Unit 16 Explanation

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1. block (v, n) /blɒk/ - a large piece of a solid material that is - khối
square or rectangular in shape and - ngăn cản, ngăn chặn
usually has flat sides
2. brittle (adj) /ˈbrɪtl/ - delicate and easily broken - giòn
3. chip (v, n) /tʃɪp/ - to break a small piece off something by - sứt mẻ
accident: - dăm, mảnh ( bị mẻ ra từ
- the place from which a small piece of một vật)
wood, glass, etc. has broken from an
4. compact (v, adj) - to press (something) so that it is harder - kết chắc lại
/kəmˈpækt/ and fills less space [+ obj] - gọn, chắc, chặt
- smaller than other things of the same
5. concentrate (v) - to give all your attention to something - tập trung
/ˈkɑːnsənˌtreɪt/ and not think about anything else - cô đặc
- to make a substance stronger or purer - tập hợp, tập trung (số
by removing water or other substances lượng)
- to bring or come together in a large
number or amount in one particular area
6. crack (v, n) /kræk/ - to break (something) so that there are - làm nứt, làm rạn, vỡ
lines in its surface but it is usually not - vết nứt, khe nhỏ; sự nứt
separated into pieces [+ obj]
- a very narrow space between parts of
7. crumb (n) /krʌm/ - a very small piece that has fallen from - miếng, mẫu, mảnh vụn
bread , cookies, or cake
8. crush (v, n) /krʌʃ/ - the act of crushing; state of being - ép, vắt (hoa quả); nghiến,
crushed. đè nát, đè bẹp
- a great crowd - đám đông
- to press something very hard so that it - sự ép, sự vắt; sự nghiến, sự
is broken or its shape is destroyed đè nát
9. dense (adj) /dens/ - (of a substance) containing a lot of - dày đặc, chặt
matter in a small space
10. dilute (v, adj) - to make a liquid weaker by mixing it - pha loãng
/dai'lju:t/ with water or another liquid - loãng
- made weaker by diluting
11. dissolve (v) - dissolve (in something) (of a solid) to - rã ra, tan rã, phân huỷ, làm
/di'zɔlv/ mix with a liquid and become part of it tan biến
12. fabric (n) /'fæbrik/ - cloth or material for making clothes, - vải
covering furniture, etc. - công trình xây dựng, giàn
- the structure or parts of something khung, kết cấu, cơ cấu
13. firm (adj) /fɜːm/ - strong and tight - chắc, bền vững
- certain and not likely to change - kiên quyết, dứt khoát, cứng
14. flake (v, n) /fleɪk/ - to come off a surface in small, thin - (+off, away) bong ra, rơi ra
pieces từng mảnh
- a small, thin piece of something, - vảy, mảnh, mảng bong ra
especially if it has come from a surface
covered with a layer of something
15. fragile - a fragile object is easily damaged or - dễ vỡ, dễ gãy; mỏng manh
(adj) /'frædʒail/ broken
16. friction (n) /'frik∫n/ - the force that makes it difficult for one - sự cọ xát; sự ma sát
object to slide along the surface of
another or to move through a liquid or
17. grain (n) /ɡreɪn/ - a small, hard seed, especially the seed - thóc lúa, lúa mì
of a food plant such as wheat, corn, rye, - hạt
oats, rice, or millet. - một chút
- a very small piece of a hard substance
- a very small amount
18. gravity (n) - the force that makes objects fall toward - trọng lực
/ˈɡræv.ə.ti/ the earth, or toward some other large - tính nghiêm trọng, tính trầm
object such as a planet or a star trọng
- seriousness
19. grind (v) /graind/ - to make something into small pieces or - xay, nghiền, tán
a powder by pressing between hard
20. hollow - having a hole or empty space inside, or - rỗng, hóp; sâu
(adj) /'hɒləʊ/ a low area in a surface

