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 In Romania, Christmas and mid-winter celebrations last from 6th December

till 7th January. The 20th is called ‘Ziua de Ignat’ or simply ‘Ignat day’. It is
traditional that if the family keeps pigs, one is killed on this day by the
head of the household. The meat from the pig is used in the Christmas
meals. After the pig is killed, the family members share a dish called
‘Pomana Porclui’ which is traditionally cooked in a cauldron and consists
of a variety of porn bits (pork belly, shoulder, liver, kidneys, etc.) in a
garlic sauce and served with mamaliga (polenta).
 Saint Nicholas’s Day is celebrated on the 6th December. On the evening of
5th December children clean their shoes and boots and leave them by the
door and hope that Saint Nick will leave them some small presents! Saint
Nicholas might also be called Old man Nick/Nicholas (Mos Nicolae) and
although he is celebrated in December, it’s not part of the Christmas
celebrations. A tradition says that if it snows on December 6 th, Saint Nick
has shaken his beard so winter can begin.
 The Christmas Celebrations really begin on 24th Christmas (the Christmas
eve). Carol singing is also an importnt part of Christmas in Romania. On
Christmas eve, children go out carol singing from house to house
performing to the adults in the houses.

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