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Checking in and out of a hotel - Typical situation

A lot of Mucho (a)
Actually De hecho
Afraid Tener miedo
Another Otro (a)
Architecture Arquitectura
Art Arte
Block Bloque, manzana
Card Carta, tarjeta
Cathedral Catedral
Color Color
Concierge Conserje
Crayon Lápiz de cera, color
Crib Cuna
Excellent Excelente
Exhibition Exhibición, exposición
Extra Extra, añadido
Fee Honorarios
Game Juego
Gothic Gótico (a)
Grand Espléndido, magnífico
Great Esplendido, grandioso
Guide Guía
Hallway Pasillo
Intern Interno
Journey Viaje
Kid Niño (informal)
Life Vida
Local De la zona
Ma'am / madam Señora
Many Muchos (as)
Modern Moderno
Night Noche
Out Fuera
Parking lot Aparcamiento, parking
Pillow Almohada
Pleasant Bonito, agradable
Pot Olla

Copyright © CAE Computer Aided USA Corporation - Computer Aided Elearning, S.A.
Checking in and out of a hotel - Typical situation

Pound Libra
Pretty Bonita, atractiva
Price Precio
Question Pregunta
Real Verdadera
Receipt Recibo, tique
Should Debería
Style Estilo
The best Lo/el mejor
They / them Ellos
To check in Facturar
To check out Dejar un hotel
To follow Seguir
Total Total
Tourist Turista
Two-night stay Estancia de dos noches
Used Usado, segunda mano
We / us Nosotros

Copyright © CAE Computer Aided USA Corporation - Computer Aided Elearning, S.A.
Checking in and out of a hotel - Typical situation


A: Good afternoon. Welcome to the Belleville Grand Hotel. How can we help you?
B: Hi there. My husband and I want to check in for our two-night stay. We have a
A: Of course. Can I have your reservation number, please?
C: Honey, I have the reservation number here. It's L45903X5.
A: Thank you. And what is your last name?
C: It's Benett. B-E-N-E-double T.
A: Thank you. OK, you need a room for two people, correct?
B: No, actually, we have our daughter with us too. So, three in total.
A: Fine, no problem. Please tell me your address and phone number.
C: Our address is 443 Sunnyvale Lane, Hollister, Idaho, zip code 83301. And our phone
number is (237) 587-3391.
A: You are paying with a credit card, correct?
C: Yes, here. This is the card.
A: Great, thank you. Here are two room keys. Your room number is 604. Go to the
elevators which are through that hallway. Go up to floor 6 and your room is near the
elevator. Your room has a view of city hall and the big fountain. It's very pretty.
Also, don't forget to check out before noon on Sunday.

B: Great, thank you. I have one question. How many pillows are in our room?
A: There are two pillows on your bed.
B: Can I have two extra pillows, please? I like to sleep with a lot of pillows. Also, we
need a crib for our daughter, please.
A: Of course, ma'am. That's no problem. Can I help you with anything else?
C: Yeah. Can you suggest a good restaurant in town? We want to go to a family style
restaurant, where our daughter will be comfortable. Oh, and also, please recommend
the best tourist places in town to visit.
A: Sure. There is a perfect restaurant called the Pepper Pot. They usually have paper and
crayons for children to color pages. The prices are fair and the food is great. Take bus
number 17 downtown and get off just after you pass the park on the right. The
restaurant is one block south of there.
A: As for tourist places, the museum of modern art is excellent and they have activities
for children. There is a fair right now in the park. There are games and rides for kids.
The cathedral is very nice too, if you like gothic architecture.
C: Wow, are you a tour guide in your free time? That's great information.
A: No, I'm not. Please let me know if I can do anything else to help you or your family.
Have a pleasant stay at the Belleville Grand.
B: Thank you again. Bye!