21. liquid (n, - a substance, such as water, that is not - chất lỏng
adj) /'likwid/ solid or a gas and that can be poured - lỏng
- of, relating to, or consisting of liquids
22. lump (v, n) /lʌmp/ - to unite into one aggregation, - gộp lại, gom lại, đóng cục
collection, or mass (often followed by lại, vón lại
together) - cục, tảng, miếng
- a piece of a solid substance, usually
with no particular shape
23. mineral - a valuable or useful chemical substance - chất khoáng, khoáng vật
(n) /'minərəl/ that is formed naturally in the ground
24. mould (v, n) - to make a soft substance have a - đổ khuôn, đúc bằng khuôn,
/məʊld/ particular shape nặn hình
- a shaped cavity used to give a definite - khuôn đúc
form to fluid or plastic material
24. opaque (adj) /əʊ - preventing light from travelling - mờ đục; chắn sáng
ˈpeɪk/ through, and therefore not transparent or - không rõ; không hiểu
- difficult to understand or know about
25. pat (v, n) - to touch someone or something gently - vỗ cho dẹt xuống
and usually repeatedly with the hand flat - vỗ nhẹ, vỗ về
- to strike lightly or gently with - cái vỗ nhẹ, cái vỗ về; tiếng
something flat, as with a paddle or the vỗ nhẹ
palm of the hand, usually in order to
flatten, smooth, or shape
- the act of patting a person or animal
26. pile (v, n) /paɪl/ - to put (things) near or on top of each - (+ up, on) chất đống, chồng
other, or to collect in this way chất
- a number of things that have been - đóng cọc
placed on top of each other - chồng, đống, cọc
27. polish (v, n) /ˈpɒlɪʃ/ - to rub something using a piece of cloth - đánh bóng
or brush to clean it and make it shine - sự đánh bóng, nước bóng,
- a cream or other substance that you use nước láng
to clean something or the act of cleaning
something by rubbing it

28. scratch (v, n) - to make or remove a mark, etc. on - cào, làm xước; rạch, gãi
/skrætʃ/ something deliberately, by rubbing it - vết cào, vết xước, vết rạch,
with something hard or sharp vết xây xát; tiếng cào; tiếng
- a cut or mark that is made in a surface rạch
with something sharp or rough
29. scrub (v, n) /skrʌb/ - to rub something hard in order to clean - lau, chùi, cọ, sự cọ rửa
it, especially using a stiff brush, soap, - bỏ ( một dự định )
and water - bụi cây, bụi rậm; nơi có bụi
- to decide not to do something you had cây, nơi có bụi rậm
planned to do
- (an area of land covered with) short
trees and bushes, growing on dry ground
of low quality
30. smash (v) /smæʃ/ - to cause something to break noisily - đập tan ra từng mảnh, vỡ
into a lot of small pieces tan
31. solid (n, - not liquid or gas - chất rắn, đặc
adj) /'sɒlid/ - tính rắn, đặc
32. speck (n) /spek/ - a very small mark, piece, or amount - dấu, vết, đốm

33. squash (v, n) - to press something so that it becomes - ép, nén, nén chặt
/skwɒʃ/ soft, damaged or flat, or changes shape - đám đông
- a situation in which there are too many
people in a small space
34. squeeze (v, n) - to press something firmly, especially - ép, vắt, nén, siết chặt, nặn
/skwiːz/ from all sides in order to change its - sự ép, sự vắt, sự siết, sự véo
shape, reduce its size, or remove liquid
from it (especially with your hands )
- the act of pressing something firmly
35. stack (v, n) /stæk/ - to arrange things in an ordered pile - chồng thành đống, chất
- a pile of things arranged one on top of thành đống
another - đống
36. stiff (adj) /stif/ - difficult to bend or move - cứng, cứng đơ, ngay đơ
37. stroke (v, n) - to move your hand slowly and gently - vuốt ve
/strəʊk/ over something. - cái vuốt ve
- the gentle movement of your hand
across skin, hair or fur…

