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Now, let's talk about why countries decide to make agreements with each other.

This is important for

us to know it because it helps us understand why nations agree on certain things and why it matters.

So, let's explore The Need for Agreement Between and Among States to clear up the reasons behind
these agreements and why they are very crucial.

The need for agreement between and among states, is often referred to as international agreements
or treaties. So, what is international agreement or treaties?

When we say Treaty, it is a kind of agreement between countries or states, mutually agreed upon. It
is a document that provides rights to the parties and decides obligations.

Let’s break it down into simpler terms: A treaty is like a special agreement between different
countries. Imagine it as a set of rules that everyone agrees on. This agreement gives certain rights to
each country involved, and it also decides what responsibilities or obligations they need to take care
of. It's alike of making promises to each other so that everyone knows what to expect and how to
work together. The countries bound by an international agreement are generally referred to as States

States parties are countries that have approved or agreed to the international treaty. Through
approval or agreement, a country agrees to be legally bound by the treaty's provisions or
requirements. It means that a countries or states has to follow certain rules or promises because they
are now part of the agreement. It's like having a special set of rules that everyone agrees to, and if
you break those rules, there can be consequences because you're legally obligated to follow them.
So, why states enter into international agreement? States enter into international agreements as a
way of exchanging promises about future conduct. These agreements have value only if the promises
exchanged serve to bind the parties. The agreements are, therefore, more valuable if they can bind
the parties more effectively. Meaning, these agreements only matter if the promises made by the
countries really keep them connected. The more these promises make the countries stick together
and work well, the more important and useful the agreements become. It's similar to the saying that
agreement is valuable only if it helps the countries cooperate and keep their promises effectively.

Treaties Today

Treaties are the principle source of international rights and obligations. They are the most important
set of rules that countries follow internationally.

Every State is a party to hundreds of treaties, bilateral and multilateral. Bilateral treaties typically
address issues directly between the two parties for example, Country A might make a deal with
Country B to trade certain goods or help each other with technology, while multilateral treaties involve
multiple states and often address global or regional concerns, an example could be an agreement
among many countries to protect the environment or to work together on global health challenges. It
highlights here the widespread nature of treaty participation among sovereign states or the
independent countries. It also implies here that lots of countries take part in these agreements.
Almost every state is involved in numerous treaties. It regulates practically every aspect of State
behavior in times of peace and in times of war.

Additionally, people might also use words like pact or convention as it is sometimes known by these
words, but no matter the name, a treaty is like a special agreement between countries. It must be a
written document mutually agreed upon and signed by the involved parties. The International Laws
are the one who regulate the treaty, and later on will tackle about it. Now to really get what a treaty is,
let's take a look at the definition set by
The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties from 1969. According to it, the word ‘treaty’ is: ‘An
international agreement concluded between States in written form and governed by international law,
whether embodied in a single instrument or two or more related instruments and whatever its
particular designation’. So, in short, it's a formal understanding between countries, put in writing, and
it must follow the established international laws. The VCLT are the one who ensure clarity,
consistency, and fairness in the creation and operation of treaties.

Features of Treaties

To develop more knowledge about it, let’s have the Features of Treaties or the characteristics that the
treaty have.
The main features of treaties are derived from the definition set by VCLT and it says here that:

1. Treaties are written documents which means the verbal agreements are not liable. Negotiation
points or agreements should be clearly described and signed by the states or nations involved.
This signifies that when countries make agreements, they need to write down what they've agreed
upon. Verbal agreements, where they just talk and don't put it in writing, are not considered
reliable or legally binding. So, to make the agreement official and trustworthy, the countries
involved should clearly describe all the things they've agreed on in a written document. This
written document is then signed by the representatives of each country to show that they agree to
follow what's written in it. This way, there's a clear record of what was agreed upon, and it's more
likely to be maintained and respected by all parties.

