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Year 7
DO IT NOW Answer the questions below.
5 Give the alpha-numerical coordinate
for each character.

4 =
Wk4, L3 – How do Geographers Locate
Places – Area Referencing?
LEARNING INTENTION: understand how to read area references.

Success Criteria:
DEFINE the term ‘area reference’.

LOCATE a place using 4 figure area references.

Start With What You Know
What do you notice about the grid on the map on Page 203 of the atlas?
Write down the definition exactly as it is below.

An area reference allows geographers

to find a general location in a grid
square. Area references have four
I will tell you what you need to know and show you how to do the things
you need to do.
When we use topographic maps in HaSS we use 4 figure area references.

Area referencing is a method

used on maps that have

Each line is given a two digit

When we use topographic maps in HaSS we use 4 figure area references.

The numbers that run across

the map are called eastings
(because the numbers
increase as they move east).
When we use topographic maps in HaSS we use 4 figure area references.

The numbers that run up the

side of map are called
(because the numbers
increase as they move
What is an alphanumerical grid coordinate?

Just remember that E comes before N in the alphabet
2. Northings

1. Eastings
How do we read an alphanumerical grid coordinate?
A four-figure area reference will pinpoint the bottom left corner of the grid square in which you
will find the feature.

An area reference will look like this: AR2813.

Area Reference 28(easting)13(northing).

Easting are always before the northings.
How do we read an alphanumerical grid coordinate?

To find this AR 2813, you first
go along the eastings until you
find 28.
How do we read an alphanumerical grid coordinate?

To find this AR 2813, you first 2
go along the eastings until you To find AR 2813, you then go along

find 28. the northings until you find 13.

= AR
= AR
= AR
We will do some tasks together.
= AR
= AR
= AR
= AR2712
= AR3014
= AR2716
Watch the video to consolidate your understanding of this skill.

You will practise and retrieve knowledge to improve your retention.

AR 3623
AR 3724
AR 3723
AR 3821 & AR 3622
AR 3823

Give the AR for each of Strathfield Area
the following:

Give the AR for each of Strathfield Area
the following:

The AR for: Strathfield Area

= AR3312

= AR2809

= AR3112

= AR3110

= AR2712

= AR3209
How well have you understood this lesson?

I understood this I need help with…

well. I will review I’m ok but
at home. need to review
_____ at home.
Success criteria CHECKLIST:
Answer the questions below to demonstrate your achievement of the success criteria.

Can I :
DEFINE the term ‘area reference’.

LOCATE a place using 4 figure area


Next steps:
Meeting the success
criteria is part of your
review, recall and
reflection process to be
completed after each

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