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Adipose Tissue Expandability in the Maintenance

of Metabolic Homeostasis

Article in Nutrition Reviews · July 2007

DOI: 10.1301/nr.2007.jun.S7-S12 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors, including:

Sarah Gray
University of Northern British Columbia


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June 2007(II): S7–S12

Adipose Tissue Expandability in the Maintenance of

Metabolic Homeostasis
Sarah L. Gray, PhD, and Antonio J. Vidal-Puig, MD, PhD

Adipose tissue expands to accommodate increased become hypertrophic. Thus, adipocyte number and mor-
lipid through hypertrophy of existing adipocytes and phology change in response to energy balance via the
by initiating differentiation of preadipocytes. The ca- biochemical processes involved in lipid uptake, esterifi-
pacity of adipose tissue to expand is critical for cation, lipolysis, and differentiation of preadipocytes.
accommodating changes in energy availability, but The adipocytes and immune cells contained within
this capacity is not an unlimited process and likely the adipose tissue synthesize and secret proteins known
varies between individuals. We suggest that it is not as adipokines, which regulate energy homeostasis within
the absolute amount of adipose tissue but rather the the organism by directing both energy intake and expen-
capacity of adipose tissue to expand that affects met- diture. The secreted adipokines act centrally to regulate
abolic homeostasis. Here we highlight examples of appetite and energy expenditure, and peripherally affect
disease states and transgenic animal models with insulin sensitivity, oxidative capacity, and lipid uptake in
altered adipose tissue function that support this hy-
non-adipose tissues such as heart, liver, ␤-cells, and
pothesis and discuss possible mechanisms by which
skeletal muscle. The adipokine profile of the adipose
altered adipose tissue expandability impairs meta-
tissue changes in response to the amount and condition
bolic homeostasis.
of the adipose organ. Both the mechanical and biochem-
Key words: adipokines, adipose tissue, expandability, ical changes that occur in adipose tissue in response to
lipotoxicity, metabolic homeostasis energy availability affect metabolic homeostasis.
© 2007 International Life Sciences Institute
doi: 10.1301/nr.2007.jun.S7–S12

WHITE ADIPOSE TISSUE Increased adipose tissue mass and adipocyte size
occurs in obesity. The obese condition is a risk factor for
Adipose tissue is a metabolically dynamic organ that the development of insulin resistance and diabetes, as
is the primary site of storage for excess energy and serves 80% of type 2 diabetics are overweight or obese.2 How-
as an endocrine organ capable of synthesizing hormones ever, the observation that some morbidly obese individ-
that regulate metabolic homeostasis.1 The adipose organ uals maintain normal glucose tolerance whereas some
is made up of adipocytes, vascular tissue, and immune mildly overweight individuals become severely insulin
cells. Preadipocytes within adipose tissue can differenti- resistant suggests that it is not the absolute amount of fat
ate into mature adipocytes throughout life, thus enabling that determines insulin resistance, but rather where the
hyperplastic expansion of adipose tissue when increased fat accumulates and the function of the adipocyte itself.
storage requirements are needed. Additionally, the ma- It suggests that individuals have a limit to the amount of
ture adipocytes can expand in size to accommodate adipose tissue that can accumulate, and once that storage
increased storage needs and in situations of overnutrition capacity has been reached, metabolic disturbance ensues.
This expandability set point is likely genetically deter-
Drs. Gray and Vidal-Puig are with the Department mined.
of Clinical Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, The extreme opposite example that demonstrates the
United Kingdom. necessity of adipose tissue in the maintenance of meta-
Please address all correspondence to: Dr. An-
bolic homeostasis is the lipodystrophic state. Lipodys-
tonio Vidal-Puig, Department of Clinical Biochemis-
try, University of Cambridge, Addenbrooke’s Hos- trophy, a lack or severe reduction in adipose tissue due to
pital, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QR, United impairment in adipose tissue development or function,
Kingdom; Phone: 44-1223-762790; Fax: 44-1223- also promotes the development of insulin resistance.3
330598; E-mail: Several animal models of lipodystrophy have been gen-

