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Presentation Prep Checklist


Little details can make or break your presentation. Use this checklist to make sure you’re prepared for your
next presentation, whether it’s in person or virtual. Add a check to indicate “yes” in response to a question.

In-person presentation
 Is the meeting venue reserved for the entire duration of the presentation plus
enough time before and after for preparation and wrap up?
 Do attendees know the location of the meeting venue? Does anyone need
 Is the room “meeting ready,” with enough seating, chairs in place, clean
whiteboards, fresh whiteboard markers, appropriate temperature and lighting?
 Does the projector work and does your computer have the right port to connect to it?
Will you need an extension cord?
 Do you have a backup of your presentation on a hard drive in case there’s a glitch
with your computer during your talk?
 Have you tested the projector and screen remotes, and do you have extra batteries,
if needed?
 Is your laptop fully charged with a charger and power outlet available, if needed?

 Will the presentation be recorded? Is there a platform and person assigned to make
the recording?
 Have you asked someone to take notes and help you keep track of time, if needed?

 Is there enough room for you to stand and walk around, if needed?

 Are there any stray wires or objects that need to be removed so people don’t trip on
 Do you have enough copies of handouts or charts printed out, if you plan to make
them available for your audience?
 Do you have your notes or cue cards with you?

 Have you tested your slides, to make sure audience members will be able to see
them clearly from the back of the room?
 Have you decided what you will wear?

 Do you have a glass of water within reach to sip during the presentation, if needed?

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 Do you know where the nearest water cooler and restrooms are, in case people
Virtual presentation

 Do all attendees have a link to join the meeting and instructions for downloading the
video conferencing software, if it’s new to them?
 Have you tested your microphone, speaker, and camera settings? If you’re using
any Bluetooth/wireless devices, are they fully charged?
 Do you have the name and password for a backup wi-fi connection, if needed?

 Can you present your slides and speak on camera at the same time? Have you
tested this in advance?
 Have you positioned your camera at eye level so you’re optimally visible on the
 Is the lighting in the room adequate and positioned so you’re clearly visible? (There
should be a light source in front of you, but not behind you.)
 If you plan to share your screen, have you closed extra windows and switched off
notifications from other programs?
 Is your laptop fully charged and a charger and power outlet available nearby, if
 Have you tested your slides to make sure that animations, effects, and colors show
up the way you intended?
 Have you considered what you will wear for the presentation? (Solid colors or wide
patterns are less distracting on screen.)
 If you’re presenting as a group, have you planned the sequence and transitions from
one person to the next?
 If you’re presenting as a group, have you agreed on how the slides will be advanced
during the presentation? (For example, will one person control all the slides or will
one speaker pass control to the next speaker?)
 If you’re presenting as a group, can all speakers access the final version of the
slides from a central location?
 If you’re presenting as a group, are roles and responsibilities clearly assigned for
time keeping, note taking, responding to messages on the chat panel, and handling
end-of-session questions and comments?

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