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Appendix 1

Reporting Template for Land Use Risk Identification (LURI)1

Date of report submission 29 Juni 2020

Reference document used for LURI √ Historic land use cover maps from valid HCV

 LUCA from the New Planting Procedure (NPP)

 LUCA from the Remediation and Compensation

Procedure (RaCP)

Please tick the relevant box(es). You may select more

than 1 if there are more than 1 reference document
used in the preparation of this LURI.

1. Company Information
1.1. Basic Information
Name of RPSO member PT Triputra Agro Persada
RSPO membership number 1-0038-07-000-00
Date of joining RSPO 27 June 2007
Name of reporting subsidiary/management unit PT Brahma Binabakti
Country of reporting subsidiary/management unit Indonesia
Province and district of reporting subsidiary/
Muaro Jambi, Jambi Province
management unit
Total area of management unit (ha) 7227,09 Ha
Georeferenced vector data indicating the legal
boundaries of management units
NPP 1 submission (if relevant) NA
NPP approval date (if relevant) NA
HCV assessment* Date conducted Januari 2019
√ Attached?
(to attach with submission) Date report issued Juni 2020
LUC assessment* Date conducted NA
□ Attached?
(to attach with submission) Date report issued NA

* Note: To attach the relevant report(s) that was used as reference(s) for the LURI

The intent of the land use risk identification is to identify “low risk” and “risk areas” in conjunction with the
“Interpretation of the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018: Indicator 7.12.2 and Annex 5” document (approved
by the RSPO BoG on 12 June 2019).

All risk areas identified through the LURI report must undergo a standalone HCSA assessment conducted by a
registered HCSA practitioner and submitted to HCSA for peer review.

Map sources and specifications shall follow the requirements of the ‘RSPO Guidance for Land Use Change
Analysis (2017).
Appendix 1
2. Result
Guidance: Optional actions in cases where problems occur with satellite image(s) :
i. Cloud coverage: Use satellite images from other dates of acquisition with cloud coverage below 20%
ii. Acquisition image not of good quality: Wherever possible, 1-3 months afterwards (or 6 months at the longest). The further the acquisition date, the larger the differences
in land cover conditions.
Please note that the images in Section 2.1 are example(s) of the information to be provided.

2.1 Data Comparison Table

Remarks (if any):

Remote sensing image Nov 2015 (insert date of Land cover classification Nov 2015 Land use risk identification Nov 2015
satellite image acquisition)

Name of Image:
Date of Acquired:
20th July 2020

Remarks (if any):

For more comprehensive guidance, please refer to ‘RSPO Guidance for Land Use Change Analysis (2017).
Remote sensing image Nov 2018 (insert date of Land cover classification Nov 2018 Land use risk identification Nov 2018
satellite image acquisition)

Name of Image:
Date of Acquired:
20th July 2020

2.2 LU Risk Identification

Guidance: The land cover classification and ID in the table below serve as examples of land cover class and are not fixed nor limited to those provided. Land
cover class and ID may be added and/or removed based on the classification found in the LUCA and HCV assessment of the respective area. The
categorization of risk according to the land cover class are as below:

a) Low risk – bare land, pasture, infrastructure, agriculture or monocrop tree plantations which have not been abandoned > 3 years.
b) Risk – land cover other than those identified as ‘low risk’ or ‘No go ‘areas.
c) No go areas – HCV, peat, riparian areas, steep terrain, conservation areas.3

ID Land cover class Area (Ha) Risk category Total area

(low risk/risk/No go) (Ha)
2015 2018 Risk Low Risk No go
R1 Secondary Forest N/A N/A Risk
R2 Shrub 51,88 Risk 51,88
LR1 Bare land 20,40 Low risk 20,40
LR2 Oil Palm 4.277,81 Low risk 4.277,81
LR3 Infrastructure 286,57 Low risk 286,57
LR4 Rubber plantation 2.499,63 Low risk 2.499,63
HCV HCV area 63,33 No go 63,33
HCV HCV management area 27,48 No go 27,48
CSA Conservation (e.g. peat etc.) N/A No go
Grand Total 7.227,09 51,88 7.084,41 90,81
Remarks (if any):