2. Treaties are regulated by international laws and regulations and bound states with legal
obligations. This indicates that treaties, which are agreements between countries, are guided and
controlled by international laws and rules. When countries enter into a treaty, they are not making
a casual promise instead, they are creating a legal commitment. The terms and conditions of the
treaty are not just suggestions, they become obligations that the involved countries must follow
according to international law. This ensures that the agreements are not only agreements in words
but also have legal force and consequences if not obeyed to.

3. Treaties might be composed of one or two legal instruments to describe the terms of agreements
in an unambiguous manner or in a clear way. This expresses that a treaty can be made up of one
or two legal documents to clearly and unmistakably explain the terms of the agreement. The goal
is to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings about what has been agreed upon. An example of
a legal instrument in the context of a treaty could be a written document outlining specific details
and conditions of the agreement. For instance, if two countries agree on trade regulations, one
legal instrument might cover the tariffs on goods, while another could detail the conditions for fair
competition. Each of these documents serves as a legal instrument, providing clarity on particular
aspects of the overall treaty.

A while ago, I mentioned about the international law is the one who regulate the treaties and that is
right, because the law guiding and governing the interactions between States is known as
international law. They are the one provides a framework or guidelines that recognizes states as the
actors or participants within the legal process. International law helps establish order and fairness in
the global community. It outlines here the states obligations in terms of how they interact with each
other and how they treat individuals within their borders. This help ensure consistency, fairness, and
predictability in the international legal order. It's important to note that not all countries are parties to
every treaty, and the application of these conventions can vary based on individual state consent. It
intends that not every country is automatically involved in or bound by every international treaty. The
participation of countries in treaties is voluntary only, and they are the one to decides whether to be a
party to a specific agreement.
But what we're all curious about is: Why do we need agreements in the first place?
The world is now global and states share resources, indicates that in today's globalized world, nations
are closely linked, and they work together by exchanging and utilizing various resources. International
trade connects the world, and trade economics helps states become a part of the development
processes. In the process, there are possibilities of conflict in interests, meaning, there is a chance
that the involved parties may have conflicting interests, in such situation in which the goals,
objectives, or motivations of different parties involved in a particular situation are incompatible or
divergent. It occurs when there is a clash or misunderstanding between the interests of nations.
Treaties help in regulating behavior and ensure mutual benefits. Through treaties, countries decide
the negotiation points and terms of the agreements.

Also, treaties maintain stability and diplomatic relations between the States. It is significant in
fostering positive relationships in the international field. They are thus the most important elements to
guarantee international cooperation, peace, and security, ensuring harmonious global relations. This
is one of the reasons why treaties are regarded as the fundamental or essential source of
international law.

These agreements play a crucial role in maintaining order, facilitating cooperation, and addressing
shared challenges in the international arena.

So, I have here some reasons why states enter into agreements:

1. Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution is a crucial aspect of international relations and international agreements play a
significant role in providing a structured or organized and diplomatic or considerate and respectful
communication way to resolve disputes. Through negotiations and entering into agreements, states
can clearly define their expectations, obligations, and responsibilities. This helps reduce the likelihood
of misunderstandings and aggressions between nations. International agreements promote peace
and stability by establishing a framework for resolving conflicts peacefully, ensuring that disputes are
handled in a fair and just manner.
2. Mutual Cooperation
Mutual cooperation between states is vital in addressing global challenges that surpass national
boundaries. It means that collaboration and working together among different countries are essential
when dealing with issues that go beyond the borders of any single nation. Issues like climate change,
terrorism, human rights violations, and public health crises require collective action and coordinated
efforts. Agreements enable the pooling or combining of resources and knowledge to effectively tackle
or overcome these shared challenges. By working together, states can create a more sustainable and
secure world for all.
3. Trade and Economic Relations
Trade agreements, such as free trade agreements and customs unions, play an essential role in
promoting economic relations between states. These agreements are essential as they facilitate the
creation of a stable and transparent environment for businesses. It highlights here the important role
of trade agreements in establishing a favorable atmosphere for businesses to operate. By
establishing rules and regulations pertaining to trade, investment, and intellectual property, these
agreements ensure predictability and fairness in economic interactions. We can see here the
functions of trade agreements in shaping the economic interactions among nations. Consequently,
trade agreements foster mutually beneficial relationships between states by encouraging commerce
or trade and facilitating the growth of economies.
4. Environmental Protection
Environmental protection requires immediate or urgent attention that demands collective action.
Pollution, deforestation, and climate change are just a few of the challenges we face. To combat
these problems, international agreements like the Paris Agreement have been established to bring
nations together. These agreements aim to address environmental issues and implement measures
that safeguard our planet. It emphasize here the purpose and goals of international agreements and
importance of collaborative efforts among nations for environmental preservation . It is crucial for
countries to work hand in hand to protect the environment for future generations.

