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August 8, 2023


I, Rinrin Yusuf (wife of Ade Yusuf) would like to explain our son started falling sick, Alwan

In this letter, I would like to clarify the general medical clinic system in Indonesia, especially
our villages. Indonesia (generally) does not provide any system that everyone must have a
"Family Doctor", and if someone gets sick or has symptoms of illness, such as fever, coughing,
headaches, stomachaches, skin redness, etc., people who have these symptoms of illness the
(patient) will directly go to a general practitioner, whether the doctor practices in a clinic or a
private home. As a general practitioner, the doctor will check them and identify the presenting
symptoms, then he will prescribe medicine for the patient to buy at the pharmacy and consume
it. The doctor or clinic does not have to keep medical records of the patient's health. If the
doctor is not 100% sure of the patient's illness, the general practitioner will suggest going to a
certain specialist doctor (written or oral advice). The general practitioner can give medicine to
the patient with a medical note that if it does not recover within 3 days, the patient should come
back for control, but the general practitioner can also ask the patient to continue seeing a

The condition of the medical system as I explained above was what my son (Alwan Yusuf)
experienced until it becomes chronic pain.

Around the end of mid-August 2022, at the Al-Qur'an Al-Falah Islamic boarding school, Alwan
experienced boils, redness on his skin. At first, it was only small, then it slowly spread to
several places on his skin, such as the ankle area, hands, armpits, and nose. This made Alwan
even more unable to walk, on September 3, 2022, the Supervisor of students at the Islamic
Boarding School took Alwan to the nearest clinic around the Islamic boarding school area. At
the clinic, Alwan was treated by paramedics.

Seeing Alwan's condition that he couldn't walk, on September 4, 2022, the supervisor contacted
me to pick up my son (Alwan) so we could take him to the doctor. I immediately picked up
Alwan and brought him home. One afternoon of the same day, I took Alwan to Doctor Ana
Pertiwi Sudarto (general practitioner). The doctor said that what happened to Alwan's skin was
scabies, then the doctor prescribed a medicine, it was an ointment that should apply to the
problematic skin. The doctor said that if within 3 days Alwan had not recovered, he had to
come back for control. But didn't, I initiatively brought Alwan to Dr. Moesliani (skin specialist)
at Jaya Sentosa Clinic. The doctor gave him painkillers and recommended taking a good rest
at home, and not going out to school, and asked me to take Alwan to an orthopedist.

After about 2 weeks of rest at home, Alwan had a cold and felt breathless due to an allergy to
dust. On September 13, 2022, I took Alwan to Dr. Mutiara Rahmani (Pediatrician) at the
Pajajaran Clinic in the Jatinangor area. Alwan had time to run treatment for shortness of
breath/asthma and was given a prescription to buy allergy medicine.

At home, Alwan's condition was weakened, he was even unable to walk normally. Finally, on
October 11, 2022, I decided to take Alwan to Halmahera Hospital in Bandung to meet Dr. Tody
Pinandita (bone specialist), Alwan did an X-Ray on the same day, then the doctor prescribed

Because I was worried that Alwan's health condition did not improve, around the beginning of
November 2022, I initiatively took Alwan to a neurologist at Halmahera Hospital in Bandung
City. I met Dr. Novi Fatmi Muhafidzah (Neurologist) and she concluded that he suffers:
Neuropathic Syndrome (proof attached). Doctor Novi said that Alwan had to undergo
physiotherapy for both legs and the physiotherapy must be decided by an orthopedic doctor.
Then the doctor suggested bringing Alwan to Dr. Setiaagung (Orthophedic) because he is more
senior than her at the same hospital, Halmahera Hospital.

Doctor Setyagung asked to immediately run physiotherapy, considering that Halmahera

Hospital is located in Bandung City and which is quite far from where we live, so my husband
and I decided to have Alwan do physiotherapy in the Jatinangor area, because it is closer to our
house. " Sayang " Physiotherapy Clinic is a place where Alwan does physiotherapy twice a
week. Alwan was handled by Mrs. Dewi. She informed us that there also exists a neurologist
in the Jatinangor area, namely Dr. Asep Nugraha who practices at the "Harapan Keluarga"
Hospital, so we do not have to take Alwan far to Halmahera Hospital in Bandung, meeting
Doctor Novi Pertiwi Sudarto. Physiotherapy has finished on January 29, 2023, and Dr. Asep
Nugraha also stated that Alwan had recovered, he could return to school with a provision of
not having strenuous activities.