Copyright © CAE Computer Aided USA Corporation - Computer Aided Elearning, S.A.
Checking in and out of a hotel - Typical situation


A: Hello, we're ready to check out of our room now.
B: Alright. What is your room number?
A: Number 605.
C: No, honey. It was room 604.
B: OK, thank you. Just a moment, please.
C: Did you get the bag behind the door from the room?
A: No, I didn't! Why don't you go and get it while I finish here?
B: OK, quickly. Then I can bring the key back to you.
B: The fee for your room is already charged to your credit card. But, I see that you used
the phone to make 3 local calls. That costs $3.75. Also, the valet parking costs $10
per night, so that is another $20. I have to charge that to your credit card now.
A: Alright, no problem.
B: Please sign the receipt here and I need your two room keys.
A: Here is one and my wife has the other one, but she is in the room. We forgot a bag
behind the door!
B: No problem. We can wait. Now, here's your receipt. Should I have the valet service
bring your car for you now?
A: Yes, please. Also, we want to visit the museum of modern art before we leave town.
Can you give us directions, please?
B: Of course! My sister actually works there as an intern, so I know a lot about the
museum. Well, first of all, do you know how to get to Bidwell Park?
A: Yes, we ate dinner near there the other night.
B: OK, well go down Stockdale Avenue and when you pass the park, take the second
right, I can't remember the name of the street. Then, you follow that street until you
get to Brimhall Road. Make it right and immediately turn left into the parking lot.
The entrance is right near there. Also, there are activities for children at the museum,
so your daughter can enjoy those. Right now there is an exhibition on Mark Rothko
and other color field artists. It's really nice.
C: I'm back! Here's the key!
B: Thanks very much.
A: And thank you Bfor the museum information.
B: My pleasure. We hope you enjoy your stay at the Belleville Grand.

Copyright © CAE Computer Aided USA Corporation - Computer Aided Elearning, S.A.
Checking in and out of a hotel - Typical situation

A: Buenos días bienvenidos al hotel Downtown, habla con Jenny, su recepcionista virtual
¿puedo ayudarte?
B: Buenos días señorita, hace dos días hice una reserva en este hotel de 3 noches, pero yo
quiero confirmar si aparece registrado en la base de datos del hotel.
A: por supuesto me das un número de reserva por favor
B: sí en mi correo electrónico tengo el número de reserva, es 146XD000
A: gracias, ¿cuál es su apellido?
B: Acosta A-CO-S-T-A
A: perfecto, es ¿Sweet presidencial verdad?
B: sí ,así es
A: Por favor, díganme su dirección y número de teléfono.
B: , mi dirección es Carrera 106 a #156 -98, , mi código Postal es 111111, Bogotá,
Colombia y mi número telefónico es 6804742.
A: faltaban algunos datos para finalizar el registro de la reserva en la plataforma ¿usted
paga con tarjeta?
B: , yo pago con tarjeta de crédito.
A: perfecto, le asigné la habitación es la 23.
B: , muchísimas gracias.
A: , con mucho gusto, ¿hay algo más en que le puede ayudar?
B: no gracias, eso sería todo
A: es un placer que tenga un buen día.

Copyright © CAE Computer Aided USA Corporation - Computer Aided Elearning, S.A.
Checking in and out of a hotel - Typical situation

A: Good morning welcome to Downtown Hotel, I'm Jenny, your virtual receptionist, can I help you?
B: Good morning, Miss, two days ago, I made a reservation at this hotel for a room to one person for 3 nights,
from next June 10, but I want to confirm if I am registered in the hotel database.
A: of course, Can I have your reservation number, please?
B: yes, in my email I have the reservation number, it is 146XD000.
A: thank you, what is your last name?
B: Acosta A-CO-S-T-T-A
A: perfect, it's Sweet presidential right?
B: yes, it is
A: this room has a cost of 600 dollars per night.
B: ok, thank you.
A: tell me your address and phone number, please.
B: my address is Carrera 106 a #156 -98, , my zip code is 111111, Bogotá, Colombia and my phone number is
57 1 6804742.
A: there were some data missing to finalize the reservation registration on the platform, do you pay with credit
B: , yes, I pay with credit card.
A: ok, your room is 23.
B: thank you very much.
A: my pleasure, is there anything else I can help you with?
B: what services does the hotel offer?
A: the hotel has a casino, grill restaurant, theme bar and swimming pool, in addition, we have a welcome
breakfast, on Friday at the bar a bachelor party and finally a farewell cocktail party.

A: Have a pleasant stay at the Downtown Hotel.

Copyright © CAE Computer Aided USA Corporation - Computer Aided Elearning, S.A.

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