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Writing Prep Mr. Rami Abass 01273629716

Subordinating Conjunctions

• What do Subordinating Conjunctions do?

The film was exciting. I watched it twice.

Because the film was exciting, I watched it twice.

What are the Subordinating Conjunctions?

Time Cause & Effect Contrast Conditional

Conjunctions Conjunctions Conjunctions Conjunctions

When Although If
Whenever Because Even though Unless
After Since Though
As soon as As
By the time
Writing Prep Mr. Rami Abass 01273629716

• Which of the following sentences make sense?

1) Although I read the whole book, I understood the author ’s

2) Because I read the whole book, I understood the author ’s ideas.

• Advanced note:
(as if)

• How do we punctuate Subordinating Conjunctions?

1) Because I was late, I took a taxi. √
2) I took a taxi because I was late. √

• (While) is mean.

The punctuation of “while” in the middle of the

sentence depends on its meaning.

I was sleeping while my brother was watching a movie. (when/at

the same time)

Most European countries export fruit, while France doesn’t. (but)

Let’s Talk about the TEST!

Writing Prep Mr. Rami Abass 01273629716

Question Types on Subordinating Conjunctions

1) Punctuation Mistakes

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Writing Prep Mr. Rami Abass 01273629716

2) One Clause Error



3) Double Conjunctions Error

Although………, when…… . x
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4) Wrong Meaning
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Writing Prep Mr. Rami Abass 01273629716

Writing Prep Mr. Rami Abass 01273629716

VOCaBuLary TIme

1. erratic: unpredictable, inconsistent, irregular

2. secluded: hard to reach, hidden away

3. fluctuate: to rise and fall irregularly

4. exalt: to praise, to worship

5. admonish: to warn or scold someone

6. abrupt: sudden, unexpected, without warning

7. content: satisfied

8. eccentric: uncommon, strange

9. mired: stuck in mud

10. colloquial: used in casual conversation

11. reconcile: settle one’s differences, make compatible, bring back to peace

12. alienate: to cause someone to feel isolated or lonely

13. distinguish: to tell the difference between

14. adequate: sufficient, enough, acceptable

15. contend: 1) to deal with someone or something 2) to claim or state a belief confidently

16. skeptical: having doubts

17. enfranchise: to give the right to vote

18. sophisticated: 1) having a lot of worldly experience and knowledge 2) complicated

19. radical: 1) thorough, complete, extensive 2) fundamental, essential 3) revolutionary, extreme

20. formulate: to create or think up

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