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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of
primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. craftsman B. comprise C. cuisine D. detect
Question 2: A. distinctive B. diploma C. doctorate D. assistance

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in
pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. external B. example C. extinction D. extended
Question 4: A. trouble B. couple C. counter D. double

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 5: If the research participants don’t want to answer the questions, they can leave whenever they
______ uncomfortable.
A. felt B. feel C. will feel D. have felt
Question 6: Adam is free to eat from any tree in the garden; but he ______ eat from the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil, for when he eats from it, he will certainly die.
A. needn’t B. couldn’t C. mustn’t D. doesn’t have to
Question 7: We could even end up damaging the ozone layer that ______ us from harmful ultraviolet
A. protects B. is protected C. will protect D. is being protected
Question 8: Don’t claim to be a big movie fan if you ______ any of the classics!
A. couldn’t see B. hadn’t seen C. didn’t see D. haven’t seen
Question 9: Both the parents and the daughter ______ bought the train tickets.
A. have B. has C. is D. are
Question 10: The number and frequency of these meetings resulted from rapid jet-airline travel and
international ______ networks.
A. communication B. speech C. saying D. conversation
Question 11: The storm could cause dangerous surf and rip currents along parts of the U.S. East Coast
this weekend as the storm swirls across ______ Atlantic.
A. a B. an C. the D. Ø
Question 12: She wishes she ______ a personal trainer who would just listen to her and not be pushing
any kind of weight loss agenda in the future.
A. found B. could find C. had found D. have found
Question 13: The Obama administration has optimistic ______ for a possible Trans-Pacific Partnership
trade pact.
A. requirement B. expectation C. obligation D. probability
Question 14: The school announced that all students were able to ______ in the school’s club they
A. belong B. participate C. become D. perform
Question 15: The VIP guest addressed the crowd with ______ speeches that touched upon critical social
issues facing Americans today.
A. energy B. energize C. energizing D. energetic
Question 16: I’m starting to have a soft ______ for the new presidential candidate who comes out
publicly in strong support of women’s rights.
A. dot B. spot C. point D. place
Question 17: Before writing a research proposal, you should consider several ______ including the
format and the context of the research questions.
A. factors B. turns C. remarks D. sides

Question 18: Under the American constitution, a law must be approved by Congress for it to ______.
A. take effect B. call on C. take offence D. get off
Question 19: A video that has been viewed millions of times on social media has been flagged this
morning ______ concerns that it could influence political perception.
A. because of B. since C. for D. so

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s)
in each of the following questions.
Question 20: Brick manufacturing is a factitious procedure which starts by digging clay.
A. natural B. recognized C. man-made D. usual
Question 21: Charles Johnson, the owner of an electrical company becoming bankrupt, is hoping the
angel investors to help him resurrect his career at age 29.
A. resign B. revitalize C. reduce D. recycle

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s)
in each of the following questions.
Question 22: Bear in mind that the ultimate steps are really important to preserve the product.
A. initial B. unsteady C. backward D. additional
Question 23: When Charles talks to his fans, they gladden him by sending him their love.
A. comfort B. displease C. express D. declare

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the option that best completes each of the following exchanges.
Question 24: - “Would you like to go to the coffee shop with me this afternoon?” - “______”
A. How do you do? B. Yes, I’d love to.
C. Don’t worry about that. D. Take care.
Question 25: - “Is there any food stall around here?” - “______”
A. Sounds great! B. No, thanks.
C. Some other time, perhaps. D. Sorry, I’m new here.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that
best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.
In Michigan, millions of vials of a Covid-19 vaccine may soon be rolling off production lines.
There are still many hurdles to leap before that vaccine is approved and distributed, but governments,
manufacturers and shipping firms around the world have already spent months preparing for what (26)
_______ next.
That comes down to a simple but easily (27) _______ fact: a vaccine by itself is useless.
“Vaccines don’t save lives,” says Kelly Moore at the Immunization Action Coalition in the US.
“Vaccination does.”
When a Covid-19 vaccine is approved, it triggered a staggeringly complex chain of events. These
events must occur in perfect lockstep using a global supply chain that needs to reach even the planet’s
most remote areas – the same supply chain that left parts of the world (28) _______ desperate need of
things like disposable gloves and protective equipment just months ago.
(29) ______ these logistical challenges is what it will take to end the pandemic, and “the key to
overcoming complexity is planning early”. In addition, exactly how many people need to be vaccinated to
end the pandemic depends on how effective the vaccine is, and how long the (30) ______ it provides
(adapted from
Question 26: A. has happened B. happens C. happened D. happen
Question 27: A. overlooked B. discovered C. underprivileged D. deniable

