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Nano Trends 3 (2023) 100016

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Effect of induced vacancy defects on the mechanical behavior of wavy

single-walled carbon nanotubes
Aghyad B. Al Tahhan a, Mohammad Alkhedher a, *, Abdel-Hamid I. Mourad b,
Mohamad Ramadan c, d, Jalal M Nawash e
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Abu Dhabi University, PO 59911, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Mechanical Engineering Department, United Arab Emirates University, P.O. Box 17555, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates
School of Engineering, International University of Beirut BIU, Beirut, Lebanon
School of Engineering, Lebanese International University LIU, Bekaa, Lebanon
Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, 800 W. Main, Whitewater, WI, USA


Keywords: This study utilized molecular dynamics simulations to assess the influence of structural alterations, such as
Carbon nanotubes waviness and vacancy defects, on the mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes. This work utilizes the LAMMPS
Molecular dynamics simulation environment to compare models of carbon nanotubes, thus enabling the observation of fracture
Vacancy defects
properties at an atomistic level. A comparative analysis was conducted on pristine straight carbon nanotubes and
Tensile strength
their wavy and defective counterparts. The study was divided into two stages: the initial stage revealed that
straight carbon nanotubes exhibited superior mechanical strength when subjected to tensile loading. However,
introducing waviness along the axis of the carbon nanotubes resulted in a significant reduction in strength.
Subsequently, in the second stage, vacancy defects were introduced to the carbon nanotube structure, which
were quantified by defect densities and plotted against the tensile strength of the carbon nanotubes. This analysis
allowed for a deeper understanding of the correlation between the defect density and tensile strength of carbon
nanotube structure. Finally, a relationship between the strain energy and temperature variation in carbon
nanotubes was established, emphasizing the importance of temperature control in the applications and
manufacturing processes of carbon nanotubes. Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the factors that
can affect the mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes.

1. Introduction transformation of an object is a nonidentity operation. In other words,

an object and its reflection are non-superimposable by translation or
The discovery of Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) in 1991 [1] has led to rotation [7]. However, chirality represents a "twist" in carbon nano­
several scientific breakthroughs. These breakthroughs have arisen from tubes, resulting from the angle at which the graphene sheet has been
the superior properties of CNTs. The remarkable properties of CNTs have rolled [8]. The concept of chirality is represented by a chiral vector (Ch),
attracted the attention of many researchers worldwide. This is because a vector that connects two hexagons center-to-center, as shown in Fig. 1.
of their exceptional tensile strength [2], which can reach up to 100 GPa, The chiral vector Ch was then mathematically correlated to the
and a Young’s modulus of 1 TPa. However, there are still many concepts indices (n, m) using Eq. (1) by [9–11].
to be explored with carbon nanotubes [3,4]. Carbon nanotubes can be
Ch = n a1 + m a2 (1)
visualized as graphene sheets rolled into a seamless cylinder, yielding a
single layer of carbon atoms bonded together in a carbon-carbon (C-C) where a1 and a2 are the vectors for the hexagonal lattice, represented by
bond, that is, a covalent bond [5]. Depending on the rolling method, the arrows, used to connect the carbon at the origin to the neighboring
CNTs produced can be chiral or nonchiral [6]. Nonetheless, the structure analogous carbon atoms. Furthermore, n is an indication of the number
of carbon nanotubes can be characterized by their diameter, length, and of analogous carbons in the a1 direction and m is an indication of the
chirality. Chirality is a geometric property in which the mirror number of analogous carbons in the a2 order. Based on the n and m

