BSBPMG530 Assessment Task 2 - V3.1

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Manage project scope

Assessment Task 2 – Performance and Skills
Task summary
This assessment task requires you to determine and manage project scope. It involves obtaining
project authorisation, developing a scope management plan, and managing the application of
project scope controls.

 Access to textbooks/other learning materials.
 Access to a computer and Microsoft Office.
 Access to the internet.
Note: If you do not have access to Microsoft Office, you must save your work as PDF before

 The due date of this assessment is available on your learning management system.

 This completed workbook.

Assessment requirements
 All questions must be answered correctly for you to be assessed as having completed the
task satisfactorily.

Re-submission opportunities
 You will receive feedback on your performance from your Assessor. The feedback will
indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task.
 If any part of the task is not satisfactorily completed, your assessor will provide you with
written feedback to guide you on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory
performance. This assessment may be re-attempted twice. Your resubmission must be
uploaded within three (3) days of receiving your grade of “not yet satisfactory”. You
must clearly display “Resubmission” on your resubmitted work.
 You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you
have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.
 You are encouraged to consult with your assessor prior to attempting this task if you do
not understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may
hinder you when attempting any part of the assessment.

Assessment Cover Sheet

Student name:

Student ID

Trainer’s Name:

Date Submitted:
Student declaration: I declare that:
 I have read and understood all the information provided in
relation to the assessment requirements to complete this unit,
the instructions and the purpose and processes of undertaking
this assessment task
 This assessment is my own work and where other’s works or
ideas have been used, I have appropriately referenced or
acknowledged them
 I understand that plagiarism is a serious offence that may lead to
disciplinary action.
Student signature:

Assessment Task 2 – Performance and Skills
This assessment is divided into three (3) parts:
Part A: Conduct project authorisation activities
Part B: Define project scope
Part C: Manage project scope control process
For this assessment, you are required to lead a project using the information from the case
study. You will need to manage project scope on at least two occasions, following the protocols
from the business, found in the brief and according to protocol.
There is a case study, scenarios, and organisational documents to help you with your task. There
is also a role play in Part B. Read the case study and related workplace policies and information
before commencing the assessment questions.

Case study: IndoAust Jaya (IAJ) company profile

IndoAust Jaya (IAJ) Pty Ltd is an import/export company headquartered in Sydney with subsidiary offices in
Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, and Darwin. IAJ also has offices in Cape Town (South Africa), Dublin (Ireland), and
Wellington (New Zealand).
Family owned and operated, we employ 85 people from a variety of cultural backgrounds. We
are originally from Indonesia, having settled in Sydney over 15 years ago. We retain links with
Indonesia through family members who live in Surabaya and run a separate business.

The Problem
IAJ utilises two databases to service its customers and manage its operations. These are Sage
300 and LiveX.
Sage 300 is used for:
1. Inventory control
2. Order entry and tracking
3. Financial management
LiveX is used for:
 Tracing livestock
 Processing livestock export orders
 Managing livestock testing
These systems manage logistics transactions effectively, but they do not provide the required
information and reporting to assist the sales and marketing teams in developing the business.
IAJ has identified a need to develop and implement a Customer Relationship Management
(CRM) system to manage IAJ’s interactions with current and future customers. The CRM will
include technology to organise, automate, and synchronise sales, marketing, customer service,
and technical support.


Sage CRM has been chosen due to its compatibility with Sage 300 and comparable costs.

Company profile and further details on the project brief are in Additional Resources

Part A: Conduct project authorisation activities

Read through the project brief in Additional resources
1. Summarise the project objectives and KPIs (page 9)

2. Prepare a summary for the project to submit to the relevant personnel to seek
authorisation for commencing the project.
Your summary should include an overview of:
 Project title
 Project sponsor
 Project manager
 Project team members
 Project timeline
 Planned budget
 Project objectives
 Project deliverables
 Project assumptions/constraints
 Major phases
 Key deliverables in each phase
 Milestones and proposed dates

Use the “Project Authorisation Form” template below.

Refer to sections 3, 5, 6 and 8 of the Project Brief to help you find the information required to
complete the following templates.

