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Research Topic

Political representation of Persons-with-Disabilities (PWDs) in Ghana’s political landscape.


The right of every citizen, regardless of their social, economic and religious backgrounds or orientations,
to vote for a leader of their choice or stand to be voted into a public office is one of the foundational
principles of democracy, a political system on which Ghana’s political landscape is built. The political
landscape of Ghana refers to the political institutions which determine who governs the country and
how the country is governed. Since Ghana’s political landscape is built on democracy, it is essential to
explore how the country has fared, particularly in the area of political representations when it comes to
Persons-with-Disabilities (PWDs). This is purpose of this research.

Research Problem

Since Ghana’s independence from colonial rule, the country has experienced changes in governments
from its first republican regime to now, where it is currently under the fourth republic. However, over
the years, the number of PWDs that have had active roles or positions in the governments that have
ruled this country thus far, is nothing to write home about. It appears PWDs are relegated into the
background of the country’s political structure and that is a phenomenon worth looking into, to able to
understand the cause of it and possibly suggest ways to bridge the gap in political representation in
Ghana for PWDs.


The objectives of this research paper is to:

1. Explore the Ghanaian cultural and socio-political perspectives on the fitness of PWDs to take up
leadership roles in society.
2. Explore the perception that PWDs in Ghana have about themselves as far as taking up
leadership roles in Ghana’s politics is concerned.
3. Explore the gaps in Ghana’s constitution and other laws as far political representation in Ghana
is concerned.
4. Study how much education has been undertaken by stakeholders that matter to create
awareness about the relevance of having an inclusive political system that does not


1. What are the Ghanaian cultural and socio-political perspectives of PWDs being in leadership
2. Do PWDs perceive themselves as having equal capabilities to be in active politics in Ghana?
3. Do Ghana's constitution and other laws have a system to ensure that PWDs are fairly
represented in government?
4. Has there been enough education to advocate and promote inclusiveness in Ghana’s politics?

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