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Alkhedher).
Received 1 June 2023; Received in revised form 3 August 2023; Accepted 4 August 2023
Available online 8 August 2023
2666-9781/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
A.B.A. Tahhan et al. Nano Trends 3 (2023) 100016

values, the chirality of the carbon nanotubes can be armchair (n=m), 1.2. Influence of vacancy defects on the Tensile properties of CNTs
zigzag (m=0), or chiral for all n and m values [12]. Carbon nanotubes
can also be classified into two major categories: Single-Walled Carbon CNTs are typically modeled as perfect structures with excellent me­
Nanotubes (SWCNT) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT). chanical properties and minimal defects. However, as described earlier,
MWCNTs have a complex CNT geometry, with n SWCNTs nested into SWCNT and MWCNT forests are typically synthesized using CVD [37,
one another. SWCNTs have diameters in the range of 0.4-2 nm for 40]. Although this method produces CNT forests, as in other methods, it
SWCNTs, while MWCNTs have a larger diameter in the range of 10-400 causes several topological defects in the structure of carbon nanotubes.
nm [13,14]. Moreover, MWCNTs have paved the way for many appli­ Moreover, other defects can arise from post-production processes such
cations that were not theoretically possible before. These applications as purification. These defects can significantly affect the mechanical
include advanced composite materials [15], space elevators [16], properties and structural integrity of the CNT [38,41]. The degradation
hydrogen storage tanks [17], phase change materials [18,19], and in the mechanical properties of CNTs owing to defects can be associated
nanofluids [20]. In synthesis, scientists have utilized various techniques with their quasi-one-dimensional atomic structure; thus, even the
and methods that usually depend on the requirements and availability of smallest number of defects will result in degradation. Sammalkorpi et al.
resources for fabricating CNTs. However, the most common method for [42] presented a formulation that correlates the degradation in Young’s
the synthesis of carbon nanotubes is Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD), Modulus of SWCNTs to the concentration of vacancy defects using the
while other methods include Laser Ablation [21,22] and Arc Discharge continuum theory and further examined it using molecular dynamics. In
[23]. their study, they emphasized that the degradation of tensile strength and
critical strains of SWCNTs can be nearly halved if the vacancies do not
1.1. Waviness presence in carbon nanotubes structures reconstruct. In such cases, CNTs can heal vacancies by saturating
dangling bonds, which partly alleviates the deterioration of the CNT’s
Recently, a plethora of molecular dynamics (MD) studies have mechanical properties. However, geometric changes in SWCNTs, such as
investigated the mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties of carbon waviness, were not examined in their model, although they can be sig­
nanotubes as straight structures [24–27]without considering curvature nificant factors when analyzing vacancy defects.
or waviness in their final grown form. However, carbon nanotubes are Although defects mainly arise from the fabrication process, they can
often characterized by waviness along their axial dimensions [28–30]. also occur because of the manipulation of nanotubes with alignment
This can be seen in Fig. 2, which shows scanning electron microscopy instruments [39]. In other studies, defective nanotubes have reported a
(SEM) images of carbon nanotube turfs [31,32]. tensile strength of up to 10 GPa [43], which is significantly lower than
Popov [33] emphasized the effect of curvature on the structural, that reported in the literature [2]. There are many types of defects in
electronic, and optical properties of isolated single-walled carbon carbon nanotube structures: vacancies, pentagons, Stone-Wales, distor­
nanotubes. Studies have defined the curvature of carbon nanotubes in tion, or discontinuities of CNT walls. Such defects have been widely
terms of the waviness ratio [34,35], which is also defined as a local reported in previous research [44–46]. The defects described earlier can
curvature present in the structure of carbon nanotubes at a specific influence the electrical [47], thermal [48], and mechanical properties of
amplitude and wavelength. Stein and Wardeli [36] observed that wavy the CNTs. Furthermore, these defects can result from the manufacturing
carbon nanotube-polymer nanocomposites have mechanical properties process described earlier and can be observed via scanning tunnel mi­
that are orders of magnitude lower than those predicted for pristine croscopy (STM), as reported by [49], in which approximately 10% of
straight CNTs under similar conditions. Similarly, the curves along the SWCNT samples induced defects during the scanning process. The
CNT structure might induce pentagonal or heptagonal defects [37], presence of defects can be correlated to waviness because of various CNT
which will degrade the mechanical properties of wavy CNTs in com­ production processes. Thus, it is essential to investigate the combined
parison with straight CNTs [38,39]. The degradation associated with effects of waviness and defects in the CNT structure, regardless of the
waviness and defects introduced a correlation between the defects and type. This is because many studies have analyzed the impact of the
waviness in the CNT structure. The influence of waviness on the me­ waviness of CNTs on their final mechanical properties without embed­
chanical properties of CNTs, particularly in nanocomposite materials, ding flaws within the structure. The most common defects that can arise
can be quantified by analyzing the waviness at varying values defined by in CNTs are vacancy defects and Stone-Wales defects [46]. Vacancies in
the waviness ratio (w). The waviness ratio (w) is the ratio of the wave crystallography are defined as point defects in which an atom is missing
amplitude (a) to total wavelength (l). Subsequently, (w) can be mathe­ from one lattice site [50]. This is shown in Fig. 4.
matically defined as (w = a/L), as illustrated in Fig. 3. Vacancies in CNT represent several atoms removed from perfect CNT
structures and are usually defined by vacancy concentration [51] or

