Traveler Guide

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Welcome to Fraganport, the Nexus of the Known World’s commercial network and the
Bastion of The Free People on the Southern part of the continent. There are many wonders
to behold, many places to visit and many people to meet. Surely it will overwhelm you, our
dearest customer. Fret not, for your trusted friend is here, The one and only Christopher
Traveling Agency (C.T.A for short) and we will show you everything the city could offer !

Here we will show you all the interesting locations that you could visit. But first, let us tell you
about the sections of the city where those locations reside. Our city was divided into five
main districts: The West Town District (or as we called her, The Bright), The East Town
District (The Dark), The Countryside (The Shire), The Harbor District (The Dock), The
Factory District (The Smoke). Each of those districts has their own unique charm and they
are all there for you to explore.

1. The Bright

Place of interest Description Ward

The Merchant Hall The Center of politic, where the Merchant Assembly’s Center Ward
members discuss the policy of the city

The Metropolitan The administration building of the city, where our mayor runs Center Ward
Hall day-to-day business

Blackcrest Bastion The headquarter of Fraganport City Enforcer Department Center Ward
(FCEP for short), our trusted force that protect the law and
the people

The Trader Shrine A temple dedicated to Bifelgan The Merchant Prince, one of Temple Ward
the Wandering Eight Pantheon and the patron of merchant,
trader and capitalist

The Scholar A temple dedicated to Alephan The Scholar King, one of the Temple Ward
Shrine Wandering Eight Pantheon and the patron of scholar, teacher
and arcane magic practitioner

The Apothecary A temple dedicated to Dohter The Charitable, one of the Temple Ward
Shrine Wandering Eight Pantheon and the patron of apothecary and
healer . The highpriest of this temple is also one of a few
people can cast the “raise dead” spell

Temple of Cait A temple dedicated to The Fat Cait, the fat golden cat that Temple Ward
said to bring fortune and wealth to people

Flamgold A shopping mall belong the Phoenicion’s Flamgold family, Commerce Ward
Shopping Mall focus on domestic magical item

Little Desert The shopping bazaar that sale many types of luxurious goods Commerce Ward
Bazaar from Heavenfire, especially gemstone, it’s also the place
where you can find the most number of tiefling in the city

Artisan's Fair This market near the edge of The Bright sells all kind of Commerce Ward
market artisan tools and gaming set.They also sell all kind of
adventure gear

The Smiling The largest and most trusted bank in the city, if you need to Commerce Ward
Penny Financial keep something safe or a loan to support your business, this
Bank is the place !!!

Auric Auction A place for ownerless powerful magic item to well, find its Commerce Ward
Gallery owner

Diamond Dust A street focus on selling component material for mage Commerce Ward

The Bright Press’s The Newsroom of Bright Press newspaper, where the most Commerce Ward
Newsroom updated news is published and delivered to your hand

Arcanix Wizard The most prestigious wizard association of the Southern University Ward
University-Civilian League, the civilian and theory facility focus on theoretical
and Theory lecture and dealing with civillian’s need of magic. If you want
Facility to learn a spell or find a spell scroll, you have to visit this

Montefeltro The largest non-magical education institution of the Southern University Ward
University of League, focus on various subject like astronomy, math,
Science and Art painting, literacy and more. If you have ample time and a
desire for knowledge, you can spend your time to study here
and gain a new skill. Each course will only take six month
and 600 gp

Sungrace Hotel The most luxurious hotel that our city offers, for only 10 gp a Inn and Tavern Ward
day !!!

