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LESSON 2: MEANING AND RELEVANCE OF HISTORY; very real sense of what it was like to be alive during a

DISTINCTION OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY A. History provides a source of personal and social long-past era.
REPOSITORIES OF PRIMARY SOURCES, AND B. History helps us understand the problems of the ✣ Primary sources are often incomplete and
DIFFERENT KINDS OF PRIMARY SOURCES. present. have little context. Students must use prior knowledge
C. History – good history – corrects misleading and work with multiple primary sources to find
“WHO CONTROLS THE PRESENT, CONTROLS THE PAST analogies and “lessons” of the past. patterns
WHO CONTROLS THE PAST, CONTROLS THE FUTURE” D. History can help one develop tolerance and open- ✣ In analyzing primary sources, students move
GEORGE ORWELL mindedness. from concrete observations and facts to questioning
E. History helps us better understand all human and making inferences about the materials.
WHAT IS HISTORY? behaviors and all aspects of the human condition. SECONDARY SOURCE ADVANTAGES
Etymology F. History provides the basic background for many ✣ Secondary sources can provide analysis,
- History is derived from the Greek word disciplines. synthesis, interpretation, or evaluation of the original
“historia” which means learning by inquiry. G. History can be a source of entertainment. information.
- Aristotle, the Greek Philosopher, looked upon H. History, when studied, can teach many critical skills. ✣ Secondary sources are best for uncovering
history as systematic accounting of a set of background or historical information about a topic and
natural phenomena, that is, taking into THE DISTINCTION OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY broadening your understanding of a topic by exposing
consideration the chronological arrangement SOURCES you to others’ perspectives, interpretations, and
of the account. HISTORICAL SOURCES conclusions
Other Definitions of History:  Sources – an object from the past or testimony
✣ Allows the reader to get expert views of
• History is defined as a documented record of concerning the past on which historians
events and often bring together multiple primary
man and his society. (Gray, 1956, pp.1-3). depend in order to create their own depiction
sources relevant to the subject matter
• As a field of study, history is a study of man of that past.
and his achievements from the beginning of PRIMARY SOURCES
✣ Their reliability and validity are open to
written records to the present. Primary sources are those sources produced at
question, and often they do not provide exact
• As a literary form of history is an effective the same time as the event, period, or subject being
presentation of the unfolding events. But as a studied.
type of literature history falls under non-fiction SECONDARY SOURCES ✣ They do not represent firsthand knowledge
work. Secondary sources are those sources, which of a subject or event.
• History comes from social history which were produced by an author who used primary ✣ There are countless books, journals,
defines it as a record of events showing the sources to produce the material. magazine articles and web pages that attempt to
evolution of man and his society from the Advantages of Primary Sources interpret the past and finding good secondary sources
earliest and from the age of barbarism to what can be an issue.
✣ Primary sources provide a window into the
he is today. past—unfiltered access to the record of artistic, social,
scientific and political thought and achievement during
Given are the uses of history as summarized by HISTORICAL CRITICISMS
the specific period under study, produced by people
Foray and Salevouris (1988). Some of these are Historical Criticism – examines the origins of
who lived during that period these unique, often
interestingly explained by B.H. Lidedell Hart (1971). the earliest text to appreciate the underlying
profoundly personal, documents and objects can give a
circumstances upon which the text came to be (Soulen • LIBRARIES • How were people’s lives affected?
& Soulen, 2001) • MUSEUMS Do people like to make analogies with
It has two important goals: • ARCHIVES it?
1. To discover the original meaning of the text in its • ONLINE OR DIGITAL SOURCES
primitive or historical context and its literal sense or • MARKERS AND MONUMENTS REMARKABLE
literalis sensus historicus • National Archives of the Philippines. • Was the event remarked on by people
2. To establish a reconstruction of the historical • National Library of the Philippines. at the time or since?
situation of the author and recipients of the text. • National Historical Commission of the REMEMBERED
NOTE: Historical criticism has its roots in the Philippines. • Was the event/development
17th century during the Protestant Reformation and DIFFERENT KINDS OF PRIMARY SOURCES important at some stage within the
gained popular recognition in the 19th and 20th - Diaries, Correspondence, journals, speeches, collective memory of a group or
centuries (Ebeling, 1963). The absence of historical interviews, letters, memos, photographs, groups?
investigation paved the way for historical criticism to videos, public opinion polls, and government REVEALING
rest on philosophical and theological interpretation records, Manuscript, Pamphlets, Broadsides, • Does it reveal some aspects of the
EXTERNAL CRITICISM Posters, Newspaper Articles Photographs and past?
INTERNAL CRITICISM Illustrations, Autobiographical Materials, RESULTING CHANGE
Historical criticism has two types: Interview or Speech Transcripts, Oral Histories, • Does it have consequences for the
• External criticism – determines the Government Documents (Laws, Bills, future?
authenticity of the source. The material must Proceedings, Acts, Census Records, etc. DURABILITY
beinvestigated based on the time and place it • For how long have people’s lives been
is written. The critic must determine whether LESSON 3- CONTENT AND CONTEXTUAL ANALYSIS OF affected? A day, a week, a year, or all
the material under investigation is raw, SELECTED PRIMARY SOURCES; IDENTIFICATION OF their lives?
meaning unaltered, and it exists exactly as the THE HISTORICAL IMPORTANCE OF THE TEXT; AND REVEALING
author left it. EXAMINATION OF THE AUTHOR'S MAIN ARGUMENT • How many people were affected? Did
• Internal criticism, on the other hand, – AND POINT OF VIEW. the event affect many, everyone, or
determines the historicity of the facts just a few? A whole barrio, a town, a
contained in the document. It is not necessary Criteria on Assessing the Historical Importance of province, a country, or the entire
to prove the authenticity of the material or Sources race?
document. However, the facts contained in the RELEVANCE PROFUNDITY
document must first be tested before any • Is it important/relevant to people • Was the event superficial or deeply
conclusion pertaining to it can be admitted. In living at the time? affecting? How deeply people’s lives
determining the value of the facts, the • Is something still relevant to our were affected? How were people’s
character of the sources, the knowledge of the present lives even if it had only a lives affected.
author, and the influences prevalent at the passing importance? CONTENT & CONTEXT
time of writing must be carefully investigated. RESONANCE CONTENT - refers to the topics, facts and information
REPOSITORIES OF PRIMARY SOURCES, AND • Who were/have been affected by treated, scrutinized and analyzed in a particular written
the event? work or historical data.
• Why was it important to them?
- is what is contained in the work
CONTEXT - refers to circumstances that shape the
setting for an event, idea or statement and in terms of
which it can be fully understood.
- It can also refer to the surrounding events and
existing situations whereby historical facts are
- is the circumstances that help us to
understand the text.

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