Question 28: A. at B. in C. for D. with
Question 29: A. Mastering B. Surviving C. Weathering D. Conquering
Question 30: A. immune B. immunization C. immunize D. immunity

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of
the questions from 31 to 35.
Since there’s so much to see and do in the Philippines, it can be daunting to decide where to go.
While no single place sums up what all the Pacific archipelago has to offer, Boracay comes close, making
the small island a smart choice for a best-of-the Philippines experience.
Boracay is also well-positioned to be a first-trip destination for people in the nearby regions who
are eager to travel again. Hotels are required to meet strict health standards based on World Health
Organizations coronavirus guidelines, and only confirmed hotel guests are permitted into the island.
Limiting the number of visitors is one of the many “new normal” steps Boracay has taken to help
everyone stay safe. No matter where you go, wearing face masks and maintaining safe physical distancing
are the norm. Each visitor also receives a QR code upon arrival in Boracay. It allows contactless
transactions across the island.
Boasting sugar-white beaches, crystalline coves, and all manner of water adventures, four-square-
mile Boracay is the Philippines’ beautiful little place. The island’s compact size inspires exploration.
Tourists can discover a varied array of outdoor activities and sights across Boracay’s district by
environmentally friendly electric tricycles.
The clear, shallow waters surrounding Boracay are perfect for adventures in and on the water.
Elite kiteboarders and windsurfers flock to the windward eastern coast, while the sheltered waters on the
island’s western side are best for sedentary activities like kayaking, sunbathing, and even learning how to
swim like a mermaid – complete with tail and fin.
For an adrenaline-pumping rush, hop over to neighboring Carabao Island where you can go cliff
jumping into the deep blue sea. Off Boracay’s southeastern tip, go snorkeling among parrotfish,
pufferfish, and the other notable brilliant aquatic life found around Crocodile Island. The rocky islet’s
shape resembles a sharp-toothed reptile (hence the name) and its sloping coral reef is an exquisite dive
(adapted from

Question 31: The new normalcy in Boracay does not require ______.
A. tourists to be from nearby regions B. everybody to wear face masks
C. a controlled number of tourists D. hotels to follow WHO guidelines
Question 32: The word “it” in paragraph 2 refers to ______.
A. each visitor B. the island C. QR code D. physical distancing
Question 33: The word “compact” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. crowded B. remote C. huge D. small
Question 34: Which part of Boracay is suitable for people who are inactive?
A. eastern coast B. western coast C. Crocodile Island D. Carabao Island
Question 35: Crocodile Island ______.
A. is named after a reptile inhabiting on the island
B. is famous for its diverse marine life
C. is not suitable to dive as the coral reef is weak
D. is dangerous because of the sharp-toothed crocodiles

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of
the questions from 36 to 42.

They may have been around for hundreds of millions of years – long before trees – but today
sharks are among the most threatened animals in the world, largely because of overfishing and habitat
loss. Climate change adds another overarching stressor to the mix. So how will sharks cope as the ocean
heats them?
A new research looked at Port sharks to find out that individual sharks adapt in different ways,
depending where they came from. Port sharks from cooler waters in the Great Australian Bight found it
harder to cope with rising temperatures than those living in the warmer water from New South Wales.
This is important because it goes against the general assumption that species in warmer, tropical
waters are at the greatest risk of climate change. It also illustrates that we shouldn’t assume all
populations in one species respond to climate change in the same way, as it can lead to over- or
underestimating their sensitivity.
In Australia, the impacts of climate change are visual: marine heat waves, coral bleaching events
and disappearance of mangrove forests. The southeast of Australia is global change hotspot, with water
temperatures rising at three to four times the global average. In addition to rising water temperatures,
oceans are becoming more acidic and the amount of oxygen is declining.
When it comes to dealing with rising water temperature, sharks have two options: they can change
their bodies to adapt, or move towards the poles to cooler waters.
The researchers collected Port sharks from cold water around Adelaide and warm water in Jervis
Bay. After increasing temperatures by 3oC, they studied their thermal limits (how much heat the sharks
could take) and concluded that with a rise in water temperature of just 3oC, the energy required to survive
is more than twice that of current day temperatures for the Port sharks. The massive shift in energy
demand means they have to prioritize survival over growth and reproduction. This means sharks in
Adelaide will have slower growth when exposed to warmer waters, including Bonnethead sharks and
Epaulette sharks.
On the other hand, a 3oC temperature rise hardly affected the energy demands of the Port sharks
from Jervis Bay at all. The explanation can only be that Australia’s southeastern coastline is warmed by
the East Australian Current. With each generation exposed to these naturally variable conditions,
populations along this coastline have likely become more tolerant to heat.
(adapted from

