of the blades is not zero or
the blades’ heights are too small.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
than for which it is supplied, without the prior written consent of the Companies. Every permitted disclosure, reproduction, adaptation or publication of this document in whole or in part
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• Red Indicator: some data is not coherent, for example, the sum of the blades is not zero and
the blades heights are too small. Save RTB Adjustments (For AW169 and AW189 only)

The Operator has the possibility to upload the RTB Adjustments by clicking on the ‘Save RTB Adjustments’
button in the ‘Options’ pane on the RTB Diagnostics dialog.
The following form will be displayed:

Figure 2285: Save RTB Adjustment

The Operator will have the possibility to save both the Main and Tail Rotor adjustments or to save them
separately. Use the radio buttons at the top of the form to select which adjustments to save.

In addition, the user can insert a note in the dedicated field at the bottom of the form. Save the RTB
Adjustment by clicking on the Check symbol. To close the form without saving the RTB Adjustment click on
the on the X symbol.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
than for which it is supplied, without the prior written consent of the Companies. Every permitted disclosure, reproduction, adaptation or publication of this document in whole or in part
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UNCLASSIFIED Save RTB Adjustments (AW139)

The operator can save the RTB adjustment files for AW139 after selecting the RTB download process on the
‘DTC Download’ dialogue and downloading the selected files. ‘The RTB Adjustments’ doalogue opens
where it is possible to save the files by clicking on the ‘Save RTB Adjustments’ button in the Options pane.

Figure 2286: AW139 - Save RTB Adjustments

The Operator will have the possibility to save both the Main and Tail Rotor adjustments or to save them
separately. Use the radio buttons at the top of the form to select which adjustments to save.

In addition, the user can insert a note in the dedicated field at the bottom of the form. Save the RTB Adjust-
ment by clicking on the Check symbol. To close the form without saving the RTB Adjustment click on the on
the X symbol.

After clicking the green tick a pop up window opens asking for confirmation to save the files.

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
than for which it is supplied, without the prior written consent of the Companies. Every permitted disclosure, reproduction, adaptation or publication of this document in whole or in part
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Figure 2287: AW139 - Save RTB Adjustment - confirmation

After clicking ‘Yes’ the RTB Adjustment files will be saved locally on your PC. A PDF report of the Adjust-
ment files will be generated and it is possible to save it to your PC.

Figure 2288: AW139 - Save RTB Adjustment - Report

© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose other
than for which it is supplied, without the prior written consent of the Companies. Every permitted disclosure, reproduction, adaptation or publication of this document in whole or in part
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© Copyright 2017 Leonardo S.p.a., Leonardo MW Ltd, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation

This document contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Leonardo S.p.a. and/or Leonardo MW Ltd and/or AgustaWestland Philadelphia Corporation ('the Compa-
nies') and is supplied on the express condition that it may not be disclosed to any third party, or reproduced in whole or in part, or used for manufacture, or used for any purpose
other than for which it is supplied, without the prior written consent of the Companies. Every permitted disclosure, reproduction, adaptation or publication of this document in whole
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