January 3rd Ksar Hellal-First-Draft

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Épreuve : Anglais Classe :9éme année
DEVOIR REGIONAL Durée : 1h Date : 14/12/2022

Nom & prénom : ---------------------------------------------------Classe : ------------------ Note -----------------



O’ Neal’s Story: “I always knew I was different.”

My name is O’Neal Leon Wyche, Jr., and I’m a Champion Against Bullying. I was fortunate to have a
loving mother and supportive stepfather... On picture day in the 2nd grade, my mother outfitted me in a
dress shirt, trousers and a tie. That was how it all started.

As soon as I stepped into my class, a few of my classmates, particularly three boys, burst out laughing.
They’d made fun of me teased me, taunted me and said mean things in class and at recess.

The environment at school became so bad that I would consistently return home crying, and I woke up in the
morning not wanting to face another day of name-calling or hurt feelings.

When I was in the 4th grade, the teasing from the same group of boys became verbal. I would hear outbursts
in class like “You act like a girl.” I never wanted to get in trouble, so I never said anything back to the
What ultimately changed the way I thought about myself was when I realized that I could be whoever I
wanted, wear what I wanted and do what makes me happy. I saw the kids who bullied me as being just as
insecure as myself. So, I stopped dressing to fit in and started wearing clothing that I felt comfortable to me.
Surprisingly, I was confident and I started ignoring the bullying.It eventually became silent noise...

Adapted from


Publication date: August 18th, 2023

Comprehension questions (06 marks)

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1- Tick (  ) the right option (1mark)
The text is mainly about a victim of bullying based on:
a) the way he talks
b) The way he walks
c) His dressing code

2 - Circle the adjective that best describes the narrator (1 mark)

3- Find in the text a word which means nearly the same as (1mark)

--> ........................

4-Complete the paragraph with two words from paragraphs and (2 marks)

5- Give a personal justified answer to the following question: (1 mark)

If you were in the place of O’ Neal , what would you do ? Why? Why not?
If I ……………………, I ..............................................................................................................................

II- LANGUAGE: (08 marks)

1-Fill in each blank with one word from the box below. There are two extra words. (3marks)

Sisters often weave their lives closely together. In some cases, it’s the most significant bond they have--but
not without complications.Lauren and Carley have a deep understanding of life with a sister as a
____________1friend. Growing up in Portsmouth, England, the siblings ____________2 the same schools
and swam competitively, meaning they spent most of their free time together.______________3 university,
they lived at home and worked part-time in the same supermarket.
Now Lauren, 35, ___________4 Carley, 38, have jobs in different departments of the same university, and
meet several times a week for lunch or to exercise. They often hang out in the evenings and weekends with
their children and families, too. Each ____________ 5 a fundamental role in the other’s life, from being a
round-the-clock confidant to serving as a tireless source of __________6 support and encouragement in
personal and professional decisions. “We know we are there for each other, no matter what.”

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fbclid=IwAR1MoifSqMZFXfn7fUsgCe5_qwWSlYhtYx03oWL_8b47lvp-2I9NrAPe3BE 23rd
November 2022

2-Circle the right option. (3marks)


Megan was a high-performing student at an academically challenging parochial school—and she was
frustrated. Everywhere she looked it seemed like her classmates were cheating. They copied each other’s
papers, wrote answers on their shoes, and forged notes to get extra time on tests. Megan had never cheated.
She wanted to do the right thing, but felt like she was in a situation where you had to “cheat or be cheated.”
She considered approaching her faculty advisor about what she was observing, but that was complicated.
She didn’t want to get her friends in trouble, and it seemed like some of the teachers knew what was going
on and just looked the other way. So she decided not to do anything, and her frustration continued to build.


May 19th ,2021

3-Match the sentence parts in column A With those in column B. There is one extra part in column B.
(Write your answers in the space provided) (2 marks)

Column A Column B
⓵ Ⓐ
⓶ Ⓑ
⓷ Ⓒ
⓸ Ⓓ

1+…. 2+…. 3+…. 4+….

III - WRITING (06 marks)

Like many teenagers, you think that your parents don’t give you enough allowance.
Write a 12-line letter of complaint to the columnist of « Youngster Magazine» in which
you describe displeasure and ask for Advice to convince your parents to give you a higher
amount of money .

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Content (Adherence to the task and content adequacy) ………../2

Language (Grammar accuracy and lexical appropriacy.) ………../2
Mechanics of writing (spelling, punctuation, and capitalization) ………../2

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