5. Human Rights and Humanitarian Concerns

International agreements play a key role in promoting and protecting human rights globally. Treaties
and conventions set standards for the treatment of individuals, addressing issues such as torture,
discrimination, and the protection of refugees, safeguarding the human rights. These agreements
provide a framework for countries to uphold their responsibilities towards their citizens and ensure
that basic human rights are respected. Additionally, humanitarian agreements establish guidelines for
responding to crises and disasters, ensuring that aid reaches those in need efficiently By adhering to
these international agreements, nations can work together to create a more just and compassionate
world for all individuals.

6. Arms Control and Disarmament

Arms control and disarmament agreements has a significant role in maintaining global security and
stability by effectively regulating the development, deployment, and use of military weapons to
promote peace and preventing the widespread of weapons. Treaties such as the Treaty on the Non-
Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) are specifically designed to prevent the proliferation of
nuclear weapons. By limiting the possession of these destructive weapons, these agreements foster
trust among nations and reduce the risk of armed conflicts. Additionally, they promote cooperation
between states, encouraging peaceful resolutions to disputes and ultimately contributing to a safer

7. Territorial Integrity and Borders

Territorial integrity and agreements related to borders are important in preventing conflicts arising
from disputed boundaries. These agreements involve various measures such as defining borders,
establishing demilitarized zones or specific areas or regions where military forces are restricted or
prohibited, and addressing historical territorial disputes. For example, the Philippines-China territorial
disputes in the West Philippine Sea wherein the Philippine government filed an arbitration or to settle
dispute case against China. By clearly outlining boundaries and ensuring mutual respect for each
other's territories, nations can avoid misunderstandings and potential conflicts. These agreements
promote stability, peace, and cooperation among nations, fostering an environment conducive to
economic growth and development. Therefore, upholding territorial integrity and adhering to border
agreements are essential for maintaining global peace and security.

8. International Law and Norms

International law and norms agreements hold a significant role in the development and enforcement
of international law. These agreements establish norms and standards of behavior that states are
expected to adhere to, creating a framework for a more orderly and lawful international system. By
providing guidelines for state conduct, these agreements contribute to the promotion of peace,
stability, and cooperation among nations as they serve as a foundation for resolving disputes,
protecting human rights, and addressing global challenges such as climate change or terrorism. In
essence, international law and norms agreements are essential tools in shaping a fair and
harmonious world order.

9. Diplomacy and Trust-Building

Diplomacy and trust-building are essential in fostering diplomatic relations between states. Engaging
in negotiations and reaching agreements not only promotes peaceful and cooperative interactions but
also strengthens the bond between nations. When countries talk and make deals with each other, it
not only helps them get along peacefully but also makes their relationship stronger. Trust-building is
crucial as it establishes a foundation of reliability and understanding, enabling effective
communication and collaboration. Agreements serve as tangible evidence of a commitment to shared
goals, solidifying the relationship further. Therefore, diplomacy, trust-building, and reaching
agreements are essential components for maintaining peaceful international relations.

The need for agreement between and among states is crucial in today's interconnected world.
Agreements provide a structured and legal framework that fosters cooperation among nations,
allowing them to work together towards common goals. These agreements also help maintain
international order by establishing rules and norms that govern state behavior. Without such
agreements, the world would be tested by chaos and conflict. Therefore, it is critical for states to
recognize the importance of collective action and actively engage in agreements to address global

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