Question 36: Which of the following features of sharks is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. They are among the most ancient creatures on earth.
B. They are fighting the hardest against climate change.
C. They live in both warm and cold areas of the ocean.
D. Their population is significantly declining.
Question 37: Which sharks are less affected by the rising temperature?
A. Adelaide’s Port sharks B. Bonnethead sharks
C. Epaulette sharks D. Jervis Bay’s Port sharks
Question 38: The word “their” in paragraph 5 refers to ______.
A. the researchers’ B. Port sharks’ C. temperatures’ D. the poles’
Question 39: The word “prioritize” in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. choose B. exclude C. refuse D. decline
Question 40: Why are sharks from warm water less vulnerable to climate change?
A. They can change their bio-features better. B. They are familiar with acidic ocean.
C. They get used to the heat. D. Their sensitivity is overestimated.
Question 41: Which of the following is an implication of the research?
A. Animals living in warmer areas seem to be in more danger than those inhabiting in cool
B. Sharks tend to prefer moving to cooler areas like the poles to adapting their bodies.

C. Not all individuals belonging to one species react the same way to global warming.
D. Australian oceans’ temperatures have been increased by 3oC in recent years.
Question 42: The most suitable title of the passage is “______”.
A. Climate change affects Australia greatly and severely
B. Port sharks are the most adaptive and smart creature on earth
C. What should be done to effectively tackle global warming?
D. How sharks respond to climate change depends on where they grew up

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
Question 43: We haven’t seen each other from I moved to another city.
A. haven’t B. each C. from D. another
Question 44: Scientific advances help the researchers find in the cure for some diseases.
A. advances B. the C. in D. diseases
Question 45: Cutting energy costs around our houses involve reducing electricity and water use,
so being smart about choosing appliances will help you save energy.
A. costs B. involve C. being D. save
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following
Question 46: Why don’t we go out to have a coffee?
A. We are going to have a coffee.
B. If you want a coffee, you should go out.
C. I suggest that we should go out to have a coffee.
D. We don’t want to have a coffee, so we go out.
Question 47: When did you last have dinner at a restaurant?
A. How often did you have dinner at a restaurant?
B. How long is it since you last had dinner at a restaurant?
C. What time is it since you had a dinner at a restaurant?
D. When did the restaurant give you the dinner menu?
Question 48: Keep silent or they will know where we are.
A. If you know where we are, they will keep silent.
B. Unless you keep silent, they will know where we are.
C. They will keep silent unless we tell them where we are.
D. They will know where we are because you keep silent.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the
following questions.
Question 49: The architect draws up a plan for a new building. The new building will lie in the central
part of Manhattan.
A. The architect who will lie in the central part of Manhattan draws up a plan for a new building.
B. The new building will lie in the central part of Manhattan, so the architect draws up a plan for
C. The architect draws up a plan for the new building which will lie in the central part of
D. A plan was drawn by the architect for lying in the central part of a building in Manhattan.
Question 50: David smoked 10 cigarettes a day. He had a serious lung problem.
A. Because David smoked 10 cigarettes a day, he had a serious lung problem.
B. David had a serious lung problem, so he smoked 10 cigarettes a day.
C. Unless David didn’t smoke 10 cigarettes a day, he wouldn’t have a serious lung problem.
D. David wouldn’t have a serious lung problem if he had smoked 10 cigarettes a day.

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