Fig. 1. Process of rolling graphene sheets into single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) (a) (5,5) armchair graphene sheet (b) Resulting (5,5) SWCNT.

A.B.A. Tahhan et al. Nano Trends 3 (2023) 100016

Fig. 2. SEM images of Carbon nanotube turfs where the curvy nature of the CNT structures can be observed after fabrication or growth [32].

induced in SWCNTs without fully sacrificing their mechanical strength.

This study aims to analyze the effect of vacancy defects on curvy
carbon nanotube structures due to growing CNTs. Vacancy defects are
the most common defects observed in crystalline lattice structures [54].
These defects are characterized by an n-number or missing atoms in the
structure, which might perturb the metal crystals with weakly bonded
atoms. However, in the case of CNTs and Graphene, vacancy defects
break around three strong C=C bonds, which would require 7.8 eV en­
Fig. 3. Components of the waviness ratio (w) defined by wavelength (l) and ergy [55]. Thus, vacancy defects are produced post-synthesis [54].
wave amplitude (a). Therefore, in this study, the tested carbon nanotube specimens were
generated using MATLAB and Visual Molecular Dynamics (VMD). Later,
defect density (D) [52,53]. These variables are defined in Eq. (2). vacancy defects were introduced, and their effects on the strength and
energy fluctuation in carbon nanotubes at varying temperatures were
D= (2) compared. Furthermore, the study was performed in a Large-scale
Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator (LAMMPS), which is
where Dn and An are the number of removed atoms and total number of an MD simulation environment in which the user can visualize the
CNT atoms before introducing CNTs defects, respectively. Additionally, behavior of CNT specimens under biaxial tensile loading from an
Defect densities in SWCNT usually varies between 0.01 and 0.03 [52]. atomistic level.
However, in this work, we arbitrarily induced larger defect densities to
gain a clearer understanding of the limit at which vacancy defects can be

Fig. 4. Evolution of a vacancy defect in a CNT structure where one missing atom breaks the bonds, removes one node and three beam elements, and generates a
vacancy along the CNT axis.