Project Authorisation Form

Project title and


Project sponsor

Project manager

Project team

Project timeline Planned start Planned end date

Planned budget Total budget Staffing costs
Total budget Customisation Costs
including GST
Other costs



assumptions and
Major phases 1. Analysis 2. Design 3. Development 4. Deployment

Key deliverables
in each phase
Milestones and Starting & End Date: Starting & End Date: Starting & End Date: Starting & End Date:
proposed dates

Project Approved Rejected Following up actions required (if applicable)

Project Brief



Project Initiation

Project manager’s signature Project authorising
officer’s signature

Part B: Define project scope

1. Describe the parties who will form the governance structure or Project Board for the
project. Your list should include the titles of each person including a brief description of
their responsibilities and governance role. (approx. 300 words)

Parties Descriptions

Students to fill in the table below where the gaps are:

IAJ Senior Management Team (SMT) members will form a Project Portfolio Board (PPB).
The PPB has ultimate responsibility for delivering the capability, realising the benefits
defined, and ensuring the projects support the SRP. The PPB is accountable to the IAJ
Board of Directors. The PPB will ensure progress of all projects, focusing on the realisation
of business benefits, controlling the work, ensuring the establishment and operation of a
controlled environment, and defining and implementing a quality management strategy
to ensure all projects deliver to the required level of quality. The PPB will deliver the high-
level decisions and inputs which will guide the implementation of the project.
The Project Board will comprise senior officials who are responsible for the project, as
delegated by the PPB. These officials will exhibit the following four characteristics:
 Authority: to make decisions and to provide resources to the project
 Credibility: ability to direct the project
 Ability to delegate: keeping the Project Board activity at the right level and
allowing the Project Manager to manage the project
 Availability: ensuring they are available to make decisions and provide direction.
The Project Board will deliver the decisions and inputs which will guide the
implementation of the project within the mandate set by the PPB. Tomi Widojo, IAJ’s
CEO, is the Executive participating on the PPB.
The Senior User will be Greg Hutchinson, IAJ’s Sales and Marketing Manager. Greg
Hutchison represents the interests of all the Sales and Marketing teams who will be the
primary users of the CRM. Greg Hutchinson will commit user resources to the project,
specify user requirements, monitor project outputs against requirements, and liaise
between users and the project team.
The Senior Supplier will be Gary Jazgar, the IT Manager. Gary Jazgar represents the
interests of those providing and implementing the CRM and will work closely with
representatives from Sage. He will provide supplier resources to the project, is
accountable for the quality of project deliverables, and will liaise between the members
of the IT department and the project team.
Any member of the PPB has the authority to approve project documents for release.

Change Authority
The Project Board is ultimately responsible for agreeing to all changes raised during the
project. However, depending on the size/complexity of the project, they may decide to
delegate approval of some changes to a change authority who will be allowed to approve
changes that meet pre-defined criteria relating to time, cost, and scope.

The Change Management process establishes an orderly and effective procedure for
tracking the submission, coordination, review, evaluation, categorisation, and approval
for release of all changes to the project’s baselines.

Step Description
Generate CR A submitter completes a CR Form and sends the completed form to
the Change Manager
Log CR Status The Change Manager enters the CR into the CR Log. The CR’s status
is updated throughout the CR process as needed
Evaluate CR Project personnel review the CR, provide an estimated level of
effort to process, and develop a proposed solution for the

Step Description
suggested change
Authorise CR Approval is gained to move forward with incorporating the
suggested change into the project/product – changes must be
approved by the PPB
Implement CR If approved, the necessary adjustments are carried out to make the
requested change and CR status is communicated to the submitter
and other stakeholders

Generate CR Evaluate CR Authorize CR Implement CR

Log Updated Status

Report Status

Change Request Form and Change Management Log

Data elements of change request form and change management log:

Element Description











Evaluating and Authorising Change Requests

Change requests are evaluated using the following priority criteria:

