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POINTERS for 2nd Quarterly Exam in Philosophy

He stated that freedom is not about wanting to do things but being-for–itself acting upon
autonomous choices.
The philosopher who believes that human naturally seek a just and fair society because
of self-interest.
The philosopher, who was the one who believed that mankind is governed by desire
which leads to conflict among individuals.
According to this philosopher, society is organized based on the consent of the
The philosopher who originally coined the term intersubjectivity.
The philosopher who defined intersubjectivity as “To be with the other is to open myself
to being of the other, which is a mystery”.
This is the philosopher who formulated the Theory of Communicative Action which
emphasizes that mutual understanding in important in any dialogue or conversation.
He was the philosopher who introduced the I-Thou philosophical theory.
The philosopher who is concerned more on our infinite and unconditional duty to
“others” rather than building a relationship to “others”.
He formulated four tests, or validity claims on comprehensibility, truth, truthfulness, and
rightness that must occur in conversation to achieve mutual understanding.
In the four formulated tests or validity claims in achieving mutual understanding, this is
the one that requires the use of ordinary language.
It is vital or core in the authentic existence of the human being.
It is the type of freedom that pertains to the absence of any physical restraint.
It is an agreement where individuals sacrifice an amount of their freedom and submit to
a higher authority.
The actions or ideals that are considered important in shaping human person in the
The purpose of the human existence in the concept of intersubjectivity.
The type of society that is based on knowledge, information, and the sale of services.

The type of society that is driven by the use of technology to enable mass production.
It is the perception or experience of reality from within one’s own perspective (both
conscious and unconscious) and necessarily limited by the boundary or horizon of one’s
own worldview.
The validity claim does Habermas emphasized on how true the uttered statement in
reference to objective facts.
Term refers to the ability of individuals to make choices and determine their own
For Habermas, it is this thing that breaks down barriers of suspicions but nurtures and
deepens relationship.

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