A.B.A. Tahhan et al. Nano Trends 3 (2023) 100016

2. Atomistic modeling of CNT structure and molecular dynamics the motor-aided hand drawing of nanotube yarns [56]. In this study, the
simulation methodology MWCNTs were pulled from the fabricated forests, attached to a stick,
and finally mounted on the spindle, which rotates and produces a twist.
2.1. Modeling waviness along SWCNT structures In another study by Jeon et al. [57], the carbon nanotube yarns were
twist-spun and unspun before applying tensile loading. Nonetheless,
Beginning the simulation requires the preparation of data files that studying this effect helps to visualize the behavior of CNTs under
include the coordinates of the generated carbon nanotubes, which helps torsional force. However, this study aimed to investigate the naturally
in modeling and visualizing the structure. In this process, VMD can occurring fabrication problems.
generate the coordinates of the straight CNTs. Subsequently, considering
the experimental bending methods, the MATLAB algorithm was used to 2.2. Generation of vacancy defects in CNTs
bend the straight CNTs. In MATLAB, the code imports the straight car­
bon nanotube coordinates and later begins bending them along a spec­ As mentioned in Section 1.2, defects play a critical role in deter­
ified curvy spline. The radius of the spline can be defined at the mining the properties of carbon nanotubes. In this study, the generation
beginning of the code, which allows the generation of various bent of vacancy defects was possible by the deletion of atoms within the
models with varying diameters. Waviness can be defined manually structure, which created several vacancies. From a material science
within the code; however, the initial length of the straight tube de­ perspective, vacancy defects are defined as missing atoms within the
creases slightly owing to the atoms lost during the bending process. The carbon nanotube structure, as shown in Fig. 4. In molecular mechanics,
main parameters, such as the chiral indices (n, m), C-C bond length, and the removal of carbon atoms from the hexagonal mesh of CNT creates
total length of the tube, are defined in the VMD user interface. unsaturated valence orbits in some of the carbon atoms surrounding the
Moreover, the code initializes the diameter of the tube and the first vacancy region. This leads to the formation of more energetic bonds
set of coordinates that form the cap surface of the carbon nanotube from surrounding the defect region [52]. In this study, atoms were deleted
VMD. Then, the x and y coordinates are flipped to ensure that there are using a built-in LAMMPS command. This command carves a
no overlapping coordinates in these two axes so that every x corresponds user-specified number of atoms from the block of the material to
to one y coordinate. The Algorithm then initializes the coordinates and generate a void that can be studied as a vacancy within the structure.
plots them as a first attempt to visualize a new set of coordinates with Then, a porosity-style function was employed, which branches out from
sharp bends, as Shown in Fig. 5a. A spline was then used to interpolate a the command to select the percentage of atoms to be removed. For
smooth curve going precisely through the z-axis of the CNT, as shown in example, one of the test specimens used in this study had a total number
Fig. 5b. The new set of z-coordinates is recorded as a smoothed point, of atoms of 1048. Setting the porosity value to 0.06 will deduct 6% of the
eliminating the sharp bends at the beginning. Finally, the process was total atoms at a randomized location. Thus, approximately 63 atoms
repeated several times to ensure the smoothness of the waves/bends were removed, and various vacancies were created along the CNT
generated, and the final coordinates were plotted as rings in the Fig. 5. structure. This process is conceptually similar to the study by Rafiee and
The total length is marked on the z-axis of the MATLAB plot, as shown in Pourazizi [52], where they developed a macro code in ANSYS to remove
Fig. 5b. C-C bonds in the CNT by following the Monte Carlo technique. Similarly,
The algorithm then generates a text file with the new coordinates of within the process in this study, the parameters of the defect location
the wavy carbon nanotube, as shown in Fig. 5. The uniqueness of the along the axial and circumferential directions of the CNT were selected
MATLAB algorithm lies in its ability to track the generated spline and randomly.
plot atoms around its axis, which eventually generates a curvy carbon Finally, after all the test data files were set up, the study was con­
nanotube. Moreover, other structural modifications, such as twisted ducted for samples with one vacancy defect and their mechanical
CNTs, can be introduced and studied along with the CNT structure. properties at an increase in temperature. The tensile strength of the CNT
These twists can be produced post-fabrication using processes such as was measured as a function of defect density to determine the influence

Fig. 5. (a) Initialized spline set for tracing before smoothing. Thus, sharp bends can be visualized. (b) Wavy CNT model generated using MATLAB with a certain
wavelength and amplitude; the yellow rings represent the tube layer, and the blue line is the traced spline post-smoothing.