Priority Description

High Insert here the definition the project assigns to a high priority CR

Medium Insert here the definition the project assigns to a medium priority CR

Low Insert here the definition the project assigns to a low priority CR

Change requests are evaluated and assigned one or more of the following change types:

Type Description










Change requests are evaluated and assigned one of the following status types:

Status Description


Work in

In Review



2. Based on the information above and in part A establish measurable project benefit,
outcomes and outputs.
Project Benefits

Project outcomes

Project outputs

3. Create a scope management plan that you should fill in and then show to management
before the plan is complete.
Scope Management Plan

Scope management plan

Project name: Project no: Project Manager: Start date:

Executive summary

Scope definition

In scope

Out of scope

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Task Duration for major stages (in days)

Success criteria

Key meetings (indicate which stakeholders must attend and frequency of meetings)

Scope verification

Scope control procedure


Date Project manager Project

signature authorising

Read this memo before commencing the role play


After commencement of the project, including implementing the agreed scope management
procedures that were signed off. you receive an interoffice memo.



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To the Project Manager,

A recent review of financial processes has indicated that it will be beneficial to include the
Accounts team as users of the CRM. It is anticipated that providing the team access will assist
them in processing client invoices and chasing outstanding payments more efficiently and
Please ensure you incorporate their needs into the development of the CRM.
Tomi Widojo

4. Create a role play to discuss the boundaries, the scope, the memo and the plan for the
project, using the information from Part A and B. To prepare for the meeting, fill out the
agenda below. In the meeting cover the following:
a. Describe the benefits, outcomes, and outputs including timelines and KPIs
b. Negotiate roles, responsibilities and boundaries for the project governance team
c. Discuss the details of the scope management plan and subsequent memo and
how this will change the plan.

Meeting Agenda

Purpose, Objectives
and Elements of


Date and Time:


Agenda Items: Person Time


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List of Attachments:

The meeting should be approximately ten (10) minutes in length and involve at least two (2)
participants playing the part of project governance team.
To prepare for the role play ask participants to play their roles and brief them fully on their roles
which will require providing you with feedback. It is highly recommended that you use
participants from your class and conduct all role plays in workshop time. Fellow students will be
familiar with the unit of competency requirements, and you won’t have to do the role plays in
your own time. You should read the Important Notes below to help you complete the role play
Note: You may choose to develop a set of PowerPoint slides as visual aids to run the agenda

This part of the assessment includes a role play of meeting with project governance team.
Please follow the instructions below:
Students taking face to face classes:
 You can do the role play face-to face during class hours. You will be required to arrange
fellow students to do the role play with you however they must be briefed on their role
and prepared to ask you questions and provide you with feedback. Please see further
instructions in the assessment on the number of participants required for the role play.
 Your trainer will complete a Role Play Observation Criteria as evidence of your
participation in the role play (this will either be completed in hard copy by your trainer
and handed to you in which you will be to photograph it and upload it OR it will be
completely electronically by your trainer who will upload it as part of your assessment
Students taking online classes:
 You must arrange participants to do the role play with you (participants can include
fellow students, friends, family members, or work colleagues however they must be
briefed on their role and prepared to ask you questions and provide you with feedback.
Please see further instructions in the assessment on the number of participants
required and the length for the role play.
 You must also video record the role play using your phone and upload it to learning
management system. You can also do the task using an online platform such as
WhatsApp or Zoom and record the session.
 Your trainer will complete a Role Play Observation Criteria as evidence of your
participation in the role play (this will be completely electronically by your trainer who
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will upload it as part of your assessment record).
Uploading your video onto Learning Management System:
 Please see additional instructions uploaded together with Assessment Task 2 on how
to submit your recording onto the learning management system.

Role play observation criteria

Note: Please refer to the following observation criteria for the role play explaining the learning
expectations that your trainer/assessor will use to determine your grading as Satisfactory (S) or
Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS):

i. Identifies and uses appropriate conventions and protocols when communicating with
diverse stakeholders

ii. Collaborates with others to achieve joint outcomes, playing an active role in
negotiating and facilitating agreement

iii. Participates in discussions and negotiations using clear language and appropriate non-
verbal features

iv. Uses active listening and questioning to elicit views and opinions of others

v. Negotiates project boundaries with relevant stakeholders

vi. Establishes a shared understanding of desired project outcomes with relevant


vii. Confirms project delegations and authorities in project governance arrangements with

viii. Obtains authorisation to expend resources

Part C : Manage project scope control process

Following the meeting and discussion you need to email the finance manager.