Yonder Heart The famous nightclub where talented songstresses and Inn and Tavern Ward
Nightclub skilled musicians take your heart away, especially when the
star diva, the tabaxi Lilan takes the stage. The entrance fee is
only 5 gp

Old Conker Hotel A cozy place to stay the night for the plentiful people, for a Inn and Tavern Ward
price of 4 gp a day

Nightless Cafe This is the place for intellectual, scholar and freethinker to Inn and Tavern Ward
discuss their mind Nightlessly

Phoenicion The place were diplomatic businesses with Phoenicion take Ambassador Ward
Ambassador place

Heavenfire The place were diplomatic businesses with Heavenfire take Ambassador Ward
Ambassador place

Saint Hope The Cathedral dedicated to the True Savior and his saints, Ambassador Ward
Cathedral this place also serves as the ambassador quarter of The Holy ‘

Mad Playwright The place to go if you want to watch a classic play, a musical Entertainment Ward
Stage Theater play or try to search for the ghost of the Mad Playwright
Fraganport The place where people come to relax, meet with their lover Entertainment Ward
Botanical Garden in the afternoon or simply enjoy the rare sight of nature in the

Saint Agnea The famed healing art of the Holy Republic comes to our city Medical Ward
Healing Institution in the form of this healing institution. Their advanced
technique and magic have helped many people of all walk of
life. You can access to most curing and healing spell,
alongside other various medicine method

Dohter’s Shool of An association of apothecary and alchemist that is dedicated Medical Ward
Apothecary to the traditional healing practice, including using herbs of
many types. They also have various potion for sale

Mysterious A fancy apartment belongs to a mysterious fantasy writer, Residence Ward

Writer’s Apartment who is also a highly sought-after lawyer. His fantasy novel
series, The Faerûn Adventures, is so realistic that people
even believe in the conspiracy that he can travel between
worlds !!! It’s not helped that the author himself can disappear
for months before emerging inside his apartment and walking
out, causing confusion among his neighbors.

2. The Dark

Place of interest Description Ward

Red Pillar Prison The largest prison facility of the city, where criminals and Security Ward
debtors from all walk of life face their rightful punishments

The Dancer Shire A temple dedicated to Sealticge, the Lady of Grace, one Religion Ward
of the Wandering Eight Pantheon and the patron of
dancer, actress and prostitute

The Thief Shire A temple dedicated to Aeber, the Lord of Thieves,, one of Religion Ward
the Wandering Eight Pantheon and the patron of thieves,
charlatans and people who seek freedom

Temple of Radiance A temple dedicated to the Radiant Prince, the Temple Ward
Peacebringer, people that lose their homeland and loved
one to Harmonia usually come to this place to pray for the
peace to come

Mercia’s Alm House Headquarter of the Ragged Brotherhood, a gang provides Gang Ward
protection for the unfortunate soul of the slum areas

Greenskin’s burrow The main Asturnia’s goblin residential area in the city and Gang Ward
also serves as The Headquarter of Ten Hours Gang, a
goblin-majority gang that provides protection for the
traders of Flatfair Market.

Snake’s Den Headquarter of the Shadow Serpent, a gang provides Gang Ward
protection for many entertainment establishments in The
Dark. It’s also serves as the The Dark’s largest brothel

Fort-Town Tenement A age-old fort turned into a tenement by refugees from Gang Ward
war and criminals. Now it has become the hideout for the
most dangerous criminal in the city. We strongly suggest
you not to go there for your own safety

Flatfair Market The largest market in The Dark, most of its ware are Commerce Ward
catered to the modest need of the workers and laborers

Good End Alleyways Rumors say you can buy almost anything here, from Commerce Ward
poison to illegal magic item, however murders happen
here all the time so we have to warn you to stay away
from it

Old Soldier Every citizen agrees that this restaurant serves the best Inn and Tavern Ward
Restaurant food in the city. So we wholeheartedly recommend you to
visit it and try its food…If you somehow miraculously can
order a table. It’s really depend on the mood of the Chief,
and the price of dish can vary from 1 cp to 1 million gp

Wolfpack Inn This inn serves the resting need of the working class and Inn and Tavern Ward
modest traveler alike, for only 1 to 2 gp per day

Spinning Jenny Inn This inn serves the resting need of the struggle and down Inn and Tavern Ward
on their luck, for 1 to 2 sp per day, of course, you
shouldn’t expect much in the quality of their service

Red Ribbon Cafe The meeting place of the radical Red Ribbon’s bards, Inn and Tavern Ward
where they plan worker’s strike and protest

Pig and Bear Tavern A large tavern in The Dark, it’s famous for the delicious Inn and Tavern Ward
smoke sausage and cold beer

Granby Street The largest red light district of The Dark, where you surely Entertainment Ward
can meet one that suits your taste, however exotic it can

Devil’s tongue A tiefling entertaining establishment that focus on Entertainment Ward

Nightclub heightening pleasure with various exotic drugs

Fire Punch Pit A heated fighting pit without any boring law, even you can Entertainment Ward
join the fray if you like !!!