38. stuff (v, n) /stʌf/ - to push something into a small space, - nhồi, nhét
often quickly or in a careless way - thứ, món
- a substance, especially when you do
not know or say exactly what it is
. substance (n) - a type of solid, liquid or gas that has - chất, vật chất
/ˈsʌbstəns/ particular qualities
. synthetic (adj) - made by combining chemical - tổng hợp
/sin'θetik/ substances rather than being produced
naturally by plants or animals
. tear (v, n) /teə(r)/ - to damage something by pulling it - rách, xé, làm toác ra
apart or into pieces or by cutting it on - chỗ rách, vết rách
something sharp; to become damaged in
this way
- a hole in a piece of paper, cloth, or
other material, where it has been torn
. texture (n) /'tekstʃə/ - the quality of something that can be - kết cấu
decided by touch; the degree to which - cách dệt, lối dệt (vải)
something is rough or smooth, or soft or
. transparent (adj) - If a substance or object is transparent, - trong suốt, trong trẻo, trong
/træns'peərənt/ you can see through it very clearly sạch
. built-up (adj) /ˌbɪlt - a built-up area is one where there are a - có nhà cửa san sát
ˈʌp/ lot of buildings
. bypass (v, n) /'baipɑ:s/ - to avoid something by going around it - làm đường vòng (ở nơi nào)
- a road built around a town or village so - đi vòng
that traffic does not need to travel - đường vòng (để tránh một
through it vị trí nào trên đường chính,
để tránh ùn xe lại...)
. construct (v) /kən - to build something large such as a - xây dựng
ˈstrʌkt/ building, road, or bridge
. demolish (v) /dɪ - to completely destroy a building, - phá huỷ, phá sập, san bằng
ˈmɒlɪʃ/ especially in order to use the land for
something else
. district (n) /ˈdɪstrɪkt/ - an area of a country or town - quận, huyện, khu
. dwell (v) /dwel/ - to live in a place or in a particular way - ngụ, ở
. estate (n) /i'steit/ - a group of houses or factories built in a - cơ ngơi, khu (nhà )
planned way
. evict (v) /i:'vikt/ - to force someone to leave somewhere - đuổi (ai) (khỏi nhà ở, đất
- (pháp lý) lấy lại (tài sản...
bằng con đường pháp lý)
. high-rise - a tall modern building with many - cao tầng (nhà nhiều tầng)
(adj) /'hairaiz/ floors
. housing (n) /ˈhaʊzɪŋ/ - buildings for people to live in - nhà ở (nói chung)
. infrastructure - the fundamental facilities and systems - cơ sở hạ tầng
(n) /,infrə'strʌkt∫ə[r]/ serving a country, city, or area, as
transportation and communication
systems, power plants, and schools.
. inner city (n - the part near the centre of a large city, - nội thành
phr) /,inə'siti/ which often has social problems
. occupy (v) /ˈɒkjupaɪ/ - to fill or use a space, an area or an - chiếm, chiếm giữ
amount of time
. populated (adj) - (of a place) having people living there - có người ở
. skyline (n) /ˈskaɪlaɪn/ - a shape or pattern made against the - đường chân trời
sky, especially by buildings:
. structure (n) - a thing that is made of several parts, - công trình kiến trúc, công
/ˈstrʌktʃə(r)/ especially a building trình xây dựng
. skyscraper (n) - a very tall modern building, usually in - nhà chọc trời (toà nhà hiện
/ˈskaɪskreɪpə(r)/ a city đại rất cao ở thành thị)
. suburban (adj) /sə - relating to a suburb ( an area or town - (thuộc) ngoại ô
ˈbɜːbən/ near a large city but away from its
centre, where there are many houses ,
especially for middle-class people
. surroundings (n pl) /sə - the place where someone or something
- môi trường xung quanh;
ˈraʊndɪŋz/ is and the things that are in it vùng phụ cận, vùng xung
. urban (adj) /ˈɜːbən/ - relating to towns and cities, or - (thuộc) thành phố, (thuộc)
happening there thành thị; ở thành phố, ở
thành thị

1. board up - to cover a door or window with - bịt kín (cửa, cửa sổ, ...) bằng
wooden boards gỗ, kim loại, ...
2. close up - lock the doors of a building or - đóng cửa
3. come out - to be removed - tẩy, giặt sạch
- when words come out, they are - được nói ra
spoken - được biết đến
- to become known - Sản xuất, xuất hành, xuất bản
- to be produced or published - Một vấn đề được giải quyết
- to be in a certain condition or to
achieve something at the end of a
process or activity
4. cut out - to make something by cutting - cắt
5. fix up - to repair, decorate or make - sửa sang lại
something ready
6. knock/pull/ tear - to deliberately destroy a building or - phá bỏ, phá huỷ
down wall
7. pile up - to increase in amount - nhiều chồng chất
8. prop up - to give support to something, - hỗ trợ, nâng đỡ
especially a country or organization, - chóng đỡ
so that it can continue to exist in a
difficult situation
- to lift and give support to
something by putting something
under it
9. put in - to fix a large piece of equipment or - lắp đặt
system into a room or building, ready - đưa ra ( yêu cầu)
to be used
- to officially make a claim, request,
10. put together - to put the parts of something in the - gắn, ghép, xếp, kết hợp với
correct places and join them to each nhau