Nutrition Reviews姞, Vol. 65, No. 6 S7

erated,4 and in the A-ZIP fatless mouse, transplant of muscle, levels of intramyocellular lipid correlate with
functional adipose tissue partially restores the metabolic insulin resistance more so than adipose tissue mass. Ex
abnormalities of the A-ZIP mouse. This experiment vivo treatment of isolated skeletal muscle with free fatty
clearly identified that it is the lack of functional adipose acids impairs glucose uptake, and in vivo inhibition of
tissue that causes the metabolic abnormalities associated fatty acid oxidation induces insulin resistance in skeletal
with the lipodystrophic state.5,6 It is important to stress muscle.13 In pancreatic ␤-cells, lipid accumulation has
that a reduction in adipose tissue alone is not metaboli- been shown to inhibit insulin secretion and has been
cally detrimental, but defects in adipose tissue function proposed as a possible mechanism in ␤-cell failure.14,15
or development that result in reduced adipose tissue mass Several transgenic animal models with increased oxida-
lead to metabolic disruption. This topic is reviewed by tive capacity show improved metabolic homeostasis
Reue and Phan7 through comparison of mouse models (UCP3 transgenic mouse, DGAT transgenic mouse), likely
with phenotypes of reduced adiposity. due to a reduction in ectopically stored lipid. It has been
This seemingly paradoxical situation whereby both suggested that triglycerides themselves are inert lipid spe-
obesity and lipodystrophy increase the risk of insulin cies that “safely” store fat. Lipid intermediates such as
resistance demonstrates that the safe storage of lipid in diacylglycerols, ceremides, and reactive oxygen species are
adipose tissue is key to preventing lipotoxicity and main- able to inhibit insulin signaling pathways, promoting insulin
taining glucose homeostasis. resistance and impairment in glucose homeostasis.16 It has
been proposed that these lipid intermediates mediate lipo-
toxic-induced insulin resistance.
ADIPOSE TISSUE: A SAFE STORAGE DEPOT Based on the hypothesis that the accumulation of
lipid species within non-adipose tissues is detrimental to
metabolic homeostasis, the prevention of lipid accumu-
When the amount of energy entering the body ex-
lation through decreased energy intake, increased energy
ceeds the amount of energy being expended, the excess
expenditure, or increased lipid storage capacity of adi-
energy is usually stored in the form of triglyceride in
pose tissue could prevent ectopic lipid accumulation,
adipose tissue. The mature adipocytes present within the
thus preserving metabolic homeostasis and preventing
adipose tissue expand as they take up lipid from the
insulin resistance.
circulation. Additionally, as storage demands increase,
preadipocytes present within the adipose tissue differen- PEROXISOME PROLIFERATOR-ACTIVATED
tiate to become mature adipocytes capable of taking up RECEPTOR GAMMA: A KEY MOLECULAR
and storing fat. Several circulating factors, including REGULATOR OF ADIPOSE TISSUE
insulin and glucocorticoids, are capable of inducing the EXPANDABILITY
adipogenic program that involves a multitude of tran-
scriptional regulators, including the key players CCAAT/ PPAR␥ directs gene transcription to promote lipid
enhancer-binding proteins (C/EBPs) and peroxisome storage.17 It is a critical regulator of adipogenesis, as
proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR␥).8,9 The demonstrated by the inability of PPAR␥-null stem cells
process of adipose tissue expansion through both in- to undergo adipogenesis.18 Activation of PPAR␥ is lipo-
creased adipocyte recruitment (adipose tissue hyperpla- genic, promoting the uptake of free fatty acids from
sia) and adipocyte enlargement (adipocyte hypertrophy) serum into adipose tissue and the production of triglyc-
allows for the safe storage of lipid. erides inside the adipocyte.
In a state of overnutrition, the adipose tissue is Synthetic ligands of PPAR␥, the thiazolidinediones
challenged to accommodate excess lipid. When the max- (TZDs), are used clinically as anti-diabetic agents. Much
imum capacity of adipose tissue expansion is reached, work has focused on determining the mechanism by
“spillover” of lipid from the adipocyte occurs, increasing which PPAR␥ activation improves insulin sensitivity,
circulating free fatty acid levels and accumulation of either a direct activation in skeletal muscle and/or liver
lipid in non-adipose tissues.10,11 A similar situation re- or indirectly through its effects on adipose tissue. Treat-
sults in the lipodystrophic state, as excess calories cannot ment of diabetic patients with TZDs promotes insulin
be stored in adipose tissue. Ectopic lipid accumulation sensitivity while increasing adiposity. Several hypothe-
occurs in tissues such as liver, skeletal muscle, ␤-cells, ses have been suggested as to how PPAR␥ activation in
and heart, which is harmful for metabolic processes and adipose tissue could improve whole-body insulin resis-
establishes a state defined as lipotoxicity.12 It is still tance, including the redistribution of adipose tissue away
unclear how the accumulation of lipid becomes toxic to from the intra-abdominal region, the increase in the
the cell, and much work has focused on identifying number of small, insulin-sensitive adipocytes, and the
which lipid species are detrimental to insulin signaling promotion of an insulin-sensitive adipokine profile. Ad-
and other metabolic processes. For example, in skeletal ditionally, the adipogenic and lipogenic activity of