Ouroboros Parlor A gambit parlor where people come to try their luck, who Entertainment Ward
know what can of prize you can win there, just watch out
for the debt

3. The Shire

Place of interest Description

Arcanix Wizard The most prestige wizard association of the Southern League, the military and
University-Military practice facility deals with training combat and dangerous experiment
and Practice Facility

Fraganport The cemetery for heroic soldiers of the Southern League who had fallen in battle
Memorial Cemetery against Harmonia, there is a ceremony held every year for people to come and
remember their sacrifice

Lacashire Market The market for trade good like livestock, agriculture product and raw material

Pickford Trusted The main ranch of Pickford Trusted Horse, our largest mount training firm. They have
Horse’s Ranch a wide array of selection from land mount like horse and mastiff to flying companion
like hippogriff and gryphon

4. The Smoke

Place of interest Description Ward

Standard Arms Headquarter of Standard Arms company, where their Heavy Industrial Ward
Tower president resides and most of the administration works of
the company are conducted

Standard Arms A Gallery where Standard Arms show people most of Heavy Industrial Ward
Weapon and Armor their products. This is the place to go if you want the best
Gallery of weapon and armor

Pinkerton Guildhall Headquarter and manufacture workshop of Pinkerton Heavy Industrial Ward
Gun Guild, one of the few Gun Guild of the Southern
League and stalwart ally of Standard Arms. If you are a
gun knight in need of ammo or preparing your guns,
this is the place you should go to.

Elemental Mechanic A joint effort of Fraganport Merchant Assembly to utilize Heavy Industrial Ward
Research Facility the power of the elemental stone, a source of power left
behind by elemental monster. If you are an artificer and
looking for your peers, this is the place for you to go

Mechanic Night A school that opens at night for digilent and ambitious Heavy Industrial Ward
School worker who wants to improve his station

5. The Dock

Place of interest Description Ward

The Sailor Shrine A temple dedicated to Aelfric, The Wavefarer, one of the Religion Ward
Wandering Eight Pantheon and the patron of sailor and

S.O.C.K Tower The Headquarter of South Ocean Commerce Kompany,where Commerce Ward
their president resides and most of the administration works of
the company are conducted

S.O.C.K Port The private port of S.O.C.K, where they download the various Commerce Ward
goods from Southern Island Chains
Public Port The public port of Fraganport, where ship from all the world Commerce Ward
come and left the city

Vonderbuilt Ship The largest shipyard of Fragantport, where most of its ship Commerce Ward
Yard were built by the Vonderbuilt Firm, they almost always have
ship for sale, provide you can pay the cost

Rose and Crown A large tavern that is populated among the sailor for their Inn and Tavern
Tavern owner’s warming hospitality Ward


Welcome, dearest traveler, once again our trust company of Christopher Traveling Agency
will guide you through the Jewel of Orient Central Stonevale city state, also known as Land
of The Dwarfs and Gnomes. Located between the vast blue sea and high mountain range,
Stonevale not only serves as a middleman in our vast maritime commerce system, but also
the place of finest stonemasonry, rich metals and minerals and many more. Even the city
itself is not as large as Fragaport, the people here are proud and quiet or mischievous and
very talkative, depending on you meeting a dwarf or a gnome, therefore we hope this short
guide will help you navigate through the solemn Stonevale.

Place of interest Description Ward

Hall of Elder The meeting place of the five members of The Central Ward
Elder Council, the ruling body of Stonevale,
where they discuss the most important business
of the city.