A.B.A. Tahhan et al. Nano Trends 3 (2023) 100016

of defects on the strength of the CNTs. same CNT model, as shown in Fig. 6. It was also observed that the tube
became more brittle above 900 K. These statements were confirmed by
2.3. Molecular dynamics simulation methodology Raravikar et al. [64], who reported that CNTs between 0 and 800 K
exhibited a decrease in Young’s modulus. These results were later
Potentials are among the critical requirements for the success of extended to test wavy nanotubes. This extension aimed to establish the
Molecular Dynamics studies. Furthermore, Interatomic potentials are difference between defect-free wavy nanotubes and straight nanotubes.
required to employ a formalism transferable to the unique carbon The wavy nanotubes, as shown in Table 1. are of the same length and
structures [58]. In this study, the Adaptive Intermolecular Reactive diameter.
Empirical Bond Order (AIREBO) potential was in agreement with its At 300 K, the wavy nanotubes reached a maximum tensile strength of
capability to describe C-C bonding between atoms of carbon nanotubes 89.9 GPa and Young’s modulus of 0.359 TPa, as shown In Fig. 6b. Both
[59]. The AIREBO potential comprises three key terms that can be CNTs showed similar behavior at 300 K and 900 K; however, the wavy
mathematically expressed using Eq. (3). nanotube showed erratic behavior at 1500 K with a sudden fracture
[ ] point and no necking or sudden elongation, as compared to the straight
1 ∑∑ REBO ∑∑ CNT in Fig. 6a. Additionally, the decrease in the critical strain of the
2 i j∕ =i
wavy SWCNT suggests a degradation in the young’s modulus of the
specimen compared to straight SWCNTs. The artificial peak in the plastic
Where E is the total potential energy of the system, EREBO is REBO region of the CNT can be described as the onset of the cutoff function.
energy, ELJ Lennard-Jones Energy, and ETORSION is the torsion energy. The rising flat regime represents a sudden bond extension of the tube,
The specimens used in the testing process had the same length, diameter, which eventually leads to further crack propagation and the final frac­
and bond length. However, different defect densities and waviness ratios ture of the tube. A summary of the results of the first study is presented
have been introduced. The properties of the specimens are listed in in Table 2.
Table 1. In Table 2, the strength of the CNTs decreased significantly with
Several specimens were assessed, and the number of defects was every temperature change, resulting in a reduced Young’s Modulus of
gradually increased to correctly interpret the relationship between Elasticity. It was observed that wavy nanotubes yielded lower strength
strength and number of defects. The testing of the models in this study values than straight nanotubes, leading to the conclusion that wavy
was performed by gradually elongating both ends of the tube under a nanotubes are weaker than pristine CNT structures. These results are
constant strain rate. The initial stage of the simulation involved consistent with those reported by [65], who targeted the temperature
imposing an energy minimization on the structure, which is a process dependence of the mechanical properties of armchair carbon nanotubes.
that iteratively adjusts the coordinates of the atoms. This procedure The influence of waviness on the mechanical properties of CNTs was
minimizes the potential energy to the lowest possible point and elimi­ shown to cause the ultimate tensile strength to decline, which coincides
nates nonphysical interactions between atomic bonds [60]. Subse­ with the results obtained in [34]. A difference in fracture location be­
quently, a velocity command was applied to the nanotube [61], allowing tween the straight and curved nanotubes can be observed in Fig. 6. It can
it to reach an initial temperature of 300 K and was allowed to relax for be observed that fracture occurred in the curved regions along the axis of
20000 steps at 0.001 ps time step. Each carbon nanotube was assessed the tube. Thus, a clear connection can be established that curves along
for three trials at a constant strain rate of 0.1/ps and increasing tem­ the axis of the carbon nanotube represent weaknesses, resulting in
peratures of 300, 900, and 1500 K. Additionally, the tensile stress was fractures targeted at their location. The fracture was in the mid-region of
obtained using the axial force and cross-sectional area of the carbon the straight carbon nanotube, as expected from the biaxial tensile test, as
nanotube (σ = F/A). Where F is the axial force, which is the summation illustrated in Fig. 6b.
of the interatomic force for the atoms at the ends of the carbon nanotube
[26], A is the cross-sectional area (A= πdh), d is the diameter of the
carbon, and h is the wall thickness. The axial strain (ε) was calculated by 3.2. Evaluating the influence of vacancy defects on wavy SWCNT
(ε = L-L0 /L0), where L and L0 denote the new and initial lengths, structures
The simulation was carried out for various defective carbon nano­
3. Results and discussion tubes using the concept of defect density [52,53]. Kaxiras et al. [55]
defines a missing or additional atom as a small perturbation in weakly
3.1. Tensile loading applied to straight and wavy SWCNT structures bonded metal crystals. However, a single vacancy breaks three short
strong C=C bonds in the graphene structures. Furthermore, a single
Initially, the models were compared at various temperatures. vacancy is defined as the removal of one node and three beam elements.
Furthermore, the first model analyzed was a pristine straight carbon Thus, a cluster of four atoms is removed from the curved nanotube to
nanotube. The effect of the temperature increase is shown in Fig. 6a. at generate multiple point vacancies in one region, as shown in Fig. 5. The
300 K. The maximum tensile strength of the (5,5) armchair CNT is122.7 results are shown in Fig. 7, representing the stress-strain curve, where
GPa and Young’s modulus is (0.557 TPa) with a maximum strain of 38%. the same sample studied in Fig. 6b was tested again with the introduc­
These values are consistent with those reported in various studies [62, tion of a single vacancy defect (D = 0.004) in its structure, showing a
63]. Increasing the temperature resulted in a significant decrease in the significant decrease in the Ultimate Tensile Strength (σ) at 300, 900, and
tensile strength and ductility and, in turn, in the tensile toughness of the 1500 K from a maximum of 89 GPa to 61 GPa. The decrease is