On May 22, 2023, Alwan had a single physical accident such fell at the Islamic boarding
school. The supervisor of students asked Alwan to have rest, he should not take part in school
academic activities, the supervisor only gave Alwan pain relievers because Alwan complained
of experiencing pain in his coccyx. The pain did not relieve, Alwan finally contacted me and
told me about his condition. Finally, on May 29, 2023, I picked up Alwan at the Islamic
boarding school and that same day I immediately took Alwan to Dr. Setyagung, (an orthopedic
specialist) to do an X-Ray on his coccyx. From the results of the X-Ray, it occurs breaks and
cracks in the tailbone. The doctor explained that he needs to take bone surgery to return to
normal condition. While my husband and I were still confused, thinking about whether to have
surgery or not.

On May 31, 2023, I took Alwan to the traditional treatment center for fractures in the Cicaheum
area (Bandung City), we only come for consultation or ask other alternatives to Alwan's
treatment. In the end, I decided not to do this alternative treatment. As a result, on June 3, 2023,
I brought Alwan back to Dr. Setyagung, (or chiropractor) at Halmahera Hospital in Bandung
City, and Dr. Setyagung said that Alwan should undergo surgery the next day.

On June 4, 2023, at around 7 am, Alwan underwent surgery for his coccyx, once it was done
he was allowed to go home in the afternoon. The doctor advised Alwan to rest completely, and
if he want to sit, he had to cover it with a special pillow, the doctor estimated that Alwan would
gradually recover after 2 months.

After undergoing surgery, Alwan has visited Dr. Setyagung twice and still sits with a special
pillow, has not yet returned to school, because he still gets sick when he sits too long.

This is the sequence of the suffering illness of our son, Alwan Yusuf. What I want to truly
convey is something that I cannot prove such as any letter or doctor's prescription (written
proof), mainly when Alwan was first exposed to scabies, because at that time, we, even general
practitioners, did not understand what happened to him. That's my whole explanation regarding
the medical/clinical system in Indonesia, especially in our small village. It wasn't until we met
specialist doctors and these specialist doctors had known patients with health records like

I would like to say sorry if our child Alwan's health records are incomplete, what I'm saying is
to be perfectly honest and know that Alwan had been sick for a long time, which was one year
ago, so it's hard for me to remember the days I treat Alwan. I hope that my explanation can be
accepted by the relevant parties and hereby I sincerely want to convey that we have spent much
cost for Alwan's illness and all of these costs are the result of the hard work of my husband,
named Ade Yusuf, a father of Alwan. I can't imagine my husband not being able to pay for our
child's illness. I never stop praying to God Almighty that my husband, Ade Yusuf, can live and
work in Canada so that our dreams can come true, and our children can achieve higher
education, and lats hopefully that one day we can gather together peacefully in Canada.

Thank you for your attention,

Rinrin..... (Wife of Ade Yusuf)

Saya, FATCHUROZAK, Penerjemah Tersumpah di Republik Indonesia berdasarkan I, FATCHUROZAK, a Sworn Translator in the Republic of
peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Republik Indonesia, dengan ini Indonesia by virtue of the applicable laws and regulations
menerangkan dan menyatakan, sesuai dengan sumpah jabatan saya, bahwa dokumen ini in the Republic of Indonesia, hereby state and declare, under
merupakan terjemahan yang benar, setia, dan lengkap dari dokumen sumber yang my oath of office, that the foregoing document is a true,
diberikan kepada saya. faithful and correct English translation of the source
Jakarta, 9 Agustus 2023 document in Indonesian language presented to me.
FATCHUROZAK Jakarta, 9 August 2023
Penerjemah Tersumpah [Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Inggris ke
Bahasa Indonesia]
Surat Keputusan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia
No. AHU-4 AH.03.07.2022 tanggal 5 Oktober 2022 dan SK Gub DKI Jakarta No. 3065
Tahun 2003
Alamat : Jl. Taman Galaxy Raya Blok A2h- Bekasi
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No. Register : 502/JT/VIII/2023

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