S8 Nutrition Reviews姞, Vol. 65, No. 6

PPAR␥ increases the expandability of the adipose tissue, ital and progressive lipodystrophy. This impairment of
and this alone may be the key mechanism by which fat deposition in white adipose tissue is associated with
PPAR␥ ligands promote insulin sensitivity. lipotoxicity and accumulation of free fatty acids in non-
The link between PPAR␥-induced adipocyte differ- adipose tissues such as liver, skeletal muscle, and pan-
entiation and insulin sensitivity in humans is strength- creas, and this is associated with the development of
ened by the metabolic characterization of a small number insulin resistance.
of human individuals with naturally occurring, dominant PPAR␥ is expressed as two isoforms: PPAR␥1 is
negative mutations in PPAR␥.19-22 Patients with these widely expressed, whereas the other splice variant,
mutations suffer from severe insulin resistance, partial PPAR␥2, is restricted to white and brown adipose tissue
lipodystrophy, impaired postprandial lipid metabolism, under normal physiological conditions and is nutritionally
fatty liver, and hypertension. Characterization of these regulated. PPAR␥2 is ectopically induced in liver and
patients demonstrates that PPAR␥ plays a key role in the skeletal muscle in response to overnutrition or genetic
development, maintenance, and distribution of adipose obesity.
tissue and also in the maintenance of insulin sensitivity. We31 and others34 have reported selective disruption
Human mutations are rare, so the function of of PPAR␥2 in mouse. Metabolic evaluation of these
PPAR␥ has been studied extensively using mouse mod- models showed that PPAR␥2-null mice were insulin
els with tissue-/isoform-specific ablation of PPAR␥, or resistant; however, Zhang’s model presented lipodystro-
knock-in of PPAR␥ mutations.23-34 These models have phic changes. Under conditions of a high-fat diet, the
confirmed an important role for PPAR␥ in controlling PPAR␥2 knockout accumulates a similar amount of
adipose tissue differentiation and function, as inducible excess fat in more hypertrophied adipocytes compared
knockout of PPAR␥ in developed adipose tissue results with wild-type animals. However, the insulin resistance
in progressive reduction in fat depots23,27,28 and het- already present in the PPAR␥2-knockout mice on a chow
erozygosity for a PPAR␥-null mutation35 reduces whole diet was not worse on this hypercaloric diet despite
body adipose tissue mass. marked adipocyte hypertrophy and decreased expression
In our laboratory, we utilize animal models of PPAR␥ of PPAR␥ target genes.
deficiency to study how the lipogenic and adipogenic po-
tential of PPAR␥ affects metabolic homeostasis. Recently, ADIPOKINE REGULATION OF ADIPOSE
we reported the phenotype of a mouse model that carries TISSUE EXPANSION
one of the PPAR␥-dominant negative mutations that was
first characterized in humans (P467L).26 Surprisingly, mice The adipocytes and immune cells contained within
with this mutation (P465L PPAR␥) do not develop the the adipose tissue synthesize and secret proteins known
same physiological alterations as human patients with the as adipokines that regulate energy homeostasis within
equivalent mutations. The animals are insulin sensitive and the organism by directing both energy intake and expen-
have normal amounts of adipose tissue. However, when the diture. They can act centrally to regulate appetite and
mutation is expressed in combination with an obese phe- energy expenditure, and peripherally to affect insulin
notype, the animals have reduced total adipose tissue and sensitivity, oxidative capacity, and lipid uptake in non-
develop very severe insulin resistance. It is this evidence, adipose tissues such as heart, liver, ␤-cells, and skeletal
along with previous work done in human patients, that muscle.36 The adipokine profile of the adipose tissue
suggests that the ability of adipose tissue to store excess changes in response to the amount and condition of the
lipid is critical to maintaining normal carbohydrate metab- adipose organ, and thus is altered in obesity and lipodys-
olism. The mutation in lipogenic/adipogenic PPAR␥ does trophy.
not allow the adipose tissue of these mice to expand to its In the 1990s, leptin was identified as an adipocyte-
maximal capacity, and, when present with the severe pos- derived factor that communicates the level of fat stores to
itive energy balance induced by leptin deficiency, results in energy regulating centers in the brain.37 Leptin released
spillover of lipid to peripheral tissues. This combination of from expanding adipocytes acts centrally to reduce appetite
reduced adipose tissue expandability imposed by the im- and increase energy expenditure. Peripherally, it acts in a
paired PPAR␥ function and overnutrition of the ob/ob paracrine fashion at the adipocyte to deplete fat stores by
background results in severe insulin resistance and lipi- preventing lipid uptake,38 and in skeletal muscle, liver,
demia, greater than that produced by obesity alone. heart, and ␤-cells to increase oxidation, preventing the
Other models of PPAR␥ deficiency demonstrate an lipotoxic accumulation of lipid.12,14,39,40 Thus, increased
inability to maintain normal amounts of adipose tissue leptin signaling counteracts positive energy balance.
that is associated with compromised insulin sensitivity. Increased adiposity is accompanied by increased
For example, hypomorphic PPAR␥ mice29 and adipose circulating leptin concentrations, so why then does the
tissue-specific deletion of PPAR␥27,28 result in congen- obese state persist? In obesity, although leptin release is