Please refer to the RSPO Principles and Criteria (2018) Annex 1 for the definitions of steep terrain
2.4 Geo-tagged Site Photographs


Geotagged photograph needs to be taken as an evidence of ground checking for each land cover class identified and reported. Geotagged photos can be
captured using smartphones (guidance on the use of smartphones for geo-tagging provided below):
 iPhone: Launch Settings --> Privacy --> Location Services --> Camera --> While Using the App
 Android: Open camera app and tap on Settings. From the Settings, scroll down until you see the option “Geo tags” (or similar option) and enable it
 Tutorial to enable geotagging:

At least four photographs are required to ensure the entire landscape around the sample point is captured. Ideally the photos should be captured towards
north, south, east and west direction.

A folder containing the images to be submitted as annexure with the corresponding photo reference ID

ID North South East West

R1 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Photo ID:


Photo ID: Community Rubber & Photo ID: Community Rubber & Photo ID: Community Rubber & Photo ID: Community Rubber &
Shrub (North) Shrub (South) Shrub (East) Shrub (West)
Coordinates: 1° 23' 45.308"S and Coordinates: 1° 23' 46.508"S and Coordinates: 1° 23' 46.51"S and 103° Coordinates: 1° 23' 46.214"S and
103° 21' 29.308"E 103° 21' 32.308"E 21' 28.053"E 103° 21' 28.053"E

Photo ID: Open Area (North) Photo ID: Open Area (South) Photo ID: Open Area (East) Photo ID: Open Area (West)
Coordinates: 1° 18' 15.966"S and Coordinates: 1° 19' 29.7228"S and Coordinates: 1° 18' 49.4604"S and Coordinates: 1° 18' 49"S and 103°
103° 23' 0.6072" E 103° 22' 39.648"E 103° 22' 49.89" E 22' 48"E


Photo ID: Company Oil Palm Photo ID: Company Oil Palm Photo ID: Company Oil Palm Photo ID: Company Oil Palm
Plantation (North) Plantation (South) Plantation (East) Plantation (West)
Coordinates: 1° 18' 49.194" S & 103° Coordinates: 1° 19' 24" S & 103° 23' Coordinates: 1° 19' 16" S & 103° 23' Coordinates: 1° 19' 23" S & 103° 23'
22' 50.2248"E 32"E 56"E 41"E


Photo ID: Infrastructure (North) Photo ID: Infrastructure (South) Photo ID: Infrastructure (East) Photo ID: Infrastructure (West)
Coordinates: 1° 18' 16.3152" and Coordinates: 1° 18' 34.4304"and Coordinates: 1° 18' 16.2108"and 03° Coordinates: 1° 18' 15.948"S and
103° 23' 5.3952" E 103° 22' 33.15"" E 23' 5.2944" E 103° 23' 0.5892" E


Photo ID: Rubber Company Photo ID: Rubber Company Photo ID: Rubber Company Photo ID: Rubber Company
Plantation (North) Plantation (South) Plantation (East) Plantation (West)
Coordinates: 1° 17' 19.842" S and Coordinates: 1° 18' 12.6936"S and Coordinates: 1° 17' 33" S and Coordinates: 1° 17' 20.0292"S and
103° 22' 33.2976" E 103° 22' 41.6748"E 103° 22' 43" E 103° 22' 33.3912"

2.5 Final LU Risk Identification map
Insert final map

ID Area (Ha) Remarks (if any)
Risk Low Risk
R1 N/A N/A
R2 51,88
LR1 20,40
LR2 4.277,81
LR3 286,57
LR4 2.499,63
Total 51,88 7.084,41

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