Scenario 2: MEMO FOLLOW UP

Refer to the file IAJ Interoffice Memo above. This document contains confirmation from the
CEO to accept a proposed change to the project scope in regard to requirements of the
Finance Department.
Lynne Sungee is IAJ’s Finance Manager and manages IAJ’s Accounts Department.

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The Accounts Department at IAJ is responsible for:
 Implementing cost saving measures
 Ensuring books are always up to date
 Ensuring all staff are paid weekly on a Thursday, with the correct amount of tax calculated
 Issuing group certificates at end of financial year
 Keeping track of all incoming accounts for items purchased
 Paying accounts as per the terms and conditions
 Tracking all outgoing accounts issued to creditors
 Ensuring creditors pay their bills as per IAJ terms and conditions
 Providing guidance to the HR department on staff salaries
 Providing guidance to accounts department on cost of services.
The Accounts Department would like to use the Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
system to:
 Improve communications between Accounts and other departments regarding client
 Ensure that services offered by the Accounts department to clients are consistent with
those offered by other departments.
Lynne Sungee’s major concerns/issues/requirements for the Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) system are:
 ability to keep an up-to-date, clear, and complete customer record for each client
 removal of duplicate or non-current client data
 ability to track client payments and details of client payment agreements
 ability to integrate client data from the LiveX database (used for managing transactions
relating to livestock).

1. As the Project Manager you are required to send an email to Lynne Sungee (IAJ Finance
Manager) to explain details of the project and progress thus far in implementing the
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. In your email (150-200 words) you
need to:
 Provide information on the project governance structure of the project and your role as
project manager,
 Detail how the project can accommodate her request and deal with the issues raised.
 Explain how accommodating the request will require a scope change to the project and how
the amendments will impact the project in regard to the established time, cost and quality

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 Indicate the major phases of the project and where the finance department can participate
in providing relevant information to ensure their issues are addressed.
 Indicate what role the finance manager will play in the project and who she will report to.
Decide who in the finance department to delegate the role of user champions.
 Indicate how project updates will be communicated to her and the Accounts Department.


2. Follow-up Task: Completion of Issues Register

Based on your consultation with the Finance Manager complete the “Issues Register”. Record
the potential issues dealing with the Finance Department’s implementation and use of the CRM.

Issues Register

Description of issue Resolution Date raised Status Date Responsibility for

closed resolution

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3. Follow-up Task: Documenting Project Scope Change Request

Complete the “Project Scope Change Request” form to incorporate the scope change from the
Finance Department.

Project Scope Change Request

Project name

Project commencement Planned completion date


Project number Change request number and date

Project manager

Change request

Background information

Impact assessment Impact type Impact level Impact description

+ve -ve H M L
Impact on service/quality

Impact on schedule

Impact on cost

Immediate action required

Communication – who,
how, when

Notification of change

Requested by: Date:

Approval provided by: Date:

Authorisation provided Date:


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As the Project Manager what are your “lessons learned” from the scope management process.
Consider the issues identified in your consultation with the Project Board and your
communication with the additional stakeholder in the Finance Manager, as well as in use of
relevant information contained in the recorded documentation.

In your reflection comment on the following:

 How effective were you in scoping the project’s activities, as well as in monitoring the
project’s activities and implementing the scope change?
 How well did you go about making critical and non-critical decisions with the relatively
complex situation that arose with the scope change, taking a range of factors into account
that impact outcomes?
 Identify at least two (2) improvements you could make to the scope management process to
better manage scope in the future. What could you do differently? (approx. 200 words)

Lessons Learned:

Congratulations on completing your Assessment Task 2. Please remember to

 This completed workbook
 Role play recording for Part B (if not completed in face-to-face class)

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