Heavenfire Ambassador Due to the close promxity between Stonevale Central Ward
and Heavenfire, an bambassador build have
been built here. This is the place where most
diplomatic with Heavenfire are conducted.

Fragaport Ambassador This place is where diplomatic businesses with Central Ward
Fragaport are conducted, as you expected, most
of them are about commerce and money.

Stonevale Grand Market The main market of Stonevale, where citizen Central Ward
buy day to day tradegood like food or cloth.
They also sells adventure gear for travelers.

Stonevale Guardhall The Quarter of Law, if you have any trouble in Central Ward
the city, those trusted peacekeeper will help you
and ensure your safety, except you are the
trouble itself.

Durin Merchant Guildhall Under the leadership of House Durin, a powerful Dwarf Ward
noble family who even has a member in the
Elder Council. The Guildhall serves as The
economic and financial center of the city, where
merchant meet, trade and discuss the wind of

Balim Miner Guildhall Under the leadership of House Balim, a powerful Dwarf Ward
noble family who even has a member in the
Elder Council. The Guildhall serves as the
presentative voice of workers who labors in
mountains mines in the city’s peripheral.

Stonevale Warhall Under the leadership of Frerin, one of the five Dwarf Ward
elders, though most of the time he was stationed
at Mountainheart Fortress, where most of the
defense efforts take place. Normally, the
Warhall is tasked with patrol around the city,
watching over the city wall and harbor and
providing Mountainheart Fortress in dire time.

Mother Goat Inn A famous rest stop for people come to Dwarf Ward
Stonevale, where traveler can enjoy the
delicious goat milk and goat cheese from the
farms outside the city. The lodging fee is also
cheap, for only 2gp a day

Lovely Devil Tavern A meeting place for tiefling community from Dwarf Ward
Heavenfire, where charming bellydancer
performs their heart-taking moves. The place
also open for everyone, only for 5 gp.

Smith Town A street of Blacksmith, where you can find any Dwarf Ward
weapon and armor made by the finest artisans
of Stonevale.

Grand Temple of Aule This is a temple dedicated to Aule, the Dwarf Ward
Sirefather of all dwarf, according to Dwarf’s
mythology. On the wall of the temple also written
countless name of ancestor. The dwarf worships
their god and their ancestors with the same
veneration. The priest of the temple also
provides healing and curing service for people,
as long as they do not cause harm to Stonevale,
The High Patriach of the temple are a few
people capable of casting the “Raise Dead”

Tower of Vibrant This widzary tower belongs to Elder Fararu, the Gnome Ward
most powerful wizard of Stonevale. The tower
also serve as an academy where Fararu and
other few Stonevale wizard pass down their
arcane art. If you are a wizard and want to learn
new spell, this is the place for you, expect many
of those spell to be of Illusion school, though.

Dadafan’s Manor This residence belongs to Dadafan, one of five Gnome Ward
elder and the diplomatic master of the city.
Strangely, this residence is also his office,
where he host various powerful people with
great hospitality and warmthness.

Trickster Tavern A meeting place for Phoencion elven merchants. Gnome Ward
Run by a pair of Gnome-Elf magician, they
perform Illusion tricks at night, earning great
cheer from elves and gnomes alike.

Shiny Things Street A magic shopping street where you can buy Gnome Ward.
domestic magic items or spell components,
most of them come from Heavenfire, Phoenicion
or Stonevale. Most of the owners here are
gnome merchants, so expect a very warm and
friendly welcome, perhap too friendly.
Rocky Arena The heated arena where two side fight each Gnome Ward
other while everyone cheering in the
background, except this is for Bard. That’s right,
this is the meeting place for bards, musician and
singer to show their talent and express their
emotions. We warn you not to sleep near this

Worshop of Rirido After leaving Fragaport Elemental Research Gnome Ward

Institution, our prodigy Artificer finally returns
home and open the workshop, where he work
tirelessly to build…something. Whatever it is, we
will surely be in awe !

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