Table 1
CNT-tested sample properties in terms of length, number of atoms, chirality, and presence of defects.
Type Length (Å) Atoms (-) Chirality Defects
Diameter (Å) Type Index Waviness ratio

Straight SWCNT 159.3 6.785 1048 Armchair (5,5) 0 0

Curved SWCNT 159.3 6.785 1048 Armchair (5,5) 0 0.0251
Curved SWCNT 159.3 6.785 1043 Armchair (5,5) 1 0.0251
Curved SWCNT 159.3 6.785 904-1002 Armchair (5,5) Random 0.0251

A.B.A. Tahhan et al. Nano Trends 3 (2023) 100016

Fig. 6. Stress–strain curves for two CNT samples, highlighting the elastic and plastic range of the nanotube (a) Defect Free Straight CNT. (b) Defect Free wavy CNT.

Table 2
Defect free CNTs straight and curvy CNT at waviness ratio (w) = 0.025.
Temp. Ultimate Tensile Young’s CNT No. of
Strength (GPa) modulus (TPa) Defects
Type Index

300 K 122..7 0.557 Straight (5,5) 0

900 K 107.4 0.447 Straight (5,5) 0
1500 81.9 0.335 Straight (5,5) 0
300 K 89.9 0.408 Curvy (5,5) 0
900 K 65.5 0.297 Curvy (5,5) 0
1500 47.8 0.217 Curvy (5,5) 0

approximately 31.46 %, which is expected because of the introduction of

defects [66].
The stress vs. defect density of the carbon nanotube was then plotted
again to observe the initial change in the properties when a single defect
Fig. 7. Stress-Strain Relationship of a single-vacancy defect wavy CNT. In
was introduced. Then, various defects were generated at random loca­
contrast to defect-free CNTs (as seen in Fig. 6), the stress-strain curve of the
tions at the calculated defect densities. Summary of the results is listed in single-vacancy defect wavy CNT does not exhibit a gradual increase. Instead, it
Table 3. shows a distinct sudden bond elongation characteristic.
It was noticed that the relationship between the defect density and
the CNT tensile strength is inversely proportional. In other words, an
Finally, a specific relationship was established between the tensile
increase in defect density results in a decrease in tensile strength, as
strain of CNTs, and the strain energy (eV) generated at various tem­
shown in Fig. 8a, which is also consistent with the relationship estab­
peratures. This relationship compares the strain energy of defective
lished by Rafiee and Pourazizi [52].
wavy CNTs at different temperatures. Establishing this relationship

