Geometry - Part 1

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Part 1

What is Geometry?
Geometry is defined as “a branch of mathematics that deals with the measurement,
properties, and relationships of points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids.” Put even
more simply, geometry is a type of math that deals with points, lines, shapes, and
surfaces. It is the visual study of shapes, sizes, patterns, and positions.

Basic Concepts

Lines - a line is an infinitely long object with no width, depth, or curvature. Thus, lines are
one-dimensional objects, though they may exist embedded in two, three, or higher
dimension spaces. The word line may also refer to a line segment in everyday life, which
has two points to denote its ends.

Line Segment - a line segment is a part of a straight line that is bounded by two distinct
end points, and contains every point on the line that is between its endpoints. The length of
a line segment is given by the Euclidean distance between its endpoints.

Ray - is that it is a part of a line that has a fixed starting point but no endpoint. It can extend
infinitely in one direction. Since a ray has no end point, we can't measure its length.

Perpendicular - two geometric objects are perpendicular if their intersection forms right
angles at the point of intersection called a foot. The condition of perpendicularity may be
represented graphically using the perpendicular symbol, ⟂.

Parallel - are coplanar infinite straight lines that do not intersect at any point. Parallel
planes are planes in the same three-dimensional space that never meet. Parallel curves are
curves that do not touch each other or intersect and keep a fixed minimum distance.

Intersecting - an intersection is a point, line, or curve common to two or more objects. The
simplest case in Euclidean geometry is the line–line intersection between two distinct lines,
which either is one point or does not exist.

Angle - an angle is the figure formed by two rays, called the sides of the angle, sharing a common
endpoint, called the vertex of the angle. Angles formed by two rays lie in the plane that contains the
rays. Angles are also formed by the intersection of two planes.

 Parts of Angle

Vertex – Point where the arms meet.

Arms – Two straight line segments form a vertex.

Angle – If a ray is rotated about its endpoint, the measure of its rotation is called
angle between its initial and final position.

Two-Dimensional Objects
The 2-dimensional shapes or objects in geometry are flat plane figures that have two
dimensions – length and width. Two-dimensional or 2-D shapes do not have any
thickness and can be measured in only two faces. A square, circle, rectangle, and
triangle are examples of two-dimensional objects.

Teaching Guide:

1. Familiarize your students with different shapes

2. Classify and categorize shapes. Observe and listen to gain insight your students’
level of reasoning.
3. Be straightforward. Refer to square as a square, and rectangle as a rectangle.
4. Let your students examine and should start to count the number of sides and angles
the two-dimensional figures (plane figures).

5. Make a rule, like square has four equal sides, a triangle has 3 sides, a circle has no
sides, and so on.
6. Have students sort out different shapes that are familiar to them.

7. As a child’s perception matures, he will then be able to handle mathematical

8. Explore relationships between size and shape. Most children will claim or think that
all triangles have the same shape. Have them explore that this concept in not true.
To prove to them, have them compare different sizes and shapes of triangle,
squares, rectangles, and circles.
9. Have students take the different shapes to form another shape.

10. Have students practice making shapes on a Geoboard. A geoboard is a

mathematical manipulativeused to explore basic concepts in plane geometrysuch as
perimeter, areaand the characteristics of trianglesand other polygons. It consists of a
physical board with a certain number of nails half driven in, around which are
wrapped geo bandsthat are made of rubber.

11. Introduce more complex geometrical terms like quadrilateral, parallelogram, and so on.
12. Introduce the types of each two-dimensional objects

Types of Quadrilaterals

Quadrilaterals - In geometry a quadrilateral is a four-sided polygon, having four edges and four
corners. The word is derived from the Latin words quadri, a variant of four, and latus, meaning

Square - A square is a quadrilateral with 4 4 44 equal sides and 4 4 44 right angles. A shape with
four sides of equal length. The shape has two sets of parallel sides and has four right angles.

Rectangle - In Euclidean plane geometry, a rectangle is a quadrilateral with four right angles. It can
also be defined as: an equiangular quadrilateral, since equiangular means that all of its angles are
equal; or a parallelogram containing a right angle. A rectangle with four sides of equal length is a

Parallelogram - A parallelogram is a special type of quadrilateral that has both pairs of opposite
sides parallel and equal.

Trapezoid - A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with one pair of opposite sides parallel. It can have right
angles (a right trapezoid), and it can have congruent sides (isosceles), but those are not required.

Rhombus - Rhombus is a quadrilateral with all equal sides. Since opposite sides of a parallelogram
are equal so, rhombus is a special type of a parallelogram whose all sides are equal.

Kite - In Euclidean geometry, a kite is a quadrilateral whose four sides can be grouped into two
pairs of equal-length sides that are adjacent to each other. In contrast, a parallelogram also has two
pairs of equal-length sides, but they are opposite to each other rather than adjacent.

Types of Triangles

Right - is a triangle in which one angle is a right angle, i.e., in which two sides are perpendicular.
(Has a right angle, 90°)

Equilateral – is a triangle in which all three sides have the same length. (Three equal sides, Three
equal angles, always 60°)

Isosceles - isosceles triangle is a triangle that has two sides of equal length. (Two equal sides, two
equal angles)

Scalene – as a triangle whose all three sides have different lengths, and all three angles are of
different measures. The angles of a scalene triangle follow the angle sum property and always add
up to 180. (No equal sides, No equal angles)

Obtuse - a triangle in which one of the interior angles measures more than 90° degrees. In an
obtuse triangle, if one angle measures more than 90°, then the sum of the remaining two angles is
less than 90°. (One angle has more than 90°)

Acute – a triangle with three acute angles. (All angles are less than 90°)

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