11. put up - to build something or place - xây dựng

something somewhere - ở, cho ở
- to let somebody stay at your home - thể hiện
- to show a particular level of skill,
determination, etc. in a fight or
12. set up - organize or plan something - cài đặt
- make something ready to use - thiết lập
13. spread out - if people spread out, they move - giãn ra, trải, dang ra
from being close together in a group
to being in different places across a
larger area
14. take down - to remove a structure, especially by - tháo ra
separating it into pieces - ghi chép
- to write something down
15. water down - to change a speech, a piece of - làm giảm nhẹ đi, làm yếu đi
writing, etc. in order to make it less
strong or offensive
16. wear down - to make someone feel tired and less - làm hao mòn, kiệt sức
able to deal successfully with a - bào mòn, làm sờn, xói
- to become, or make something
become, gradually smaller or
smoother through continuous use or
1. a home from home - a place where you feel as - nơi quen thuộc ( như là nhà )
relaxed as you do in your
own home
2. blot on the landscape - something that makes a - (thứ, điều) làm mất cảnh đẹp
place look less attractive,
for example an ugly
3. commuter belt - area surrounding a large - lưu vực, vành đai
city where many people
who work in that city live
4. concrete jungle - unpleasant part of a city - ( rừng bê tông) một khu vực
where there are a lot of trong thành phố với những tòa
ugly buildings close nhà hiện đại được xem như rất
together nguy hiểm và không thoải mái.
5. home sweet home - used for saying that you - không nơi đâu bằng nhà
are happy to be back in
your own home
6. in the sticks - in an area far from the - vùng quê, miền quê
town or city
7. make yourself at home - feel relaxed and behave - cứ tự nhiên như ở nhà nhé
in the same way as you do
in your own home
8. on the street - with no place to live - lang thang, không có nhà
9. on the town - spending the evening - xuống phố chơi, giải trí
enjoying yourself in bars,
clubs, theatres, etc
10. satellite town - town or city that is close - thành phố vệ tinh
to and depends on a larger

1. bend something - to form or cause to form a curve, - bẻ, uốn cong cái gì
Bend (into shape/ a as by pushing or pulling đó
2. (go) round the - to become crazy - phát điên
3. sharp/tight bend - curves that are sharp on the road - khúc cua gấp
4. block sb’s way - to stand in front of someone, so - chặn đường
that they cannot go past
5. block of flats - a large building that has several or - tòa nhà được chia
many apartments. thành các căn hộ
Block 6. apartment block - a large building that is divided - khu chung cư
into apartments
7. high-rise block - buildings are modern buildings - nhà cao tầng
which are very tall and have many
levels or floors
8. mental/writer’s - a psychological inhibition - bị bí chữ, kẹt đề tài
block preventing a writer from viết
proceeding with a piece
9. bricks and mortar - existing as a physical building, - (cơ sở kinh doanh)
especially a shop, rather than doing truyền thống
Brick business only on the internet
10. brick wall - a wall made of brick - tường gạch
11. bricklayer - a person who builds walls or - thợ hồ ( thợ nề)
buildings using bricks, especially
as a job
12. erect ( a - to put up a statue/monument of - dựng nên bức tượng,
statue/monument/ someone tượng đài của một
Erect etc)to sb người
13. stand erect - maintain a straight posture - đứng thẳng
14. erect posture - the way in which someone usually - tư thế thẳng
holds straight their shoulders, neck,
and back
15. take/have the - if you take the floor, you start - phát biểu ý kiến
floor speaking/ having the right to speak
in a debate or discussion or at an
important public meeting
16. ground/first/etc - the floor which is level with the - tầng trệt
Floor floor ground
17. floor show - an entertainment, such as singing - sàn trình diễn, Trò
or comedy, presented at a vui diễn ở sàn (trong
nightclub, restaurant, or similar các tiệm rượu, hộp
venue đêm...)
18. floor plan - a drawing that shows the shape, - bản vẽ mặt bằng
size, and arrangement of rooms in a
building as viewed from above
19. floor board - a drawing that shows the shape, - ván sàn
size, and arrangement of rooms in a
building as viewed from above
20. fold sth in - to bend something, especially - gấp làm đôi
half/two paper or cloth, so that a half part of
it lies on the other half part
Fold 21. fold sth - folding sth in a tidy or orderly - gấp gọn gàng
neatly/carefully way
22. fold flat - folding something like paper or a - gấp phẳng
quilt that is flat on the surface
23. fold your arm - to bend your arms so that they rest - khoanh tay
together against your body
24. lay the - to provide the conditions that - đặt nền móng
foundations of make it possible for something to
Foundation 25. have no - if a statement, idea etc is without - vô căn cứ
foundation foundation, there is no proof that it
is true
26. without - not based on fact and not possible - vô căn cứ
foundation to prove
27. foundation - a college or university course that - khóa học nền tảng
course introduces students to a subject and
prepares them for studying it at a
higher level

