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E-government and e-governance are related concepts, but they have distinct meanings and
focus on different aspects of the relationship between technology and government. Here are
the key differences between e-government and e-governance:

E-Government is a form of e-business in E-Governance focuses primarily on
governance and refers to the processes and technology related initiatives in the
structures needed to deliver electronic government domain. E-governance involves
services to the public (citizens and a broader vision of use of ICT to support
businesses), collaborate with business good governance and encourages citizen
partners and to conduct electronic participation in the democracy process.
transactions within an organisational entity. Concepts such as e-administration, e-citizen
and e-services initiatives, and government
related components of e-society together
represent the networked government model
of E-governance, the overall aim of which is
to utilise ICTs more effectively for good
governance reforms.
It refers to use the most innovative E-governance is the application of
information and communication information and communication
technologies, particularly web-based Internet technologies to transform the efficiency,
applications by the government, to provide effectiveness, transparency and
citizens and businesses with more convenient accountability of informational and
access to government information and transactional exchanges within government,
services, to improve the quality of the between govt. & govt. agencies of National,
services and to provide greater opportunities State, Municipal & Local levels and citizen
to participate in democratic institutions and & businesses, by empowering citizens
processes. It primarily focuses on the through access & use of information. E-
delivery of government services online to governance involves the use of ICTs to
facilitate communication, collaboration, and
citizens, businesses, and other government decision-making within and between
entities. government organizations, as well as
between the government and its citizens.
E-Government is primarily concerned with Encompasses a wider range of activities,
the online delivery of government services, including the use of technology to improve
such as applying for permits, paying taxes, governance processes, decision-making, and
and accessing public information. interactions among various stakeholders.
E-Government focuses on the government's Focuses on the overall governance
relationship with citizens and businesses, ecosystem, including the relationships and
emphasizing the delivery of services and interactions between government agencies,
information through online channels. as well as between the government and
citizens. It addresses transparency,
accountability, and efficiency in governance
Primarily involves government agencies and Involves a broader range of stakeholders,
citizens or businesses as end-users of online including government agencies, citizens,
services businesses, non-governmental organizations
(NGOs), and other entities that participate in
the governance process
Aims to provide convenient and efficient The objective of E-governance is to support
online services to citizens, streamline and - simplify governance for government,
government operations, and enhance service citizens and businesses, the use of
delivery. Information, Communication and
The objective of e-Government is to fulfil the Technologies can connect all three parties
public needs and expectations satisfactorily and support processes and activities.
on the front-office side, by simplifying the Aims to improve overall governance by
interaction with various departments by leveraging technology to enhance
providing online services. communication, collaboration, decision-
In the back-office, the internal objective of e- making, and transparency in the interactions
Government in government operations is to among various stakeholders.
facilitate a speedy, transparent, accountable,
efficient and effective process for performing
government administration activities.
The use of ICT in government operations
facilitates speedy, transparent, accountable,
efficient and effective interaction with the
public, citizens, businesses and other
Providing better service in terms of time, Improve the internal governments
making governance more efficient and more organisational processes of governments
effective. Provide better information and service
delivery Increase government transparency
in order to reduce corruption.

In summary, while e-government is a subset of e-governance, the former specifically deals with
the online delivery of government services, whereas the latter addresses the broader use of
technology to improve governance processes and interactions at various levels.

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