Nutrition Reviews姞, Vol. 65, No. 6 S9

Figure 1. Adipose tissue expandability as an important factor in preventing lipotoxicity and associated metabolic complications.

increased from the hypertrophic adipocytes, resistance to has been shown to improve peripheral insulin sensitivity.
leptin signaling develops, thus preventing a reduction in In the obese state, adiponectin levels are reduced and
energy intake and depletion of adipose tissue. circulating levels of high-molecular weight adiponectin
In the adipocyte itself, this leptinergic blockade correlate with the insulin-resistant state.43 Recently,
promotes the storage of excess calories in adipose tissue, Scherer et al.44,45 has produced several animal models
thus increasing adipose tissue mass. The physiological that clearly demonstrate a role for adiponectin in improv-
relevance for this process may be to prevent lipid accu- ing metabolic homeostasis. When adiponectin is overex-
mulation in non-adipose tissues, thus preventing meta- pressed in adipose tissue of obese (ob/ob) mice, the
bolic disturbance.38 Selective overexpression of the lep- severely diabetic phenotype is substantially improved.
tin receptor in adipose tissue of mice prevented diet- Interestingly, the improvement in carbohydrate metabo-
induced obesity, but did not improve ectopic lipid accu- lism is accompanied by increased obesity, with a specific
mulation or hyperinsulinemia induced by high-fat feed- increase in subcutaneous adipose tissue. This mouse
ing. This genetic manipulation induced a situation of model represents a situation of morbid obesity with
lipodystrophy in which adipose tissue was unable to surprisingly good metabolic health, in which even in the
expand appropriately to accommodate the excess calo- context of massive obesity the lipid is safely stored in
ries. Although insulin resistance was not measured di- adipose tissue, remaining metabolically inert. Some of
rectly in these animals, the hyperinsulinemic state of the adiponectin’s insulin-sensitizing effects may be mediated
non-obese transgenic mice suggests that they are inap- by its ability to increase adipose tissue storage capacity in
propriately insulin resistant for their degree of obesity. the subcutaneous compartment. Further studies in these
Leptin overexpression results in a “skinny” mouse animals will determine how increased storage capacity
that has improved glucose metabolism.41 Although this contributes to the improved metabolic phenotype.
animal model has a reduction in adipose tissue, energy
expenditure is enhanced and ectopic fat deposition pre- ADIPOSE TISSUE AND METABOLIC
vented, thus maintaining improved metabolic function. EQUILIBRIUM
The reduction in ectopic fat deposition may be caused by
increased AMP kinase activation in the transgenic ani- Could increasing adipose tissue storage capacity be
mals.42 The adipose tissue of this model, although re- a potential therapeutic strategy to improve metabolic
duced, does not represent a situation of a malfunction in homeostasis under conditions of overnutrition? We have
the capacity of the adipocyte to store fat. already discussed the effects of PPAR␥ ligands (TZDs)
Adiponectin is an insulin-sensitizing adipokine that as insulin sensitizers and the possibility that the expand-

S10 Nutrition Reviews姞, Vol. 65, No. 6

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S12 Nutrition Reviews姞, Vol. 65, No. 6

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