28. foundation stone - a large block of stone that is put - đá móng

in position at the start of work on a - nền móng, nền tảng
public building, often with a
- the basic or important principles,
ideas, facts, etc. on which
something depends:
29. move house - to change one’s home or place of - chuyển nhà
30. on the house - if you are given something in a - đồ được miễn phí,
restaurant or bar on the house, you đãi
do not have to pay for it.
31. housework - the work of keeping a house clean - việc nhà
and tidy
32. housekeeping - the management of a home and - quản gia
House the work that needs to be done in it, - nhân viên dọn phòng
such as cleaning khách sạn, nhà nghỉ
- the department of a hotel that is
responsible for cleaning guest's
33. housekeeper - a person, usually a woman, who is - người quản gia
paid to look after the management
of a house
34. housewife - someone who manages a home - bà nội trợ
and family instead of earning
money from employment
35. houseproud - very worried about your house - bận tâm về việc sửa
being completely clean and tidy, sang tô điểm nhà cửa
and spending a lot of time making
it so
36. mark sth with/on - to make one or more marks on - đánh dấu lên cái gì
someone or something with a đó
particular material.
37. leave a mark on - to have a very strong and - để lại một dấu ấn
noticeable effect on someone or
something, usually a bad one that
Mark lasts for a long time
38. burn/scratch/etc - a place or area that has been - vết bỏng
mark burned (especially on a person's
39. the halfway mark - the point in a race, journey, or - nửa chặng đường
event that is halfway between the
start and the finish
40. be quick/slow off - to be quick to act or to react to an - phản ứng, ứng phó
the mark event or situation nhanh/chậm trong một
tình huống
41. hit/miss the mark - to achieve/not achieve the result - đạt/trật mục tiêu
that you intended
42. material - something owned; any tangible or - của cải vật chất
goods/possessions intangible possession that is owned
Material by someone
. material rewards - money or possessions that you get - phần thưởng vật chất
43. material - materials found in the natural - nguồn tài nguyên vật
resources world that have practical use and liệu
value for humans
44. raw material(s) - any material, such as oil, cotton, - nguyên liệu thô
or sugar in its natural condition,
before it has been processed for use
45. a matter of - used to refer to a small amount (a - một vài
46. in a matter of - in only a few days - trong một vài ( ngày,
(days, etc) …)
47. no matter how - used for saying that something is - dù thế nào đi chăng
not important or will not have an nữa
Matter 48. no matter what - used to emphasize that something - cho dù là gì đi nữa
is always true, or that someone
must do something
49. to make matters - to make a situation worse - khiến vấn đề tồi tệ
worse hơn
50. as a matter of - if something is done as a matter of - dĩ nhiên, như một
fact/course/ course, it is a usual part of the way điều tất nhiên
urgency in which things are done and is not
51. a matter of - if you say that a statement is a - quan điểm cá nhân
opinion matter of opinion, you mean that it
is not a fact, and that other people,
including yourself, do not agree
with it
52. subject matter - the things that are being talked or - chủ đề, đề tài
written about, or used as the subject
of a piece of art, etc
53. precious metal - a metal that is valuable and - kim loại quý.
Metal usually rare
54. metal detector - a machine that you move over the - máy dò/ phát hiện
ground or a surface to discover if kim loại
there is metal there
- a machine that you walk through
at places such as airports, to
discover if you are carrying
anything dangerous or illegal

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