A.B.A. Tahhan et al. Nano Trends 3 (2023) 100016

Table 3 4. Conclusions
Study results of several defected curvy CNTs based on defect density (D) at a
constant waviness ratio w =0.025. Carbon nanotubes are reliable high-quality reinforcements for
Sample Ultimate Tensile Strength Defect Density No. of atoms nanocomposite applications. This has been highlighted by the vast
no. (GPa) (D) removed amount of research and experimentation performed on it as a pristine
1 58.6 0.044 46 structure. However, as several experimental studies have reported,
2 50.5 0.051 54 various fabrication and growth mechanisms and the geometry of the
3 46.6 0.060 63 nanotubes cause them to adopt a wavy or curved form. Furthermore, this
4 43.9 0.069 72
wavy formation induces several defects in the carbon nanotube struc­
5 42.3 0.070 79
6 40.1 0.076 83 ture. This study showed that it is essential to analyze the combined ef­
7 22.9 0.10 144 fects of waviness and defects on the performance of straight and wavy
CNTs because the mechanical strength of the CNT structure is reduced
when these two factors are introduced.
allows further understanding of how defects influence the energy release Quantitatively, the Straight carbon nanotube yielded a higher Ten­
of carbon nanotubes. The relationship shown in Fig. 9 suggests a sudden sile Strength in the range of 81.9 – 122.7 GPa and a Young’s Modulus of
energy peak at the ultimate tensile strain of the CNT. It was also 0.335-0.557 TPa. On the other hand, the introduction of waviness along
observed that the increase in temperature resulted in a decrease in the the axis of the CNT induced weakness where the strength value dropped
strain energy, as the defected CNT peaked at approximately 830 eV at to a range between 47.8 and 89.9 GPa, and a Young’s Modulus of 0.217 –
300 K and then significantly decreased at 900 K and 1500 K. However, a 0.408 GPa. In Table 3, Certain irregularities are observed in the results.
clear distinction is yet to be drawn through experimental analysis.
This peak energy can be explained by the release of stored energy at
the fracture points. The graph relationship agrees with the relationship
obtained by Wei et al. [67], where multiple transitions between states of
carbon nanotube at increasing temperatures lead to a collective kinetic
activation of the CNTs strained beyond their elastic limit. Furthermore,
the yield strain was defined as a function of the temperature and strain
rate, as shown in Eq. (4) [67].
EV KB T ϵ̇
∈Y = + ln (4)
VK VK nsite ϵ̇˙ 0

where ϵ̇ is the strain rate, EV is the adequate activation energy, and ϵ̇˙ 0 is a
constant related to the vibration of CNT atoms. In the above relation­
ship, the right-hand term highlights the contribution of sufficient acti­
vation energy to the yield strain. Thus, highlighting the required energy
barrier at which the CNT needs to overcome during thermally activated
processes. Additionally, from the second part of the RHS of the above
relationship, it is observed that elevated temperature promotes faster
deformation process. Therefore, reducing the yield strain. Understand­
ing the above relationship which relates temperature, strain rate, and
yield strain provides valuable insights into the optimal design of CNTs
with tailored characteristics for specific applications. Future work can
Fig. 9. Strain Energy of wavy CNT with single-vacancy defect at varying
focus on the influence of varying the parameters presented in Eq. (4) to
further understand the mechanical response of CNTs.

Fig. 8. (a) Ultimate Tensile strength of defective CNTs as a function of defect density (b) OVITO visualization of extremely defect CNT Samples i.e., No. 5 and No.6
from Table 3.

A.B.A. Tahhan et al. Nano Trends 3 (2023) 100016

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